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All Comments on 'Autumn'

by onehitwanda

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Oh my god, I really missed getting to read new stuff from you. You spoiled us a while back, you know, and I hold you personally responsible for me checking for new stories daily (tragically, not an exaggeration). And, of course, it's everything I was hoping for, and a brilliant start to my day. Thank you for taking the time to write, edit, and publish this for us! I will say that the whole "married and happily ever after" part is usually less interesting to me than your more open endings, but it does make a lot of sense structurally with regards to the introduction, and you did write it so elegantly that I didn't actually mind. So: Loved it! Be back at some point, please? :)

uk_writer_53uk_writer_53over 2 years ago

Absolutely first class....

BBeinhartBBeinhartover 2 years ago

Absolutely beautiful as well as totally hot!! 19 stars at least!!

Smiffy69Smiffy69over 2 years ago

Great story. I do love a happy ending. Thankyou.

JoshFrom53JoshFrom53over 2 years ago

My word. What a beautiful story.

CreepyDragonCreepyDragonover 2 years ago

What a sweet story. Reminded me of my own experience with my wife, thank you for this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Holy hell, your stories are always amazing, but this was even a cut above the rest. Just wanted to say good job, and that I love your writing, it has that rare quality on this site of being well written, even if it was compared to ‘normal’ stories, not just smut. Thanks for a new read. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Absolutely awesome. Great characters, great development. I felt the emotions as if I was there. Superb as always. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Simply outstanding! 🌟🌟🌟🌟☄️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hit me with your best shot! If this little gem is it, then I’ll be quite contented. But I’ll happily await your next story in the hopes that it’s at least as good. One very minor quibble…a king reigns, but one reins in horses and emotions.

vanmyers86vanmyers86over 2 years ago

A delight to read! Thank you.

InsomniZachInsomniZachover 2 years ago

There are few things that compare to the feeling of opening my feed and seeing a new Wanda story. Phenomenal as always.

OvercriticalOvercriticalover 2 years ago

A very heartwarming story. It was obvious from early on how it would end and there was no distracting trauma. It's hard to believe that 7 pages were involved when actually so little happened in actual events. Being written in the first person you get all the emotional thinking of a woman who has a lot of history and has never given herself a chance to reach out emotionally. I understand her reluctance to get involved sexually with men after her two years as a prostitute, but assuming that her daughter was about 5 when she gave up the profession and she's 25 at the time of her marriage to James that means that Rachel has been celibate for about 20 years. Hard to imagine. Still worth 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Pretty much defines a capital-L love story. Excellent. Thank you.

keepercoach01keepercoach01over 2 years ago

So, so good. Thank you!

dwoelfledwoelfleover 2 years ago

All I can add is thank you for another wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Absolutely loved this! Caleb and Rachel are so good together, they fit together perfectly, and love each other deeply. Loved your physical descriptions -- the sexy fine hair on his chest, which I imagine covers his chest and abs, his delicious cock and balls. You've got great lovers here who deserve every good thing than can come their way, or cum their way!

ThebiffThebiffover 2 years ago

Simply beautiful

Comentarista82Comentarista82over 2 years ago

All the right elements in balance to create the sympathy, reflect the pain, display the trauma, reveal the thoughts and feelings of all involved, illustrate all the experiences, progressions and fine shades of meaning, life and pain...what did you miss? Nothing that I can tell. Great pacing, nothing rushed, not one iota out of place, not a single thing seeming unnatural nor unneeded. Exceptionally well-developed, slow-rolled, advanced and concluded. A hands-down 5 stars without any reservations.

MigbirdMigbirdover 2 years ago

So many of your pieces resonate with me — “Falling”, “Jetsam”, “Sketching Sophie”, “Kelpie” to name but a few. This piece is a poignantly beautiful romance that for me centers on the mother and daughter, yet I never really got to know the mother — the central figure in this romance — or the early mother-daughter relationship. So much attention is devoted to Caleb, which makes sense for the storyline, but what about her past and what she gave painfully; we never really know, yet that is what defines her. So I enjoyed this piece, but felt like I never got beyond the here/now — never got to know her. By the way, I agree that you can judge a book by a page chosen at random. In this case, not so sure — overall wanted more because I expected so much more. Love your creativity.

sarah4gurlzsarah4gurlzover 2 years ago

This is the first of your stories that I've read, and I absolutely love it!


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Quite possibly the best story ever on literotica.

Allegedly_LiterateAllegedly_Literateover 2 years ago

Lovely and layered story. 40 is not old by any standards js. Thanks for sharing.

MeleficentMeleficentover 2 years ago

As always, your story touches something in me. Absolutely stunning, well written and lovely through and through. Thank you.

metroalmametroalmaover 2 years ago

OMG secrets are so hard. Releasing them harder, the reward, you captured it! So bittersweet. So good. We don't deserve you. Thank you.

AnyMooseAnyMooseover 2 years ago

Keep bumping that bar a bit higher with every story you give us...

WrexscarWrexscarover 2 years ago

I don't read a lot of straight romance but this was beautiful. Absolutely loved it.

Just one thing though. What was the Billy Joel song?

