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Any Chance We Could Ch. 45

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Lunch with Kim and Gwen, Hazel loosens up.
11.5k words

Part 45 of the 48 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 12/20/2008
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This chapter is not meant to stand alone. Please begin at the first chapter to fully appreciate this tale.

Wednesday, November 7

As usual Mary Claire was the first up. How she got from between Carol and me without waking me, I couldn't imagine. She was in a cotton robe with a towel around her head walking from the bathroom to our door when she glanced at me and catching my eye, mouthed 'love you' and winked.

Veronica kissed me and said, "We need to get up, Emerson and Hazel are coming at seven-thirty. Remember?"

I honestly didn't but we showered, had a quickie during and were getting dressed when Carol kissed us both on her way into the bathroom. I was happily looking forward to the shower we'd approved for the new master suite that would easily hold four or five of us at one time.

The three of us got downstairs at seven and enjoyed a cup of coffee and conversation with Mary Claire as she busily prepared breakfast. She had an apron on over a sheer light pink blouse, no bra band showed across her back, and a pair of tight black pants. I embraced her and cupped her ass saying, "Nice ass, sweetheart."

"Thanks Dad, you've got a nice one yourself," she smiled in reply. At seven-fifteen Lauren attired in a deep blue skirt and cream satin button blouse, hose and heels appeared with a freshly fucked look. Two minutes later Katrina and Ashley both giggling appeared, wearing tight, form fitting jeans, heels and snugly fitting pullover tops. All three filled their cups after kissing all of us good morning. With a twinkle in her eye and pleased look on her face Katrina ground her pussy against my cock and tangled tongues with me.

Promptly at seven thirty Emerson and Hazel arrived in separate cars, greeted at the door by Veronica and Carol. After lightly kissing both, Emerson asked, "Why was that truck loaded with Styrofoam blocks following us down the drive?"

After kissing Hazel good morning on her cheek, I looked out the door, and replied, "It's the new garage and master bedroom building material. They stack the blocks, pour concrete inside and lock it all together with rebar. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but it'll make a strong structure for the addition. It goes up quickly and provides a very high insulation factor."

"Wow, Scott, you've gotten into this construction stuff," commented Hazel grasping my hand.

"No, not really, just enough to make myself sound silly in front of an expert," I replied.

"Come in, come in," invited Veronica. "You're about to be treated to a Mary Claire breakfast."

Veronica and Carol were demurely dressed in knee length skirts, button blouses, hose and heels but Hazel was a sight to behold. Her skirt was at least four inches above her knees, her hose were subtly patterned and her silky blouse looked tailored. Her three inch pumps were the color of her yellowish blouse and made her legs very attractive to the eye.

As we walked to the dining room Hazel took my hand and held me back a bit before leaning close to my ear and whispered, "Can I talk to you privately some time? Soon?"

"Sure, after breakfast the cars are being delivered, but after that, anytime. Call me, or do you want me to call you?" I replied to her smiling face.

"Good. I'll call you on your cell," she whispered as she dropped my hand. "Emerson is planning to be out for lunch and then drop by the tailor to be fitted for his new tux."

I sat between Carol and Hazel; Veronica at the head of the table next to Hazel, Emerson at the foot, Lauren between Katrina and Ashley on the other side. An empty chair squeezed in next to Emerson was filled by Mary Claire as soon as she'd put the food on the table.

Emerson made no pretense of indifference to the half bra that Mary Claire was wearing under her sheer blouse. I guess she'd put that on recently and it clearly accentuated her full breasts. As we were chatting while eating I felt hands on either thigh and Hazel's won the race to touch the end of my now engorged cock. Hazel and Carol both smiled endearingly at me as I frequently glanced at each. I also noticed that Mary Claire frequently leaned toward Emerson's arm and because of their close proximity she was grazing his arm with her breasts and obviously hard nipples.

At one point her hand remained under the table for a length of time and Emerson was grinning like a Cheshire cat. I know Veronica took notice of the hands on me and a couple of times caught my eye and winked while grinning.

