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Backyard Pool Ch. 14

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Mom comes to terms with what she did.
4.2k words

Part 14 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 10/30/2021
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Anne awoke with a start, her hand between her thighs, covered with juices from her aroused vagina. Strange, erotic images quickly faded from her mind as is the nature of an interrupted dream.

She looked for her husband beside her and found herself alone in the bed, then realized that he was away on business. A glance at the bedside clock indicated that it was well past their regular time to rise. She had a brief moment of panic, then remembered that she had gotten word the night before that the electrical problems at her building had not yet been completely resolved and that she had been instructed not to go into work again that day.

She smiled and relaxed, purring contentedly as she lay there, gently caressing her moist pussy, trying to dredge up the fading images from her dream.

Anne gasped, her body stiffening, as the image that finally came into focus was that of her kids, Ron and Amy, and two other young people, all naked in their backyard pool. She saw them playing in the water for a while, then they all began to have sex together. Anne groaned softly and slid her middle finger into her cunt. Slowly sliding it in and out, she imagined the young teens' sex-play. Soon, her finger was plunging in and out of her dripping joy-hole at a furious pace. Gasping and groaning, her butt bouncing up and down, her passions soared.

Suddenly, she saw herself in the midst of the young people in her dredged up dream.

"Oh," she gasped, guiltily yanking her finger out of her cunt. She groaned, a shudder running through her body. Shaking her head, she tried to purge those salacious images from her fevered brain.

Anne got out of bed and threw on a bathrobe. She used the bathroom, then went out into the living area.

"Good morning, mom!" Amy, also wearing a white bathrobe, greeted her mother cheerily, handing her a cup of coffee. "I heard you were up and in the bathroom, so I poured you a cup." The girl guided her mother to a seat at the dining table. "You just relax here and drink your coffee. I'll have breakfast ready in just a few minutes."

Amy turned and went back into the open kitchen area. Anne sipped her coffee and watched her daughter preparing eggs at the stove.

Anne glanced out the large, sliding-glass patio doors leading to the back yard. She gasped and nearly spilled her coffee as she was greeted with a scene seemingly right out of her recent dream. There was her son, Ron, totally naked, walking around the pool, wielding a long-handled net, scooping up leaf debris from the surface of the water.

Momentarily scandalized at the sight of her son walking around outdoors, naked, she managed to shake off that feeling and eyed the boy's nude, sun-bronzed body, appreciating how he was developing into a young man. Her eyes zeroed in on his penis, which was just as well-tanned as the rest of him. It appeared to be semi-tumescent, standing out, away from his body, in a downward arc over his testicles, bobbing and swaying from side to side as he moved. His sun-warmed balls hung low, dangling loosely and bouncing off his thighs with each step.

Ron put away the net, then he tested the water with a kit and added some chemicals. Finished, he stood by the side of the pool, looking up at the clear, blue sky. He slowly arched his body, his arms thrown back, apparently basking in the warm sun. Anne gasped softly as the boy wagged his hips and she saw his semi-erect penis, even larger now, flop heavily from side to side.

Amy returned to the dining area, carrying some dishes to set the table. She turned her head to follow her mother's gaze and chuckled as she saw her brother standing there, as if worshipping the sun, his semi-engorged penis thrust forward and upward.

Amy smiled, setting down the dishes. "I think I'll join him," she said, slipping off her robe and throwing it over a chair. "Ahhh, yes..." she sighed. "Even menial tasks like fixing breakfast or cleaning the pool can be fun when you're naked!"

A bemused look on her face, Anne's eyes followed her daughter's now naked body as the girl distributed the dishes about the table. As her gaze went back and forth between her two naked children, the realization finally came down on her that those erotic images with which she had awakened were not the result of her fevered imagination, but were, in fact, inspired by actual events, all of which now came flooding back into her memory.

Amy went to the glass doors and called Ron in for breakfast.

"Morning, mom!" Ron greeted her as he stepped inside, apparently unconcerned that his semi-erect penis was on full display for his mother.

"Uhhh...good morning, Ronnie..." she responded distractedly, unable to tear her eyes away from the boy's organ.

Chuckling, he wiggled his hips, causing his partially tumescent penis to sway from side to side.

Ron sat down and Amy brought over the breakfast. As they ate they engaged in inconsequential small-talk, mostly on the part of the two teens. It was obvious to all that the two young people were much more comfortable with the situation than was their mother.

