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Awakenings Ch. 20

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Cuckold boot camp continues.
4.2k words

Part 20 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/10/2014
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This story is the twentieth episode in a series entitled "Awakenings". If you have not read the previous nineteen episodes of this series, I encourage you do so before beginning this chapter.

I remind you again that I write cuckold stories. While I try to make them loving cuckold stories, they do depict an alternative life style. If you're offended or upset by stories about sexual attitudes and behaviors that are different from your own I strongly suggest that you find something else to read.

The following Tuesday I woke up in a state of excited anticipation. That evening Jeanne, Ruth and Abby were planning to go to the Goldenrod Supper Club to meet men who were attending the trade show at the Civic Center.

As I stood in front of the bathroom mirror shaving I thought about Ruth's husband, David. I was certain he had to be every bit as excited as I was. David and I had been close friends for well over a dozen years. He was going to be sitting at the Goldenrod bar that night watching another man seduce Ruth. Realizing that I envied him, I wondered if I'd reached a point where I could sit next to him at that bar watching another man seduce Jeanne.

Smiling as I rinsed the excess shaving cream off my face, I recognized that I was now not only capable of doing it, I was looking forward to the time when I could do it. I started to wonder why? How could I possibly be excited about watching Jeanne with another man. Remembering what Amy, Mel and Jeanne were trying to teach me, I stopped myself. Why and how weren't relevant questions. It excited me and didn't affect anyone else. That was all that mattered.

I quickly dressed and went down stairs. Mel and Amy were in the kitchen. Breakfast was yogurt and granola. Amy handed me a bowl while I poured a cup of coffee.

As soon as I was seated Mel said, "You're looking particularly chipper today. Are you excited about tonight?"

"Amazingly, I am."

Mel raised her eyebrows. "Amazingly?"

I shrugged.

Amy smiled, "Mel our friend is learning."

"Yes he is."

I smiled.

After breaksfast Amy and I cleaned the kitchen while Mel prepared for her first cottage date. As usual Mel and Amy had a full schedule. They were each entertaining two gentlemen in the cottage.

I played golf. I didn't shoot a very good score. It's hard to focus your attention while you're picturing your wife and another man rolling around naked on his hotel room bed.

By the time I returned to Mel and Amy's house it was a little after three. Mel was back from her 1:00 pm date. Already showered, she was sitting in the living room reading. After a quick shower, I joined her with my lap top computer.

As I sat down, she asked, "How was your golf game?"

"It was okay. I played by myself. That was probably better."


"I'm a little preoccupied with what's going to happen tonight."

Setting her Kindle down, Mel said, "I would think you'd be getting used to it by now."

I shrugged. "Jeanne's meeting a new man. That makes it exciting. I also wish I could be at the Goldenrod with her."

"With her?"

"Not with her, but sitting at the bar with David, watching."

"Maybe it's time for you to go home."

Shaking my head, I said, "I don't know. Seeing her dressed up for her date with Derek Fischer is still a painful memory."

"You've both changed since then."

"I know, but I'm afraid that if I go home too soon I'll be anxious around Jeanne. She'll pick up on it and then she'll be anxious too. That mutual anxiety could end up destroying our marriage.

Mel nodded.

"I'm also afraid that passing time will be a problem."

"Passing time?"

"The anticipation of what's going to happen tonight is killing me. Every minute feels like an hour. I can't imagine what it will be like sitting at home alone waiting for Jeanne to return from a date. Right now I have you and Amy to help me. When I'm on my own I'm afraid the waiting will be unbearable."

"You have David. Maybe you need to cultivate that friendship."

"I'm sure that will happen. David and I have always been friends. Since it appears we're now going to be sharing a common lifestyle, I'm sure we'll become even closer friends. While I agree that will help, it won't completely solve the problem. Jeanne and Ruth won't always be going out together, especially if both of them end up with boyfriends."

"Then you're going to have to learn how to pass the time while Jeanne is on a date." Standing up, Mel walked over and turned on the laptop computer that we now kept attached to the television in the living room. Watching porn movies had become a regular activity at Mel and Amy's house. "I think this is a situation where we have to fight fire with fire. What would you like to watch?"

"Julia Ann."

"Good choice." Mel started one of my favorite Julia Ann movies. As she returned to her seat, she said, "Now go to that erotic story site we like so much and find a good cuckold, hot wife story. The movie and the story should help you pass the time."

