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Click here"Drive safe Liz, see you soon. Remember, make sure everything is to your liking. That is what is most important."
Later that evening, Hank was out with some buddies, and I pulled up the live feed from the lake house that my FBI pal had provided. Sure enough, there in our living room, seated closely together on the couch was my loving wife and her paramour "Lester the molester" as I'd aptly named him. Her head laid on his shoulder and he was stoking her hair.
"You don't think he knows do you Les?"
"I don't see how he could babe. It's only been since last Thanksgiving and only eight times. We've been beyond discrete. I see no way he'd find out."
"I'm sure you're right, but he has been so strange since he came back last Thursday after the storm. He even turned me down for sex three different times."
"Well, let me help make up for the lack of attention" Lester smirked as the hand he had draped over her shoulder cupped her breast."
"Lester, please. I love how you rock my world in bed, but I do love my husband and our family. I have no intention of losing either. We both know this is just a fling. It's not love, and it never will be. For all I know you're probably fucking at least two or three other wives."
"You're right Liz. I don't mean to come off as anything other than a fun distraction. However, I do care about you and don't want to see you hurt. By the way, if you don't mind me asking, am I the first guy you slept with outside your marriage? I'm not judging or anything, just curious."
Liz paused for a moment. "Holy shit." I thought. "I didn't believe this could get worse."
"There was one other about five years ago. He was a new administrator in our district, and he was hot as fuck. I don't know what came over me but for some reason he picked me out and I didn't resist. We screwed around for about six months before I came to my senses. Truthfully, I caught him fucking an assistant principal at the middle school. I slapped him so hard I think he saw stars for a couple of days."
"Mike Jenson" I thought to myself. "That fucking slime ball was so smug around me, now I know why. He was fucking my whore wife."
"Remind me never to cross you, Liz. By the way, just to be truthful, I am fucking around with Julie Mitchell and Kim Ferguson. I know you don't care since we're just a fling, but I do want you to know each of us are clean from any STD's. I'm being very careful."
"Good to know stud. I knew about Julie; Kim is a bit of a surprise since she comes off as such a goodie two-shoes. Well since we both know this is just for kicks, I'm amped up with my man neglecting me all week so why don't you take me to bed lover, and make a real woman out of me?"
I switched over to the hidden bedroom cam and watched for about ten minutes. It was nine minutes more than I thought I could bare. They tore each other's clothes off and went at it hard. My loving wife gave her boytoy an amazing blow job before he lifted her onto the bed, placed her on her hands and knees and begin fucking her furiously from behind.
She was moaning and panting. Between groans she begged him, "Yes, just like that, right there, please fuck me, oh so fucking good, yes please right there, hard!"
I turned it off, went into the bathroom and hurled. Tuesday, I texted Tracie and told her Hank and I needed to zoom with her. At noon I shared the ugly truth with my children. It broke my heart, but I couldn't sugar coat it or pretend what their mom was doing wasn't true. I was sad and cried through a good bit of it. They both cried as well but ultimately said they would try to understand and be supportive.
I told them I was going to give their mom a chance to come clean with me on Wednesday night. If she did that, there might be a slim chance we could make it. Obviously, they couldn't breathe a word of what they know if they spoke with their mom. Tracie invited Hank to come up for the rest of the week since his school was out and she was taking an early summer class before coming home. I thought it was amazing of her to think about her kid brother when her own heart was breaking.
When Liz came through the door around 4 PM I was waiting in the den. Seated in my leather chair sipping some Four Roses single barrel bourbon... neat. She glided across the room dropping her purse and bag intending to plop down on my lap. I guessed after being freshly fucked by Lester the molester she was satiated and in good spirits for her cuck husband. I held my hand up to keep her at arm's length.
She saw the very serious expression on my face. "What is wrong Henry?"
I motioned to the couch, "Please sit down Liz. Can I get you something to drink?"
"No, I'm fine, now please tell me Henry, what on earth is wrong? Oh my... are the kids OK?"
"The kids are fine Liz, nothing to worry about there." I could see her relax just a bit at that piece of good news. Sadly, it would probably be all downhill from here.
"Liz, I'm going to give you one chance and one chance only. Is there anything you want to tell me Liz? Or I should say, is there anything you're willing to tell me about Liz? I'm looking for complete honesty from you my dear wife and in exchange I will be completely honest with you. Please think carefully before you answer."
"Henry, what do I have to tell you? The lake house is OK. The kids are fine. Until a few days ago, you and I hadn't had a disagreement in several months. Our sex life is usually very good. What do you want me to say?"
