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Anything You Want


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"Was it good for you?" I asked.

Allen sat back in his chair looking at me, surprise on his face. I just smiled at him.

"Yes. And I envy you. You get to do that as often as you want," he replied.

"I do. I can also tell you that fucking that pussy is 1,000 times better than eating it," I said. "So, if you want to get your dick in that pussy, I would call Mr. Prescott and talk him into signing my raise. If you want you can even lower it to ten percent, unless, of course, you really think I'm worth the extra two percent. I know my wife's pussy is worth ten times that though."

Allen stared at me for some time. We had many a conversation about women, just not about Peggy. Allen picked up the phone and dialed. When Prescott answered, Allen looked at me. I just stared back at him. He started talking about what a great worker I was and that I deserved every penny of what he was proposing. He would have liked to give me more but he knew that twelve was the limit this year. They talked for a good ten minutes.

"Yes, he's had offers at other firms, he says he likes it here, but things could change with the way the economy is shifting around and I want to keep my good people, Jerry," Allen finally said. "Sure Jerry I understand, but yes, he is that good. He can do things with computer code you wouldn't believe. Yes. Of course. Thank you, Jerry. Yes, I'll be at the Monday meeting. Good. Bye."

Allen dropped the phone back in its cradle looked at me and smiled. I smiled at him.

"I haven't had any offers," I said smiling. I know I'm as good as he said I am and I could do things with code that none of the other coders could.

"What us men won't do for a little pussy."

I chuckled at him nodding.

"You'll have to tell me more about that pussy," he said.

"If I know Peggy, she won't be back here until it shows up on my paystub," I said.

"Then I guess I won't be seeing it for three weeks, it will take a week to get routed, then another week with the payroll geeks, and by the third Friday you should see it on your paystub. Crap." Allen ran is hands through his hair.

"Will it be backdated from the date of that letter?" I asked.

"Probably, so, that first check will have about four weeks of that increase on it."

"Well, you waited this long, three more weeks won't kill you," I said getting up. "I'm also leaving early. Peggy and I have an appointment with her boss."

I winked at Allen. He just laughed. I went back to my desk stopped the recording and shut down the program, saving the file to a flash drive. Peggy looked at me as she got up.

"Three weeks from today, we will know for sure," I told her.

She smiled at me, turned, and went into Allen's office leaning down she kissed him hard. He was surprised but kissed her back just as hard. Peggy stood up and left his office.

Chapter 7

Peggy and I were at her place of work. She led me into Carol's office, closing the door after her. Carol looked up from some paper work she had on her desk.

"Well, what are you doing back here?" she asked.

"I'm here to negotiate my raise," replied Peggy smiling at Carol.

"Really? And what do you have to bargain with?"

"Him," said Peggy turning and pointing at me.

I just smiled at her. Carol was a beautiful woman. She looked even more beautiful than the last time I had seen her. I winked at her. Carol groaned as she looked me up and down.

"How much?" asked Carol.

"Ten percent," replied Peggy.

"Hmm... I was just filling out your paperwork. I can't give you ten percent. How does twelve percent sound?"

"That'll be just fine."

Carol started to clear her desk of the paperwork smiling the entire time. I waited, watching her as she worked. Peggy reached back, grabbing my hard dick and squeezing. When Carol finished clearing her desk, there was one piece of paper still left there. She sat, took a pen, and signed the piece of paper. She then handed it to Peggy. My wife looked over the piece of paper nodding to Carol. Peggy didn't hand the paper back to her.

"Okay Jeff, work your magic sweetheart," said Peggy

"Let me go clean up first?" asked Carol.

"That's okay," I said, "I don't mind."

"NO! I'll be right back," she replied hurrying out of the office.

Peggy wrapped me in her arms and kissed me. She stood back looking into my eyes.

"Now, you do her good. And if you want to you can fuck her, really hard," whispered Peggy. "In fact, I want to watch you fuck her. Make her scream."

I was a little shocked, yet we had talked about this very thing not that long ago. Was it just yesterday? Then Carol came back, closing and locking her door as she did. She grabbed my hand, leading me around to the back of her desk. She leaned against the edge of her desk. I grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it up. She was naked from the waist down now. Looking at her right hand, I saw pink cotton panties between her fingers as she gasped. I pulled the panties from her hand. She tried to keep them from me, but I was stronger than her.

