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Aprons For Gayle Ch. 16

Story Info
Breakfast in bed.
8.4k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 16 of the 20 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 01/17/2014
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to JonB1969 for his editing skills. This chapter's two bits are from reader's comments, which were really appreciated!

I've written a one-shot story in BDSM, but it didn't really delay getting this chapter out. I've been 'out of sorts' lately. It's called, "Driving Adventure."

We last left off with Hamish punishing Gayle for sassing back to him...in a bad way. She wants a little freedom, but doesn't go about it the right way.


Saturday, September 7th, 2013

"You've been a bad boy, haven't you?" I circle Hamish slowly and deliberately, like prey.

He is standing naked at the foot of his bed, his hands cuffed behind his back and blindfolded. His shoulders are tense, yet he stands strong, his legs occasionally wobbling when I run my fingernail down the small of his back. His cock is rock hard, twinging when I run my fingernails over an ass cheek, then the other.

"Yesss, Ma'am," he grunts.

Hearing the incorrect title, I smack his right cheek then the left. His cock springs up in response. "Now, now, Mr. McDougal," I say, my tone heavy with authority and mockery, "is that how you are to address me?"

"No, Mistress. I'm sorry, Mistress."

"Yes, I'd say you are pretty sorry. Why are we here?" I ask him, standing beside him so I can get a look at his face.

"Because I burnt your breakfast, Mistress."

"That's right. I think you did it intentionally so I'd have to make it for you. Am I correct?"

He hesitates a moment, and I can tell he's struggling with the correct response.

Eagerly awaiting his reply, he finally says, exasperated, "No, Mistress. I ... I told you I can't bloody cook!"

It takes everything I have not to laugh, but I do smile. "Well, in that respect you were correct. Do you think I should still punish you?"

I don't care what his reply is. I'm going to enjoy punishing his ass regardless. I am going to tease him relentlessly until he begs me to make him cum.

This time he doesn't hesitate. "If it pleases you, Mistress." His breath is heavy now, causing my swollen pussy to tingle and ache, the moisture building thickly.

"Good answer. You're learning," I say sarcastically. I love using the same words he's used against me.

Standing in front of him, I look up and down at his taut, muscular body, admiring his effort of working out to be in the best shape possible.

"Now, remind me again how many sausage links you burned, Mr. McDougal."

"I burned three, Mistress," he croaks, his voice ripe with tension and dread.

"And the toast you happened to crisp to a charcoal black and now only suitable for a hockey puck?"

"All four, Mistress."

"Hmm. So, that's seven. Somehow I don't think that's enough. Should I double or triple the punishment?"

I can see his Adam's apple rise and fall as he swallows hard from his foreboding situation. "Whatever pleases you, Mistress."

I'm not sure if he is repeating that because that's what he thinks I want to hear or to make me angry. I don't tell him how many he will receive. Instead, I unlock him from the restraints then instruct him to bend over, place his elbows on the mattress, keeping his forehead on the mattress and his legs together. If I tell him to spread his legs, I just might hit his jewels with the leather strips of the flogger, and Mr. McDougal's jewels are a useful tool; tugging and pulling lightly with a gentle squeeze always gets his full attention.

When he is in position, I slowly run the pads of my fingers up his back, starting from the crack of his ass to the nape of his neck. His skin breaks out in goose flesh as he inhales sharply. I know I have him right where I want him.

"Now, Mr. McDougal, I want you to count off each punishment as I give them to you. You will not be allowed your safe word, but you may use red or yellow if need be. Yellow I will lessen the impact, red I will give you a moment to gather yourself. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress," he sighs.

"Good. I won't tell you how many you will receive, but you will count." Smiling, I stand by his hip, rub his ass once before giving it a good smack.

"One, Mistress."

Apparently he's been working out his gluteus maximus as well because my hand stings more than his cheek, I am sure. I smack his other cheek with the same impact, and this time I'm sure I broke the bones in my fingers.

"Two, Mistress," he grunts.

A bolt of lightning from the window distracts me for a moment, and I decide to use the riding crop to save my precious hand. I run the rubber square over his ass cheeks before I swiftly slap each, listening to his reaction. His grunts tell me the impacts are enough, but not too much. With each smack he counts off, and his cheeks grow to a very pretty pink.

"Eeeeight, Misssstresss."

