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An anniversary celebration begins a new erotic adventure.
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It started during a conversation at a chic Parisian restaurant on our tenth anniversary. Mark and I had traveled to the city for a romantic getaway to mark a decade of marriage, and were enjoying a few glasses of wine, the ambiance, and each other's company.

"You don't regret marrying me?" he joked.

"Not for a moment," I replied sincerely.

"Never imagined how your life might have been different if we had never met?" he continued.

"I just know that nobody could have made me happier."

"I feel blessed too."

The wine continued to flow, and the conversation grew more mischievous, leading him to ask, "you never imagine what it would be like to be with another man after all this time?"

I smiled and hesitated for a moment, and before I could reply, Mark jumped in and said, with a raised eyebrow "so you have!"

He was being playful, confident that I would never cheat on him, so I answered honestly, "I have fantasies. But that's all they are."

"Tell me about them," he asked. "Somebody we know?"

"No," I explained. "Strangers. A chance meeting or unemotional one night stand."

Mark clearly wanted to know more, and the alcohol was giving me the confidence to share.

"The scenarios change often," I began, "but I might be having a drink, alone, in a sophisticated bar when I am approached by a well-dressed man who offers to buy me a drink."

"Where am I when you are alone in the bar?" Mark asked.

"I don't know. It's not about you," I replied a little more directly than I intended. "I just mean that I am not cheating on you in the fantasy. It's just about me."

"What does the stranger look like," he asked in search of more details.

"There is no type, just the sense that they are attractive and normally well groomed."

"And what happens?" he demanded. The arousal and eagerness in his voice was quite a turn on.

"We flirt, laugh and then he takes me to a hotel room and makes love to me." I said it as matter-of-factly as I could.

Mark just looked at me in amazement, neither of us saying a word, before he blurted out, "let's do it."

"Do what?" I asked in disbelief.

"Tomorrow night, we both get dressed up, and I will pretend to be a stranger and approach you in the hotel bar."

"Role play?"

"Yes, why not? It will be fun."

Actually, it did sound fun.

The following day, after a relaxed day sightseeing and some very expensive shoe shopping, we returned to our hotel room and prepared for our evening of role play.

Mark dressed first, wearing a suit I thought made him look especially attractive, and told me he would take a walk before returning in about an hour. I was to get dressed myself and wait for him to approach me in the hotel bar.

I had packed some sexy new lingerie as a surprise for Mark, and a sexy dress that I would hardly have dared wear in public if it wasn't for the fact that I was in Paris and almost anonymous. The dress was short, and barely reached the top of my hold up stockings, but perfect for the role play we were about to create.

I quickly tidied the room, and with the fidelity of the fantasy in mind, hid any trace of Mark or his possessions.

Mark would soon be returning to the hotel, and I wanted to be in place at the bar when he entered. I took one last look at myself in the full-length mirror. I had to admit that I looked good, even if I was nervous about the revealing dress. My panties were tiny and invisible even under the figure-hugging dress, but just as I was about to leave, I made the decision to remove them. Mark would appreciate that naughty touch. For completeness, I also removed my wedding ring and placed it in my handbag before making my way to the bar.

The bar was already quite crowded as I entered, but I couldn't see Mark anywhere. I was conscious that I drew some stares as I took a stool at the bar and ordered a glass of Champagne. The combination of short dress, no underwear and high bar stool required a certain amount of care and concentration in order to prevent any accidental exposure, but I did feel certain that Mark would appreciate my appearance.

I was about halfway down my glass when I saw him enter, through the corner of my eye, and stand a few meters from me at the bar. Neither of us acknowledged each other as he ordered his own drink and then made his way to a small table in the corner behind me. He had a good view of me, but I had to turn a little to be able to see him, which I did my best to resist doing.

My glass was nearly empty when I felt the presence of a man behind me. Mark was obviously watching carefully and was going to offer to buy me a drink to break the ice.

"May I buy you a drink, madam", but the voice was not Mark. It was deep and clearly French.

I span around in surprise, probably flashing half the bar, and found myself looking at the chest of a stranger. The man offering to buy me a drink was quite breathtaking. Tall, muscular, handsomely Gallic, and immaculately dressed. He was so beautiful that I actually bit my lip.

