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"You too." Allie sat up, sitting and facing me, reaching out to take both of my hands in hers. "Wanted to... so long."

My heart swelled. "Same," I said stupidly, trying to sort everything swirling around in my head into words. The desire and the love and the lust and the amazement. Words were not forthcoming. So instead, I took the hem of Allie's shirt in my hands. "Can I?"

"Of course." With that, she reached for my own shirt, and in a few seconds of fumbling, we both had them off. And once more, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Like I said, I'd seen Allie in a bikini before. I knew the sight of the soft curve of her waist and hips, and how her breasts couldn't have looked more perfect behind cloth. But seeing her at the swimming pool was nothing like seeing her sitting in front of me wearing a pale blue bra, barely veiled desire in her eyes as she gazed down at me. I blushed, remembering that I wasn't wearing a great bra that day, that my stomach wasn't anything like as flat as hers. I stopped caring as soon as she kissed me.

Allie flattened me to my bed, just like how she had done in the backyard earlier. This time, though, instead of cold grass beneath us, there was a soft mattress. And there was skin contact. I moaned into the kiss, running my hands up and down Allie's bare back. Wanting to touch all of her.

When I slid a hand underneath the back of her bra, she arched, pushing her breasts into me. -Oh, fuck-. It took a second's fumbling, but I got it undone, and she shrugged it off her shoulders, rolling me onto my side for just long enough to unfasten mine and let it drop to the floor.

My best friend was lying on my bed, entangled in my arms, naked from the waist up. The girl I was in love with was kissing me, her fingers tracing up my stomach and my rib cage. The girl I had spent so many hours fantasising about was here, and real.

Allie began placing kisses down my chin, and onto my neck, leaving a trail of heat and tingling in the wake of her lips. My head lolling back, I found her breast with my hand. "Oh god, Leah..." whispered Allie, in a voice I'd never heard from her before. I needed to hear more.

I ran my fingertip slowly around her hardening nipple, never quite making contact, and smirked at the way she writhed. Her back arched, pushing her breasts into my hand, and when I shifted my gaze to her face, her eyes were closed. I could see her teeth digging into her lip. I missed the feeling of her kisses on my skin, but there was so much time ahead of us. Right now, what I needed was to hear her moan my name again.

The circles of my finger grew smaller, and Allie's breathing grew faster, until I slowly traced my finger across her nipple. My reward was to see her hips jerk. I let my fingers play all over her breast, finding the places that made her gasp and writhe, until she threw her arms around me and pressed the hardest, deepest kiss I've ever felt onto my lips. My hand, trapped between our bodies, kept working, and when the kiss finally broke, I met her eyes. I didn't look away as I lowered my head to catch her other nipple between my lips.

Allie made a sound I'd never heard before, but one I knew I'd be hearing in my dreams for a long time to come. Her hand came up to cradle the back of my head, guiding my movements with my lips and my tongue. The salty-sweet of her skin, her softness and warmth, flooded my senses, and I couldn't hold back a moan as I ran my tongue around her taut nipple once more.

She pulled my head gently up, and I made a little noise of protest. I could have stayed there, listening to the noises of her pleasure, forever. But she lowered her own head, picked up where she'd left off trailing kisses down my chest, and I was flooded again by my own need. Allie's mouth moved down my chest, onto my breast -- fuck, as her teeth scraped the soft skin. "Mine," she said, in a voice somewhere between a purr and a growl. A second later I felt a warm, wet tongue on my own rock-hard nipple, and all of my senses went into overload.

"Ffff... fuck..." I gasped, my hips pushing up against nothing, but the seam of my jeans tight enough to turn my gasp into a whimper. Allie opened her eyes and looked up at me, slowly and deliberately wrapping her lips around my breast, and I could tell I was wetter than I had ever been in my life. Her tongue was moving perfectly, and the look in her eyes, oh god...

When her lips left my breast, I couldn't stop myself from whimpering at the loss. Her hands, though, were heading towards the button of my jeans, and I immediately moved to return the favour. As I fumbled with the zip of her skirt, I pressed my lips to her earlobe. I let my tongue touch it, then pulled it between my teeth, and her response was the exact same moan I've been hearing in my head for so long.

