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Astra Pt. 06


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It could add centuries to your lives where you could act as a known adviser. One who dealt with 2 corrupted congresses and a murderous President-elect that had crimes too numerous to mention. You will be a respected statesman never again planning to hold office. In 10 to 20 years you can let them know the offer was extended to you because you were a man of honor. Also, we felt it took many good years away from you and your wives. We could take you to the ship.

I can get a squadron of my fighters here. You can visit with the crew, to talk with the people from Tau Ceti. Some who are not my children and not hybrids. Meet Dr. Vee as she plans to return to Tera and relinquish her spot in our group. She wants to talk with her peers about colony life and the lessons learned from Tau Ceti. She is not a hybrid. Right now, there are roughly 200 hybrids. I married 2 more ladies last night and they chose to be hybrids.

I kind of made that an underlying requirement because of Danyelle. If she had the reflexes of a hybrid, she might have avoided that asteroid that killed her. At the very least it might not have killed her if it just nicked her instead of dead center. She traveled in an EVA suit as a precaution because of micro-meteors, if enough of those meteors hit they can bring shields down quickly."

Brenda looked at her husband to get his thoughts. Jack had floored them with the offer. President Grendal looked at her, "On this one my love, I will follow your lead."

His other wife Valery smiled and nodded, "The choice is yours."

Brenda looked over, "What is involved?"

Grace explained it to her and that with the dermal regenerator she could be out and walking about in a couple of hours. In a day she would not need it.

Brenda smiled, "Would you also allow us to go to Tau Ceti if we wished instead?"

Jack smiled, "That is your choice to make together. You would be welcome. Regardless if you choose to become hybrids."

She looked over, "Then I would choose to do it. I want more time with my wife and husband. Our children are grown and have lives of their own. One or two might go but it is a chance at a new simpler life."

President Grendal nodded, "I thank you for that gift of time."

Jack nodded, "I would recommend that your wives start carrying laser swords in public. You can always say with the threats leveled against your husband it is never too late to learn to defend yourself. You can only make 3 hybrids and each one can make 3. You must follow the code. Become one with the sword. Embrace your nature. Red, blue, or purple. The sword will have a name that best describes you. Keep it in your clutch.

Procreate, tubes tied or birth control can be bypassed by a hybrid to make a female pregnant. Last, but not least; work for the betterment of humanity. Know this is a lifetime appointment. Quitting is death. We will get you a few of our belts; gifts from Tau Ceti. You focus your telekinesis on it and you have a shield belt for protection that will still allow you to fight with a sword. An item that does not have a patent on it yet. I might set it up as a foundation for those who have a demonstrated ability with telekinesis to get one."

Brenda smiled, "I would travel back with you?"

Jack nodded, "Yes. We might have a slight detour to Hawaii. I have 2 more wife candidates that are looking to join us from Grace's list. They have no sword experience but they have a lot of useful skills and are willing to learn. Hire yourself a good instructor. Find the fighting style you like best. I know many."

She nodded, "I have some ideas in that area already."

President Grendal rolled his eyes. "You want me to marry your 20-something cousin. The one who is a master at Capoeira and Kenjutsu."

Jack looked over, "That is another tenant; for us humans. Fuck like mad and have lots of children."

Everyone laughed at that. President Grendal sighed, "I don't have the stamina."

Jack smiled, "You have the stamina for two wives and this will double your stamina when you go through it. It will ensure you are all fertile for a long time. Listen to your wives. Happy wives."

President Grendal nodded, "Happy lives."

Jack smiled, "You decide to marry her, let them know you had planned to do it when you got out of office. Because of the extension, you said fuck it. Let's do it."

His wives smiled at that. President Grendal looked over, "She is a lovely woman."

Brenda commented, "She sure can lick pussy too."

Jack backed up, "TMI."

Grace shook her head, "I would like to hear more."

President Grendal was saved by the bell with a knock at the door. He heard, "They are ready for you."

Jack and Grace followed him out and back into the meeting room. Gonzales stood with her lawyers.

