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"You look ravishing tonight Elizabeth," Jim said looking into her eyes.

"Why thank you, James," replied Peggy looking back at him.

"Right. Sorry, Peggy," Jim relied.

"No worries, Jim," replied Peggy.

"It's so good to see you both," said Jim.

"It's good to see you too," I replied.

"I've got a table for you, if you would follow me, please," said Jim.

Turning, we followed him through the crowd. It really wasn't all that crowded, yet seemed to be. He brought us to a table not too far from the dance floor, nor too far from the bar. A waitress was waiting for us as Jim helped Peggy into her seat. We ordered our drinks and the waitress went to get them.

"Well, how have you two been?" asked Jim.

"Just fine," I replied.

"Good, good. You haven't been here in a long time, work?"

"Yep, busy, busy, busy. How have you been Jim?"

"Busy, busy, busy, as you can see. It's like this almost every night now. This is the place to come to be seen."

"I hope we didn't throw a wrench in someone's plans," I said patting the table in front of me.

"No, no. I always have a couple of just-in-case tables," Jim replied chuckling.

The waitress showed up with out drinks, setting them on the table.

"Peggy, Jeff, this Mary, Mary Jeff is my nephew. Mary will be your waitress for the rest of the night. Mary, they don't pay for anything, clear?"

"Yes Jim," replied Mary.

"Good. I'll leave you guys now, busy, busy, busy," he said chuckling as he sped away.

"Will there be anything else?" asked Mary.

"Where can I put my clutch?" asked Peggy.

Mary put out her hand. Peggy handed her clutch to Mary.

"It will be behind the bar," she said pointing to the one closest to us. "If you need it just ask me or go to the bar and ask Hank, he's the blond one, and he'll get it for you. I will point you out, he should have no problem remembering you as you are probably the prettiest woman in the place right now."

Peggy blushed. "Thank you, Mary."

Mary nodded and went to the bar, called Hank over, and handed him the clutch, Mary pointed at our table and said something to Hank. He nodded at Mary, then nodded at Peggy smiling widely.

"Looks like you have a fan," I said.

Peggy blushed again.

Chapter 5

"Dance?" I asked my wife.

Smiling up at me, she took my hand, rose, and we walked to the dance floor. What was playing was a nice soft romantic song. My Uncle's place wasn't one of those hip-hop jumping-around kind of places. His DJ did play some fast songs, but they were from the sixties and seventies. So, Peggy and I were dancing close.

"I want to only dance with you tonight."

"Of course. You do know a lot of hearts will be broken tonight?" I chuckled.

"I don't care, I'm yours and only yours tonight. Unless of course, Jim asks me to dance."

I chuckled again as I pulled her tight to me. We danced cheek to cheek through three nice slow romantic songs. On the fourth song, Someone tapped my shoulder. Turning, I shook my head and turned back to Peggy. Once again, my shoulder was tapped. Turning I saw a different guy and shook my head. As I turned back to Peggy, my shoulder was tapped again, only harder. Turning I saw the same guy who I just turned down. I shook my head, glaring at him. Peggy stepped around me and pushed the guy in the chest.

"Leave, don't come near us again or I'll slap the shit out of you, got that moron?" she yelled.

I just shook my head as the guy reached for her wrist. He was on the floor before he could even realize what happened to him. Then Jim and a bouncer were standing over him. The guy on the floor looked up at Peggy and me.

"Do you know who I am?" he screamed getting to his feet.

"I haven't the faintest fucking idea and I doubt I would want to know who you are dumbass," shouted Peggy.

As he reached for her wrist again, the bouncer grabbed his wrist twisting it up behind his back. He yelled in pain. Jim then stood in front of him.

"You have been a pain in my ass forever. You come into this club once more and I will have you arrested for trespass," said Jim loudly.

The guy was still struggling as the bouncer dragged him away. I turned to Jim with questions in my eyes.

"Oh, he's a no body. Some washed-up sports figure for whom I felt sorry. This isn't the first time he's done something like this. Don't worry about him. Although, when you leave I will have one of my bouncers walk you to your car."

Peggy pulled Jim into a hug. Jim wrapped her in his arms. She kissed his cheek. He backed away.

"Thank you, Jim," said Peggy.

"No problem," he said. He turned and walked away quickly.

"Did you give that poor man a hard-on?" I asked smiling.

"I didn't mean to."

"I know. Let's go back to our table."

