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Azerothian Dream Ch. 03

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Ticket to Ride.
5.1k words

Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 03/03/2023
Created 10/30/2021
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Chapter 3- Ticket to Ride

Overseer Oilfist was fit to be tied when I returned with five women in tow and no caravan. However Pinkerpie was my savior. She marched up and waved her fist just below his nose as she growled, "You listen here old greasy hands, this man just cleared out a nasty gang of bandits, kidnappers, and rapists from your lands! He even rescued one of your own people!"

He looked at her testily, but as she went on his eyes opened wide with surprise as he looked from her to me and asked, "Is this true? Did these bandits do these things to one of our daughters?"

"Yes sir they did," I replied as I waved for Ebonae to come forward.

Once she approached she threw back the hood of her cloak and stood to her full four and a half foot height and declared, "My name is Ebonae Rubyheart. My parents were of no status, but that didn't keep the bandits from raiding our home and killing them all the same. I was their only daughter, I just recently came of age, and now I am defiled. If it weren't for this hero, there is no doubt that I would have been kept until I was nothing more than a living husk just as ye can see the human woman is."

"Ebonae Rubyheart," Oilfist mumbled as he tried to remember if he knew her family. When he was unable to recall he looked up, "No matter ye status, ye are of Dark Iron blood. If ye wish, I will find a home or a family to take ye in..."

Ebonae shook her head and moved until she was standing half behind me as she replied, "The only one I wish to stay with is him."

"Lass, he is a married man," Oilfist retorted in a patient tone, "I don't think ye will find it an amicable place to be if Birdette believes ye trying to steal her man."

"I never said I wanted to be his lover," Ebonae retorted with a shake of her head, "If I'm to be put into a family's home, then I choose him. After all, he was the only one there to rescue me when no one even knew I existed."

"Fine fine," He relented as he shook his head in dismay, "I will talk to Birdette and explain that I am putting ye under her care."

Then looking up at me he growled, "I'm sure I don't need to warn ye, if she somehow comes down with a case of being pregnant, I won't kill ye, Birdette will!"

"Actually greasy hands," Pinkerpie interrupted, "If Ebonae or I get pregnant this next month it has nothing to do with Hruthgar here at all. I wasn't exaggerating when I said that those bandits were rapists as you can see plainly by looking at Jane, Pohcar, and Coonli."

"How many were in this bandit camp," Oilfist asked as he regarded each woman carefully.

"Ten men," Pohcar answered.

"Yes, and Hruthgar killed all of them single handedly," Coonli testified.

Oilfist looked surprised as he looked back at me with newfound respect as he gasped, "Really?"

Agnes approached and looked over Jane. She used two fingers to open her eyelids wider, and then she used a finger to see if Jane would track it to no avail. Looking over to Oilfist she reported, "This girl's mind is broken. She's nothing but a husk now."

"What should we do with her," Oilfist asked.

"There's nothing we can do for her," Agnes answered, "She can't fly in her current state of mind or pregnancy. If Pinkerpie's caravan were here, I would say that we should send this girl back to her people with her."

"Well, my caravan is currently stranded," Pinkerpie said with a shake of her head, "The first thing those bastards did was take my animals butchered one and sold the rest! I will have to travel to Dun Morogh or Loch Modan to buy livestock before I can get my caravan up and moving again."

"I see," Overseer Oilfist mumbled.

There would be other traders, he knew this, but they relied on them for their imports of foodstuffs and textiles Thorium Point couldn't produce. Their main export was iron, gems, armor, and weapons. With Pinkerpie's caravan waylaid, they would have to ration foodstuffs and the more commonly used products that were bought and transported in bulk.

"If I pay ye now for the goods we ordered, how soon can ye leave and return with livestock to get ye caravan underway?" Oilfist asked.

Pinkerpie thought about the question as she tapped a finger to her overly plump lips. When she looked up she answered, "First I will need to be able to fly to Thelsamar, Kharanos, or Ironforge. If I am able to procure all the animals I need there, then I will also have to hire new handlers to help me with all the animals needed to pull three wagons. If I can, it will take from eight days to a month before I return with my caravan. If I have to go to the Horde, or Booty Bay then it could take half a year or more."

"Then could I send men to ye caravan and recover our wares in the meantime," Oilfist requested.

Pinkerpie nodded yes, but then added, "I don't see why not, however, If you do you must take Pohcar, Coonli, or Ebonae with you. There are spoils from the bandit camp that are theirs. So as to have something to sell in order to return to their homes or help them start over."