She sighed, "I want a press conference to announce that I am pleading guilty to the research facility. That I am pleading no contest to the other charges because they center around trying to eliminate Alien influence in our society. The others will plead no contest or get tried and sent with us most likely. I want house arrest with all communications monitored I know. I must drum up some support to fill these colony ships. I do not want you or your fucking AI hijacking my press conference."

Jack nodded, "AFTER you have pleaded guilty before a judge in open court. To the murder and kidnapping charges associated with that research facility. The fact that 'alien influence' in your eyes extended to all hybrids as you do not see them as human. I will have one of my own to refute whatever you try and say against me. Including all the audio and video I can muster. You attack me and the other hybrids directly in your speech.

I will take you to task on the level of detail you give. I will hit you back 10-fold in the data Astra can collect. I will also stipulate that you call for a time of peace and restraint so the work of getting these colony ships built can be completed. Any violence we trace back to you and your house arrest moves into solitary confinement on the dark side of the moon. As it will take longer to get rid of you. By the time this is done the next 2 Dreadnoughts will arrive in this system.

One will go out as far as the first system you will come to and return. It is not the system you are going to but it will ensure you comply with leaving the area instead of trying to bring those ships to bear on a colony like Mars. It will not engage with you at all unless you attack it foolishly; in which case it will destroy your military capability. It also increases the range of how far our hybrids can travel in that direction.

If a problem arises in the future. Making it easier for us to pre-explore some other locations as well. Your ships will be stripped of Tera transponders. A new design for transponders is on my patent list. It will be more useful for communicating with the tower with colonies coming online with their transponder identification. The old transponder designs will become useless here. All patents I file will be held in a protective archive until after you are gone. Stealing patents is not beneath you.

Astra will be sure to scan all your systems and remove all patent designs you are not allowed to have. The real Tera military will follow behind. That new dreadnought will lead the way and clear a path through the asteroid belt for your ships to follow. We will not wait for the best corridors to be aligned. We will create a new one just to get rid of you faster. That lead dreadnaught will be told to travel to the first system. To monitor your progress and not to contact you.

The moment you drop from FTL in that system, it will depart. I will give you the lessons learned for the Tau Ceti run. The periodic stops to check all hull integrity and system status. When you arrive, it will turn around and be gone as you hit the edge of it in a year and a half. I will not be on that dreadnaught. I have a few other telepaths to draw upon to establish that location. Also, as far as house arrest goes. Outside of any major city. Not the home in the middle of the defense contractors; that will be forfeited.

Essentially what you take with you is what you have. Unless you set up a credit system there will be no TCs here for you to come back to. Any of you. All bank accounts would be seized and property held in trust until your departure. That order should be signed before you leave this room. It is a good thing for you that I brought my attorney. She can still practice law here and can simply go down the line with all of you here and have it filed with the judge pending your appearance in court. Where it will become permanent."

One of the lawyers asked, "You mean the defendants. Right?"

Jack looked at her, "You brought a listening device into here and the records prove you colluded with illegal activity to forward her agenda? Do you want Astra to go through all of your computers right now to answer that question? Anyone who thinks they should not sign it Astra can pull those records. The President is likely to order all of your business and personal assets seized because of the crimes against Tera."

She looked over, "That would be an illegal search."

Jack sighed, "She is not human and does some things on a whim. How do you prosecute an AI? You like the rules that protect you from shady business dealings. You brought a device in that makes you and your firm open to investigation."

President Grendal jumped in, "I want it signed by all the defendants and all of the lawyers who brought those devices into the Capitol. Any that do not will be held by Capitol police for 48 hours, within the law. Meanwhile, search warrants will get issued and executed on your businesses and family activities including your children."

Another man yelled, "That is not fair. Why bring our children into this!"

President Grendal looked at him, "Because you killed 2,854 children in your actions! You conspired to commit murder. Every single one of you, including some if not all the lawyers here. You are looking at significant charges if you helped to hide or facilitate their illegal activities.