Finally, Amy stood up and moved behind Anne. "Here, mom..." she said, grasping the lapels of her mother's robe and pulling it back and down, off her shoulders. "Why not join us and see how much more comfortable you are!"

Anne gasped as her breasts were exposed. Amy slipped her arms down around her mother and cupped her hands under her titties, gently hefting the firm, round globes and tweaking her nipples between her fingertips. "It's not as if we haven't already seen these beauties...and everything else!"

Anne relaxed and smiled. "Oooooooh..." she purred as Amy tenderly fondled her breasts. "I guess you're right. I'm just being silly, honey." She tilted her head back, pursing her lips.

Amy kissed her as she continued to caress her titties.

Amy returned to her seat and they resumed their breakfast. Anne relaxed and joined in the conversation. After a time, she noticed that Ron's eyes seemed to be concentrated on her breasts for an inordinate period of time as they spoke.

"Why are you looking at my breasts so much, Ronnie?" Anne asked.

Ron started and raised his eyes to her face. Smiling sheepishly, he said, "I can't help it, mom, they're really beautiful!"

Anne flushed and her mouth opened, then she just smiled and sat back in her chair. "Do you really think so?"

"I sure do, mom!" Ron assured her. "Look how pretty Amy's titties are! I'll bet yours looked just like that when you were her age. Over the years, they've just gotten a little fuller and rounder, but they're still nice and perky, just like Amy's...perfectly shaped, round on the bottom and concave on top. You both have nice, big nipples that stand up all the time, pointing slightly upward, and you have small areolas, not big patches that cover half your breast, like some women do. And your breasts don't sag down like many women's do...not even a tiny, dark crease along the underside!"

"Wow, you really have been studying my breasts," Anne said. "So how do you know so much about women's breasts?"

"Ronnie says he's been studying all kinds of sexy stuff for years," Amy said.

"Well, if you really like them so much..." Anne said, looking down at herself as she took a deep breath and thrust her chest forward, "I guess I should be proud of them and happy to let you look at them all you want...." she looked up at Ron with a sly, sidelong gaze, "just as long as you don't mind me looking at that big, beautiful cock of yours all I want!"

Ron laughed. "No, mom. I don't mind that at all!" He stood up from the table and revealed that his penis was now fully erect. He turned his body from side to side, displaying it proudly.

"Ronnie sure is proud of that thing, isn't he?" Amy cried.

"Yes...and with good reason..." Anne murmured breathily as she stared at her son's erection. "I don't have much to compare it to, though, since your father and I were married right after high school graduation. Before, I caught you and your friends in the pool, I'd never ever even seen another grown man's penis besides your father's."

"Ryan's dick sure looked different from Ronnie's, didn't it?" Amy said. "It was so long and skinny and curved upward, while Ronnie's is so thick and straight..." Amy paused, a dreamy look on her face. "Hmmmmmm..." she murmured pensively, "I wonder what daddy's dick looks like..."

Anne gasped. "Amy!" she cried. "You shouldn't even be thinking about things like that!"

Amy giggled. "C'mon, mom! Tell me what daddy's dick looks like!"

"Hmmmmph!" Anne grunted in mock exasperation. "Well, let's see..." she mused. "I really haven't even seen it all that much, lately...we haven't been having much sex for years now...and when we do, we do it with the lights off..."

"Oh no!" Amy cried, "Being able to watch while you do it is half the fun!"

"Yeah..." Anne agreed, "you guys proved that to me, yesterday. Anyway...I think your father's penis looks a lot more like Ronnie's than it does Ryan's...although I don't remember it being that big!"

"Ohhh!" Amy gasped after a moment's pause. "How would you like to see some more penises, mom? Ronnie! Go get your magazine and show it to mom."

"Hmmmm..." Ron murmured as he eyed his mother speculatively. "Okay!"

As Ron went to get his magazine, Amy cleared away the breakfast dishes. When he returned, Ron came up behind Anne at the table and laid the magazine down in front of her.

Anne looked down at the cover and gasped, then turned her head to look up at him over her shoulder. "Omygod! Where did you get something like this? she cried.

Ron laughed at his mother's shocked reaction to the picture of a woman's hand holding a huge erect penis, as it spurted out a stream of cum. "A friend mine found it among his father's things when he died. He gave it to me when he went away to school so his mother wouldn't find it."

"Oh, but it's all right for you to show it to your mother!" she accused, teasingly.