A deep rumble of thunder fills the room; I am too busy to have noticed the lightning. I spend a moment and rub his cheeks, smiling when he groans at how sensitive his cheeks must be feeling.

"You're doing well, pet," I tell him, satisfied he is taking his punishment very well.

But instead of a reply, I hear a gravelly, throaty snore.

"Mr. McDougal! Am I BORING you?!" I ask, my tone as livid as I can make it.

A sudden flash of lightening causes me to hesitate and look out the window. Sheets of heavy rain are pelting the panes, the instantaneous boom of thunder erasing the falling water streams.

Again, Hamish snores, so I slap each of his ass cheeks, but this time he doesn't count off, nor does he move. I look out the window again, expecting the rain to be gone, but instead it still trails down the window, another flash of lightning and thunder makes me shudder.

I bring my hand back to smack him awake, but the back of my hand vanishes into thin air. "What the ..."

Her legs kicked out from under her, her eyes flew open as she looked at the same window in her dream, the window in Hamish's bedroom. Rain was pounding on the panes from the horrendous wind; a flash of lightning made her close her eyes from the sudden blinding assault. Then she remembered what she was doing in her dream. She was punishing Hamish.

Hamish!?! What the fuck was I doing?! She rolled over when she heard a snore behind her, and sure enough, Hamish was fast asleep and snoring in his bed. She sighed and threw her head on the pillow, thankful that it was just a dream. Then her bladder screamed at her.

Slowly and carefully, she slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom in the hall, since she was more comfortable going intoher bathroom than her boss's. Closing the door, she rested her head in her hand, willing the vision of a Hamish with bright red ass cheeks out of her brain. When she went to wipe herself, she was appalled that she was wet ... wet from the dream? That fact alone instantly woke her up, knowing she was turned on with what she was doing. She didn't have a dominant bone in her body - or did she?

She'd always been self-assured and confident about the decisions she'd had to make in her fairly short life, but she had never controlled anyone else in her life. After her mother's stroke, her confidence had only grown stronger. Still, having a submissive and controlling them was just not who she was.

"Hot chocolate. I need hot chocolate," she mumbled.

Putting on her robe and slippers, she headed downstairs, thankful Bessie stayed in her doggie bed and didn't follow her. Several minutes later, frustrated she couldn't find any, she settled on a cup of coffee and headed back upstairs. For some reason she found herself in the bedroom - soon to be her bedroom, if she behaved herself - and turned on the small lamp just at in the nook.

Wrapping her arms around her knees on one of the two benches by the window, she watched the raging thunderstorm and sipped her coffee, lost in her thoughts of how excited she'd become from the dream.


She jumped a little, though didn't spill any coffee when she heard his voice. He was standing in the doorway, the light of the hallway giving his profile an almost spooky glow. His hair was all tousled, and his boxers were wrinkled from sleep.

She quickly straightened her legs and put her feet on the floor so as not to flash her boss. "Hi, Sir."

Smiling, he asked, "May I join you?" Bessie, who Gayle hadn't noticed standing behind him, barked. "Oh, excuse me, Princess. Maywe join you?"

"Sure." After he sat across from her and Bessie lied down at his feet, she said, "I'm sorry I didn't make you any tea. I thought you were sleeping."

He waved his hand. "It's alright. You're quite calm right now." She looked at him confused. "I believe I recall you telling me you get ... hyper during storms."

"Oh, right. Ican get hyper, if I'm not half asleep."

"Hmm. How's your bum?"

She should have been used to his abrasiveness, but it still caught her off guard. "It's fine, Sir."

"No lies, Gayle. How do you feel about earlier, your punishment?"

"What?" The question was out of left field, which stunned her. She hadn't really thought about it. "It, um, took me a while to get to sleep."

He smiled, but she wasn't sure how to take it. "No, I meant what did you learn?"

"To keep my big mouth shut," she replied honestly.

He laughed, just as his face was illuminated by lightning. "That's not really an answer."

She shook her head. "I know, Sir. I deserved it, but I'm not sure I liked not being able to keep some things to myself. I wish -"

Stopping suddenly when a bolt of lightning lit up the small space, her breath caught in the back of her throat, and her mind went completely blank. She hated that familiar, embarrassing burn on her cheeks. He was incredibly gorgeous, more so than she ever had seen him before. His eyes sparkled - rays of amber shot from the corneas. His ruffled hair made him look like a little boy, a precocious, curious, innocent little boy. But fuck, he was hot as hell; that's what her pussy screamed at her. Wanting to run and hide, fearing he'd read her thoughts, she turned and stared out the window.