"Agreed," Oilfist replied with a hand held out to shake, "And I will also give the lassies a fair market price for what they claim as theirs too!"

"I knew there was a reason I liked you, greasy hands," Pinkerpie chuckled as she took his hand and shook it.


With the report and negotiations concluded, Oilfist handed over a bag of gold and silver to me for my work, and then he led Pinkerpie and the others to the inn. Tossing four coins to the innkeeper, a one Thadlan Ironhearth, Oilfist commanded, "Put these ladies in rooms. They will be staying with us for a while!"

Seeing that Pinkerpie and the others were being taken care of, I left the inn and made my way down the street to a small house that served as a home for Birdette and me. Throwing the door open I called out, "Honey, I'm home!"

I heard a yelp from the bedroom, and then Birdette came rushing out and threw her arms around my waist and hugged me and she cried, "What took ye so long!"

I kissed her as hard as I could, then I squeezed her as tight as I could, and then I withdrew just enough to say, "I stayed in the mountains so as not to confront any of your brothers or sisters..."

Birdette was listening, but as I looked into her eyes she looked behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Ebonae just as Birdette asked, "Honey, who is this?"

"This is Ebonae," I answered as I set Birdette down and took her hand, "Ebonae, this is my wife, Birdette."

"It is nice to meet ye, Birdette," Ebonae greeted.

Birdette didn't know how to respond, so I pulled her into the house and motioned for Ebonae to follow. Once I had both women sitting down at the dinner table I told Ebonae to tell Birdette what happened, and then I went to see my little girl.

I found Amberdine in her bassinet sleeping and I was wonder struck. I stared at her for a long time as the memories of what I saw at the bandit camp haunted me. The one thing I had to do in my life in this world was keep my girls safe. Returning to the common room I saw that Birdette was crying. When she saw me she rose up and trotted into my arms and hugged me tight as she said, "Of course she can stay here with us. For as long as she needs too. I will make up a bed for her in Amberdine's room!"

I nodded, and then she pulled away and rushed off to the nursery.


Later that evening as Ebonae and Birdette worked together to make dinner there was a knock on the door. Both women looked over to me, and I nodded. Grabbing a pistol, I walked to the door and opened it just a crack and asked, "Who is it this late in the evening?"

"Is that how you greet your master," Asked an all too familiar voice.

Swinging the door open with a chuckle, Birdette gave me a curious look as Pinkerpie walked into our home followed by Coleson.

"What the hell is that beast?" Birdette shrieked which immediately woke up Amberdine.

"I am calling him a Darkflame Lion," Pinkerpie answered with a chuckle as Ebonae rose up and went back to tend to Amberdine, "And he is your husband's pet... Despite never having received training in the art of taming beasts. Especially, exotic beasts such as this one!"

"Exotic?" I parroted.

"Yes, precisely," Pinkerpie said triumphantly, "Coleson is a rare animal that was born closely connected to the earth and fire elements. In a way he is an elemental beast, and as such is more intelligent than most other animals that only operate on instinct."

Chuckling as she shook her head and patted my thigh, she carried on, "The fact that you tamed him, Hruthgar, is frankly nothing short of amazing!"

"It's because he wanted a companion as much as I needed one," I answered.

"Mmm, that actually makes sense," Pinkerpie agreed with a nod before turning and crossing the room to sit near Birdette before she continued, "Actually, I am here to ask for your permission, Birdette, to take Hruthgar with me when I leave to go purchase new animals to pull my wagons."

"Why should my husband go with you," Birdette asked as she stopped preparing the food and handed her remaining stock to Ebonae before turning her full attention to Pinkerpie.

"Simply put, Hruthgar is a hunter with no formal training," Pinkerpie explained, "I can help him with this since I too am a hunter. He has exceptional potential, otherwise I wouldn't bother. While we are gone this is what I will be doing, while he will be helping me return with the beasts I need to pull my wagons."

"You want him to go with you and become a good hunter," Birdette said as she shook her head as she held her hands over her heart, "But all I want is for him to be here with me and be a good father and husband."