"May I buy you a drink, madam", he repeated.

"I, I, I...." I stuttered, looking past him toward Mark who just shrugged his shoulders as surprised as me.

I needed a moment to compose myself and should have just told him that I was waiting for someone, but it has been a long time since I was approached at a bar, and I panicked. His beauty was contributing to my awkwardness.

"How do you know I speak English," I asked.

"I overheard you ordering your drink," he replied with an accent so rich and French that I almost shivered.

I looked at Mark again, but he still looked confused, and so I decided that I should have a drink with the handsome stranger and then turn down his advances before letting Mark's role-playing character seduce me. It would only amplify the fantasy.

"A glass of champagne then," I asked as confidently as I could manage, turning away from Mark in the spirit of the fantasy. I explained that I was waiting for a friend to join me, but I would love to have a drink with him as I waited.

My new French acquaintance introduced himself as Gabriel and took the stool next to mine. He really was strikingly good looking with a pleasant smile and sparkling eyes. The bar was loud, and he would occasionally lean toward me in order to hear more clearly, and I would catch the subtle scent of his expensive cologne.

He was also as charming as he was handsome, engaging me in conversation and appearing, at least, to be interested in what I was saying even as our interactions became flirtier. If I am totally honest, I momentarily forgot about Mark in the corner, so captivated by Gabriel as I was. The spell was broken abruptly when he placed a hand suggestively on my knee and offered me another drink. That was the moment I remembered that I was a faithfully married woman and my husband was just a few tables away.

"I'm sorry," I began, "I really should see what is keeping my friend."

I took my phone from my bag, and without looking toward Mark, texted him.

I think you need to step in. This has gone far enough.

Aren't you enjoying yourself?

It's fun. But his hand is on my knee, and I don't know what to do.

It's just your knee. I think it looks sexy.

Is this exciting you?


Me too

And so, I turned to Gabriel and explained, "my friend is running late, so we have time for another drink."

That second drink turned into a third, and again I became lost in the moment, only concerned with the suggestive conversation and flirtation with this gorgeous, charismatic and engaging stranger.

"I don't think your friend is coming," stated Gabriel.

"Let me send another text."

This isn't how I expected to spend our wedding anniversary.

A day hasn't gone by where I didn't think about how sexy you are, but I might have forgotten how attractive other men find you too. It's a huge turn-on.

I want to tell you it is just a little fun, but in truth, I am very aroused.

Then enjoy it. I want you to have fun.

If you don't stop me now, I don't think I can stop myself.

I don't want you to stop.

I took a deep breath, turned to Gabriel and said, "You're right. I have been stood up. I'm all alone."

"Then let me keep you company," he said, smiling and placing his hand on my knee suggestively.

I smiled in return and moved my knees slightly apart which was the signal Gabriel needed to move his hand a little further up my thigh. I was looking directly at Mark as he did, carefully gauging his response. I fully expected him to react angrily or with some expression of jealousy, but he could barely stop smiling. He was still smiling as Gabriel leaned in and began to kiss my neck.

I would never have let Mark touch me so explicitly in public, but this felt like a fantasy and detached from reality. And if I am honest, I was overcome by lust and arousal, amplified by knowing Mark was watching every interaction.

"My apartment is close by," whispered Gabriel.

"I have a room in this hotel," I found myself saying, actually shocking myself.

Gabriel took me by the hand and began to lead me out of the bar. I turned to Mark who just nodded encouragingly in response.

I still wasn't sure how far I would dare take this liaison, but as we entered the elevator alone, and the doors closed behind us, I stepped in a kissed Gabriel enthusiastically, raising my left knee and wrapping my leg around him. My short dress rode up, so when he grasped my ass, I could feel his strong smooth hands against my skin. My lack of underwear becoming apparent to him.

"I think the person that stood you up has made a terrible mistake," he joked.

We were still kissing at we entered the hotel room, but I had just enough self-control to disengage and lock myself in the bathroom, "to prepare".

If you don't stop me, I am going to do this.

I am so proud of you. I want this as much as you do.

If this is a test, or an ill-judged game of chicken, you are making a mistake.