We talked about the RV trip and the general consensus between the five of us was that a January or February trip made more sense. Going then would be more relaxing than pressing to leave shortly after Veronica's birthday and being rushing to get back in time for Christmas. I also mentioned that from Lauren's report yesterday that things could progress quickly in early December on an investment opportunity on some land she and Cheryl were checking out. Carol also pointed out that there wouldn't be time to properly shop along the way for our family and others, the house and for Christmas.

At nine-thirty there was a lull in the conversation during which Cindy walked in. "Okay, I made it. Nice to see all of you in the daylight," she smiled as she kissed everyone including Cheryl who'd arrived in time to have something to eat.

"Sit down love, and have some breakfast," gestured Veronica to an empty chair. After Mary Claire put a plate of hot food in front of her, Veronica and Carol sat on either side of her. Cindy asked, "Do they make half bras for A cups?"

"I'm sure they do," replied Mary Claire, "and how many would you like?"

Katrina answered the door at nine forty-five and welcomed Kim and Gwen with hugs and kisses. Both kissed Hazel and Emerson as well as all the rest of us. Kim looked striking in full make-up, short skirt, heels, pumps and a tailored blouse similar to her mother's. "Special occasion?" I asked.

"Dad's taking us both to lunch and I thought I'd make it visually interesting for him," grinned Kim.

"What about Gwen?" I asked.

"Wait till she takes off that coat. No bra, stretchy top, tight pants, more like leggings. She'll get a rise out of him," she laughed. "By the way, up for an encore with us?" she softly asked under her eyebrows.

"Always," I replied squeezing her hand.

Ashley was looking out the window when Jeanine and her entourage arrived. "Looks like a parade coming up our driveway."

Jeanine in the lead car, stopped and the rest lined up behind her in a single file. I thought it was good that Dave was going to widen the drive some. As she stepped out of her car the driver's door on each of the cars opened and the driver stood next to each vehicle. Jeanine approached me carrying a small canvas bag and took a list out of it. As we all gathered around, Cindy with a quizzical look on her face, asked, "What's all this?"

Before I could reply Jeanine announced, "Each of you get your keys from me, each ring has a fob with your name on it. Then look for your name on a tag in the front license plate holder of each car. Go to that car and the driver will explain the features of your car to you and if you need to go for a drive, please say so. Otherwise here we go."

With four construction workers off to the side looking on she began calling names, "Lauren, ... Carol,... Veronica, ... Katrina, ... Ashley, ... Cheryl, ..., Cindy, ... Kim, ... Gwen, ... and Scott."

Cindy hadn't moved. Either she hadn't heard her name or she was stunned. From the look on her face I concluded it was the latter. When her name was called again, I nodded for her to get her keys. The look on her face was priceless as she danced towards Jeanine.

There were nine other drivers, three of them women and they began explaining and answering questions. Jeanine was my 'explainer'. As my presentation was starting a fifteen passenger van pulled into the driveway at the back of the line and the driver patiently waited for over an hour before everyone but Jeanine boarded for the drive back to the dealership.

As our group kind of coalesced around me Cheryl reminded them that they needed to give her their spare keys. Jeanine came inside so Lauren and I could settle with her.

Cindy came running up to me as we were walking in, threw her arms around my neck and began kissing my face. "Thank you, thank you. I've never felt so cared about as I do with your family."

"You're welcome sweetheart. Lauren needs to get some information from you in order to add you to our fleet insurance," I replied as I let her go.

After watching her display of affection, Jeanine asked, "How's it feel to have a brood of women in your house?"

"Rewarding," I replied. "Blessed." I said smiling.

"I can't imagine how Veronica isn't jealous," she said shaking her head.

As her tone wasn't judgmental I replied, "She enjoys them herself too." When her eyes lit up in surprise I added, "Don't tell me you've never wondered what another woman would be like."

Jeanine's face turned red but managed to whisper, "An occasional fantasy is one thing but doing it is another."

"If you ever want to take a step beyond fantasy, I'm sure Veronica would be happy to take your call. Or Katrina and Ashley for that matter."

She shook her head as she whispered, "I don't think so. I'm a Sunday School teacher and my father is a deacon at our Baptist church. Don't get me wrong. I'm not judging you but it's not something I'd feel comfortable doing." I heard her words but her tone left me wondering if it were a false defense. While we talked about establishing a regular maintenance program for all our cars, she seemed to be a little distracted.

