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Astra Pt. 06

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The story of Astra and Jack continues.
44.2k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/17/2019
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Artificial Sentient Terraforming Robotic Automaton (ASTRA)

Synopsis: With the fall of humanity the fate of its survival and resurrection resides in the hands of a very attractive female Android and the man chosen to be that champion; Jack Travus.

Inspired by so many things but not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm May 2022. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without prior authorization in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Author's Warning: This section of the story contains an incest scene between twin sisters.

Author's Note: Originally released © EmotionalStorm July 2019, this is an updated version with hundreds of edits/corrections. For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer. I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them.


Jack woke several hours later from a blowjob from Olivia and he just unloaded on her. She got covered in a river of cum. She looked up and laughed, "Fuck that is a lot of cum."

Grace smiled and pulled the top-heavy blonde back and started sucking her tits clean. The ladies dogpiled her into a fit of screams and giggles as she was attacked by all the wives but one.

Katlyn looked at him, "You are a fucking outstanding lover."

Jack smiled, "You in no way disappointed me, my Irish Rose."

Katlyn smiled, "One of my favorite flowers. Along with honeysuckle, snapdragons, and the scarlet pimpernel. You are a big OX though. Especially down here."

As she grabbed his cock. He smiled and held her up and stuffed it into her in one long slow push to the bottom which sent her howling out an orgasm.

He rolled them off the bed and carried her that way into the shower. He smiled as he turned on the water. She moaned as he put her against the wall and fucker her at a steady rhythm while she clawed into his neck and back. He finally alleviated her struggles and sped up on her. She held tight as he exploded up into her.

She shook from it and looked at him, "My gods! My mother will flip when I tell her how you fucked every wife into submission last night. Starting with the 2 new ones."

Jack nodded, "You found a favorite yet to spend time with?"

She sighed, "They are all quite lovely women. I would say ladies but some of the things we did to each other were far from ladylike."

Jack laughed, "Sprits get a hand in you?"

Katlyn nodded, "Not that she had to stretch me any after your solid pounding of my holes but to get both stuffed by her hands, and then Ash, Akio, Grace, and then Olivia as they started up on her and I took my shot at all of them as well. Kind of empowering. Never done that to one of my female lovers. Only had a couple and I thought they knew how to get me off. Fuck was I wrong. Your ladies are tenacious."

Jack smiled, "Especially the fiery one in my hands."

Katlyn nodded, "Yeah, I guess I earned that after my little display at the barn. Getting spanked by you was a new experience. Never had a lover that did that before either. Kind of enjoyed it as it got my adrenaline going even more."

Jack nodded, "A motivator to keep fucking away and getting it done."

She nodded, "You got me done alright. Fuck."

She kissed him and he let her down. Ash dove into Katlyn's pussy and held her against the wall. Aiko went and sucked Jack off again. Sprits came in and could not decide which lady she wanted to stick fingers into. She decided on both Ash and Aiko.

That soon turned into both her hands. The images were too much for Jack and he signaled Aiko. She sucked him down and Aiko took it all in. She kept a mouthful and fed it to Katlyn in mid-wail from Ash's attack on her. Grace took it slow with Olivia.

Jack knew which one she liked the best of the two. She loved them both but she was focused on one. Sprits seemed to like Katlyn the best of the two. The others just loved them both as they were new and unique. Ash and Aiko never paired off like some of the others. They enjoyed time evenly with every wife and Jack, including Astra.

Jack dried off and walked into the room, "Looks like you found a new girlfriend. No need to look at your list."

Grace looked up and smiled, "I got room for a couple more girlfriends. You're right that we have kind of connected. I love her accent. Katlyn is lovely as is her accent but Olivia's is more 'refined.' Katlyn is a bit rougher. It depends on my mood as to whom I spend more time with."

Jack nodded at her.

Grace smiled, "Besides I have one message for you to look at and it might fill the holes nicely. At least you could."

Jack laughed as she pulled up a file and threw an image with the message on it up on the wall. Jack sighed, "Ever since you met Sprits's twin sister you have been dying for me to take a set of twins into our bed."

Grace smiled, "Read."