Remember what I said earlier. State of martial law. That gives me broad power. I did not want or ask for that power. If you force me to bring that down on you, by God I will! Including ordering a deep dive into all of your computer records and what you knew of this activity if needed."

Grace finished drawing up the document as a template and then worked with each of them that were signing. The 2 men and 4 women who refused to sign got their IDs striped and taken into Capitol police custody on the spot. The rest, including the lawyers, were taken to separate detention facilities. Grace worked with President Grendal and he sent it directly to the World Court. Due to the level of charges and precedence it set, they agreed to take the case.

Grace sent them all the signed forms. She also sent them a couple of her petitions. President Grendal had the Attorney General issue the search warrant for all business and lawyer offices. All personal accounts for the 6 that did not sign the order; he stipulated their children's records be examined if anything was found on the parents' guilt.

Jack told Astra, "Two squadrons of lancers over the waterway near the Capitol outside of Dubai. If asked why they are there, inform them that President Lucas Grendel has requested First Lady Brenda Grendel travel with Jack Travus. She is going to speak with the crew on the 2 Dreadnoughts on a fact-finding mission. With hybrids and non-hybrids about colony life in Tau Ceti."

Astra laughed, "Added and they are on their way. A squad from each dreadnaught."

Jack looked at President Grendal, "Grace, draw up the form to deal with the fine on my business for 1 trillion TCs for my action on Ms. Gonzales. Namely cutting off her hands while in custody. Given the extenuating circumstances, 2,854 deaths of offspring were sired by Jack Travus, and I have agreed to this solution. The funds are to go toward the distant penal colony solution. That solution will include Ms. Gonzales and her co-conspirators.

Namely to build the ships and outfit them for 30 years on what should be a 20-year journey. Then a second one, of my own volition and to aid any sympathizer of any age who wishes to join Ms. Gonzales at this new penal colony. Jack Travus has graciously agreed to give another 2 Trillion TCs to finance the construction and outfitting of these ships with the ambitious plans to have them all completed in 2 years.

The ships will not have transponders and will for all intended purposes be going on a one-way trip with military escort vessels. All ships built under this effort will be built tax-free! To provide additional ships for those who wish to follow Ms. Gonzales to a penal world free of 'human hybrid' influence. We cannot guarantee alien influence, but I, Jack Travus, as the leader of the human hybrids, agreed to mark that system as out-of-bounds.

Meaning our human hybrids will never approach, or help the people in this one system. Giving those who truly wish to go that route the opportunity to be free of human hybrids. As long as they do not attempt to declare war on the rest of humanity. In which case we will come in force."

Jack looked over at President Grendal. "We will sign and release the first one after she has pled guilty. I do not need to stand before a Judge. My attorneys in Australia can do it with my prepared statement. My presence is not required as I am not under arrest. I am agreeing essentially to a corporate fine for an attack that caused no lasting permanent physical damage. I already knew she had the cure in her system.

I just had not known at that point just how many of my offspring had been killed by her actions via her illegal research facility. All to find a way to kill all hybrids and potentially the Drakor. That she increased her percentage of Drakor blood to 20% from using the blood of those children she killed, my children. She worked in complete opposition to her no alien influence policy. That she is just a power-hungry selfish fucking hypocrite."

Grace looked at Jack, "I will write this up and you are right as this fine is coming at a business level by the government to be used for this effort."

President Grendal nodded, "That will work. It kills a couple of birds."

Jack looked over, "Get that off to them now and get it in front of a judge and released as soon as she pleads guilty in open court."

President Grendal nodded, "I have Security Services working on her home for house arrest including guards inside and out. She will hate it. Especially the random drug screenings with the results published. I know she takes vallum. I just do not know how much she takes. Her assets are covering the cost of her incarceration. She will be in front of a judge in a few hours if I have anything to say about it. A banishment from Tera for her and all who join her to go to this penal colony."

Jack smiled, "Can I suggest 2 or 3 of these ships be prison ships to go to the penal colony? From your existing overcrowded jails?"

