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Any Chance We Could Ch. 16

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Mystery Room and a deal in the works.
2.8k words

Part 16 of the 48 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 12/20/2008
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This is work in progress, more chapters are complete and will be submitted at regular intervals. It's in the Incest category because I had to choose one. The chapters include Romance, Incest, and Group Sex. I couldn't find an editor so all mistakes are mine and are copyrighted along with the rest of each chapter. This is a continuing series, no chapter is written to stand alone so if you're just starting I recommend you start at the first chapter. Enjoy, please comment, and vote. Love those red 'H's.

Wednesday, October 8.

Breakfast was the usual erotic start to my day, Katrina came down in shorts and a bra, Ashley drifted in wearing just panties, and my love came down in a bra, panties, thigh highs and heels still brushing her hair. I was kissed by each as they walked in and began my morning with an ass squeeze of each.

Ashley told us that they would both be playing two games today, the first at four and the second at six. The short break would allow a little time to get some epicurean delights from the association snack bar. The schedule would be the same for Thursday with only four o'clock games on Friday for the top four places.

I asked my scantily clad group of ladies if they wanted to go to the country club on Friday, hopefully to celebrate softball victories and suggested that we invite Emerson and Hazel and their daughter Kim to join us. Veronica said that was a good idea, she'd like to meet Hazel and Kim.

"I haven't seen Kim for at least a year, maybe longer. She's a junior at Western University, lives in an apartment off campus, and played softball in high school. I think she still does in college," Katrina said.

I fixed eggs and toast for Ashley and Katrina, Veronica and I ate cereal and after we finished I followed those magnificent asses up the stairs. Katrina and Ashley came into our bedroom to kiss us goodbye and left in a flurry.

"Dressy, Friday?" asked Veronica. "Be sure to tell Emerson so he can let Hazel and Kim know."

"OK, I'll tell him. Lunch today?"

"Maybe, call me at eleven, I may have a showing, but I'll know by then."

We finished dressing, embraced, and walked to our cars. " I love you," I said.

"I love you too, handsome, so very much" said Veronica.

I almost forgot to call Veronica at eleven, had to put a call with Venezuela on hold while I did. She did have a showing scheduled for eleven thirty and said she would see me at three and would I pick her up. Our house is on the way from her office to the association fields, so she instructed me to meet her there instead of the office.

I told Emerson about the dress plans for Friday to pass on to Kim and Hazel. "Don't they have music on Fridays?" he asked.

I replied that they do and that we usually danced. "I'll pass it that, I know Kim will get 'dressy' but I don't have any idea about Hazel, she hasn't worn a dress for any occasion for the last couple of years. She says they make her look fat. I disagree, but..."

"You'll wear a tux, I assume?" he asked.

"Yes, Veronica likes the way I look in one."

I got home about two forty-five and changed into khaki's and a polo, grabbed jackets for both of us and was walking back to my car when Veronica pulled in. "Want to change before we go?" I asked.

"No, I'm comfortable," she replied.

When she got in the car with the usual show of her incredible legs, she turned slightly and opened her legs a bit to invite me to caress the bare skin above her thigh highs. Since her skirt was fuller than she usually wears it was easy to turn us both on.

On the way to the fields she remarked, "I've been looking at the MLS for the last few days in search of our dream house and there just are not any on the market now. The few that were on the market sold in August before school started. I was right about the prices, all that mostly fit our list were above one point five mil. It also occurred to me that you could use that room off the front hall as an office."

"What room off the front hall?" I asked.

"It's to the left of the stairs, I guess the doors haven't been open during the last three weeks and since I don't use it I never thought about it. The louvered double doors make it look like a closest so you would'nt have noticed it. It used to be a study, then the previous owner used it as a craft and sewing room. Let's look when we get back and if you can use it, we'll clean it out Sunday." she replied.

"About the house, just keep an eye out and as soon as I get someone in to clean mine we'll list it. The prices aren't out of line with my expectations and we can certainly fit in your house, your bed is more than adequate. What furniture I have that we don't want to move to your house can go into storage until we move into another house. Maybe some evening or next week after school I'll take Katrina and see what she wants or needs moved. I don't think she needs any furniture."

"My bed is only adequate?" she said as she punched me in the arm.

"Ow. No I meant only the bed, not the occupant, lover. If we keep having visitors we may want to consider getting the largest special order bed possible. Now open your legs and let me caress your thighs higher. Please." I pled.

"I know what you meant. I'm just giving you a hard time that's all. The house thoughts sound like the beginnings of a plan. I like the idea of getting a very large bed," she replied.

When we got to the fields we checked the bulletin board for field assignments, Ashley was on two and Katrina on seven. We walked to two and I set up her chair at the home side where we waved at Ashley and her teammates. When her coach walked over to Veronica with the lineup card, I shook her hand and told her what a good job she was and had been doing all season. "Ashley had an incredible hit yesterday and she tells me that you two are engaged. Best wishes to you both," she said.

"We are, and thanks," replied Veronica.

I could see a bit of seven down the walkway and kissed Veronica and said, "See you at the longest game."