Peggy nodded and I took her hand in mine. We were back at our table and found our drinks freshened. Mary was leaning against the bar smiling at us. I nodded, raising my glass to her. She smiled even wider.

"So, do you think the rest of the guys will take the hint?" asked Peggy.

"Oh yeah. The other times we have been here, you had a line at the table shortly after we got back. No line," I said waving my hand.

We spent the rest of the evening dancing together. No one bothered us, although there was a hovering circle of vultures.

"The vultures are circling," I whispered in Peggy's ear.

"They are. Should I give them a peek at what they will never get?"

I was stunned yet aroused once again.

"No. Never hit a man when he's down unless he is trying to get up to hurt you."

"No, always hit him when he's down so he doesn't get any ideas about trying to get up," Peggy replied.

"And where in the hell, did you learn to fight like that?"

"You don't think I went to the gym to gossip and tell stories, do you? There were two instructors, of close-quarters fighting. I now know two disciplines of fighting assholes like that guy. I could just as easily put him out cold. But that could have hurt more than just his pride."

"Well, shit, I guess I have to go to your gym," I replied.

"They might let you in, but only because you know me," said Peggy giggling at the look on my face.

I just kissed her cheek as we continued to dance. She kept smiling and pressing her wonderful body against mine. As the song was ending, I felt another tap on my shoulder wondering who would have the audacity. I turned and it was Jim. I chuckled as the next song started. I nice slow one. Peggy nodded at me and I stepped aside as she stood waiting for Jim to take her in his arms. I nodded and went to our table. I sat down to a fresh drink, nodding to Mary, and turned to watch my wife and uncle dance.

Peggy was talking and dancing. Every once in a while she would giggle at something Jim said. Their bodies were pressed together, but that's how Peggy likes to slow dance. Jim's hands stayed on her back. Not that I would have objected unless he got too fresh. A quick hand squeeze to her butt wouldn't have raised my wrath. A long squeeze would have. But he was being a good relative. As the song ended Jim stepped back, taking her hand and kissing the back. Peggy giggled, grabbed both his cheeks, and kissed his lips hard.

When Jim backed away, I could tell he was completely flustered as Peggy just walked away from him. Mary was at the table setting down a fresh drink for my wife.

"Thank you for taking such good care of us, Mary," I said as Peggy was sitting down.

She smiled, turned, and walked away.

"You know you're going to have to give her a very nice tip when we leave," said Peggy.

"I know," I said softly taking a sip of my drink. "Are you hungry?"

"No," replied Peggy sipping her drink.

As we sat there watching the people dance, one of the vultures peeled off and came our way. I just shook my head. Peggy groaned shaking her head. The guy was looking at me. I shook my head as he came closer. I kept shaking my head and he stopped about four steps from us as a very large man stepped between him and us. He looked shocked. The bouncer pointed back to the floor. The guy nodded, turned, and went back to the vulture ring.

"Thanks, Bruno," I said.

He turned and smiled at Peggy and me, nodding as he disappeared into the crowd.

"Do you feel like dancing anymore?" I asked.

"Not really. What time is it?"

"Midnight," I replied.

"Let's go home, then." I nodded at her as I turned and waved to Mary.

"What can I get you?" she asked.

"My clutch please?" asked Peggy.

Mary was back in seconds, handing Peggy her clutch. Reaching out, I pushed a fifty into her hand.

"Thank you very much for taking care of us, Mary," I said as I got up to help Peggy up.

"Oh my, you didn't have to do..."

"Put it in your pocket. I won't tell anyone if you won't," I whispered to her.

Mary smiled at me as she made the bill disappear. Peggy and I started to walk toward the door. I sensed someone behind us. It was Bruno. Then Jim was beside us.

"Leaving so soon?" he asked.

"You just want another dance with my wife," I quipped back at him making him blush. Peggy punched me in the arm and at the door turned to Jim and hugged and kissed him again.

"Thank you, Jim, except for that little incident, we had a wonderful time," Peggy said.

"Uncle Jim, I want to thank you for taking care of us," I said taking his hand in mine.

"No problem. Family takes care of family," he said stepping back still blushing from Peggy's kiss.

Outside we walked down the street where we parked our car. Then Bruno grunted. I turned and there was the asshole they had tossed out of the club. Bruno was facing the asshole now. Then Peggy was standing in front of Bruno who didn't look all that steady on his feet.

"Do you want another beat down dumbass," shouted Peggy.

