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Anna Ch. 10

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Anna promises to end our affair but...
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Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 06/30/2008
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"You fucking bastard", said the all too recognisable voice on the phone. I tried to say something back but was interrupted, "Don't ever call me again, you fucking lying cheating fucking prick." Click. The line went dead.

As phone calls went, it was short and to the point. Anna was pissed off with me about something. Instinctively, I guessed she had found out about Lisa and me. Anna had left us alone in the house after the power cut and Lisa and I had enjoyed fucking our hearts out. I had already thought about calling Lisa and this gave me an even better excuse. I called.

Lisa didn't want to talk on the phone. She asked me to call round at her house. One hour later I was there. On the drive over I was fantasising about what possibilities the day held. Anna was also in my thoughts but the way I saw it at that moment, Anna was priority number two behind her younger and stunningly sexy sister. If Anna and I were finished then so what, it had been fun but I never thought for a minute it would last forever.

Lisa invited me in. As soon as I saw her I wanted her. She was wearing another knee length skirt and a light knit jumper. Her tits looked fantastic and her arse and legs even better.

"You look amazing!" I complimented her.

"Thanks, but we need to talk," she said, "Anna knows everything and she has gone ballistic." Lisa then went on to give me details of how she had confided in her big sister after Anna had asked a few probing questions. Lisa said it was no-one's business but she was worried about her husband finding out.

"Do you regret it?" I asked, really hoping for a sign that she would be up for another session.

"Yes and no," she said. "I'm a big girl and I can make my own choices. The fact is I was very attracted to you and needed what you gave me. I needed a man. My marriage is going downhill and everyone needs a lift at times like this." Lisa was smiling as she spoke. I knew what was going to happen next and just had to find the right line to kick things off.

I didn't find the words so I just walked up to her. As I approached I looked for a sign of approval. She just smiled and stepped towards me. Soon we were kissing. Then Lisa was tugging at my t-shirt pulling it up so she could get to my belt and trousers. They were undone within seconds and I started to lift up her jumper. She let go of my belt to lift her arms so I could pull her jumper off. Then her bra came off and she was back at my trousers fumbling for my cock. It was hard and she soon had it in her hands. I was kissing her neck and stroking her tits. Her nipples were hard and my thoughts turned to her pussy. I unzipped her skirt at the back and with a small wiggle it fell to the floor. No underwear. Lisa smiled at me as she saw the look of lust on my face. She led me into her living room and lay back on her sofa. I lay on top of her, kissing her all over and just enjoying the feeling of her naked body. Impatience got the better of her and she slipped her hand between us and guided my cock to the entrance of her soaking wet pussy. I slid into her and then we fucked. We fucked for a long time always changing positions. This was sex, nothing more and nothing less. She made all the right noises until she went quiet and lifted her legs right up.

Her knees were round her chin as I fucked even harder. "I'm coming" she cried and turned her head to the side so she could retreat into her own little world. I decided to stop holding back myself and just as I came, I whipped out my cock from her pussy and shot my cum all over her.

Now I don't think Lisa is a natural cum slut and I think she was shocked at first. I lay on top of her as she relaxed her legs down and our bodies pressed together with the cum between us. She rubbed against me and moaned. I could feel cum on her tits and belly. My cock slipped back into her as we rubbed the cum against each other and we continued to fuck even more. This time I came inside and Lisa let out soft moans as she could feel my cum shooting into her.

"What are you doing to me?" she asked.


"I can't believe I'm hear with you now....doing this." Lisa's voice was excited and happy despite the searching questions.

"Don't you like it? I replied doing my best man-of-few-words act.

"Hell yes, but its just so.......not wrong but just.........not like me." Lisa was thinking out loud now.

"What is like you?" I asked.

"I'm a married woman. I don't normally fuck young studs while my husband is away."

I joked about leaving but she grabbed hold of me. We kept talking. I actually enjoyed talking to her. She was really intelligent and our conversation just seemed to flow. She told me about how she had always been attracted to me and loved the way I had been staring at her since the moment we met. She could tell I wanted her and the cold bitch act was just a game she played. Lisa insisted that now the ice was broken, there was to be no more games.