I climbed onto the home bleachers and was greeted with smiles and new congratulations from those I hadn't seen yesterday. I caught Katrina's eye and waved, she smiled and returned it.

The first four innings were pretty much uneventful each team stranded a runner in each inning. It was a real pitching duel with called and swinging Ks.

In the top of five, the away team got a runner to first who was able to steal second and then third on two successive passed balls. The batter hit a very slow rolling grounder to Katrina who didn't charge hard enough to get it to the catcher in time. Not an error just poor execution.

The next two batters were not able to advance the runner, so going into the bottom the opponents were up one. Katrina's team got several balls into the infield but all the runners were thrown out.

In the sixth neither team got runners on the bases. In the top of the seventh, the away team got a solo homer off a pitch that got away and they led by two.

Katrina was in the hole as the inning began. Our first batter hit a screamer to the shortstop who knocked it down but was unable to get it to first on time. The runner on first was able to get to second on a wild pitch, and with a three and one count the batter hit one by the second baseman, but the centerfielder was playing in enough that the runners were held at first and third. Katrina was up, and in retrospect I don't know why the other coach didn't pull their obviously tired pitcher. She laid a fat pitch down the middle and Katrina just creamed it. Hit the top of the fence in left field and bounced over. The left fielder raised both arms and it was a walk off home run. Katrina ran the bases at somewhat less than full speed as the team was waiting for her at home plate. Almost a repeat of Ashley's performance yesterday.

After the coach met with the team, the ladies took their gear to five and Katrina joined me with a huge smile plastered on her face. She threw her arms around me and I kissed her on her check and she returned one on mine. "Sweetheart that was an outstanding hit."

"Yeah, well it was a shitty pitch, but who's going to say that," she replied.

"Want to get something to eat and drink, it's only five, we have an hour. Maybe Ashley's still playing."

The snack stand was across from four which was adjacent to two (imagine that). Before we stopped I looked at the scoreboard it was in the fifth inning and Ashley's team was batting. The score was three for the away team and ten for the home team. "Let's go over there first," said Katrina.

As we approached Veronica, I could see Ashley on deck with a man on base. The batter hit a nice single that dropped right over the lethargic second baseman's head. Two on. Ashley stepped into the box as Katrina leaned down and kissed Veronica's cheek and said "Hi Mom."

Veronica didn't react until the pitch was called a ball, marked her pad then turned to accept my kiss on her lips. The second pitch was also a ball as was the third. The next pitch seemed to have a bit of velocity to it but it was right in the middle of the strike zone and Ashley slammed it down the first base line, fair all the way to the fence. The right fielder had a good arm and Ashley was held at third with the two runners easily scoring. The next batter hit a solid single, Ashley scored and the game was over with the ten run rule.

After a short team meeting Ashley came to join us. Katrina congratulated her on her at bat, as did Veronica and I. As we walked over to the snack shack, Ashley recounted her three hits and commented that the other team appeared to not have shown up today.

Ashley asked how Katrina's team had done and I said they'd won three to two. As we stood in line several of Katrina's teammates high-fived her and said "Nice job!"

Veronica asked, "I gather that you had a good game sweetheart, what happened?"

Beverly, one of Katrina's teammates turned and said "What happened? Didn't she tell you? An over the fence homer with two on, that's what. Those three runs are hers!"

Veronica hugged Katrina and asked, "Why didn't either of you say something?"

"I was waiting for her to," I replied.

"I got lucky, it was a shitty pitch and I connected," said Katrina.

Beverly remarked, "Oh sure, give the credit to the pitcher. You hit the hell out of that ball. You heard coach give you the credit. Don't be so modest, that was a great hit, at the right time."

"Thanks, Bev, I appreciate that," said Katrina. Katrina then leaned over to Ashley and whispered in her ear, "Celebration tonight sis."

"Bev, this is my sister Ashley, Ashley this is Bev Johnson."

They said Hi, then Bev asked, "Sister, I thought you were any only child?"

"I was until Veronica and my Dad decided to get married. Ashley is Veronica's daughter."

"Oh." said Bev, "You're Veronica. Mom and I are coming to your house Saturday. Nice to meet you," as they shook hands. "Wow, is that your engagement ring? It's absolutely gorgeous."

"Thanks." said Veronica. "I'm looking forward to meeting your Mom Saturday."

We had progressed to the window and took our food and drink order to an adjacent bleacher to eat. Several teammates and parents joined us and by the time we broke to go to the next game, there were at least twenty people. Katrina's friends and their parents were quite appreciative of her game performance.

"It's getting cool, isn't is handsome? asked Veronica.

"That's why I brought jackets," I said.

"How sweet. I guess they're still in the car? I'll walk with you."

We walked hand in hand to the car. She took off her lightweight suit jacket and put on the heavier jacket I had brought. As I held it for her to put on, she turned and deeply kissed me, saying "A taste of what you'll get later, handsome. Not too stylish with this skirt and heels, but it's a lot warmer."

We walked back, her arm through mine, talked a bit about the move, and I dropped her at two and headed down to five.