Jack read it aloud, "Let us see, 30-year-old twin lesbians who enjoy each other's company and those of the ladies. They talked about who their dream 'man' might be to take into bed and after watching Jack's wedding video they knew who they wanted. They are not Anti-man.

Yet with the numbers, they had not pursued a man they found they could like together. The lone man they thought might fit the bill in college found out it was twins who wanted his services. He shot off in his pants and was done for and passed out. They left him in the hall with a sign that read 'premature dick.' On it."

Jack laughed. "Alright, they have spirit and are wanting. I cannot make out nationality from them."

She nodded, "That is where it gets interesting. Mother was French Polynesian and Thai. Their father was African and Pilipino. Both deceased. Neither has taken the cure stating if they took it, it would be from one man."

Jack sighed, "So they will be even more beautiful and look even younger than they do now."

Grace nodded, "Likes and dislikes." He read through both lists but she highlighted one. 'Dislike of pubic hair.'

He sighed, "What about skills. You know colony life."

She nodded, "Meet Dr. Pela Jackson an OB-GYN pediatrician and pediatric surgeon. Her sister, Dr. Velma Jackson. Doctorates in xenobiology, microbiology, geology, and archeology. Both were child geniuses. NO sword work listed."

He watched as all the ladies read through the ladies' likes and dislikes and degrees. Aiko nodded, "They can fill many unpopulated roles while you fill many untapped holes."

The ladies laughed at that and Grace asked, "Show of hands from the ladies?"

They all raised their hands for these 2 exotic beauties.

Jack nodded, "location?"

Grace smiled, "Hawaii."

Jack nodded, "This trip is all about the island girls."

They all laughed at that as Katlyn had to agree, "It appears that way."

Jack nodded, "Alright Grace. You go into the bedroom office and contact them. The rest of you get dressed. Let them know about swords and hybrids. I want their thoughts on it before I talk with them. If they are passivists, tell them we can teach them the defensive side to protect themselves. I see they both have shuttle licenses. That is good. We need to get the two new wives shuttle qualified."

Katlyn looked out, "Flying in space. By ourselves?"

Jack nodded, "Think of it as a Hoverbike."

She laughed, "Not the same feel."

Jack nodded, "Sprits, take her up in the Lancer Mach II version V. Wait you will have to get someone else to do it as you are grounded."

Sprits groaned, "Just pregnant...Alright. You will love it. A two-seater fighter. Used in training new fighter pilots. There are 2 on each base. That will give you some adrenalin. I'll get Steve to take you out in it."

Olivia looked over, "No fighters but I would love to learn the shuttles and Grace mentioned you would likely teach us bridge skills like tactical and communication. I would not be comfortable at tactical. Piloting and communications I could see."

Jack nodded while Katlyn sighed, "Communications would probably be a bad idea for me as most have a hard time understanding my accent or I get flustered. Then I start cursing at them in Gaelic. I suppose piloting and tactical. Plus, fighting. I want to get where I can kick the Ox's ass in a fight."

The ladies laughed and Aiko smiled, "I have decades of experience and I find him a challenging opponent. If he ever brought everything to bear on me, I would never beat him. I have seen him do it to a few cocky kids who joined our marines. Our internal security if you will and the ones who train for boarding actions. I am the 'Admiral' in charge of them. Grace is technically the Admiral over his battleship and Jack is the Command Admiral who uses that one as his flagship while here.

Olivia might become the Medical Admiral with Vee leaving. You might be a commander in the Science wing for your Botany skills and a liaison to the non-Home Guard workers because of your brewery skills. They all love your mead by the way. The only alcohol on the planet, except for a few stills people put together but that stuff is not very palatable."

Jack nodded, "You could work to make more than mead while we are away. Beers and wines as well."

She nodded, "I could but they would all be honey-based. I cannot stand the other swill. Now a honey-based vodka or whiskey even. Those might be interesting. I need to pull up all my research from the school."

Astra walked in, "You all have local accounts using the same passwords you had before on the planet. I set them up in all of your rooms down the hall."

Jack stopped her, "All the wives have a separate room. It has a bed for when the ladies want some 1-on-1 or 1-on-many away from the main bedroom. The big reason is half the room is closet space for the wives. You all get separate closets. While uniforms, dresses, and anything you brought with you will grow. Grace will be taking the wives on shopping expeditions. How much am I worth right now?"

