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Astra Pt. 06


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Jack had them change course a few times to avoid all the towers and flew over open water past India, Australia, and finally toward Hawaii. A couple of fighters went to interdict them near Australia but never got within range of the collective.

He contacted Hawaii early. "Honolulu Tower, This is DF-2 Presidential. I have a 12-fighter escort and we will be on the ground for only a few minutes to pick up two ladies. Dr. Pela and Dr. Velma Jackson. Twin sisters if you could have them at the pad you assign us, we will be gone that much sooner and have my fighters out of your air lanes."

He heard back, "DF-2, Pad 12. Glide path sent. Ask fighters to circle above at 15,000 meters if that is acceptable."

Jack smiled, "Acceptable. Flight leader, we will be making a stop at Honolulu Spaceport. You will circle above the location at 15,000 meters. I will go for a vertical ascent and join you as we head for home. Kirishima Commander Zack, Undock and meet us in orbit to dock with the battleship above Hawaii. Full scans inside and out. Check for explosives and life forms. Also, stealth suits."

He replied, "Every hour on the hour. Just scanned Sir. Pulling in our guard detail at the Dock and we will be with you shortly Command Admiral."

Jack smiled at the First Lady, "Good kid. He is essentially the XO on the ship under Grace and I run things when I am on board. I shuffle the two battleships between bases. I try to spend an equal amount of time on both."

She nodded, "Sounds like you have your children in a lot of key roles."

Jack nodded, "On these 2 groups. Not as many on the other 84 battleships we have back there at last count. Also the other 4 dreadnaught bases we have in service. I brought many of mine back as I wanted them to see where we came from. Feel it firsthand. We gave them the choice and some stayed behind. Some were dying to see grandparents or aunt and uncles on my wives' side."

Jack heard, "This is Honolulu tower. We see you on approach and we are sending you a glide path."

Jack nodded, "Fighters climb to 15,000 meters and wait above Spaceport for my arrival. Tower when we leave we will request a 90-degree vertical assent. I have fighters and a battleship in orbit waiting for us."

He heard from the tower, "Understood, let us know at the time and we will work with you."

Jack took it into the pad and slowed it down at the last 300 meters and set it down nice and easy. He saw the two women smiling. He looked past them on the flight line, "Tower we got a hostile target on the tarmac with an RPG! Squad leader, get down to my position and scan for explosives. Eliminate targets! They are waiting for me to drop shields which I have not done. Grace, send a..."

She nodded, "Asked them to step back into the terminal for a moment. We have a threat out here."

Jack focused and put a telekinetic wall just beyond the shields around the ship. He took it up 1 meter and opened weapons bays. The man ran but did not get far when his legs were blown off by one of Jack's fighters, "Admiral, I am picking up 12 moving hostiles with explosives and your shuttle has some."

Jack nodded, "Fighter Squadrons deploy. Assign targets Squadron Leader. We are protected."

The other fighters came down and found their targets. 6 of the RPGs fired on the shuttle before the others arrived; however, they did not live long afterward. 3 surrendered, 1 escaped into the building, and 2 died when the PD laser on the fighters destroyed the rocket inside the launchers."

"This is DF-2 Presidential, to tower. My fighters are staying put because your Spaceport is not secure! Give me a senior controller!"

He heard, "This is Honolulu tower, Tower supervisor. What do you need Mr. Travus?"

Jack called out, "The traitor in the tower needs to be taken into custody. I never gave my name, supervisor. Just DF-2 Presidential. Right now, you and whoever assigned me to this suicide pad are suspects. You also did not give your name. I have my lawyer calling Capitol security to have you both detained until they can clear you."

He thought, "Astra, get me information on the men in that tower!"

He looked at the First Lady, "Tell them DF-2 Presidential and give them your name."

She nodded, "Tower this is DF-2 Presidential, First Lady Brenda Grendel, in the shuttle piloted by Merlin. He just averted an attack on this ship and myself. I want answers and I already have my husband on it!"

Nobody in the tower spoke. Jack thought, "Feed-in tower security cameras."

She opened it up and he saw a room full of corpses with one man in a full-face mask leaving with an assault rifle. "Astra, they have no controllers at this Spaceport. I need you to play as the air traffic controller for a few minutes. Give me camera footage of the escape route and we will see if we can find him."