Once my jeans and her skirt were discarded, I pulled her close to me, wrapping my body around her. Big spoon. I could feel her body against mine, completely bare except for our underwear, and I wanted to touch every inch of her. My lips returned to her earlobe, her neck, the spot just behind her ear -- leaving kisses and bites on every area that had evoked a response from her. And as she gasped and moaned, I let my hand drift down her stomach.

When my fingers slid beneath the waistband of her underwear, her hips pushed forward, grinding into my hand, and she made a high-pitched noise made louder by the bite I placed just over her pulse point. I let my hand move further down, separating my fingers to slide either side of her clit, and fuck, she was wet. I could feel the damp fabric of her underwear against the back of my hand, and my fingers were already slick.

"Oh my god, fuck," panted Allie, her hips rocking. I had almost never heard her swear, in three years of friendship, and that word in her voice lit a fire in my mind. I slid a finger over her clit, and was rewarded with another hissing moan. Pressing my lips and my teeth into her neck and shoulder, I let my finger make tiny circles around her clit. "Mine," I echoed, as I left a mark on her shoulder that I knew would last for days. The sounds Allie was making were spurring me on, and I shifted us so she was lying on her back, and I was half on top of her. Letting my thumb slowly stroke her clit, I sank a finger inside her.

Allie's body went rigid. "Fuck... Leah, oh my god..." she whimpered as I worked my finger in and out of her. Her pussy clung tight to my finger, to the second finger that I eased into her, alongside the first. Her fingernails left tiny crescents on my back. "You're... oh fuck, Leah... I'm..."

"You feel so good," I murmured into her ear, before placing one more kiss on it and pulling away. My body was on fire, and I needed to taste her.

I kissed my way down Allie's stomach, running my tongue inside her navel for a moment. Her little squeal made my heart leap. More kisses on her thighs, and I finally slid her underwear down and off. I was between my best friend's legs. She was completely naked, moaning my name, and I could smell her arousal. Curling my fingers inside her, and keeping my eyes locked on hers, I ran my tongue around her clit for the first time.

Allie's hips bucked, her slick pussy clenching around my fingers. "I'm... oh fuck, Leah, I'm gonna..."

Acting on an evil impulse, I looked up, moving my mouth away, and keeping my fingers still. "What do you want, Allie?"

Allie's eyes were almost glazed over with desire. "Don't stop!"

"Tell me what you want," I repeated softly, letting my breath ghost across her clit. A surge of desire swept through me, and I felt my clit give a throb. Allie's moans were intoxicating. I needed to hear more.

"Please keep doing that... licking me..." she gasped. "Please let me come!"

"Good girl," I whispered, letting my head drop again, taking her clit between my lips. Working my fingers in and out once more. And it pushed Allie over the edge.

The sounds she made in orgasm intoxicated me far more than the alcohol had. Her hips were bucking and rocking, and she was crying out, moans and whimpers that turned into my name. "Leah!" After an impossibly long time, her body went limp. She flopped back against my pillows, and I shifted myself to lie beside her.

Allie flung her arms around me, pressing the deepest kiss I had ever known onto my lips. My tongue met hers, explored her mouth, letting her taste herself. When she drew away, it was barely a centimetre, her breath hot on my lips. "I love you."

We've told each other that we love each other before. I've told Allie how much I love her as she's cried on my shoulder, she's told me she loves me when I've been on top of the world and joyous that she's been sharing it with me. But none of those were on the level of that moment. There was nothing in the world like Allie coming so hard around my fingers, kissing me more passionately than I could even have imagined, looking into my eyes, and saying those three words to me.

"I love you too." Almost as soon as the words were past my lips, Allie laid claim to my mouth once more, lightly pushing me back by my shoulders. She lay me down, on my back, pulling her lips from mine to continue where she'd left off before, and I entwined my fingers through her hair, watching her with half-closed eyes. My body was tight and hot, my desire for this girl unmistakeable; the kisses she was trailing down my body left my skin tingling. It took all the willpower I had to not reach down and draw my own fingers between my legs, relieving the pent-up lust that had been building all night. Her tongue swept across my nipple, and I clapped a hand over my mouth to muffle my cry of pleasure.

"Don't do that," whispered Allie, looking up at me with a devilish grin. "I like hearing you." Sucking, licking at my nipple; kissing her way slowly to my other breast to give it the same treatment. "Just lie back, baby. Just enjoy it."