"No...," she gasped as I put them to my nose and sniffed.

"Mmm... very nice," I said looking at her pretty pussy as I sniffed.

Her panties didn't smell all that bad. In fact, they smelled very nice. I put them on her desk, grabbed her by the waist, and lifted her onto the desk.

"Oh!" she huffed.

Her pussy was shaved clean, not a stubble mark on it. It was very pretty. Leaning in, I sniffed her, moaning. Looking up at her eyes I found her staring down at me, eyes wide, mouth open, nostrils flared, waiting for me to touch her sex. Leaning in slowly, I poked her labia with my hot, wet, tongue. She jumped as my tongue touched her. She tasted good. I pressed forward between her labia. She was wet and getting wetter as I pressed into her. I felt Peggy next to me, watching me. I looked up at her, she was videoing us with her phone.

When I started to lap at Carol's pussy, she flopped back on her desk holding her hands over her mouth to muffle her screams of what I assumed had to be joy. I was enjoying eating her pussy. It was so nice and smooth on the outside and the inside. I would have to get Peggy to start shaving her pussy also. For the next twenty minutes I licked, sucked, and kissed Carol's twat. She was almost on the verge of passing out several times. Then I felt Peggy at my zipper. I had the world's hardest hard-on. She gently undid my pants and then pulled me up. I was standing there, my cock was right at the entrance to Carol's vagina.

"Fuck her," whispered Peggy.

Pushing forward, Carol jumped, looking up at me when my cock touched her pussy lips.

"Fuck yeah," she shouted as I slide right into her body.

She was tight. Tighter than Peggy. I slammed into her tight pussy to my root. She took me all the way. My balls were resting against her ass cheeks. Pressing my hands to her breasts made her shake all over.

"Oh, god damn," she groaned as I squeezed her tits.

As I slammed into her, I unbuttoned her blouse. She groaned as I did, head up, eyes open, looking down at her pussy as I pounded into her. Once I had her blouse unbuttoned, I pulled her up to a sitting position, her ass on the edge of the desk so I could still fuck her. Pushing the blouse off of her shoulders, she let it slip off her arms. Then Peggy was behind her, undoing her bra. She was now naked on her desk watching my cock slam into her hungry pussy. I caught a glimpse of Peggy videoing us. She also had a hand in her panties, frigging herself as she filmed us.

I was almost there. Carol had been coming for quite some time. I leaned forward and kissed her for the first time. Suddenly, she went wild, kissing me back, bucking her hips to meet my every thrust. I pulled away from her, looking deeply into her eyes.

"In or out?" I asked.

"In. In me. Please cum in me?" she sighed.

Then I was coming. I slammed into her one last time and grunted as my cock pulsed inside her. She bit my shoulder as she screamed in a tremendous orgasm. I just hoped Peggy had got her cum face. Carol was now leaning back on her out stretched arms looking at me with lust in her eyes and on her face. I gently pulled out of her body, quickly knelt, and started to clean her pussy. Then Peggy pushed me out of the way and went to work on Carol herself. Carol bit her arm as she screamed with another orgasm looking down in wonder at Peggy. After about fifteen minutes, Peggy stood helping Carol slip off her desk.

"I want a copy of that," said Carol pointing at Peggy's phone.

"Of course," replied Peggy smiling at Carol. "So, was he as good as advertised?"

I just stood there, with my droopy cock, and pants around my ankles, smiling at Carol. She looked at me critically this time, yet she was now rubbing her pussy gently.

"Yes," she croaked.

Stepping up to her, I pulled her lips to mine. We kissed gently. I stepped back before it could go any farther. Bending down, I pulled up my pants, buckled, and zipped them up. Carol frowned.

"Where are my panties?" she asked.

"Behind you on your desk," Peggy replied. "If it wasn't for me you would lose your head."

"Well, I just did! Where the hell were you?"

"Between your slutty legs sucking my husband's cum out of your slutty cunt!"

"Stop!" I shouted. "Are you two like this all the time?"

"No," said Carol and Peggy together.

"But this is the first time she has...," said Carol hesitating looking up at me as she pulled her blouse on, sans bra.

"Peggy?" I asked.

"Sorry," she whispered.

"I'm not the one to apologize to," I said softly.

"Carol, I'm so sorry," she said hugging Carol.