Emerson was kind of hanging out in the foyer waiting for Kim and Gwen, who were visiting with my girls. With her cell to her ear Jeanine walked to the door to meet with Lauren. I asked Emerson if he and Kim had gone on a 'date'. He replied that they had on Monday night, to a nice restaurant. While they were there he'd been consciously trying to keep a sensible distance between them which had been fortunate because their next door neighbors walked by and engaged them in a lengthy conversation. Kim remarked as they'd walked to their car and them to theirs, "Put your hands all over me in the car if you wanna. I know you wanted to in there."

Emerson continued to explain, "On the drive back to Kim's condo she'd hiked her skirt above her stocking tops and placing my hand on her leg, and had said 'Feel free'."

"I caressed her legs all the way home, even taking a longer route to lengthen my enjoyment. Kim got wise to me and grasped my cock and squeezed it while nibbling my ear lobe. Damn near almost lost it a couple of times I must confess. But she seemed to sense that and took her hand off me for a few minutes to let me calm down before resuming. When I finally got her home she invited me in for coffee. While drinking coffee we got cozy on the couch and began some pretty heavy petting. My hands explored inside her bra and then moved against her panty covered pussy. What a marvelous experience. I could hear my own heart pounding in my ears type of feeling.

"She'd unzipped me and was stroking me when Gwen and Hazel came home. Both took in our dishevelment and my bare cock. Hazel just grinned and said nothing as Gwen led her down the hall to their bedroom. Kim asked me if I was going to leave and I told her, 'not until you get me off'. She then began jacking me and I very quickly came into her hand which she licked clean. Christ she's exciting," he exclaimed his face reddening.

"Hazel got home several hours after me. She looked quite satisfied and we had a passionate fuck before we both fell asleep. She hasn't told me all that all happened with Gwen but promised to tonight," he concluded as the girls began streaming in the door.

"You're taking them to lunch I understand," I said.

"Really they're taking me after we drop their new cars off. I don't know where but I'm looking forward to it."

Twenty minutes later Jeanine was leaving the den with one of Lauren's red wallets and as she approached me she asked, "Can you take me back to the store? They seem to have left without me."

"I can do that," I said as I stuck my head in the dining room to tell Veronica and Carol where I was going. The two of them seemed to be in deep quiet conversation. Carol raised her head and replied, "Okay, see ya."

We walked to my car and I opened the door for Jeanine then walked around to let myself in. "How did they forget you?" I asked.

"Honestly? She asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"I told them to leave. I wanted a few minutes with you by myself and figured it'd be a good way to get the time without them," she smiled.

As we drove towards the dealership we talked about nothing in particular until she suddenly said, "You're a gorgeous man. You must be talented in many ways to keep that houseful of women happy. My husband was severely injured by ground fire while helping to unload his helicopter in Afghanistan." She paused, lowered her head and fiddled with her hands before she continued, "With him being badly injured 'down there' we haven't been able to be intimate since then. I do love him, but I have difficulty understanding him sometimes. He keeps urging me to find a lover or two to satisfy me. Admittedly I can be a 'bitch' for a couple of days at a time a few times each month, particularly during that one time of the month if you know what I mean. He thinks a lover could help take the edge off."

"I do understand what you mean," I nodded as I pulled into grocery store parking lot since we were a block from the dealership and I felt she had more to say.

"I threw myself into this job to get some satisfaction and keep myself busy. I know he has the best of intentions but I still have difficulty understanding why he wants me to have a lover. Does he not love me? Can you give me any insight?"

I took a deep breath as I looked into her eyes. She was clearly stressed and looking for answers of some sort. I was tempted to take hold of her hand and squeeze it as an act of assurance but then thought twice about doing so, it could be misread as meaning something else. "I can't speak with any certainty for your husband because I don't know him. It's something you need to talk to him about. Yet, I suspect he's encouraging you take a lover not because he doesn't love you but because he deeply loves you. Don't think he's a sexual pervert or that he's lacking in love. His deep abiding love for you may be what's motivating him."

Her eyes widened. Clearly she hadn't thought about that possibility so I continued to explain, "If he's like me, he wants his wife to be fulfilled in every way. Can I ask you a very personal question?" When she nodded I continued, "You're dressed nicely and professionally, but I've noticed that what you wear is rather conservative. Have your outfits and wardrobe changed since your husband returned home and if so why? And has what you wear to bed changed?"