Grace looked over, "In the business account. 10.78 trillion TCs were generated after your construction costs finished for all 9 projects to the tune of 8.43 trillion TCs. Your personal account has 3.1 Billion TCs."

Jack nodded, "We might have to tighten our belts financially as you just heard." Jack rolled his eyes while the ladies laughed.

Except for Katlyn, "You are bloody wealthy to boot."

Jack smiled, "We are. There were no prenups. Grace can set you with access to the family account. Have Katlyn get the materials she will need for 3 more breweries. Olivia needs to review all the things we have for the lab and find anything she thinks we are missing and get with Astra. How much is in that account?"

She looked up. Grace smiled, "1.2 Billion. All samples sold out and all taxes were paid. They have a backlogged list of those wanting more."

Jack nodded and he heard his holovid beeping. He got to a chair in the corner and angled the holovid for waist up. With the ladies out of view. He answered it and it was the President.

President Grendal smiled, "Jack, I called earlier and spoke with Astra. I see why you like her. My wives like her as well. I have a couple of dilemmas I need your help with. Would like to see you in person. The Capitol just landed in Dubai while you slept. Could you and Grace come alone? You can bring your swords but please keep them put away. You have some people anxious after the issues with Gonzales. I would like to see the two of you in an hour and Grace is coming as your lawyer in the matter as well. No charges, this is just an inquiry."

Jack nodded, "Understood and will comply."

Jack shut it down and sighed, "He knows my other wives are hybrids and wants to limit it looking like a hybrid vs whomever issue. He knows if he bared us from bringing our swords, we would politely reject his offer. We have snuck them through security before and their guards cannot touch them."

The ladies nodded and Katlyn asked, "What happens if they touch them."

Jack mentally flung his sword into her hands and she looked at it. "Nothing happened."

He floated it. "Now grab it." She saw her hands bounce away from it. "You can keep their mitts off of your swords."

Jack nodded, "We can."

He got up and decided on a business suit today, a medium blue with a steel grey tie.

Grace followed his example after she came back, "We have a pair of twins to pick up and they are fine with learning the sword and becoming hybrids. Once I explained why you levied that as a condition for marriage. For the children and the wives' survival. Pela is a blue blade, easy to tell. Her sister might be a purple blade. She has a fire about her and I investigated her. Velma is an academic who is an advocate of fair rights. She sounds like a Justice type."

Jack nodded, "I know that would please you to no end. To have a second female Justice in the marriage."

Grace smiled, "Nice but not required. Just extremely nice."

The ladies laughed and Sprits yelled out, "Yes more ladies to play with! I believe in marriage. I just believe in having a lot of wives for variety. I have always been about women. He just came in and stole my heart. He has the only cock I need."

Jack saw a bunch of nodding heads. He knew his addiction, family history, what the government did to his anatomy via the AIs, and what the Drakor DNA appeared to do for stamina to all human hybrids played a role in their confirmation of that statement. The ladies did benefit the most from the relationship. They always had a lover they could relate to in some manner. Even when he went into creative seclusion which had not happened for a while. Grace geared up for it.

Grace knew she would end up taking over while he stepped aside to do what he needed to do to stay sane. She rarely gave him grief about it anymore because she always saw the results. They were mind-blowing things he had been working on or completed. The two of them went and got into his shuttle, "Merlin and Divine Grace are taking Danyelle to the Capitol. You got command of the base as usual."

He heard a laugh from Zack, "Alright father. My mother is not going?"

Jack smiled, "She is working to keep our 2 new wives and hybrids entertained. We have 2 more to look into while we are away."

He heard Zack laugh, "Save some for me."

Jack smiled, "Astra, new filter. Take all of the remaining wife requests and filter them against all of my sons of age and see if there are any matches for them. At least 3 each should do it. Then look it over for the ones who will be 18 soon. A longer courtship if you will."

He heard laughter on the comms from his younger sons for putting Zack on the spot. He finally heard, "Alright, Protocol people. Good thing we are running our own encrypted communications band. You are cleared to launch Danyelle, Good luck down there."