No mistake and no games. I want this for you, for me and for us. No recriminations.

I love you, and nothing will ever change that.

I feel the same.

Three minutes later, I opened the bathroom door wearing nothing but my hold-up stockings and my new high heels.

With the exception of the occasional sauna visit or trip to a nude beach, Mark is the only man I have been naked in front of since we have been married. It was disconcerting, but I felt more confident and empowered than vulnerable. Gabriel was still fully dressed in his elegant suit and the disparity in our nudity was strangely arousing. Undressing first gave me a sense of power and dominance. I was taking the lead; the seductress, and the control was mine.

The look of wonder and appreciation in Gabriel's eyes added greatly to my excitement as I walked purposefully toward him. He began to remove his jacket, but I gently prevented him doing so. I would undress him when I was ready, but I wanted to feel his hands on my naked body first.

We excitedly kissed as he ran his hands up and down my back, his fingertips edging closer to my ass as he tentatively tested my enthusiasm for each new touch. Despite the confidence of my actions, it was almost as if he could sense that this was outside my comfort zone and was going to take things slowly. I was naked and vulnerable, in a hotel room with a stranger for the first time in many years, but he made me feel safe and respected. He whispered flattering words and reassurances to me constantly.

We continued to kiss deeply, which felt strangely more intimate than the hands caressing and squeezing my bottom. The intimacy made me feel a little uneasy, even guilty, and I turned to face away from Gabriel, allowing him to kiss my neck and eventually fondle my breasts. I could feel his erect penis through his trousers and gently gyrated my hips and pushed my ass into his crotch. In return, he slowly slid one hand across my stomach, only stopping as his fingers reached my pubic hair.

The gentle stranger stroked my pubis and teased my inner thighs but avoided contacting my vulva or clitoris. My arousal grew and my body began to softly tremble as I anticipated the inevitable touch. I could see myself in a mirror and was captivated by the sight of my naked body and the unfamiliar dressed stranger whose hands were on my breast and pussy.

My body was now craving more intimate contact and my hips were softly pushing my vulva toward his playful fingers. Sensing my exasperation, he began to stroke and tease my pussy, only brushing my clit with the lightest of contact at first until I became accustomed to his touch, and then the contact became my vigorous and targeted. The touch, together with the continuing fondling of my breasts and kisses to my neck, was exquisite and I quickly felt my body tense as I approached orgasm. The intensity caused my legs to become unsteady, and my body convulsed so violently that Gabriel had to support my weight with one arm as he continued to stimulate my clitoris until I loudly and uncontrollably shuddered to climax.

I was genuinely overcome by the force of the orgasm and the physical and emotional release that I experienced, but Gabriel remained considerate of my needs and gently lifted me onto the bed where I took a moment to catch my breath and allow my head to stop spinning.

I was still shaking as Gabriel began to kiss my legs, progressing from my feet to my claves, the backs of my knees and then my thighs. The prospect of this stranger placing his lips and tongue on my pussy felt more intimate and personal than just his hands, and I was briefly paralyzed by a sense of vulnerability and the enormity of what I was doing. Would my relationship with Mark ever be the same, would he become resentful and mistrusting of me, and would I ever forgive myself? It was hard to imagine that he would ever trust me again or even look at me the same.

Perhaps it wasn't too late to stop it. Both Mark and I would look back on this misadventure and blame the wine but be comforted that even in the face of the most extreme temptation, I chose our relationship.

Or maybe it was too late to put the genie back in the bottle. I don't think I could forgive Mark if the situation was reversed, even if he hadn't progressed as far as Gabriel and I already had. Would my infidelity be any easier for either of us to reconcile if I stopped now?

Gabriel was kissing and stroking my inner thighs as I made my decision, spreading my legs as widely and provocatively as I could manage, shamelessly signaling my desire and offering Gabriel an invitation that he enthusiastically accepted.

I could use Mark's insistence that I should do this as justification for my choice, perhaps point to my years of faithfulness, or even pretend the rules are different in Paris, but my choice was purely selfish and self-serving. I didn't want to stop. I wanted to continue to feel this excitement, the unfamiliar touch and sensations, the reminiscence of my life before Mark, but above all, I wanted to be this woman whose only concern was her own pleasure and satisfaction without consideration for the consequences.