The guy looked at her and laughed as he took a step forward. He was suddenly on his back again. And he was holding his balls and crying. Peggy looked down at him with a smirk on her face.

"How did she do that?" Bruno asked leaning on me and shaking his head. Then I saw the board that hit Bruno. There was some blood on it.

"Well, we have the perp and the weapon, should we call the police?" I asked Bruno.

"No that's okay, I'll take care of this. But you better leave before I do," said Bruno standing up straight.

"Don't you do anything that will get you in trouble," Peggy ordered.

"I won't Miss Peggy," Bruno said sweetly to her. "I'll just drag his ass back to the club and Jim will deal with him. He'll be in jail for quite some time. Where's that board?"

"Here," I said pointing at it with my toe.

"Thanks. Miss Peggy, you have to tell me where you learned to fight like that? I thought I knew how to fight, but you..."

"At the gym," Peggy said shyly.

"Bruno, give me a call, Jim should have my number, and I'll let you know where," I said as he picked up the board and grabbed a foot of the asshole.

"I will, have a good night," he said dragging the idiot with him.

"Get that cut on your head looked at too, Bruno," shouted Peggy.

"I will," shouted Bruno.

I helped Peggy into the car shaking my head. As I got in, Peggy pulled my lips to hers. We kissed for a long time. When she pulled back, I started the car and we went home.

* * * *

When we got home, I parked in the drive, went around to Peggy's side of the car, and proudly walked her up to the front door. Yes, I was showing her off to the neighbors.

"What if someone followed us home?" she asked.

"This is Texas! Do you think someone would be stupid enough to break into our house?"

"Well, no, I guess not."

"Besides there are cameras on the front of the garage, they will video the entire night."

"Oh," she replied as I unlocked the front door.

We both went in I locked it behind us. In the bedroom, we both undressed. I was finished first so I pulled down the bedclothes. Peggy went into the bathroom, naked, to do her nightly ritual. I followed so I could do mine. I finished first. I turned on my bedside lamp, turning off the overhead. We both climbed into bed at the same time. Peggy rolled to me, looking down into my eyes. She kissed me hard. I kissed her back.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked when she pulled her lips from mine.

"I did. I love dancing with you," replied Peggy.

"Good. Thank you for kissing Uncle Jim," I said.

"He's a good kisser," Peggy replied.

"He should be, he has two women living with him."

"Wow!" exclaimed Peggy.

"Yeah, imagine that," I said smiling.

"Yeah, imagine that," she replied. "You would like that, wouldn't you?"

"Not really. It's hard enough taking care of one woman, two would be impossible, for any length of time. One night here and there would be wonderful," I said winking at her.

"Oh shut up," Peggy giggled as she slapped my arm. "Now, two guys would be easy and wonderful to take care of," she said as an afterthought.

I just kissed her again as she was staring up at the ceiling.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you, too," she replied.

"'nite," I whispered as I turned out the bedside lamp.

"G'nite," she whispered back snuggling up to me.

We both fell asleep pretty fast.

Chapter 6

For the next two weeks, we both struggled to remain sane. Although we were both now in top physical condition with all the sex we had after discussing what we were about to do this coming Friday. Just thinking about it caused me to get a hard-on. Peggy told me she walked around all day wet and had to wear a sanitary napkin. We made love every night. Slow, romantic love. On Wednesday, she cut me off so she wouldn't be sore on Friday. I nodded. She did however offer to suck me off, but I refused. She smiled at me.

There were still a lot of things to get in order, so we talked every night. She decided she wanted me to leave my desk before she got there then I would quietly come back once she was in Allen's office. With Carol, I would be with her as she explained to Carol what was going on. Now all that we needed was to see if Allen and Carol would cooperate with us.

The day was here. It was Friday and I was sitting at my desk staring at my computer screen keeping an eye on the clock down in the corner. As I sat there, I had a thought and started up my webcam. I turned it so the camera was looking straight up, but when I left my desk I would turn it so it was pointed at Allen's office. He was also on his computer. Then I had the stream go to a file on my computer so I would have a keepsake if anything happened. Then I hid the window behind several others I had opened.

It was time. I got up from my desk and went to the bathroom. I washed my hands and stepped out, watching the corridor past my desk. I saw Peggy and my heart skipped a beat as I saw her go into Allen's office. I decided to wait a while to give Peggy time at least to open the deal. After about five minutes, I silently and slowly slipped back into my seat. I was hiding behind my monitor, with my feet pulled back under my chair so if and when Allen looked at my desk he would be unable to see me.