"I'm sorry too, Peg," said Carol hugging Peggy back.

The three of us looked at each other. We all smiled nodding. I hugged Carol again, no kissing this time. She hugged me back fiercely.

"God, Jeff, you made me feel so good," she whispered.

"I really enjoyed you, Carol. I loved sucking your bald pussy. I really loved fucking your bald pussy," I replied.

"Next time I get to suck you off first," she whispered.

"We'll see," I whispered back stepping away from her.

Peggy and Carol looked at each other for a long time. Then they hugged and stepped back. Peggy took my hand and led me out of Carol's office. She drove me back to my workplace so I could get my car. And yes, if we started at the same time and got off at the same time, we could have taken one car. But Peggy stared at seven each morning and got off at four Monday through Thursday. On Friday she got off at eleven in the morning. When we got home, Peggy was standing there waiting for me as she got home first. She looked at me with lust in her eyes.

"You up to fucking your wife?" she asked.

"Always," I replied taking her hand and leading her to the bedroom.

On the way, we both stripped off our clothes. We were naked as we fell into bed. Peggy was giggling and I was laughing as we bounced on the mattress.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" asked Peggy as we lay face to face.

"I did. Did you?"

"Yes, I did. It was so hot watching you fuck another woman."

"And when I was watching you and Allen, I was wishing you were getting fucked by him. I so much wanted to see another dick slip inside your wonderful body," I said.

Peggy groaned as her eye rolled up into her head. I reached out and caressed one of her breasts. She groaned again at my touch.

"I wanted to fuck Allen, but I wasn't going to do that until your raise went through," said Peggy.

"I understand, I was right there with you on that. When will your raise be effective?" I asked.

She looked at me with a little fear in her eyes. I just looked back at her with questions in mine.

"It's already gone through. It was on my check today. That's why I let you fucked her."

"Setup," I said winking at Peggy.

She blushed and looked away from me.

"So, how many times to I have to fuck and eat her?" I asked.

"Oh. Uh, let's see, uh, as many times as you want, whenever you want," replied Peggy. "As long as I get to watch."

"Does her husband know she cheats on him?" I asked.

"Hell, he doesn't even know she exists."

"Oh! Why doesn't she divorce him?"

"Because she would have to give him half of what she has and he has nothing."

"Hmm... maybe someone should check into that for her," I said.

"Like who? She's had PIs look into him and they all came back with nothing unusual."

"Well, maybe a computer expert should be looking into him," I said smiling at her.

"I don't want to have you get caught up in her troubles. Just you fucking her once a week will give her what she needs and wants."

"Well, I'll have a look anyway. No harm. What do you think I do for Allen?" I asked.

"You write computer code to... to do what?"

"To attempt to catch thieves."


"But don't tell Carol. Not until I find something. Then we'll talk to her and her lawyer all together."

"Sure. No problem. Now, are you going to fuck me or talk shop all night?"

"I'm going to fuck you," I replied rolling her on her back and getting between her legs.

She guided me to her opening and I pressed into her nice and gentle. For the next hour, we fucked, sucked, and felt each other up. Afterward, we showered and went out to eat.

Chapter 8

On Monday, Allen called me into his office. He smiled at me.

"I have gotten your raise expedited. You should see it on this week's paycheck."

"So, you only have to wait two weeks then," I replied winking at him.

He shuddered sitting there as still as can be for several seconds.

"Okay, you, back to work. You have enough to fill your day?" asked Allen.

"I do, plus I'm going to be working on something for a friend."

"Well, don't let that get in the way of the real work."

"I won't," I said getting up and leaving his office.

I sat thinking about what Allen had said. He might get to fuck Peggy this Friday if my check showed my raise. She would still be stopping by at her usual time to have lunch with me. And if my check got here before her, well she should be happy to fuck him for that. I would talk to her when we were at home. For now, I had work to do for a client that would take me about two hours. Then I could look into Carol's husband. My phone rang.

"Hello," I said, it was my private line.

"Jeff, it's me, Peggy," she replied. I already knew that by the caller id.

"Okay, whatcha got for me, dear?"

She gave me Carol's husband's name, SSN, his employer's name, and a whole lot of other stuff, which is nice to have so I didn't have to look it up myself.

"Thank you dear," I said.

"Thank you," she replied.

"We'll talk tonight honey."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you lots."