Any sense of guilt was fleeting, replaced by the thrill of Gabriel's delicate and attentive focus on my pleasure. I lost track of time and of the number of orgasms I enjoyed as each delightful moment merged into a single exhilarating experience. He seemed only interested in my gratification, tireless in the pursuit of my enjoyment. In one brief moment, where clarity and confusion were clouded in my mind, I did wonder if his generous dedication to my pleasure would ever end or if we would spend eternity in this moment of carnal ecstasy.

It was my desire to feel Gabriel inside me that eventually gave me the determination to disengage and turn my attention to finally undressing the extraordinary man before me.

I wanted to tear off his clothes, but found the self-control to wait until we were both standing beside the bed again before slowly remove his jacket and then unbuttoning his shirt, both of which I discarded on the floor. Gabriel's shoulders and arms were muscular and toned, as was his powerful chest and taut stomach that tapered to a narrow waist.

I kissed his chest, playfully bit his erect nipples and licked his impressively defined abs. It had been so many years since I had been this intimate with anyone other than Mark that I became fascinated with this stranger's unfamiliar body. I explored every bulge, fold and detail by eye and then with my fingers, lips and tongue. For the first time since I opened the bathroom door, revealing my naked body and intentions, I felt nervous. Would Gabriel take as much pleasure from my touch as I had his? Had I forgotten how to pleasure any man other than my husband?

I moved behind him, exploring his broad back and kissing his cologne scented neck. From behind, I reached around, unclasped his belt, undid his trousers and reached into his shorts. Somehow, it was less daunting to engage his cock without a direct view or eye contac. He was flatteringly erect and felt unusually large in my hand. I slowly slipped his trousers and underwear down, as he kicked off his shoes, falling to my knees so that I could kiss his muscular buttocks as I did. His ass was like a perfectly ripe peach, and I was unable to resist taking a bite.

I took my time to enjoy his gorgeous bottom, unhurried in my study, but his penis was equally deserving of my attention and I was intrigued to experience my first unfamiliar cock in so many years.

Gabriel turned slowly around until I was facing his groin which was, given my position kneeling on the floor, directly in my eye line. To my embarrassment, the sight of an unfamiliar penis up close for the first time in so many years required me to stifle a giggle, but I don't think Gabriel noticed.

It wasn't wildly different to Mark's cock, but the novelty meant that Gabriel's seemed exotic and foreign. The differences, despite being minor, were intriguing, and I carefully studied the length and girth, as well as the variation in curve and color. I just hoped he would appreciate the same touches and techniques that I had honed pleasuring Mark, but I resolved in my own mind to suck his beautiful cock for my pleasure, not his, and hope my enthusiasm and enjoyment would provide Gabriel the satisfying experience I was eager to give him.

I gently cupped his hairless balls, kissing and stroking his thick penis, before wrapping my moist lips around his bulbous gland. He moaned enthusiastically as I looked up and locked eyes with him, inching further down his shaft until my face was pressed against his stomach and I could smell the pleasant muskiness of his trimmed pubic hair. I sucked and tongued his handsome cock, closing my eyes as I fellated him more vigorously. I took great satisfaction from his obvious enjoyment, encouraging myself to suck deeper and faster as I sensed the tension building through his body.

To my surprise, he withdrew sharply from my mouth to prevent himself cumming.

"It's ok," I insisted. "You don't need to stop."

"I want to be inside you first," he gently pleaded.

I was just as excited to go further, but while I had been going down on Gabriel, an experience I found hugely enjoyable, I had managed to put Mark completely out of mind. The prospect of having this stranger inside me filled me again with angst, and part of me briefly wished he had finished in my mouth. I don't think either Mark or I would consider my actions tonight to be any less significant had we refrained from intercourse, but it was another symbolic boundary that I was about to cross.

Being face to face would have felt too intimate, too personal, so I turned my back on Gabriel, and positioned myself on the bed in all fours. My face was buried in a pillow as he took hold of my hips and slowly, very deliberately, penetrated my eager pussy.


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