President Grendal smiled, "As many as 5 to 10 ships. That will get me some poll numbers for clearing the prison population problem. The worst of the worst life sentences first. Also, all the Tera-1 conspirators we still have in custody. Then volunteers from the prison to go."

Jack shook his head, "Intermix them with the conspirators. Else she will just destroy the ships with convicts in them as an act of defiance and another display of hypocrisy. We limit her shuttles to one per battleship and one for the hospital ship. That way she cannot easily make any big personnel changes quickly. Also, send those she sent to jail from the military side for breaking rules when she was in charge. Those who would love to face their hypocrite of a disgraced former Admiral.

Those she put into jail for life while being a hypocrite. Let her know she can try to change crew assignments and locations once she has jumped out of Tera space. All exterior airlocks will remain sealed. That includes shuttle bays until they are out of range of your military escort. The blueprints for the rail guns will not go into the system until after they are out of Tera space.

We can build the ships and upgrade all the other weapons. You have my assets with those who will help to protect Tera until we get the new guns in place. It will be guns and additional power cores for those guns. I build you any new ships from my factories then they will have the guns before the blueprints drop."

President Grendal nodded, "Agreed. Right now, that makes you my weapons manufacturer as you hold all the patents."

Jack nodded, "Find me one guy who is into building weapons and has integrity and if he is the right guy, I will make him a hybrid and set him up in business to do what you need. There are a bunch of seized assets coming out of this and people looking for work. I need an honorable leader. Astra pull-up the heads of the unions that worked those facilities. Give me the list of the top 3 or 4 rabble-rousers from those unions. We turn the businesses into new union-owned entities. Geared to quality products and not gouging the workers or the government."

President Grendal nodded, "That is a solution for the long run."

Jack smiled, "Let's get in the air Grace. Are you joining us, First Lady?"

Brenda nodded, "I packed an overnight bag with a couple of changes in clothes."

Jack smiled, "I will ask my wives, Aiko and Sprits, a red and blue sword wielder to act as your guards going around. Sprits can keep you inside a telekinetic shield and Aiko will put down any threat. She is an empath as well. Not that we expect anything other than a warm welcome for you."

Brenda nodded, "Good to know."

Jack shook his head, "I will add Ash to that list. She will watch your back. She was the hybrid built by the Drakor. I do not expect any problems aboard the ship but want you to feel secure. You let me know if that is too much."

Brenda nodded, "Three women bodyguards."

Jack nodded, "Talented too."

Grace looked at Jack, "I sent a message to the new ladies. They will meet us when we land."

Jack smiled, "Astra, tell the Tower the First Lady is getting ready to depart with us and my two squadrons will be joining us over the Capitol."

Astra smiled, "Messages sent and the pilots are on the move."

Jack walked out with Grace and the First Lady and they boarded his shuttle. He looked over, "You can take the second chair if you like. The view is better."

Brenda nodded, "Thank you."

Grace smiled, "I am working on paperwork so keep each other company. Sending a message to the ladies to meet at the Spaceport shuttle area."

Jack nodded, "Tower this is Merlin with an extra passenger. I have one of the First ladies, Brenda Grendel aboard so she can visit the men and women aboard the Tau Ceti Dreadnoughts."

He responded, "You are cleared. Use the call sign DF-2 Presidential when dealing with other towers."

Jack smiled, "Like Merlin isn't enough."

The guy laughed, "You can add that as well."

Jack smiled, "Tower taking heading 200 at 10,000 meters. Flight leader, When I get in position, protection formation."

He heard, "Roger, Merlin."

She looked, "You hit a switch when talking to your fighters?"

Jack nodded, "Secure encrypted link. It allows my craft to talk with each other without being understood by anyone trying to listen in. They all have them. The ships do a random number generator to change the encryptions every few hours. They are synched through each other and the Dreadnoughts."

Jack headed south, "Dubai tower, This is Merlin with an additional call sign of DF-2 Presidential we are skirting your perimeter. The fighters are from my ships and providing protective cover."

He called back, "Good luck Merlin. Thank you for the explanation of all of the fighters. The DF-2 callsign explains that."

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