Ron chuckled, thrusting his hips forward and laying his plump, semi-tumescent penis across her shoulder, against her neck, from the rear. Anne's eyes turned down to look at it.

"I guess he and his mother weren't as close as my mom and I are!" he said.

"Haaaa!" Anne guffawed and raised her hand to gently pat her son's cock as it lay atop her shoulder.

She turned back to the magazine and began slowly flipping through the pages, pausing to closely examine various pictures and making comments about what she saw. "OMG, look at the size of that one!" "This girl has really nice boobs." "That looks like fun!" "Omygod! She's taking that huge cock up her butt!"

"Whew!" Anne said, sitting back and fanning her face with her hand as she finished looking through the magazine. Her butt squirmed in the chair. "That was quite...uhhh...eye-opening."

Amy giggled.

"All those guys are enormous!" Anne said.

"Ronnie says they're all 'freaks of nature', chosen to be in the magazine for that very reason," Amy explained.

"I also noticed that most of the girls, and even some of the men didn't have any hair down there," Anne said.

"I think that's to make their dicks look even bigger than they really are," Rod surmised.

"Yeah, and it makes the girls' pussies more visible, too, I think," Amy said.

"Uh-huh..." Anne mused. "And perhaps it would make licking them more pleasant, as well..."

"Pussies or dicks?" Amy asked.

Anne chuckled. "Ummmm, both, I suppose!"

"Would you like to try it, mom?" Amy cried excitedly.

Anne frowned confusedly. "Try what, honey?"

"Let's trim you up a bit!" the girl replied.

"Oh!" Anne cocked her head thoughtfully. "You mean like those girls in the magazine."

"Well...we don't have to go as far as those girls did," Amy said. "We can just trim around the edges!"

"Hmmmm....uhhh, okay..." Anne hesitantly agreed.

Amy jumped up and pulled mother to her feet. "Let's go!"

Amy led her mother to the bathroom while Ron followed along behind. She laid out a woman's electric shaver, a razor, and shave cream.

"I'll go first," Amy said, hopping up on the vanity. She leaned back against the mirror and pulled her feet up onto the countertop. Dropping her knees to either side, the young girl splayed her slender thighs far apart, unselfconsciously opening up her crotch to the others' view.

Anne gazed at her daughter's fully exposed vagina, a bemused smile on her face. "Honey," she said, after a few moments' contemplation, "you have such a pretty little pussy already. I don't know how we can make it look any better."

Amy giggled. Sliding her hands inward along her inner thighs, she touched her fingertips to her puffy outer labia. "See this, here?" she said, stroking the tip of her finger through some, nearly invisible, blond peach-fuzz. Then she drew her fingers up to her love nest. "And we can trim this a little bit, too."

"Well, I think all we'd be doing was 'gilding a lily'," Anne said, "but we can give it a shot!"

Anne picked up the shaver and began trimming away the edges of her daughter's love nest. Following the girl's guidance, she gradually shaped her daughter's little patch of golden curls into an even smaller, neater, blond muff.

While her mother worked on her, Amy looked up at her brother, who stood to the side, leaning against the door jam, watching.

Ron nodded his head and smiled. "Just admiring the view," he said.

Amy giggled, stroking her fingers back and forth along her smooth, slender, inner thighs while tensing her buttocks to thrust her crotch upward.

Finishing with the shaver, Anne smeared shaving cream all around the newly defined perimeter of Amy's pubic patch, then carefully shaved it clean with the razor. Now she gently applied some shaving cream to Amy's outer labia along either side of the slightly open crevice through which peeked the pink folds of her vulva.

Anne used warm, wet wash-cloths to clean off the residue, then gently dried the girl's love nest with a hair drier.

Picking up a hand-mirror, Amy inspected her pussy. "Oh! Beautiful, mom!"

"It sure is, sweetheart," Anne replied.

Amy giggled, "I meant, you did a beautiful job, mom!"

"I agree," Ron interjected. "Mom did a beautiful job on a beautiful pussy!"

Amy looked up at her brother and smiled, noting that the boy's penis was now stiffly erect.

"Your turn, now, mom," the girl said, slipping down off the vanity.

Anne climbed up on the counter and leaned back liker Amy had done. As she pulled her feet up and splayed her knees outward, she felt a twinge of embarrassment as, unlike her daughter's more closed vulva, her vagina fully opened up, revealing the moistly glistening folds of inner labia. She could see that even the bright pink nub of her clitoris was peeking out from its shroud, exposing the state of her arousal to her two children.