Realizing what Mel was doing, I smiled and said, "I"ll give it a try."

Mel and I sat on the couch. She picked up her Kindle and resumed reading her book. I started reading a story about a wife who was having a steamy affair with her boss. It was a cuckold story, so of course she had her husband's full knowlege and approval. In the third chapter the three of them took a vacation together at a luxury resort in Cancun. The wife and her boss shared a room. The cuckold husband had an adjoining room. The husband's wife and her boss were still too reserved let him watch while they were playing, but the wife loved her husband so she insisted on leaving the door that connected their rooms slightly ajar. She at least wanted him to be able to listen.

I stopped reading and considered that situation. Initially it seemed completely untenable. I couldn't possibly imagine a situation in which I'd be willing to sit in an adjacent room listening while Jeanne and another man played in their room, especially when I knew I was deliberately being excluded, but then I thought about it.

This actually wasn't all that different than a situation I was already resigned to facing when I returned home. I knew there would eventually be times when I would be watching television in my den while Jeanne entertained a man in Tricia's old bedroom. While I wouldn't be expressely excluded, invitations to join them so I could watch would be rare. That would result in me sitting in my den pretending to watch television while I listened to them enjoying each other in the next room.

And then I understood. Fight fire with fire. I smiled. Mel really was brilliant. The sounds of Jeanne and her paramour playing in the next room would make an outstanding background for a Julia Ann movie.

"What are you grinning about?"

"I just figured out how to pass the time when Jeanne is entertaining a date in her play room while I'm at home."

"Tell me."

"I'm going to take your advice."

"Go on."

"The sounds coming from Jeanne's playroom will make a wonderful background for a Julia Ann movie."

Smiling, Mel said, "Very good, you're figuring out how to turn Jeanne's excitement into your own excitement."

"I am." But then my smile vanished.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to watching Jeanne get dressed for a date with another man."

"Seeing her dressed up for her date with that Fischer guy was hard, wasn't it."

"It nearly destroyed me."

"You do understand that she regrets doing that."

"Yes, I know that, but when I go home it's still going to happen again. It's inevitable."

"We'll just have to find a way to make it exciting for you."

"I don't think watching a porn movie while Jeanne gets dressed is the answer this time."

"No, I don't think so either." Mel smiled. "But I do have an idea."

"what is it?"



"That's right. When you see Jeanne dressed up for a date with another man you have to be confident that it has nothing to do with her feelings about you."

"That's easier said than done."

"Sweetheart, Jeanne loves you. All Amy and I have to do is make certain you know that."

"How are you going to do that?"

"Read your story and watch your movie. We'll continue this conversation while we're having our cocktails."

"You're pretty confident."

"Damn right. I'm from Chicago. Girls from Chicago are always confident."

I chuckled.

"Read your story." Mel picked up her Kindle and started reading her book again. It was clear our conversation was temporarily on hold.

Amy returned from her last engagement at a quarter to five. After she took a quick shower the three of us moved out to the veranda for our pre dinner cocktail.

As soon as we were settled Mel said, "Michael told me that he's been anxious all day."

Looking at me, Amy asked, "Is it good anxiety or bad?"

I smiled. "It's good. Actually, I think excited might be a better word than anxious.

Mel and Amy both nodded their approval. Amy said, "You're coming around."

Mel asked, "Would you like to talk about what's happening tonight?"

"I don't know, sort of, but..."

Understanding, Amy said, "You want to hear about it from Jeanne, don't you."


Mel said, "Why don't we play a game instead."

"A game?"

"Yes." Turning to Amy, Mel said, "This afternoon Michael told me he's worried about having to watch Jeanne getting dressed for a date with another man after he gets home. He said that seeing her dressed up for that Fischer guy was hard for him."

Amy said, "You mentioned that before."

I nodded.

"Mel, tell us about your game."

"Let's pretend that Jeanne and her new friend Abby are going out on a double date. Abby has set Jeanne up with a young attorney that she's partied with several times. She told Jeanne that he's tall and handsome and he has a very big cock."

I looked at Mel with a puzzled expression. "A big cock? Why is that part of this fantasy game?"