If there's any sound as hot as Allie desperately asking me to make her come, it's Allie telling me to lie back and enjoy as she brings me to the same edge.

She started trailing kisses down my stomach, and I moaned at the loss of her mouth on my breasts, but knowing where she was going now, I could just about handle the wait. She kissed a line down my stomach, and finally slid her fingers into the waistband of my underwear, pulling it down.

"Holy fuck, you're so wet," she said in a voice that can only be described as a purr.

"You think?" I gasped. "Cause of you."

"Good." I felt a light kiss on one of my outer lips, and moaned urgently, pushing my hips towards her. "You're impatient." "I've been patient for three years!" I moaned, tightening the hold my hand had in her hair. There was a second's silence as I realised the implications of what I'd just said, and Allie clearly did too. A grin spread across her face, before she returned her focus to the task at hand. Her tongue slid between my pussy lips and found my clit.

I never knew it could feel like this. I'd had sex with a couple of people before. Guys and girls. And it was fine, good even. But with just the tip of Allie's tongue on my clit, I was seeing stars behind my eyelids. Her lips and tongue moved and I felt the tip of her tongue nudge my entrance, slip inside me. My hips were rocking, silently pleading for more, and Allie answered with a finger, and then two, plunging inside me as her hot mouth returned to my throbbing clit. Fuuuuck...

I was done for.

A jumble of ecstatic words and sounds came from somewhere deep inside me as the tension that had built up all night shattered. My body couldn't contain it any more. Allie's arm held me in place, but my hips still tried to buck, and her tongue kept on licking, kept me gasping and moaning.

As my body finally relaxed, Allie gave one long, slow, final lick, sending another shiver through my body, before pulling herself back up the bed. I kissed her, less fiercely than before, holding her close to me. Our kisses all night had been passion, excitement, desire. Through this one, I did all I could to convey love. And Allie kissed me back with all she had.

"I love you," I whispered as her lips left mine. Her eyes were bright, and as soon as I spoke, her smile -- her glorious smile -- spread across her face.

"I love you too."

Leaving our clothes where they'd scattered on the floor, I pulled a blanket over us, and switched off my lamp. It must have been well past three in the morning, and I was beyond worn out. There was so much I wanted to talk to her about, but I knew how much time there was ahead of us. Time that we would spend together.


I'm awake, and if Allie wasn't here beside me, I'm not sure if I'd have believed that last night wasn't a dream. But here she is, curled up by my side; dark marks in the shape of my mouth dot her neck and her shoulders. When her eyelids start to flutter, I'm watching her; the first thing she sees when she lifts her head is me. Her eyes, groggy for a moment, become clear as they're looking into mine.

"Good morning."

"Morning," she laughs softly, reaching up to place a soft kiss on my lips. "Wow."

"Wow," I agree. My eyes are still locked onto hers, and for some reason, we dissolve into laughter. I fall back into a lying position, Allie promptly settling down beside me. There is so much to talk about, so much that I want to say. But this moment says it all.

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VirgoPiscesVirgoPiscesabout 1 year ago

I truly adore this story, especially the way that you've ended it. the girls don't rush things, nothing seems forced or awkward or uncomfortable for either

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai643over 1 year ago

A good story!

Is there morebto their story please?

Thank you for sharing!

moimeme68moimeme68over 1 year ago

A really nice story!

curvybibrendacurvybibrendaabout 2 years ago

Such a good story! Thank you for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is the most erotic thing I have ever read! My heart was pounding throughout! Ain't love grand.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story was phenomenal! I'm lying here having fantasies about one of my close friends, remembering how many times I have wanted to kiss her naked breasts, and how I have longed to taste her. This story was so perfect!

Only_connectOnly_connectabout 3 years ago

Great writing, great sex, so exciting... Fabulous!

ScoratScoratabout 3 years ago

God that was hot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Oh no!

So sorry to hear about your hard drive but wanted to let you know I've read this roughly 10 times and it never gets old. Beautiful writing. Seriously hope you are able to continue it. Thank you!

dancingonmyowndancingonmyownover 6 years agoAuthor

What happened next was that my hard drive basically spontaneously combusted and I lost the half-written sequel. :(

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