Astra called back, "All cameras beyond the tower have had their power physically cut."

Jack sighed, "This is Merlin with DF2-Presidential and we are declaring an emergency at Honolulu Spaceport. It appeared on the only operational camera in the tower that all the controllers were assassinated! Any nearby local Air Force base or Carrier Group. We need someone to take over air traffic control duties at this facility! Someone tagged a bomb onto this craft at the Capitol."

Jack looked at the feed for President Grendal. "Did you hear me, Mr. President? You and your other wife should get secured now! Get the entire place swept and check your security camera footage."

He got the shuttle down. "Grace, Shield the 2 of you I will deal with the bomb."

She nodded. "Fighters provide aerial cover over the area."

He opened the door for her and got her into the terminal. He heard, "This is the carrier Hawaii. We are dispatching 2 shuttles with ATC personnel."

Jack shook his head, "Negative! Astra, tie that ship into the ground radar from the station. Do not dispatch. We do not know if they left the room functional as he was using an assault weapon. We are working to get you the aerial data so you can tower from there Carrier Hawaii."

He heard back, "I do not know how you did it but we have the feeds. Taking care of ATC functions at Spaceport. Getting a message from the President. He said thank you for taking care of that problem. He will be dispatching agents and ATC people from another location including technicians. We should stand by. He also added, Thank you, Astra. Whoever Astra is."

Jack laughed, "The female AI android on my ship who connected you to the ground radar and managed the air space until you answered."

He heard laughter, "She is skilled."

Jack left the craft in a moving force wall and looked over the bomb tucked into the nose section of his craft near where the lower weapons drop. He pulled up the local police. He got some lady at a desk and she smiled, "Did you get my message?"

Jack smiled. "I got millions of messages I did not ask for this time around. I am at the local Spaceport. All of the ATC controllers have been killed by an unknown gunman. 12 men with RPGs attempt to fire on my craft or my fighter escort. To top it off, someone has strapped a bomb onto the bottom of my shuttle.

I need a bomb disposal unit here ASAP! I have one of the President's wives with me, First Lady Brenda Grendel, so this is rather important. I have evacuated the shuttle and moved people into the waiting area. I will move my shuttle further from the main building.

Look for 4 fighters hovering overhead. The battleship Hawaii has assumed ATC duties but we could use your bomb disposal and Swat units. The other 8 fighters are flying a cap low and over the main terminal."

Jack called out what he wanted his fighters to do and he moved the shuttle further away and walked into the building. He held a shield over the group while Grace tried to remain calm, "These are the two ladies you came to meet."

Jack nodded, "You might have just saved our lives. I think that the bomb has an atmospheric trigger. It gets armed by going into space and then the bomb goes off when you enter an atmosphere, like a shuttle bay. Astra, examine the surveillance footage of my shuttle at the Capitol."

She sighed and spoke through his cranial implant." All the cameras went offline for about 5 minutes. At some point after you talked about the hybrid stuff and invited the first lady up."

Jack sighed, "Surveillance of the hall and surrounding rooms in the Capitol. You got the bugs but someone eavesdropping would be another matter. Secure me a link to the President."

He watched the footage and saw the new intern in the outer hallway listening in. She looked angry and stormed off. Jack showed it to the President.

He sighed, "Not her. The wives were talking with me about getting married to her as well. They were divided. You got the unsure wife. I will handle this side."

He ended the call. Jack shook his head, "Be sure to remind him she was not working alone. Someone took out the surveillance footage for a block of time as well. She had help if she was involved. She could have overheard you about the cousin and this is a second and separate actor."

Brenda got him on the line and Jack focused on the two ladies for the moment. "The President has a real problem with Spaceport security and ATC corruption. He will need to get that addressed as well. It is nice to meet you. We get the bomb off my shuttle, we can get to someplace safe."

They nodded as Velma spoke, "We have been watching the news. We were concerned about what you did to her hands then 'Astra' explained it to us. What you were trying to prove. To the world and not just an act of malice."

Jack sighed, "I knew they would grow back. Just like hair, only faster." They nodded. "How did your interview with Grace go?"

They smiled and Pela spoke, "She is a good kisser."