My hopes for any pathway forward were being dashed by the second. "Liz, I've been honest with you our entire marriage. I've never lied, never deceived you or misrepresented the truth. I'm not perfect, far from it. I don't always get it right but being completely open with you has always been one of my top priorities in our relationship. So, one last time Liz, is there anything you need to be honest about with me?"
It was then, that our marriage ended. "Honestly Henry, I have no idea what you're looking for or talking about."
Tears began to form in my eyes. "I'm so terribly sad Liz. So very sad that you hold me and our marriage in such contempt. I guess I'll never know what I did to deserve your betrayal and disloyalty. I thought we were together as one forever until we died. Now I know that hasn't and will never be the case. Liz, I know all about your lovers Ken Lester and Mike Jenson."
Liz's face turned ashen in an instant. Her mouth gaped open even as one of her hands clasped over it. "Oh no, no, no, she said, barely above a whisper. The louder, "No Henry, please let me explain. Oh Lord, what have I done? Please Henry, they mean nothing... nothing, I love only you."
"Really Liz? Mike Jenson was, how did you put it... 'hot as fuck' I believe was the term you used. And if memory serves me correctly, Friday night you told Lester the molester that you were 'amped up because your husband had neglected you, so he needed to take you to bed and make a real woman out of you.' Neither of those sound like they don't mean anything to you."
"How... when... Henry... how did you hear those things?"
"Simple my cheating wife. I had surveillance equipment installed last week after I found your soiled swimsuit and cum filled panties in a Ziplock bag that had been blown out of the trash bin during the storm. It also contained your ruined blouse but I'm sure you'll be able to replace it so Lester can rip another one from your body as you devour one another. The DNA testing was easy enough for obvious reasons."
"You mean you spied on me and Lester?"
"No Liz. Everything was recorded but I stopped watching after you blew him, and he began taking your skank pussy doggie style on the bed I thought was only for you and me. Once you started moaning like a bitch in heat, I turned it off, went into my bathroom and threw up."
Liz was crying now, unable to meet my graze. I didn't comfort her, nor did I continue my description of her whoring. I simply sat in silence, under a blanket of pain that covered my heart like the darkest of nights.
After a few minutes she began to compose herself. "What can I do Henry? How can I make this right? Please tell me we can fix this. I can't imagine my life without you, our home, our world together. Please Henry, tell me there is a way out of this mess."
"There is a way Liz, but it isn't, and it never will be together. You took my trust, my love, my pledge to be with you and only you and your callously crushed them. I cherished you Liz, and you spit on my love. You mocked me as a man and as a husband. How could you consider I'd sit still for my wife fucking other men? Do you think that little of me? I'm sorry you made your choices Liz, but now I've made mine. The only way forward is separately."
With that I reached down and picked up a manilla envelop and tossed it onto the couch next to her. The outside of the package read, "Petition for Divorce."
"No Henry, please not this! We must try to stay together for us and for our children. For your business and my teaching career. We can work through this. I can get professional help. We can get professional counseling. We're strong Henry, we can withstand this storm!"
"Liz, let me be clear. I'm divorcing you on the grounds of adultery. You can tear up those papers and throw them away if you like. But if you do, I'll have my lawyer draw up another copy and I'll have you served at work, in front of your students and co-workers. Please don't do that to Hank. However, little you think of me, please at least spare your son."
"Henry, you love me too much to do that and I love you too much to walk away from twenty-four years of marriage. Please, work with me to find a solution that saves our marriage, our family!"
"Liz, you have no clue what genuine love is. You've mistaken comfort and security for commitment. Love is an action, not a feeling. You love someone when you are faithful. Love is forsaking all others. Love is caring more about the other person than you care about yourself. Tell me Liz, how much were you loving Tracie and Hank while you were fucking your paramours. How deeply interested were you in saving our marriage while you spread your legs for men whose only interest in you was sex? Your actions show you for who you truly are Liz, a self-absorbed cheating and lying slut."
"I'll fight you on this Henry. I'll fight this divorce tooth and nail. I'm not going to give up on us."
I was beginning to tire of her self-righteousness as anger swelled up inside me. "Liz you stupid bitch, you're beginning to get on my last nerve. Go ahead and fight if you want. Why don't you start by calling your kids and telling them what is happening? Try to convince them you love me and our family. Do you know where Hank is right now? He's at school with Tracie probably crying his eyes out because his family is about to implode."
"What on earth have you done Henry? What did you tell our children?"
I sighed deeply. "The truth Liz, I simply told them the truth, that you had two sexual affairs with two different men. One about five years ago and one that was currently ongoing. I was honest with them Liz, which I more than I can say for you. I didn't tell them to hate you or abandon their relationship with you. I told them that if you came home and confessed truthfully what you'd done, there was a slim chance our marriage could make it. But you showed your true colors today, Liz, you showed you cared more about yourself than us."