"I better confess a few things then" I said reluctantly.

"What, like your little affair with Anna?" she asked. I was surprised she knew, but she did. Lisa told me about how she had seen us at the supermarket and watched from her car as we fucked in the car wash. It was Lisa who had sent me the mystery text soon after and she proudly told me about her cunning gamble on my phone number. Anna had left her mobile phone at Lisa's house and she had got the number from there. She knew who I was from James' 18th birthday party. I hadn't even realised Lisa was at the party. Lisa had a great memory as well as a great body.

There was too much to take in. We got dressed and Lisa made us both some lunch while I pondered on the facts. It seemed that Lisa had planned to get me into bed. I asked her about this but she just shrugged.

"I didn't plan any of it. I was being a bit mischievous when I sent that text but really thought that would be the end of it. Then, when Anna suggested you as the spy to check on my cheating fucking husband, I liked the idea of having a young stud doing my spying. Once I got to know you, I started to find you increasingly attractive and it was just a matter of time before my resistance and reluctance to cheat for the first time was worn away."

"So when did you decide to do this?" I asked.

"When I felt you....in bed.....when my hand brushed against your....you know"

"I was really hard lying next to you." I smiled.

"I know." Lisa explained, "That was probably the moment."

"So what next?" I asked. We discussed the situation some more. Lisa repeated again how attracted she was to me but insisted that when her husband was back we had to stop.

"What about Anna?" I asked.

"You tell me...." Lisa replied. I don't know why but I decided to be really honest. Without giving all the details I told her Anna and I had been fucking off and on for some time and that the sex was brilliant. We were extremely compatible sexually and loved to fuck. Lisa then realised what she had got herself into. She hadn't really thought beyond the car wash although knew in the back of her mind something had been going on.

DING DONG. The doorbell rang. My car was outside so there was no hiding and I guessed it must be Anna. We both did. Lisa decided to face the music and let Anna in. It was very uncomfortable at first as Anna entered to room. She gave me an icy stare and I just looked at the floor.

"What a mess!" Lisa said. Anna was still fuming but Lisa protested how she knew nothing and that I had just filled her in on the details. This was a smart move as it took any moral high ground away from Anna. "No one planned any of this" was Lisa's attempt to bring Anna down a peg or two. Anna was still unhappy and angry.

"I can go if you both want to talk," I said, standing to leave.

"Sit down," requested Lisa. "You don't just........, have lunch and leave without facing the music." Her voice was calm and seductive. I didn't guess that maybe she was just rubbing her sisters nose in it.

"You two......... today?" shouted Anna.

"Oh shit!" said Lisa. It was the way she said it that convinced me she wasn't bothered and she wanted Anna to know.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah. For the next 5 minutes. I really wasn't interested in their arguments and counter claims. I just let them get on with it. I know this sounds heartless but to be honest, I was only interest in fucking the pair of them. I had fucked Anna so many times that I had probably started to take her for granted. Lisa was different and a whole new experience but something told me I could have her as much as Anna if I wanted. I was becoming a bit of a self-indulgent prick.

Eventually I went to the living room and slouched onto the sofa to watch the match that was on Sky sports. The women took their argument to the sun chairs out in the garden. I watched more TV. Eventually Lisa came back inside to get some drinks. She smiled at me with confidence. She was working her charm on her sister and diffusing the situation. I carried on watching TV

After about half an hour I got up to use the toilet. The toilet window opened onto the garden. It was only small and open slightly. I could hear them talking. Lisa was very much leading the conversation.

"Your right big sis," said Lisa, " We mustn't let him come between us."

"So we either both carry on with this or we both give up," reasoned Anna.

"Or one of us carries on if the other stops," added Lisa.

"God, this is madness. How did we get into this? Are we really so similar? Are our marriages really that bad? I hate the cheating but its just the......" Anna paused.

"Just the what?" asked Lisa.

"You know"


"You know, the sex. I've tried to stop this a few times. I decide I'm going to call an end to it but then I just hate the thought of never......you know...again." Anna was trying to explain without being too explicit.