Looking at the stuff, I had on Mr. James B. Kiely it shouldn't take me any time to find out what he's doing and who he is. Just looking at the last name, I could see him using any number of derivations of it. Kelly, Kiel, etc. Well, I had other work to do. For the next two hours, I did work stuff. When I was done, I started working on Mr. Kiely.

The first thing I did was ping his phone. I wondered what he was doing at home. Then I pinged his work phone. This showed him sitting outside of Peggy's work. Bringing up a blue print of her building, I could see that he was on the side that Carol's office was on and the door she probably used to go to the parking structure. Why was he watching his own wife? I tried to remember what floor she was on. I then ran the plates on his car. Bringing up a live satellite feed, I zoomed in on his location. Yep, there was the car. A black Ford Explorer SUV. The satellite was one of ours. I switched to IR. Bang. He had a passenger with him. It looked like a female.

I then pinged Peggy's phone. It showed her in the building. I couldn't get a better picture from the satellite, so I searched for the nearest traffic camera. I found one on the traffic signal pole right in front of him. I hacked into the city's traffic cams. When the picture resolved I was looking into the front windshield at Mr. Kiely and a blond bimbo I didn't know. I took stills and sent them to the printer. Now to find out who she is. I took her face and ran it through our facial recognition software. After about two minutes, her name came up. She had been arrested in the past. A long time ago. Petty larceny. She now worked for a PI. The same PI that Carol had used. No wonder they didn't find anything on Mr. James Kiely.

I then searched for his bank accounts. Bingo. He had four in his name. I then let the software try every derivation of his name. This would take awhile. Of the four I found, two of them had almost nothing in them. I bet these were the ones he let Carol see. The other two were full, with half a million in each. I then checked the accounts to see where the money was coming from. It was mostly his paychecks. But there were a lot of five thousand dollar cash deposits too. Looking back at James and the bimbo, I saw they were kissing. I took a bunch of stills. He was mauling her tits too. The software dinged at me. I looked at about ten, yep, ten accounts with different names, yet the signature cards all had the same signature on them, just the different last names. Of the ten accounts, three had over a million dollars in them. The rest only had a hundred thousand each.

Looking back at the camera I saw Miss Bimbo had her head in Keily's lap. I snapped several more stills. I was also recording the entire video. I was trying to track down where all the money in those other accounts came from. But seeing as the names used didn't really exist it was hard. As a last resort, I tried his SSI. Bingo. He had used his real SSI on all the accounts. I smiled at myself. Several other programs that I had started were now dinging at me. I now knew he didn't work where he said he did. In fact, there was no record of him ever having worked anywhere under his name now. I had another sudden thought and ran the name through a database we had to check if the person we were interested in was an undercover fed or cop. In just seconds, it displayed 'UNKNOWN' at me. I then tried the other names I had. They to displayed 'UNKNOWN'. So, he wasn't an undercover fed or cop. Then who the fuck was he?

For the rest of the afternoon, I kept plugging away. Allen never bothered me. By quitting time I had a bunch of shit on this guy, just not who he was. I had enough on him for Carol to divorce his cheating ass and take half his money unless it was the place I couldn't see mob money. Then that was on him, not Carol. When I was packing up to go home, I took one of our special laptops. It had all the software I would need to show to whomever I wanted. I had never taken one out of the office although they made them for us to use outside the office. I walked into Allen's office carrying the laptop. He looked at me.

"Oh my," said Allen. "Who?"

"A friend of my wife," I replied.


"James Kiely."

"Never heard of him," replied Allen.

"Me neither, but I got a lot of shit on him. Lots."

"Okay, but don't lose that," he said pointing at the laptop.

"I won't unless some asshole hits me over the head."

"Well, I'll call security to accompany you to your car," he said picking up the phone.

While he did that, I pinged Kiely's work phone. It was across town. I pinged his personal phone. It was still at home. I then checked Peggy's she was in her car on the way home. She usually beat me home. I checked Carol's she was still at work. Suddenly, my phone warned me that I was being pinged. I hurried back to my desk and started a sniffer program. I was being pinged by Kiely. I shut my phone down. I watched as his phone moved rapidly like it was flying through the air. It landed just outside my work location. Who the fuck are you James Kiely? I checked our outside cameras. His car was parked across the street. I shook my head. I then realized that he probably had cameras in Carol's office.

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