"What is going to happen Henry?"
"I hope we can divorce quietly without ranker or becoming a big spectacle. I'd love to leave you with nothing, but there is no way that would ever happen in today's courts. But I am suing the school district and the club at the lake. They probably won't go anywhere but I want some people held accountable. You were the primary culprit here, but there were others who have acted to destroy our marriage. You had accomplices and I want them to pay."
"You'll probably make out better than me financially, at least for the first few years. Custody is a moot point since Hank will be out of the house in college before anything is finalized. I'm not moving out; I don't care if you do or don't. I'm staying in the master bedroom; you can move into the spare room or go live with Lester the molester for all I care."
"But if you fight me on this Liz. If you try to play the victim I'll spread the recordings of the last two days everywhere, beginning with your parents, then your siblings, friends, co-workers and even your Wednesday pickleball league. I'm not the bad guy here, I didn't sleep around or blow up my marriage and I won't try to cover for you."
From the look on her face, I could see it was finally becoming clear to her what she'd done. Her face was etched with deep pain.
"I'm so sorry Henry. I know you are very wounded by my actions, but could I ask you to hold me for a few moments? I just feel so lost."
I rose, began to walk across the room then stopped. "I'm sorry Liz, but I will never touch you again."
Epilogue: (Narrator)
Liz fought it for a while, but in the end it was inevitable. The divorce was pretty much 50/50 down the middle. Henry's lawyer Tom was correct. You can slut around on your spouse and the courts will reward your infidelity and punish the victim. Fortunately for Henry, the kids were adults, so no child-support. His company was thriving so even with the settlement he would be OK financially.
Liz wanted them to keep the lake house jointly. Henry refused. They finally agreed to put it in a trust for Tracie and Hank. 50/50 for each one of them. Maybe someday Henry would return there to play with grandkids. He was doubtful.
The lawsuits didn't go anywhere but Lester was fired and run out of town by angry club members. Julie Mitchell's and Kim Ferguson's husbands received a small portion of the recording where Lester confessed to fucking them. Both couples divorced.
Mike Jenson took a bad beating one night coming out of the gym where he worked out. Three weeks later it happened again. He decided to move. Nobody was ever connected to the assaults.
Henry and Liz sold the house. Both live in condos on opposite ends of town. Henry has met someone he dates often, but he's still gun shy. Word got around about the divorce and Liz has a reputation for being easy, so she tends to avoid going out much for now.
Tracie and Hank see both parents although their relationship with their mother is still frosty.
Every time a tornado siren goes off Henry gets a sad smile on his face and shrugs his shoulders. Liz sits down and cries. It took a tornado to uncover the real storm.
Hmmm. Where does "for better or worse' fit in here?
I can understand the pain, but I'm sure that many married people, husbands and wives both, have screwed around and still kept the family unit intact. I would be difficult, but time does heal wounds.
Five years of lying by omission and he is going to maybe take her back if she confesses now? WTF?
WHO does THAT??
A good story where the clueless husband doesn't wait around for months the only that would of been better, is when they are in the cabin call her phone and keep calling it, if her phone is off should of put something in the cabin to confront them right there, I hate this stupid waiting game
So so
MC finds out And then MC wishy washy and then finally gives her a chance to tell the truth after hearing and seeing her be a slut
Lester is a convicted felon, so his DNA would be in a database. The MC's FBI contacts could look it up.
Just,how did he find out it was Lester.He didn't have his DNA to compare with the DNA in the panties.?
My 2nd read thru and I think I enjoyed it even more, first reading I gave it 4 stars now I give it 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you for a good tale. The emotion and tension while not as heavy or intense as I like in these stories was still worth my time in reading. Ending was plausible though not very satisfying to me. Lester needed more punishment. Liz also should have received more pain but guess the system is rigged to prevent that. Thanks for creating then sharing. John
Anonymous: I am sorry that happened to you. It sounds awful. It happens to a lot of us and the only real salvation is that you get clean of a soul-vampire that was draining you of vitality.
To the idiotic anon who insist that nobody ever would vomit in the moment their entire world and existence crashes down upon them.
Once upon a time 21 years ago...I was married 11 years. 3 beautiful daughters. To a woman I thought was the love of my life.
I discovered (or uncovered) the truth one evening. She had to work late. She lazily left her "secret email" info in a log book next to our home computer. I never looked at it. But I wanted to order her a Christmas present through Amazon (Amazon had started to sell a lot more than books by then). We had talked about it. Since I didn't use the login information usually. And she was not home for me to ask? I just went to the log book she kept. To find the password.