I brought the camera window to the front. Peggy was sitting on the edge of Allen's desk facing him with her legs slightly spread. Allen was staring intently at her legs and what was under her skirt. Allen looked away from Peggy's crotch, went through a stack of papers, and pulled out a folder handing it to Peggy. She smiled then frowned, handing it back to Allen. Shaking his head, he took the folder from Peggy, opened it, and taking a pen scribbled something on the piece of paper. He then closed the folder and handed it back to Peggy. She once again opened the folder and reread the paperwork inside. Smiling she nodded.

She opened her legs wide. Allen looked over at my desk. I sat very still. He then turned back to Peggy's pussy, which I could also see. Allen took a deep breath and then slowly lowered his mouth to my wife's pussy. Peggy was watching his every move and I could tell when his mouth touched her. She gasped, then shook, and clamped her hands on his head. I peeked around my monitor. Peggy looked over at me and smiled. Then her eyes rolled up into her head. She turned back to watch her pussy getting licked. For the next half an hour, Allen licked, sucked, and ate Peggy's pussy.

When she collapsed back onto the desk, Allen stood up pulling her ass to the edge of the desk. Peggy sat up quickly, pushing him away. He looked dejected as Peggy stood up. I slowly moved from behind my desk and crept away. Turning I watched from another doorway as Allen kissed Peggy passionately. She kissed him back just as passionately. Then she was turning to the doorway. I came out of the doorway I was in and started walking back to my desk. Peggy's eyes brightened as she caught sight of me. Allen stopped in his doorway.

Peggy was in my arms as we met at my desk. She kissed me hard, then stepped back. I sat down looking up at her. She smiled at me. She had the folder in her hand. I closed the camera down, saved the file to my disk, then logged off my machine. Allen was still standing in his doorway staring at Peggy dreamily.

"I'm taking my wife to lunch," I said over my shoulder as Peggy and I left.

"We have to stop at HR on the way out," said Peggy.


"Well, he was going to give you a raise anyway, twelve percent, so I really didn't have to go through my entire spiel. He hadn't signed it yet..."

"So, that was what he signed?"

"Yep. I just have to drop this off at HR."

"Why did you stop him from trying to fuck you then?" I asked.

"Because he could always not turn this in or put a stop to it. I told him once the raise shows up on your paycheck I would be in his office the next Friday."

"So, which option did he choose?"

"Both, kind of. Ten weeks of eating me and fucking, just like his call girls do," replied Peggy.

"I want to be there."

"I know, dear, that's why he agreed to let you in his office and you can video the whole thing."

"How the hell did you convince him to do that?"

"He said he has fallen in love with me," Peggy whispered.

"What?" I almost screamed as we walked into HR.

"Shhh... who does this go to?" asked Peggy.

I took the folder from her and walked over to Silvia's desk.

"Oh, hi Jeff. Whacha got for me?" she asked.

"Mr. Decker asked me to bring this down," I said handing Silvia the folder.

She opened it and smiled.

"Yep, we have been after him to sign this. Wow, twelve percent, lucky you," said Silvia smiling up at me. I blushed. "Now all we need is Mr. Prescott's signature, but I'm sure Allen will have talked to him by now."

I was frowning. Turning I saw that Peggy was gone. I nodded at Silvia and rushed back to Allen's office. Peggy was there. I grimaced as I watched. I went to my desk pulled a thumb drive out of my pocket and down loaded the video I had made. As I stood there waiting, I could see that Allen was cowering in his chair. I started another video, my cam was still pointing at his office. My computer dinged at me. I pulled the thumb drive from the slot and went into Allen's office. Neither of them said a word.

"Here's that video of you and Allen sweetheart," I said handing it to Peggy.

She smiled at me as she turned back to Allen. He grimaced.

"It's unfortunate there's no sound, so nobody will know what he really said to you honey," I said smiling at her.

As I stepped aside Allen reached for the thumb drive, and Peggy pulled it back against her chest.

"Don't you dare? Now you know what you have to do or I will never come to the office again. And if my husband gets fired for any reason, I will come down on you personally so hard you won't know what the fuck hit you!"

Allen just stood there staring at Peggy. He looked over at me pleading.

"I watched you," I said softly. "Peggy wait outside please?"

Nodding Peggy went out the door to my desk and sat down. She smiled as she saw the video recording. I sat down in one of the chairs in front of Allen's desk like I had so many times before.

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