"Admirable and completely normal," Pinkerpie admitted with a nod before going on, "But Birdette, have you ever left this barren wasteland of a valley? Have you heard what is happening across Azeroth? A spaceship with new people has fallen from the heavens. The High Elves after years of self imposed exile now call themselves the Blood Elves and have joined the Horde. The Dark Portal to the south is open. There are undead roaming across the Eastern Kingdoms and Demons everywhere else. In this world there are two types of people, the victors and the victims. If you keep Hruthgar here you may be fine. The tides of war may pass right by you, or they just might drown you. By training Hruthgar all I'm doing is giving you a fighting chance... That's all."

Birdette looked from Pinkerpie to me, and then back to the goblin apprehensively before she answered, "Just... Please, don't let anything happen to him. Please!"

"You have my word that I will do everything in my power to bring Hruthgar right back to you," Pinkerpie promised.

"Okay then, fine," Birdette said as she stood up and thrust herself into my arms.

Pinkerpie gave me a rueful smirk and then got up and left to return to the Ironhearth Inn.


Birdette lay on my chest, breathing hard and sweaty from her exertions to satisfy her desire, she propped herself up on her elbows so that her smoldering, elementally enchanted, fiery red tipped, ebony hair fell down her body and hung all around my face as she asked, "Will ye miss me?"

Looking as intensely as I could into her fiery eyes I replied, "Every minute of every day!"

She kissed more fiercely than she ever had before. When she finally pulled away, she whispered, "Ye better take advantage of me as I am now because by the time ye get back... I might be big and round!"

I gasped! Then I pulled her in for a crushing hug, and then I flipped her over and began thrusting my hips as my dick slammed inside Birdette. Her hair was fanned out across our pillows. She closed her eyes, and her mouth was partly open as she breathed slowly and revelled in the feeling of me making love to her. Looking down from her face, I watched her breasts bounce, jiggle, and wobble as they moved on her chest as I hammer her sex... As I went on and on Birdette's mouth opened wider and wider until she was mewling loudly as I smashed everything I am deep into her depths and exploded my cum deep inside her womb!

Once I was finished and breathing hard from my exertions, I asked just for confirmation, "So, this means you're?"

"It does," She giggled.

"Then that means we're gonna be," I gasped.

"Proud parents of two," She finished.

We hugged, kissed, and made love for most of the rest of the night...


Sharp knocking on the door the next morning heralded Pinkerpie's arrival. Ebonae opened the door for me to step out into the morning light. Birdette followed with Amberdine on her hip, and Coleson trailing behind them. He trotted up to me and I gave him a good scratch.

Standing outside our small stone home, I reached out with my senses and my instincts and connected with Coleson. Filling an image in my head with all my feelings and desires, I then sent it to him. I got the feeling that he understood, and then I approached Ebonae and to her surprise wrapped her up in a hug before whispering, "You will never have to fear for your life again. Stay with us for as long as you like, and until my return Coleson is under your care. Take care of him. Make sure he is able to go out and hunt. And, take care of my girls."

"Thank you," She answered as she returned my hug with a squeeze of her own, "I will die before I let anything happen to Birdette or Amberdine, and I will care for Coleson like he is my own beast."

"Thank you Ebonae," I said just as I gave her a final squeeze and withdrew.

Turning to Birdette, who was giving me a curious look, I took her hand and we walked together hand-in-hand. Accompanied by Pinkerpie we approached Lanie Reed, the Alliance's dwarven gryphon master stationed at Thorium Point. I had spoken with Lanie on several occasions, many of which were over a pint of beer in the tavern. She was a notorious flirt, but she also knew I was married to Birdette. She often offered to take me on a personal gryphon ride and let me join the mile-high club, which I actually understood from my previous life, but for the life of me couldn't figure out how it was done when riding on a gryphon's back. Saying as much got a hearty laugh in response and a challenge that if I ever felt "Up" for it, she would show me how it was done.

This morning Lanie looked grim as I waved to her as we approached, "Good morning Lanie!"

"Good morning Hruthgar," She replied curtly, "What can I do for ye today?"

"Actually, it's what you can do for me," Pinkerpie said in her quick goblin accent.

"Ye?" Lanie laughed in surprise, "A goblin? I'm sorry, but these are Alliance gryphons and only members of the Alliance may procure travel."

"Here," Pinkerpie said as she pulled out a medallion and handed it over to Lanie, "I'm an authorized trader and member of the Steamweedle Cartel. We are recognized as neutral by both the Alliance and the Horde."