And right there is a some wierd Hotmail email address?
And there we go. Months and months of emails back and forth (nearly a year)...detailing their affair. With a recently divorced friend of mine.
What was my real world reaction to the end of my happy existence?
I literally threw up. Luckily I was only about 8 steps away from a bathroom and toilet.
But it actually happened. To me. Just like it's written about in all of these stories you stupid fucking douche.
And before you go there moron.
That's the actual last time I've thrown up except for one out of control new years party...where I drank way too much vodka. And whiskey. And tequila. And beer. It all came back up at 3 am.
What I'm saying is I don't throw up. I have the constitution of a bear. I don't get sick. Spicy food does not affect me.
In my 50s I still bench 285 lbs. And dead lift nearly 400. I'm a big bearded strong dude.i ain't some delicate flower.
And I still puked. Why?
Because I knew in that instant everything was going to crash down.
I could not stay with her. Our marriage ended the moment I read their emails. She worked part time while I worked 2 jobs. She was primary care giver. My world and the world of the 3 little souls I was daddy too was going to change badly.
And it did. Home was sold. I became a part time dad who spent less time with them then their future step dad. I paid an obscene amount of child support through the recession. While she became a trophy wife and say at home mom.
When the weight of all of that crushes down on you in that specific moment?
You don't know what the fuck reaction you are gonna have. So maybe to a lot of you morons out there? It seems cliche? But it's an absolutely understandable human reaction. You get literally sick.
It. Fucking. Happens.
Great story. Too bad Lester didn’t get a little of Jensen’s treatments. Easy *5 stars and an extra 5 for hurting Ic69hunter’s tender feelings. He just can’t comprehend that a normal man, he’s a bi cuck himself, might not want his wife screwing other men.
"You mean you spied on me and Lester?" - She's cheating, and is mad about him spying on them?
Anon, it's a known medical condition called Cyclical vomiting syndrome. Just use Google. It'll help you.
ANON wonders why so many MCs vomit when under stress as if they were a teenybopper bulimic. It's called formulaic, lazy writing. The last 875 writers to write this same story with the same characters, same dialogue, and same plot devices had their MC puking, so they followed suit. Most of these writers imitate rather than actually write. They're like cover bands that play from the same narrow catalog.
It's easy to write stories when your main character is rich, infallible, smart, unflawed, morally superior, and completely congruent in all aspects of his life. His spouse is the polar opposite and then some. Writing with these kinds of characters and slam-dunk plots is like playing a game with cheat codes enabled. What comes out of the back end is contrived, and there is no conflict (the lifeblood of all fiction), and the end is never in doubt. One can read the first few lines, skip to the end, and you've missed nothing except endless, predictable clichés, a few rambling, righteous manifestos in the style of Ted Kaczynski, and a lot of anger.
I enjoyed the story very much except for one or two niggles.
1) I am at a loss to understand why so many authors on this site write their MCs vomiting all over the place every time an unwelcome development comes to light. I've been betrayed before by people I trusted and know many others who have been but not one of us has ever vomited as a result of betrayal and I can't work out what authors think this adds to the story.
2) A number of mis spellings made this jar a bit but the biggest culprit was 'ranker'. 'Rancour' or to give it it's US spelling 'rancor' has an entirely different meaning from the incongruous 'ranker'.
For all that though it was a fine tale and Liz got her just desserts in the end which was enormously satisfying. Some will say that Henry didn't make out too well, which is true but doesn't mean he won't do in the future. It can take a long time to get over this level of hurt.
While well written, there's no joy in the story. He successfully documents her betrayal, and things go somewhat poorly for her, but there's no real win for him. The delta between where she ended up and where he ended up didn't feel good. 3*
Incredible piece of writing. You took everything A,B,C doing things so methodically it was perfect. If I didn’t know better, I would think this was a real story. 5⭐️👍
‘ make a real woman out of me’. That is just such poor dialogue. And the word you wanted is rancour, not ranker( that’s a non commissioned serviceman or woman.)
A well-constructed and nicely-written story that, like so many, ends entirely too abruptly to be truly satisfying.
This writer is completely in the thrall of the stereotype/cliche story. The dumbest thing he does in all his stories if have the MC shielded by a pre-nuptial agreement and/or sues for divorce on the grounds of adultery. Then... it's a smooth 50-50 division of assets, with MC pissing and moaning. Also, his male characters come off as overly-sanctimonious. Their only emotions are outrage and self-pity. That manifests into passive-aggressive behavior that the MC seems to enjoy. The end confrontations are like clubbing baby seals. Every story is exactly the same.