"I think I know what you mean big sis. The sex is something else. It's the org......"

"Listen to us. Jesus. I can't believe we're having this conversation. This has got to stop." Anna was being the sensible one.

"Yeah," sighed Lisa. "I haven't really started though. Just a couple of times."

Silence fell as they both reflected on their own thoughts.

Lisa was first to break the silence, "I've never cum so hard in my life as I did with John."

Anna smiled and paused before adding, "A I really don't want to think about it. I'm..... you know.......just thinking about it......... right here." She shuffled in her chair, uncrossed and then crossed her legs. I thought about her pussy getting warm between her legs and her nipples growing hard. Is there anything more attractive than a turned on woman? Lisa sat their motionless giving nothing away. At that moment it was Anna I wanted. I crept back into the living room and carried on watching TV.

After about 10 minutes they came back inside. The conversation had turned me on and I had been lightly stroking myself through my jeans. I was hard and it showed. When they came into the room they couldn't miss my obvious state of hardness.

I spoke first, "How are you two doing?"

"We are OK," said Lisa in her most controlled voice, "But you might not like what we have decided." She then proceeded to tell me how they had both decided to stop their sexual relationships with me. I just sat there in silence staring at the two of them. I was being dumped but the pair of them. They didn't blame me or hold any ill will but explained how this couldn't continue and it was best all round.

"I better be off then," I said. As I stood up, Lisa came over and gave me a hug.

I held her for the last time. I held her for probably slightly too long but I wanted to remember what she felt like. She patted me on the back as a sign to let go and we broke our embrace. Then I turned to Anna. I smiled and she smiled back but she was really hiding a sadness. We also hugged and this time she held on. We kept hugging as we drew back slightly to look at each other. Still smiling, this was the perfect moment to kiss. Even with Lisa watching from two feet away it was the perfect moment but it didn't happen. We ended the lingering good byes and I turned to leave.

It's funny but all I could think about was Anna's pussy. I knew she had got a little hot in the garden and my cock was growing as I thought about it. I also knew she would have noticed it when I was lying on the sofa with a hard on. My guess was Anna was well turned on and ready for a good fucking.

I left the house and headed for my car. Anna's car was blocking me in so she grabbed her things and left at the same time as me. I followed her out of the driveway, through the electric gates and off along the series of country lanes that lead back into town.

After about half a mile, I was staring at her car thinking of all the stuff that had gone and wishing it hadn't come to this. I had been onto a winner and sort of wished I had just stuck with Anna and played it out with her fully. I knew her too well and knew how wet her pussy probably had got earlier. This made me hard just thinking about her as I drove along. What a mess I had made. Call it hindsight; call it learning from your mistakes. Who cares? When you fuck up, you have to learn.

Anna suddenly flashed her hazard lights on her car. Then she indicated right and turned off down a single-track road. I hit the brakes and followed. The road was bumpy and narrow. We were heading down a very quiet lane. Eventually she stopped so I pulled up behind her and got out. My cock was starting to swell in my pants as I strolled over to her passenger door and got in.

"Hi," she said. I smiled instead of saying anything. There was silence. We both sat there looking across at each other but not at our faces. I was staring at her knees and how her dress just showed a little leg. She was staring into my lap. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. Maybe just her coming to terms with the fact she was about to break the agreement she had just made with Lisa and me anticipating the fact that I was about to fuck her brains out right there in her car. My cock swelled at the thought. I focused on her legs and thought about what was beneath that dress. She shuffled a little in the drivers seat. Was the silence unbearable for her or was she getting turned on? She knew me well and I suspected she knew I was hard for her.

"What does that button do?" I asked pointing to the dashboard.

She sighed at the release of tension and end to the silence. "It's for the aircon."

"And what about that one?" I pointed to another.

"Rear parking sensors," she answered. Silence followed.

I smiled, pointed my finger at her and asked another question, "What does this button do?"

"Opens my dress," she answered. The moment was sexually charged and the tension rose as she undid the button revealing more cleavage.

"And this button?" I continued. She didn't answer but undid the next button. Her bra was now clearly visible. Then we did the same with several more buttons, me asking and her undoing.