Jack walked up to Velma and wrapped an arm around her and kissed her with enough passion that she went weak in the knees and her sister helped to support her. Velma looked up, "Wow."

She regained her balance as he grabbed both sides of Pela's face and pulled her in. He kissed her until she was like hot butter. She did pass out on him and her sister caught her.

Velma smiled, "You have been our dream man for 19 years. We were underage but we saw that video and we wanted that."

He nodded and whispered to them, "If you understand Japanese you would see at the end of this video, I married her while nailing her ass for an hour after doing her pussy for an hour. She was a double virgin but still the best cocksucker of the group."

She smiled as he pulled up the holovid and they watched Akio's 'wedding.' He left them his holovid as the bomb disposal guys arrived. He looked at Grace, "You got guard duty." He thought to her, "Wall your group in."

She nodded as he walked out to talk to the cops and one tried to hold him up, "You need to stay back."

Jack looked at him, "My craft. I called it in and I have information about the bomb and it is evidence of a crime committed at the Capitol, First Lady Brenda Grendel is in the terminal under guard. I think you might want to talk with Jack Travus on this."

He rolled his eyes and took him over to a table they set up. Jack looked at the man. "The bomb appears to have an atmosphere switch. Get out, and when you come back in, BOOM. Else you go into a carrier, Spacestation, or shuttle bay with atmosphere and BOOM."

He nodded, "It is powerful and sophisticated. We are not sure how to get it off the hull without detonating it yet."

Jack nodded, "Keep back for a second."

Jack stepped forward and built a force wall box and then a four-part lid of triangles. He then rapidly slid the lid in place from all four directions.

The bomb exploded but the blast was contained. He moved the box toward them, "Where do you want the evidence?"

He looked at Jack, "You wanted us here to collect the evidence. If you got it off whole or not you could contain it. Layout a collection bin for him."

Jack nodded, "Risking no lives. Getting you all the pieces and letting you know this was likely planted at the Capitol."

He heard one of his fighter's fire lasers and Jack looked over, "What happened?"

Charles called out, "Admiral, another RPG guy. Not much left of him."

Jack nodded, "Probably the one who got away earlier. I need to get the First Lady out of here so your guys can secure the scene and get some control here."

The cop nodded, "I have called in for another swat unit. Nice shooting."

Jack nodded, "They have trained for years. Doing humans is hard on any of them. Most of them are all 16-19 years old and some are my children. They did what they were trained to do. Tau Ceti's minimum age to serve is 16 but they train 3-4 years before that while still working on their academic material. They are all working college-level material like I was at their age."

The man had an open mouth and just nodded. Jack took the shuttle back to the door. He thought to Grace, "Get them in quickly."

He had left the door open and landed lightly so they could all get in. He looked at them, "Buckle up. We are going on a rocket ride." The ladies did. As the fighters circled overhead, "Honolulu tower this is DF-2 Presidential. Ready to depart on a 90-degree ascent. I want to get the First Lady out of this war zone."

He heard back, "DF-2, you are cleared for launch."

Jack angled it up and punched it. The fighters fell in line in two wings running beside and behind. He decided to play it safe, "Commander Zack, open shuttle bay doors and then dock us with the base. Fighters provide cover for the Battleship until we are in the protection zone."

They heard from Commander Zack, "Doors are open." Jack took it up and was glad to see he had aligned the door for him to slide right in. He landed the shuttle and got out with the ladies, "You are on one of my Katana Class Battleships."

The first lady looked around, "You designed this?"

Jack nodded, "All of them."

Brenda smiled, "Impressive."

Jack nodded, "Especially for a man that knows nothing of airframes."

Brenda laughed, "I should not laugh. That poor sad man threw his life away but that tragic incident led to change. Your help with the cost analysis and ship reinforcements had a magical effect on military capability. He was able to increase the number of spacecraft in service. Especially fighters at the space stations.

Maintenance costs dropped dramatically with GS gone as ships got retrofitted or replaced. Many of the contractors merged since you left as there were smaller profit margins. Not a lot of investors remained for the smaller returns."

Jack walked her over so she could talk to the crew and learn more about them. He took the two ladies, "Grace told you what would be involved?"

Velma nodded, "Swords and losing a hand to have one attached. Then your code."