"Ooooooh..." Amy gasped softly, "Look at that, Ronnie..." She gently touched her fingertip to Anne's moist inner labia and drew it upward to tenderly caress the slightly protruding head of her mother's clit.

Anne sucked in her breath and her butt squirmed.

"I guess mom really enjoyed looking at your magazine!" Amy said.

"Oh, yeah...just look at how wet she is!" Ron said, leaning in closer to watch as his sister continued to caress their mother's moist vulva and protruding clitoris with her fingertip. "But maybe she just enjoyed trimming up your cute little pussy, sis," he suggested.

Amy chuckled, "Yeah, there's that, too," she said, continuing to tenderly caress her mother's vagina for a little while as Anne groaned and her ass squirmed. Finally, Amy pulled her hand away. "Well, we'd better stop this or we'll never get to our main objective here!"

Amy picked up the electric shaver and began trimming away excess hair from her mother's mons. As she carefully began trimming Anne's outer labia, Amy pursed her lips and gently blew a stream of cooling air over the moist, pink folds of her mother's open vulva.

Amy smeared shave cream around the neat little patch of curls which she had left on her mother's mons, and then down either side of her open furrow. Then she carefully shaved off the nubs, gently pulling and stretching Anne's outer cunt-lips as she did so. She finished up with a thorough rubdown with warm, wet washcloths, then a gentle blow-drying.

Amy handed her mother the mirror so she could inspect her work. Anne smiled as she gazed at her crotch in the mirror. "Oh, my, that's almost as pretty as yours!" she said.

"Almost?" Amy said. "It's better! You can easily see all the good stuff all the time, without having to open it up, like mine. And now, with all that hair gone, you can see it even better!"

Amy reached out and again touched her fingertip to her mother's glistening inner labia. As she tenderly caressed those sensitive folds, Anne groaned softly and clenched her ass, thrusting her loins up and down.

Amy glanced at Ron and smiled, seeing that her brother's penis was still standing at full attention. "Wait a sec'...we have something much better than my finger for this!"

Grasping the shaft of her brother's hard-on, she pulled him closer. Amy touched its engorged glans to her mother's open vulva and slowly rubbed that big, smooth knob up and down through her moist folds.

Holding the mirror and watching from various angles, Anne groaned and her butt squirmed against the countertop as her daughter caressed her aroused vagina with her son's swollen glans. When the boy's big cock-head was well coated with her juices, Amy pushed her brother's penis downward and inserted the engorged knob into her mother's joy-hole.

"Oooooh...ooooh...oooooh, yes..." Anne moaned, her butt squirming, as Amy popped her brother's big, rubbery cock-head in and out of her mother's vaginal opening. After a few moments, Amy put her other hand on her brother's naked butt and pushed him forward, sliding his rigid shaft through her own encircling fingers and into her mother's vagina.

"Ohmygod...ohmygod..." Anne groaned, watching in the mirror as that long, thick shaft slid into her aching cunt, gradually filling her with the hot, throbbing flesh of her son's massive penis. When Ron's prick was fully seated within his mother's vagina, Amy slid her hand forward and began caressing Anne's clitoris.

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh!" Anne gasped, her ass bouncing up and down on the vanity, feeling her son's penis throbbing deep inside her while her daughter caressed her clit.

"Ooooooooh..." she squealed as her loins exploded with delightful waves of pleasure. She dropped the mirror and threw her arms around her son's neck. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she pulled herself up onto to his body and clung to him, gasping and groaning as her erupting cunt spasmed around the hot, hard, throbbing spike of his embedded organ.

"Oh, shit...oh, shit..." Anne groaned into her son's chest, heaving ragged gasps of breath and her body shuddering as her orgasm gradually ebbed. She released her son's neck and sagged back down onto the countertop.

Amy pulled Ron back and his long, hard cock, withdrew from their mother's vagina, springing stiffly upward as its swollen head popped free of her joy-hole. Amy dropped to her knees and began licking her tongue at her mother's dripping vulva.

"Ooooooh...oooooooh..." Anne purred, her butt slowly writhing on the countertop. She gazed down between the upthrust mounds of her breasts with half-closed eyes, watching her daughter's pretty face as the girl eagerly lapped up the sweet nectar flowing from her still delightfully tingling vagina.


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