Amy said, "Michael think about how much Jeanne is enjoying her new life as a slut. You know how adventurous she's become. I'm sure she's eager to experience a man with a really big cock. I'd be willing to bet that every time she goes to Brady's she's hoping she'll end up with a man who's well endowed."

"She already has. She told me about it in San Francisco. She said she hooked up with a guy who had an eight inch cock. She hated it. It hurt. She made him stop fucking her and gave him a blow job instead. She told me that a cock about my size is perfect for her."

Mel said, "A man with a bigger cock has to be aware of what he has. He needs to be careful, especially at first. Lots of guys become complete idiots when they get in bed with a woman. They lose their self control and turn into lust crazed savages. Guys with big cocks can't do that. It sounds like Jeanne met a well endowed fool."

Amy said, "That's right. A well endowed man has to go slow at first. He has to be patient. If a woman meets a man who can do that, a big cock can be an unbelievably exciting adventure. Also Jeanne isn't very experienced yet. She's learning quickly, but she's still a novice. Eventually she'll learn how to rein in an overly aggressive partner. When that happens big cocks will become a pleasure she'll savor.

Mel added "And sucking a big cock is incredibly thrilling. Michael you know how much Jeanne enjoys giving head."

"We talked about this, we really did. Jeanne told me she didn't care about cock size. She assured me that she loves all cocks."

Amy said, "We love all cocks too, but sex with a well endowed man who's proficient in bed is an unforgettable experience."

"If that's true why hasn't Jeanne said anything about it to me?"

"Think about it Michael, she's afraid she might hurt you. You're not anywhere near as fragile as you were when we first met you, but Jeanne hurt you when she started all of this. She regrets that and it's clear to us that she's terrified of doing it again."

Amy said, "Mel's right. Jeanne's worried she'll make you feel inadequate. I suspect she's trying to suppress this desire, but I'm sure it's there. It has to be. It's so consistent with the slut image she's cultivating. I'm willing to bet that within a year Jeanne will be a full fledged size queen."

I took a moment to consider everything Mel and Amy had just told me. Finally I said, "That doesn't leave us with a favorable prognosis for our future."

"No Michael, that's not true at all." Mel was vehemently shaking her head.

Amy nodded. "That's why we're talking to you about this. Women, even women who are size queens don't marry cocks, they marry men. I can tell from Ruth's emails that before she met David she was a size queen. She still married David because she loves him. Even if Ruth starts dating other men, men with much bigger cocks, she'll still love David's cock because it's his. She'll always cherish it and find it exciting. We're certain that regardless of what happens, Jeanne will always feel the same way about your cock."

Mel said, "Michael, you enjoy porn movies that feature women with large breasts, correct?"

I shrugged.

Mel smiled. "Don't be ashamed. It's fun to fantasize about women with big knockers."

Amy and I both chuckled at Mel's choice of words.

Mel continued. "Jeanne has big knockers, doesn't she."

"Yes she does."

"Is that why you married her?"

"No, of course not." Suddenly understanding where Mel was taking me, I paused. After a moment I said, "Okay, I'm starting to get it. If Jeanne does become a size queen I really don't have any reason to feel threatened. She's in love with me, not my cock."

Mel said, "Actually you should feel happy when she has a date with a man who's well endowed. It will be exciting for her."

I chuckled. "It also makes the fantasy more exciting for me."

"You mean imagining her sucking a great big cock." Amy was grinning.

"That's right." I was grinning too.

Mel took a sip of her cocktail and said, "Okay, let's get back to our game. Jeanne is in the bedroom getting ready for her double date with Abby. She's so excited that you can hear her humming as she brushes her hair. Think about how you felt all afternoon today. Is there any reason you shouldn't feel just as excited when you're at home while Jeanne is getting ready for a date?"

Amy said, "Jeanne loves you. Maybe she even gave you a blow job before she started putting on her makeup."

Shaking my head, I said, "I wouldn't want her to do that."

Mel looked at me quizzically. "Why not?"

"All day today I've had a sexual edge. It makes this much more exciting. If Jeanne gave me a blow job before she left for a date I'd temporarily lose that edge. I'd much rather wait until she returned home."

Smiling, Mel said, "Okay, but I'll bet she'll have tried to fuck you to death the night before."

I laughed. "I'm sure that's true."

Amy added, "And you know that when she gets home she's going to do everything she can to show you how much she loves you.