Piano man wouldn't fit.

Angry Young Man she'd have to sprint down the aisle.

DessertmanDessertmanover 2 years ago

This is the first of your storied I have read and I am blown away by your talent. I can't wait to read more.

anubeloreanubeloreover 2 years ago

Just... perfect. I wish it could've been even longer, but only because it was absolutely perfect, and I didn't want it to end. usual.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You're one of the few authors who can bring tears to my eyes!

Takeshi3Takeshi3over 2 years ago

Lovely as always

YoshimatsuYoshimatsuover 2 years ago

I have to say this is an absolutely outstanding piece of work. All the technical aspects have been well and truly ticked; but what made this for me was just how real the characters were - especially given how awkward some of the conversations needed to be. Thank you for sharing this, I’ll be going through the back catalogue now…

YoshimatsuYoshimatsuover 2 years ago

I have to say this is an absolutely outstanding piece of work. All the technical aspects have been well and truly ticked; but what made this for me was just how real the characters were - especially given how awkward some of the conversations needed to be. Thank you for sharing this, I’ll be going through the back catalogue now…

ender2k2kender2k2kover 2 years ago

Thank you for another wonderful story

DenaliFXDenaliFXover 2 years ago

Your best EVER, but I am an impossible romantically inclined optimist. WOW! 5 TO THE 5TH POWER.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Rachel is lucky. She has found someone who understands, someone she can tell her secret to. I've had a secret for 39 years. There is only one person I could tell, but I don't know where she is or if she is even alive. I can never tell anyone but her. No one would ever understand, everyone else would judge me for it.

ArediaArediaover 2 years ago

5 stars! only because I can't give you 7 ...

You had me in tears throughout ... I guess I'm just a softy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Outstanding! Well done.

stewartbstewartbover 2 years ago

I'm an old man ... and something must have gotten in my eye ... there that tear took care of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I was supposed to go to bed at a reasonable hour last night because I had an early start today. Wait a second, a new Onehitwanda story just dropped? Sleep can wait; I will just have to rely on caffeine to do its magic in the morning.

Thank you for continuing to share your works here. All of your stories, including this one, are beautifully written, full of delicate and evocative turns of phrase. I am already impatient for your next story.

haltwhogoestherehaltwhogoesthereover 2 years ago

Oh Wanda. Bookend weddings and slow, hot languid love and sex in between. And your trademark fixing of something, er, someONE broken. The only bad thing about this story was that it took me days to find it and finish it. Thank you for it.

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 2 years ago

Just… Delicious. Reading this through, and for me it feels like an emotional spectrum viewed from a moving roundabout, that we had one complete revolution of and we experienced every single colour as we passed through it. Very, very good Wanda, many thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz. 5⭐️ Of course.

nahnahnahnahover 2 years ago

We need more than 5 stars for this one.

BTW I really liked your truama / cow analogy.

silveraidersilveraiderover 2 years ago

There are always two pleasures to finding a new story from onehitwanda. The first is anticipation when you see the new story tag because you know, whatever category the story is in, that it will be well crafted with characters you care about and moving storylines. And sex scenes so well written that they are almost lyrical. Then you read the story and the anticipation becomes delight. I have just one word to describe this latest edition to the onehitwanda collection: beautiful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you for yet another wonderful story.

rml65rml65over 2 years ago

That was absolutely perfect!

Scripto4moiScripto4moiover 2 years ago

Amazing. You made the lives of these people so interesting and moving. The real adventure is always the inside game but very few can write it with passion, purpose, excitement, and tension.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


PickFictionPickFictionover 2 years ago

Utterly perfect, as always. Cherish the knack you have for creating and communicating. It's precious.

AnotherChapterAnotherChapterover 2 years ago

What a delightful story! Your heroine was both three dimensional and believable. Nice pace, well done.

ca_daveca_daveover 2 years ago

This one was wonderfully different in your normal way Wanda. Thank you 5*

LokikatLokikatover 2 years ago

Beautiful story!

muskyboymuskyboyover 2 years ago

Beautiful, thanks for this!

msspnnrmsspnnrover 2 years ago

Wow! Wiping the tear out of my eyes as I type.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very touching story. Well done.

Crusader235Crusader235over 2 years ago

Very nice, I can't believe all the dust that gets in my eyes. Five stars.

shayneoneshayneoneover 2 years ago

well done very sweat be happy safe and well a fan shayne

gunmakergunmakerover 2 years ago

No words. Thanks.

AnotherChapterAnotherChapterover 2 years ago

Just so simply marvellous!

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 2 years ago

What a burden to have hanging around your heart all those years. Great story that was touching and loving, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One ofvthe very best writers on this site. Thanks

LowcountryLowcountryover 2 years ago

Wow! That was delicious!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

For someone who hadn’t had any sex, including masturbation, for over 20 years and who carried a ton of psych baggage from her days of prostitution, she certainly jumped his bones rather quickly. It seemed so out of character. It would have been far more believable if he’d shown at least a little reservation upon hearing her background and if she’d taken more time before tumbling into the sack. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a wonderful love story.