They sat in silence for several long minutes before she said, "I get hyper during thunderstorms because one summer, when I was with Granny and Grandad in Florida, a tropical storm came through. It scared the shit out of me. I went crying and screaming into the bathroom and locked the door." She laughed at the memory. "I wouldn't come out until Granny promised me hot chocolate. Anyone could have bribed me with hot chocolate."

He smiled at her. "I'll have to remember that."

Taking a sip, she said, "I thought it was strange how the birds sound different here, but the thunder does too."

He laughed. "Yes, that is a little odd, I must say."

Again there was silence between them. Gayle fought with herself whether she should tell him about her dream. After all, he'd told her he considered withholding anything akin to lying. But this wasn't anything she did. It was a dream. A verystrange and sexually charged dream.

"Gayle?" She looked up at him. "Open your robe and spread your legs."

"Wha'?!"Not now, not here. Not after -

"You're wet, aren't you?" he asked, his tone laden with lust.

Her stomach dropped and her pussy tingled at his accusation. "How did ... How do you know?" Nothing short of putting an iceberg on her cheeks would keep them from burning crimson.

"I'm a jack of all trades, lass," he replied, sitting up straighter.

Oh, he knew, alright. He could smell her lust, see her chest rise and fall at exposing her sex to him, see her nipples pressing against the thin material of the robe. Aside from that, hisother little princess talked in her sleep, but he wasn't going to tell her that.

It wasn't the fact that she was half asleep that lowered her inhibitions but the fact that for the first time in five weeks, shewanted to. Never before had she gotten blue balls - for women, it's that painful time when she is so turned on, so wet and horny that her clit has swollen and begging for attention.

Keeping her eyes locked onto his, wishing her heart would stop pounding so damned hard, she slid a forefinger down her breastbone to her stomach, allowing the hem of her robe to part slowly, teasingly. With her other hand, she slowly pulled the belt at the waist to untie the knot; at the same time spreading her knees. As wet as she was, she felt her juices drip out from her cunt as her pussy was finally on display.

He gave her a crooked smile, he leaned forward, and raised a single eyebrow, though kept his hands to himself. She tried to avoid looking at the tent that was now displayed in his boxers, the tip peeking through the hole.

Her mouth went dry at the thought of what she wanted to do with it.

Now that she had his full attention, she brought her hands up to the collar of the robe and pulled it down her shoulders until it fell on either side of her. She sat there trying to catch her breath but failed miserably.

"You are an incredibly beautiful woman, Gayle. Have I told you that?" he growled, leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees.

His deep, sultry voice sent a wave of chills through her.

Her cheeks turned a blood red. "Yes Sir," she replied bashfully.

"Do you fancy me?" he asked, his tone changing to apprehension.

She sighed heavily and had a mental battle with herself. Tell him she's attracted to him, and it changes the dynamic between them. If she tells him no, things remain the same: She continues to give herself to him and pretend she doesn't enjoy it.


Well, fuck. "I love your accent."

Hamish's head flew back as he laughed and shook his head. "You Americans go daft for our accents."

"Yeah, that's true, at least for me." Running her hands through her hair, she told him, "Ham ... Sir, I think you're sexy, and ... I love your eyes. And you're -"

Stopping in mid-sentence, he knelt in front of her - gently pushing a grumbling Bessie aside - put his hands on the outside of Gayle's thighs and looked over her face. He sighed heavily, having his own inner battle. Reaching his hand up, he cupped her face, circling his thumb over her upper cheek.

"And I'mwhat, Gayle?"

Oh, dear heaven, someone kill me now!

"Say it. What else do you think of me?"

"You have been kind and thoughtful, though sometimes you have a funny way of showing it. You're gentle, and youcan be fun. And," she started, shrugging her shoulders and giving him a little teasing grin, "you're cute, I guess."

"Not handsome?" he asked, slowly sliding his hands up the inside of her thighs.

Her breath caught in her throat, and she gasped for air. Leaning back, slowly giving into his advances, she replied, "Sometimes."