"And a ripe reputation ye goblin lot have too," Lanie retorted as she looked the medallion over and handed it back, "Ye'd sell ye'r own mothers for a gold coin! How much would state secrets or troop movements sell for I wonder? Sorry, but I still won't sell ye a ticket to ride my gryphons."

"Oh come on Lanie," I objected as I gestured to Pinkerpie, "You know full well that she is a victim of highwaymen! She isn't some undercover agent for the Horde..."

"I truly am sorry Hruthgar," Lanie said as she shook her head, "Ye know I would do it for ye if I could, but these are the rules. If I sent ye both the gryphon coming back would be carrying my replacement."

"Is there any way to bypass this rule," Birdette asked as she bounced Amber on her hip.

"There is," Lanie answered with a nod, "But ye ain't gonna like it."

"Okay, well," Lanie sighed as she shook her head, "As you know, since Hruthgar is human he is automatically recognized as a citizen of the Aligned Nations. Right now I couldn't even let you fly on our gryphons Birdette, not without a Certificate of Marriage signed and sealed by Overseer Oilfist. The same applies to Missus Glimmergem as well."

"Well that ain't going to happen," Birdette declared with a shake of her head as she pulled to lead me away, "Let's go talk to Grisha. Maybe the Horde will be more amenable to common sense."

Grisha watched us as we walked over to where the Horde's wyvern riders were set up.

"Let me do the talking," Pinkerpie mumbled under her breath so that only we could hear. As we approached Pinkerpie took the lead as she called out, "Good morning Grisha, how are you this fine day?"

Grisha gave Pinkerpie a flat stare, and then she looked up at me before acknowledging Birdette or Ebonae. Once she returned her gaze to Pinkerpie she grumbled, "What do you want little goblin?"

"I would like to book passage, for myself and my employee, to the nearest Horde town that sells beasts capable of pulling my wagons," Pinkerpie answered.

"Not going to happen," Grisha said as she shook her head and crossed her arms.

"But I'm a member of the Steamwheedle Cartel," Pinkerpie objected.

"Don't matter," Grisha retorted, "Come back when the Cartel pledges allegiance to the Horde. Until then, no!"

Pinkerpie shook her head in dismay and Grisha uncrossed her arms and softened her tone as she added, "Look, I'm doing you a favor in thanks for what you did for Pohcar. If I sold you a ride to any Horde city or town, your... employee would be detained at the least, arrested at the most as a hostile noncombatant, or worse a spy. From there he could be sold as a slave, or sent to a mining pit. He might be sent to fight in gladiatorial games, or experimented on by the Forsaken, or I hear there are some blood elf and orc women that relish buying and grooming human men to their... desires... Those are the nice ones, the others like taking them and breaking them in, as they call it..."

Both Birdette and Ebonae's face spoke loudly to the disgust they felt at Grisha's testimony. Shaking her head, Birdette pulled me around with a, "Come on, let's go talk about our options at the tavern!"

Ebonae harrumphed loudly as she followed with Pinkerpie and Coleson at her side. Once we were inside and sat down at a table Pinkerpie asked, "So, what are we going to do? Flying out was integral to our returning quickly. Having to hike out of here will double all of my estimates!"

"There is nothing to be done for it," Birdette answered with a shake of her head, "As I see it all that remains is for ye to walk."

"Well," Pinkerpie purred as she looked from me to Birdette before continuing, "Couldn't we have old greasy hands forge us a marriage certificate?"

Birdette looked up in sharp jealousy as Pinkerpie waved her hands, "It would be a forgery, woman... I promise! Trust me, I've had more male attention lately than I've wanted..."

Birdette's eyebrows raised as her jealousy disappeared, and then she even looked apologetic as she said, "Of course, my apologies. Ebonae told me what happened to her. I didn't realize that the same was happening to ye as well."

"Yes," Pinkerpie said as she nodded, "This month will be very stressful until we find out whether we are going to be pregnant or not. Honestly, I don't need any more men in the mix until I know whether I will be living with the horror of the last couple of weeks for the rest of my life or not."

"And if ye are able to fly out of here and return quickly," Birdette mused out loud, "Then ye should return and be gone well before that happens."

"Birdette," Pinkerpie said in all seriousness, "I'm not looking to steal your husband from you. I simply need some help and Hruthgar needs training. That's all."

"Alright then," Birdette grudgingly consented, "I guess I can see my way to overlooking ye being married to my husband as long as it's fake... Now all we need to do is talk to Overseer Oilfist."



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