JuanTwoNoJuanTwoNoover 2 years ago

How can I possibly say what wells up within me right now from reading this? I don't know if it's it's possible. If words are there to do it, I'm not sure that they've yet been formulated for proper transference from human psyche to human tongue. I can only try..

The wondrous beauty of the inner spirit scabbed over and hidden by the superatiing wounds of life and sometimes apparantly necessary evil choices of life when no others appear to avail themselves, and those themselves walled away from prying eyes and judgemental minds until it seems there is no entryway admitting of the possibility of letting the beauty out for fear of the exposure of the other--- that may be and I think is the greatest evil ever worked on the human mind and spirit to keep the inherent beauty forever hidden and unacknowledged until it withers and dies and we with it. Love and courage. These two are the attributes most necessary to free the spirit and its innate beauty. That, I think, is what was really meant by "Know you the truth and the truth shall set you free." Your story epitomizes that. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Beautifully and eloquently written. The descriptive prose and emotionality of the story was full on and refreshing. Naysayers be damned! ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A very excellent love story,between true soulmates.

fallwatcherfallwatcherover 2 years ago

A truly wonderful story, so beautifully written and such a pleasure to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You are such a talented author, by far the best of those who post their stories on this website. I've read most of your back catalogue now, without exception they stand out for their quality.

Thank you so much for sharing, you can see from the many comments below how appreciative your readers are - you can certainly count me as a fan.

More London-based stories please (he types selfishly, having lived in London for many years) ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


pawsnizzypawsnizzyover 2 years ago

Absolutely lovely

ncbleencbleeover 2 years ago

"one hit" wanda. Yeah, sure. As we say on this side of the pond, knocked it out of the park..... as usual. The frequency of your home runs makes them practically monotonous. :)

MainboyMainboyover 2 years ago

I think this may be the third time I read this. Superb. Simply superb.

MainboyMainboyover 2 years ago

Once again a fine ,tale written with exceptional skill. One day when I grow up I want be able to convey emotion through words as well as you do. Superb.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So sorry I can only give this five out of the ten it deserves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Simply splendid storytelling with the perfect blend of romance, love and sex. The sexual aspects of the story enhanced the overall work rather than overwhelming it. Thank you for your sensitive approach to a loving relationship with the sexual pleasures of said relationship an expression of the term “making love.”

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Mum, when used as a name, like all names, should be capitalized.

Signed: Another Harsh Critic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusover 2 years ago

What a quandary! You have accrued so very much goodwill in a name that is utterly, almost comically unsuited to you. I had you listed among my favorite authors, but hadn't revisited my list of favorites for awhile when I discovered how productive a year 2022 has been for you. I'm taking the 2022 vintage in alphabetical order. />

Yours is a singular talent. I place you in a pantheon that includes Maonaigh and JCMcNeilly. Your writing is technically perfect (no small achievement, that!) but you plumb the human heart and soul. That's what makes your descriptions of your characters' lovemaking so evocative and uplifting. />

Rachel is broken. She accepted the cracks and fissures sacrificially for the sake of her child. Already captivated by this magnificent woman, Caleb instantly appreciated what an integral part Rachel's sacrifice played in shaping who and how she is. As Leonard Cohen put it, the cracks let the sun shine through.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good Lord! Wonderful.

Crissy4uCrissy4uover 2 years ago


Love always WINS

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another tear-jerker. Beautiful story.

On a side note, I loved the trauma / cow analogy. Glibness hiding, or maybe enhancing, the profundity, and hilariously simply and well put. Up there with Terry Pratchett in those terms. Incredibly impressed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Marvelous storytelling! This was a perfect blend of romance, pathos and erotica. Your achievement is all the more notable in that the story was written in the first person; something that in the hands of most authors becomes stilted and monotonous. Bravo! 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Beautiful ending. Tears from crusty old me as well.

FoxycatladyFoxycatladyabout 2 years ago

You are officially my favourite author on this site. This was even better than all the romance books I’ve read over the years. It was like watching a movie. Perfection!⭐️

Doctor74Doctor74about 2 years ago

What an absolutely beautiful story. Thank you from a 74 year old.

SpunkyAndSparkySpunkyAndSparkyabout 2 years ago

You have a way of eliciting emotion.. truly well done...

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2ICabout 2 years ago

What a beautiful love story. Thank you for sharing your gift in writing wonderful stories.

norcal62norcal62about 2 years ago

Please, all LW British authors, come together, and in a group, resolve to never again write about mouth curls, lip curls, and the like. It make my brain curdle to read those descriptions. A mouth can have a smile. It doesn't need to "curl" into a smile, or, God forbid, a sneer or other mouth action. After you've all come to that agreement, swear on your King's crown, that you will somehow drop the term, "gusset" from your vocabularies. What a mood killer that word is.

LrtikagraphLrtikagraphabout 2 years ago

They don't get any better than this. The people are real, plausible humans, the plotting is powerful, the writing is flat out superb. What a writer!

goodshoes2goodshoes2about 2 years ago

Well written. Perfect story. Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Awesome!! Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Totally magnificent. The characters are plausible and convincing — so real I want to meet them. I love that this is about real adults, with real wounds and hard won courage. Bravo, bravo!

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