His thumbs traced along her labia, pinched them together that added pressure to her clit. She closed her eyes, afraid he could smell her sex, just as she could. He moved his left hand to her hip, gently kneading her flesh as he ran the pad of his thumb from her drenched, hot cunt to her clit.

"Hmm, little fawn, youare very, very wet. What, pray tell, ever got you in such a state?"

He pulled his hands back and placed them on her knees and scooted up a few inches.

Ranting, speaking so fast even she couldn't understand what she was saying, she told him, "I had a dream I was ... using the riding crop on you because you burned breakfast but then the storm woke me up."

Raising an eyebrow, he gave her a crooked smile. "I take it you enjoyed spanking my bum?" he asked, his voice teasing.

There was no way she could get out of the fix she was in. "Not really, no, not at all."

"Good. I wouldn't like it either." Standing up, he said, "Come on. Let's get back to bed."

A few minutes later, they were back in Hamish's bed, Gayle lying on her right side facing away from him. She was mortified, but whether it was from the dream or the fact that she was still horny as hell, she didn't know. Her clit was still throbbing and painful, and no matter how she positioned her legs, the aching never went away.

Trying to go back to sleep was extremely difficult because Hamish had cuddled with her, his heart pounding against her back, his hand laying gently on her shoulder. What was worse was that his still rock hard cock pressed against her ass cheeks. She wanted him -really wanted him. She'd never instigated the sex before, and she didn't know if he'd even go for it. But then again, what man would turn it down?

Giving it a shot, she grabbed his hand on her shoulder and brought it down in front of her until his arm draped over her waist. Without any prompting from her, he cupped her breast, squeezed it a few times before he relaxed it.

Moving before she even realized it, she rolled over onto her side and looked into his eyes longingly, apparently conveying to him what she wanted. Smiling, she put her hand up to the back of his head and gently pushed his head toward hers until their lips met. Both of their eyes still open, their kiss grew as their lips melded together, both of the hearts pounding in perfect rhythm.

Hamish took Gayle's right hand into his and pulled it up over her head, holding it firmly; with his other hand he ran it up and down her body slowly, caressing every inch of her but leaving her pussy alone. With his flattened hand, he circled it over her erect nipple, eliciting a soft moan from her as she finally closed her eyes. With every scrape of his fingernail from her neck to her inner thighs brought goose bumps over her entire body.

"Hmm, Sssssirrrr," she mumbled as their lips parted, though she was too embarrassed to look at him. "Do you think you could ... I mean, it's been two weeks since I've been using the plug daily. I'm pretty empty. Do you want to try ... you know?"

"I wouldn't have thought you were up for it yet. Are you sure?" he asked.

"Not really, but ..." She laughed nervously.

"Well, I'm not laughing," he replied. "Let me just get lube."

Pushing himself away from her, rolling onto his back then his other side, he had such a momentum going that he couldn't stop himself in time before he headed off the bed, head first, his feet flailing in the air as he yelped for help in a very manly scream.

"Hamish!" Gayle screamed as she threw herself off the bed with her head hanging over, looking down on him. He was lying on his back, his head just an inch away from the nightstand. "Are you okay?!"

Bessie, her tail wagging vigorously and licking his face even more so, was afraid her daddy was hurt. "Bloody hell, dog! Get off!" he grunted, pushing her away.

Gayle burst into a fit of laughter, which didn't make him very happy. "Seriously, are you hurt?"

He narrowed his eyes at her and looked up at her angrily. "Yes, I'm hurt!"

Between chuckles, she replied, "Your pride, maybe."

"Yeah, well," he grumbled as he sat up. "It's certainly nothing to laugh about."

"Yes, it is. I wanted doggie, butyou got it instead."

Finally, he couldn't hold back his own laughter and laughed along with her as he got on his feet, pulled out the bottle of lube and condom from the nightstand and took off his boxers. Fortunately for the both of them, he was still hard.

"Make some room for me, lass," he barked, but flashed her a grin.

"Well, let's see if I can do this more gracefully than you just did," she teased as she scooted over facing him.

"Oh, hush, will you!" he spat as he slipped on the bed.

Controlling her laughter, she watched him as he got on his knees toward the end of the bed and patted his thigh. "Are you still up for this?" she asked seriously.

He grumbled again, reached down and held his dick. "No worries here." Then he slipped on the condom.

Getting braver than she'd ever had before, she got on her knees facing him. Putting her hand out, she asked, "May I?"

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