Jack smiled, "Our code."

Pela nodded, "Yes, our code."

Jack whispered into their ears, "Looking forward to getting fucked into oblivion and then eating my cum out of each other's pussies?"

They both nodded and Velma smiled, "We wanted a man who could satisfy us in 'every' way and Grace said you own all of your wives' asses. We about fell over. We brought our toys and some clothes."

Jack smiled, "You will have all your needs met. Just do not try your toys on me."

Velma nodded, "Understood."

Jack smiled, "The ladies do not bring toys in the main bedroom. I have seen them in their private quarters. I have been with them and they and I helped to double penetrate all of them. They keep them in their rooms and have mini-parties for that. You will be happy to know I have no pubic hair." They smiled. He chuckled, "Our medical facility can help you to remove it permanently."

Pela nodded, "We spent 30 minutes shaving each other smooth for you."

Jack smiled, "You think I am a good kisser wait until I go down on you. I am a bit aggressive in bed. She explained that?"

Velma nodded, "Hard to cum because some of the nerves were reduced. Said it is a wild ride for the ladies."

Jack nodded, "Any fetishes I should know about?"

Pela spoke, "I want to get fucked in the ass while shoving my hand into her ass."

Jack nodded, "Easy one."

Velma looked over, "Same but with two hands in her ass."

He nodded, "Harder to do. Once you get the cure in you all those orifices tighten up to being brand new. One of my first wives had never been with anyone but she used some massive toys. Once she got pregnant the cure kicked in. The loose holes became tight again."

Velma looked over, "This is something we had not heard. But it does explain what happened with Carrie."

Pela nodded, "One day she liked a hand in both holes, and next week she screamed spray and passed out while crushing my hands. Her last playdate with us."

He got a call on his vid and popped it open. President Grendal sighed, "She heard about marrying the cousin. I told her I might be picking up 2 more wives if the ladies agree. They found a man on the ground using some type of stealth suit.

He blew himself up. Someone in the tower who manned the sensors that would have caught that was taken into custody as it was clear as day. They have bomb dogs searching all over the place." Jack called out, "Astra, Sweep the Capitol for listening devices send the President a list of locations they are going to.

Then destroy any devices at the Capitol. Send him the location of the destroyed devices for analysis. Then search for explosives, including any not known to man as well."

Astra replied, "There are another 20 listening devices added. All locations were sent to the President. Your military hanger that holds your private high-end shuttles for travel.

All of them have been affixed with one or two bombs similar to the one taken off Jack's shuttle but the triggers are different. Let your EOD guys know the remote triggers on those devices have been disabled. Sending schematics of the bomb layout. I cannot disable them from orbit any further."

President Grendal sighed, "Fuck this is getting worse instead of better. Keep Brenda safe and thank you, Astra, for the assistance. I will send word when the bitch is in front of the judge."

President Grendal ended the call. The twins looked at Jack and Pela asked, "This corruption is bad isn't it?"

Jack nodded, "We got a good chunk of it with the last Congress. We are finding another chunk that is smaller at the core but has far wider roots. Yet they are still determined. It has an enormous underpinning with all of these zealots willing to kill themselves for what they are doing."

He walked with one arm around the waist of each lady.

He heard from Astra, "We got 8 stealth ships approaching from the surface. No IDs. 4 more battleships sighted coming in from the other side of the planet."

Jack sighed, "Give me an outside channel!"

He let the two ladies go, "Grace, remain here with the ladies. Commander the admiral has taken command. Get us docked. All fighter aircraft deploy from the carriers. All shuttles, if you are in the air return to base. This is Command Admiral Jack Travus with the Ceti Home Guard to all Tera towers. Are you picking up stealth signatures coming from the planet or in near orbit?"

He heard a response, "This is Tera-1 all detection for stealth spaceships, and the like was stripped under an order that came from Admiral Gonzales. That is a 10-year-old military order."

Jack sighed, "We have at least 12 stealth bogies inbound. They are squawking no IDs. Astra, get me the fleet admiral on the display. Then update the software on Tera 7-12. I own them. Get them seeing them."

The display came online and it was some young ensign. Jack looked at her, "I need to speak with the Fleet Admiral."

Astra told Jack, "It is now 16 stealth ships."

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