"What about that button?" asked Anna taking back control of the conversation and pointing to my jeans.

"Try it." I answered. Anna fumbled gently and released my jeans. My cock swelled in anticipation as her hand brushed against it. I could take no more. Lifting my backside off the seat, I lowered my zip and slipped my jeans and boxers down to my knees. My cock stood hard. Anna's tongue sub-consciously licked her lower lip slightly; she smiled and then bit gently on the same lower lip. She began to lower her head towards my waiting cock. I held it ready in anticipation. Suddenly her phone rang. The silence and tension of the moment was interrupted. Anna didn't even look at me. She looked at the phone, read who was calling and raised her index finger to her mouth telling me to keep quiet.

On pressing the green answer button on her phone, Lisa's voice came through on the speakers. I assumed it was some blue tooth hands free connection in the car.

"Hi Anna, its me!"

Anna froze. Her mouth was inches from my cock. "Hi"

"Are you home yet?" asked Lisa.

"No," said Anna talking into my cock as if it were a microphone, "I had to stop off on the way back for something."

"How do you think that went with John?" asked Lisa.

"It's OK" reassured Anna still so close to blowing me. I just sat there obediently saying nothing.

"I was worried how you must be feeling," Lisa continued.

"I'm OK." Anna wanted to end this conversation. Without any warning she plunged her mouth onto my cock. I was surprised but had to suppress my natural instinct to let out a long satisfied groan. I immediately realised that Anna could probably taste Lisa on my cock. After all, it was only that morning that Lisa and I had been fucking. I think Anna could taste something but after a brief questioning look, she carried on sucking as much of me as she could.

"I don't want to think this whole episode could leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth," said Lisa not realising that at that precise moment, Anna was sucking me off with the sole intention of having a great deal of taste in her mouth. Lisa kept talking but much of it was lost to me as I watched Anna perform her heavenly skills on my ever-hardening cock. Anna could only mumble the odd "mmmm" or "hmmm" at the right moments as Lisa did all the talking. I started to run my hand over Anna's back and stroke her gently as she sucked me off. All the while we were both listening to Lisa as Anna punctuated the conversations with muffled "mmm" and "uh-hmmms".

I fumbled beneath the material of her dress and released her bra strap. As Anna sat up to take some air, her dress fell forward and gravity was seconds away from dragging her bra from her tits.

"Is there anything you would like to get off your chest?" asked Lisa, "You seem a little quiet." She could never of known the perfect timing as the bra fell to reveal Anna's beautiful tits with erect nipples pointing right at me.

"There's nothing to say," explained Anna as she hitched up her dress and started to spread her leg over where I was sitting. Within seconds, she was hovering above my cock head. I lifted her dress to see her hand pulling the material of her panties to one side so my cock could have unrestricted access.

As Anna slowly lowered herself towards my cock, she looked me in the eye with a determined expression that was totally defiant of her sister's voice coming over the cars speakers.

"Do you think he'll try to get in touch?" asked Lisa.

Again, more great timing by Lisa. At that precise moment my cock came into contact with her swollen pussy lips and she lowered herself gently onto me and I rose to meet her and my cock slowly disappeared into her.

"More than likely," answered Anna breathing hard. We slowly and gently fucked using very long deliberate strokes. Staring at each other, listening to Lisa but focusing on the blissful feeling of my cock stretching her pussy. Lisa carried on talking and Anna tried her best to maintain something approaching a normal conversation but as she got closer to orgasm her voice faltered.

"I can hear right now in your voice how this is affecting you," said Lisa trying to be the understanding big sister. Little did Lisa know that Anna was only sounding upset, she was actually enjoying riding my cock to orgasm.

"Its just so fucking hard," cried Anna in pure pleasure but doing her best to sound like she was breaking down in tears. Just as there is a fine line between love and hate, we both realised there was a fine line between sounding like you are crying and the noise of a woman rapidly approaching orgasm. "It's fucking hard to stop this thing!" she cried as she tipped right over the edge and came.

"Its OK big Sis," said Lisa. "I know why you are crying..........I know why this is so hard for you."


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