"Yes, I believe that's true too."

Continuing, Amy said, "So is there really any reason to feel bad because Jeanne is getting dressed up for another man?"

Jumping in, Mel said, "Michael, women love getting dressed up. It's exciting for us."

Amy nodded. "And Jeanne has made it clear that she intends to regularly get dressed up for you. Didn't she just tell you that she plans to wear spike heeled pumps for you the entire time you're together in San Antonio?"

"Yes she did."

"And she promised to bring a whole wardrobe of slutty clothes for you too, didn't she." Amy was pressing.

"Yes, she also made that promise."

"Michael, you now have a wife who enjoys getting dressed up. Enjoy it. Yes sometimes it will be for other men, but when that happens you can have all kinds of nasty little fantasies about what she'll be doing with her date. Baby, you can help her get dressed for her dates. Imagine how exciting it will be to fasten her brassiere for her when you know that later that night another man will be taking it off."

I laughed, but I knew Amy was right. That would be incredibly exciting.

Mel said, "Michael honey, you're a voyeur. You like to watch, but think about it. There are lots of ways to watch. Consider how much fun it would be to help Jeanne pick out the panties she's going to wear for another man. Jeanne desperately wants to include you in her new life style."

"I want that too."

Amy said, "Then do it. Get involved and one of the ways to get involved is to help her dress for her dates.

Shaking my head, I said, "I never thought about it like that. It could be fun."

Smiling, Amy said, "It is fun. Mel and I do it all the time. We colloborate on all the outfits you see us wearing for our dates."

Mel nodded. "And you know how much I love Amy and how much she loves me."

"Yes I do."

Amy looked at Mel and said, "Our friend is making progress."

"Yes he is."

"Let's find out how much progress he's making."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"One simple little question."

"I can't wait to hear it."

Laughing, I said, "Neither can I."

Flashing me a devilish smile, Amy said, "Really?"


"Okay cuckboy, here it is. When Jeanne comes home from a date will you eat her pussy? You'll know another man just finished fucking her, but you'll also know that Jeanne makes her dates wear condoms, so she won't be messy."

Mel added, "But if she was with a man who was well endowed she still might be a little stretched out."

I considered Amy's question. After a moment I realized that I'd not only do it, it would be exciting. It was kinky and like Jeanne I was beginning to enjoy being kinky. I also knew that Jeanne would enjoy it too. She'd think it would be really slutty. That would make it even more fun for me. Smiling, I said, "Yes, I'd eat her pussy. It would be fun."

Amy stared at me for a moment and then she stood up and took off her shorts and panties. As she sat back down she spread her legs exposing her shaved cunt. "Prove it. Ken Denton finished fucking me a little over an hour ago. He has a thick eight inch cock. As you can see my pussy is still a little stretched out. Come over here and eat me."

Mel clapped her hands. "This is a wonderful twist to our game. Michael you do it first, then I want to do it too."

Laughing I stood up and walked over to Amy.

She said, "Take off your shirt and shorts. You can't eat pussy with your clothes on. It wouldn't be right."

Still laughing, I quickly removed my shirt and shorts. My cock was sticking straight out.

Next to me Mel said, "I love seeing a man with an erection."

Amy giggled. "I do too. Face it Mel, we're both sluts."

Mel stood up. As she peeled off her tee shirt and shorts she said, "Damn right. I'm getting naked too. This game is fun. When it's my turn I want to be ready."

As soon as Mel was naked Amy wiggled her finger at me and said, "Come here cuckboy, I have a freshly fucked pussy that needs a soothing tongue massage."

All three of us were still laughing. We were having fun. As I kneeled between Amy's parted thighs I hoped that Jeanne and I could eventually reach a point where we could have fun like this too. And then I remembered San Francisco and smiled. Jeanne and I had already reached that point. We still had to learn to trust each other enough to be able to freely enjoy it, but I was confident we could do that.

Feeling blissful, I closed my eyes and leaned forward.

Amy whispered, "Remember what we taught you Michael. At first a woman is sensitive. Start with butterfly kisses."

I lightly brushed my lips along the cleft of Amy's pussy. She sighed. "That's right baby, do that until you feel me getting wet." I gently blew on the lips of her cunt.

Giggling, Amy said, "You remembered. That feels nice too."


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