Both the girl's teams were away this time. Katrina's team seemed to be under matched to the team they were playing, reminding me of the game that Ashley had just played. The final score was six zip and ended in an hour. Katrina and I walked to two and stood behind Veronica.

"Did you win?" she asked. "Any over the fence home runs?"

"No, Mom, but I got three hits, scored twice, nothing special, and no errors at second."

"How's sis doin', I see they're ahead by one in the top fifth" asked Katrina.

Referring to her score book, Veronica said, "She has two base hits, three RBIs, no Ks and no errors, good so far."

The score held through the top of the seventh when they scored two more, which was a good thing, because the other team scored two in the bottom of the seventh.

"Excellent games, girls, you both have three wins, you should be in good shape for bracket play tomorrow and Friday, see you both at home, love you both," I said.

On the drive home, Veronica and I praised our girls to each other, and I generally had my hand against her crotch the whole time. We pulled in the driveway and had driven into the garage when they arrived. As soon as we stepped into the house, Ashley said, "You two have been diddling haven't you? Look at Dad's battery pack."

"Join us in the shower, Dad don't let that go to waste," added Katrina.

"I'd love to but I've got a voice message on my phone that I need to look into," I said.

"Will I do as a substitute?" asked Veronica.

"Absolutely, Mom!" they both said in unison.

"If we're still in when you get done with that piece of business, join us," Veronica suggested.

That piece of 'business' took almost an hour of conversation. It was an exploratory call. How promising it would be wouldn't be known until the first formal meeting. As I continued to listen and run some numbers through my head, Veronica appeared in front of me in her robe. As I looked up, she opened it and "Want it now?"

I shook my head in the affirmative. She knelt in front of me pulled my shoes and socks off, undid my belt and pulled my pants down. I raised my butt so she could get my underwear off as well. I ended the call with "If you still want to discuss this further, call me in the morning. I have a domestic situation I need to handle right now. Thanks again, good night," and disconnected.

"You have the most gorgeous breasts and nipples in the whole world, bar none," I said as I stood and put my arms under her robe and she melted into me. She broke the embrace, squeezed my ass and took my hand and began to lead me upstairs. Ashley and Katrina were coming down, wearing only sleep shirts and said "Play nice."

"I'm going to shower. Meet you between the sheets."

"Handsome you should have showered with the girls, that was fun!" grinned Veronica.

I showered and walked into the bedroom. The overhead light and the bedside lights were off and Veronica was lying on her side, her back to my side of the bed. I climbed into bed and spooned her. "Ummm. you're warm" she said as she turned over and pulled me to her mouth. "Love me, gently, please."

I began to make very gentle, slow love to Veronica, and after a pleasantly long time we did what we seem to do best, came together.

"I love you so much handsome."

"And I love you, sweet love."

Amazingly enough, no night visitors. They must have been tired from the games or wore each other out celebrating.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Sorry to say, but this story has been going backwards for several chapters now... The dialogue have improved some at least...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Stuck in a rut

I've read all parts of this series and generally its pretty good but this poor chapter highlights several of the short comings.

1. The events are too repetetive. Semi-naked breakfast with just some fondling. Softball or photography during the day and staying at home or going to the country-club in the evening. Some thigh caressing whenever he's in a car.

2. The category tagging of incest is very misleading, there has hardly been any incest in the first 16 chapters. And I think different episodes should be categorized differently, depending on their content.

3. This episode might as well be categorized in Non-Erotic, since the whole erotic part is; kiss in the morning, a thigh stroking in the car (as usual) and finally a one sentence description of the love making in the evening. To have it in incest is a joke. I'm not saying the characters should have more sex but that it should be described more and in more detail.

4. Too long descriptions of non-erotic events, like softball or posing for photography, especially compared to the more and more brief erotic descriptions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Long and Increasingly Boring

I guess that about says it all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Wtf? Nothing happened. It was all softball crap.

What was the point of this? Besides the fact that it was so short it should've simply been included as part of a real chapter nothing that happened here mattered in the least. People gushed over her ring. We've already seen that. They talked about a new house again. Big deal. They had breakfast together, and he again squeezed their asses and everybody again said ludicrous things. Same ol'. We got to hear more gushing about how wealthy and handsome the dad is. Zzzzzzzz. Was this chapter merely included as a means to help meet that NaNoWriMo contest's bazillion word story minimum? If so, this chapter still wasn't even proper filler. It wasn't erotic or amusing or illuminating. Unless you like reading silly fantasy accounts of stupid softball games where Our Heroines win every game with their singular feats of derring-do this chapter was a total waste of time. Anybody who gives THIS chapter a 100 needs to have their voting privileges revoked. This chapter wasn't any good on any level. I want my five minutes back. I'm just glad it was so short. Three full pages of that drivel would've done me in. Before all is said and done this story will be more than twenty pages long and really it should've been no more than maybe five pages. The rest is just repetitive filler, in an obvious attempt to stretch this thing into a long story. Considering how little content is in this story I'm shocked that people here keep giving 100s to each increasingly stupid and redundant chapter. A good writer who wasn't merely trying to milk this thing for length would've killed with this story.

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