"Yes. I used to enjoy wearing more flattering outfits, shorter hemlines and tops that were more revealing. Now, I want to be careful not to hint at anything and thereby further frustrate George. I used to dress for bed in playful items, which often didn't last very long on me to but now I dress in long nightgowns," she said then paused as tears formed in her eyes. "I really liked dressing that way, but now... ."

Handing her my clean handkerchief I noted, "Your sexuality is as much a part of you as your bright smile and personality. George knows it. He's able to support you in so many ways, and likely pleasures you orally and with his hands but he knows it's not the same as having a vigorous and joyous sex life. I suspect that he's witnessed the change in your attire, personality and smile because you're experiencing some sexual frustrations. I can honestly say that Veronica loves sex and she's one of the most sensual and sexually alive women I've ever met. I want her to be completely fulfilled sexually and if I couldn't provide her satisfaction due to an injury or other medical condition then I'd not only allow her to have another man or two or three but I would strongly encourage her too."

"I loved being intimate with George. It was a way for me to express my love and passion for him, and admittedly it was amazingly satisfying too. I loved to dress in ways that were tasteful but drew men's attention. And when men would look, George took great pride that I was his. Before he was deployed we'd been married only twenty-seven months, we had an active and robust sex life. Thank you Scott, I hadn't thought about him suggesting it because he loves me. Nor had I given any thought how my personality has also changed. I'm not as playful and I don't laugh as much. Please, don't get me wrong for raising this, I really wanted to get your insights and not to get your sympathy in order to get into your bed ... though you're a handsome man who seems to be caring and concerned."

"I understand, but you're a lovely, beautiful woman who any man who's not dead would find desirous," I nodded.

She took a deep breath and her left hand moved over to hold her slightly shaking right hand. I allowed her time to gather her courage and thoughts. "Honestly in the last five years I've met few men who didn't turn me off within fifteen minutes with their crude pick-up lines and innuendos," she blurted out. "I'll bet you're not only experienced but a skilled lover too. If I ever did anything I would want to be with great lover and someone like you. ... Whew, I never thought I'd be able to get that out. Do you no longer respect me?" she asked with an anguished look on her face.

She took my hand and she pressed it against her cheek saying, "Can we meet somewhere before I lose my nerve?"

"Sure. How about at my house, in our bed? No sneaking around, just some relaxing sex," I laughed. Then I kicked myself,Scott you are a cad. Wrong thing to say. She's vulnerable and you don't want her to have any regrets. Tactfully slow things down, keep your focus on her needs and the long term not a short term conquest.

"Your house? When someone's home? In your bed?" she asked her voice rising in volume after each question. "What will your wife say?"

"She'll be okay."

"Are you sure? I've all but thrown myself on you."

"I'm sure she'd welcome you. Before anything happens I must tell you that my love is bi. She enjoys being with a woman and she'd love to be with you too. If we have sex, she'll expect to have sex with you too, unless you're really not into women, that is," I grinned.

"Hmmm, I've had a mild curiosity. As I said earlier I've never tried it or given it any real thought but it's been a long dry spell. So why not? In for a penny in for a pound as they say." Then her face stilled she and shook her head, "I think I should talk to George first. So if he still says yes, then when?"

"Jeanine, I think talking with George would be a wise move for both of you. It shows him love and respect, gives him the opportunity to say no or set some ground rules, and it allows you time to pause and move for forward with no guilt. As for when, well, I think tonight's free and the next free time I can think of is Sunday afternoon or evening. The next two weeks are tied up with our wedding and honeymoon. I can't honestly remember past that. I could call Cheryl if you want," I explained. I was definitely relieved that she'd decided to take time to talk to her husband rather than rush into it full steam ahead.

"Why would you call Cheryl?" she asked.

"She keeps the master calendar, with ten people to keep track of, someone needs to."

"Wait. How did we get up to ten?" she asked wide eyed.

"Cheryl's two kids. They're always welcome and frequently visit, especially her son, Max," I answered.

"Can I call you later today?" Jeanine asked as I started the car.

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