Jack took the shuttle out and he approached Tera-5 at port speed. "Tera-5 tower, This is CHGSH-1 Danyelle heading for the Capitol in Dubai."

Jack heard back, "This is Tera-5 tower, Stay at port speed and we are giving you a glide path to the entry window."

Jack nodded, "Thank you tower."

He took it down and came in from the ocean, "Dubai tower. This is CHGSH-1 Danyelle heading for the Capitol. Need a glide path please."

He heard back, "That ID, wait, you are with the Ceti ships correct?"

Jack smiled, "Yes, this is Merlin. Jack Travus, those are my ships from Tau Ceti."

He heard back, "Glide path established contact Capitol tower for landing instructions."

Jack called out, "Capitol Tower, Merlin is back. What pad do you want me on?"

He heard the guy laugh, "You did fine on Pad 1 last time. Use it again Merlin. Nice flying in Death Valley by the way."

Jack nodded, "Thanks. Now maybe they will leave the course alone so our records stand longer."

He heard the man laugh as Jack landed on pad 1.

They exited and the troops did not question them this time. They walked through security and Jack nodded to the head guard who had been the young pup many years ago. He smiled, "Welcome back Mr. Travus. Your escort will be here shortly."

Jack nodded. "Good."

Jack went and stood with Grace when a new blonde bombshell intern walked down the hall and they met her halfway.

She smiled, "The President asked me to remind both of you to stay calm and keep your blades put away for this meeting."

Jack nodded, "Yes I know his direction. I also get this meeting is going to be confrontational if he has others reminding me as well as Grace now."

She smiled, "Just..."

Jack nodded, "I know following orders."

She smiled and walked him to a door. "Inside. This is as far as I go."

Jack nodded and walked into a small office with some of the President's security. They nodded at him and the woman at the desk pointed. "They are in the meeting room waiting for you."

Jack walked in with Grace. They were both shocked to See Gonzales present with her team of lawyers. Several members of Congress and weapons manufacturers with their lawyers. Jack saw the entire side of the table had all of them and there was an open side with a couple of chairs in the middle.

Jack looked at President Grendal, "I am missing a few lawyers it appears. I need my team from Australia if I am dealing with the Weapons Manufacturers."

Grace handed him a pad. "The files are here."

Jack ran the line of them and hit accept.

Jack nodded, "Now all of them have received their notifications and there is no Weapon Manufactures holding a contract to use my patents at the moment."

President Grendal sighed, "I understand why you did that. I did just blindside you by having them here but had hoped you would wait until after our discussion."

Jack shook his head, "We will work to find you others to make the weapons you need but it will not be these criminals."

Jack sat down with Grace, "You called this meeting Mr. President. How is this going to proceed?"

Gonzales looked over, "I want him arrested for cutting off my hands!"

President Grendal looked at her, "I think the courts would understand when the evidence of over 2,800 children that had been sired by him was kidnapped at your direction for experimentation. All to try and find a way to kill a hybrid that would not affect the general population. Those experiments killed the children in your research facility."

Grace grabbed Jack's arm and held him in check at this revelation. Gonzales looked at President Grendal, "You have no..."

President Grendal shook his head, "All of your co-conspirators kept tabs on all of each other's illegal activities. A blackmail file of mutually assured self-destruction. Enough to end your retirement benefits because it occurred while you were still in the military and then continued it. Those funds will be confiscated with interest. Arrest warrants are out now for over 800,000 people involved in your circle of corruption. There was even evidence of voter tampering.

You financially supported the third-party runner who ate up your main opponents' votes through various political action committees. You did not give them to yourselves. Not all of them. 25% of your votes and 10% of your ghost challenger through your actions. You are corrupted to the core. I agree that Jack crossed a line. I would also agree if it were my offspring that had been killed by your actions, I would have taken it further. In that instance, he showed great constraint."

President Grendal looked at her hands, "They appear to be growing back just fine. Just as he said they would. With one of his offspring's blood in your system, you are 20% Drakor. The files also have damning information on all the lawyers, congressmen, and weapons manufacturers present. A level of corruption like this has not been seen in ages. Those remaining members of Congress have enacted a provision to grant martial law over the world.

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