3 stars and just barely.
Not enough payback for the SLUT.
She deserves double payback for the two ASSHOLES she fucked.
She needs to be ostracized for many years by the entire family.
Not even close to what the cunt deserved. Let a real BTBer rewrite it for you.
“I hope we can divorce quietly without ranker or becoming a big spectacle. I'd love to leave you with nothing, but there is no way that would ever happen in today's courts. But I am suing the school district and the club at the lake.”
Exactly how quiet can 5he divorce be if he’s going to sue the school district and the lake club?
3 ***
Craved more consequences or pain for the cheater... Maybe force the sale of the cottage but buy another one for himself... Find a new woman to remodel it with
- Lester had done prison time at 20. Not too far fetched to think his DNA might be in the system
1. Telling the children and asking them not to tell their mother what he knows is forcing them to take sides and unacceptable behavior.
2.. How praytell did he get a DNA sample from Lester so as to identify him?
I like the storm aspect of the story too bad there isn't more of them 😞
4 stars, decent story, not very original but it is solid and straightforward. Hard to find new original plots around here but at least this is better than the average.
The divorce laws in this country are an excessively bad joke and marriage may as well be abolished as an institution as no one is willing to be committed to it for whatever reason.
3 Stars for the effort. All in all, a decent story. I find it hard to "Like" a story wherein the cheater breaks even or comes out ahead... Even if that may be close to reality. The cheater should always lose in the end.
Lol 50/50 is simply fair shares. It's always the whiney children that think they should get everything for free that want to cry about having to give people their fair dues.
He meant rancor, which means bitterness or resentfulness. Good story. I enjoyed reading it. Sadly, the marriage was doomed and broken by her infidelity, he just didn't know it until the tornado hit. Thanks for story.
Like how he installed the cameras. I wish I had installed cameras on my patio with view of the hot tub, pool areas and upstairs over our garage. Procrastinating ruined my chances at proving the betrayal.
Finding her swim suit on the deck and soiled thong and earing up stairs.
At 62 I'm devastated. The it's to late in life to hope for happiness.
Though it's just a story but it must have happened to someone somewhere.
I simply don't understand, why cheating on your partner! If any one is not happy specially regarding sex life then he or she can confess to the other partner. At least he or should give a chance to the partner to make it right.
It seems to me that it must have happened to enjoy the best of both worlds and the excitement to blindside the partner. But often they forget that "every action has it's own reaction" as Newton said.
Why average?
Disregard, disrespect,lying, etc
And then he was giving her chance to tell truth?
Her truth?!
Seems like "Henry" keeps taking a beating as he's been in several stories now, lol. The way the infidelity was discovered was original and interesting.
Sad that we allow people to destroy families with no consequence.
Maybe if there was, morals would be better and divorce less often, and more important less kids in broken homes.
Needed something more, just unsure what but good writing.
Work on dialogue, it was a bit stilted. Overall, a good story. Keep working and thanks for writing.
A novel way of finding out his wife was cheating. Well done.
Ranker or rancor?
I have never heard of ranker, except as a bastardization of rank.
Rancor is kinda like anger and or hatred.
I agree with anon re using Grammarly too much, particularly on the speech from your characters. The dialogue from your characters is one of the best ways for an author to bring to highlight the individuality of the story's characters. Their dialogue, grammar, slang and vocabulary should all portray who they are, not what a computer program determines is the technically correct wording.
Save Grammarly for anything outside of the speech quotation marks.
Just some free advice. Write more stories your dialogue was stiff because in this big world some real people talk like that.
Secondly, your writing was great. Your details helps the reader visualize the story.
Thank You Please write more stories like this.
Just some free advice. Don’t rely on your Grammarly account so much. It ruined your dialogue. Real people don’t talk like that, especially when emotional!
Secondly, your writing was stiff. You appeared to be trying to be detailed and accurate more than letting the story flow naturally.
personally I thought is well written. Was to the point, consequences shown, wasn't over the top or to little done. very well balanced.
I thought you did that justice for a BTB story, nicely written piece, good description and believable actions
For the anon a couple comments down the list...
There could be issues due to the relationship between the admin and the teacher. Could be a person of authority thing. We don't hear anything about what happened to the guy anyways.
There would be no need to have three genetic labs in one city. He got away from her, but , of course, the Law made Justice impossible.
What does a tornado and a wife have in common? the beginning things are warm and wet, with a lot of sucking and blowing, / and in the end you feel dizzy, and hurt, and you realize it's also taken your house! 5 stars.? Still need bit more emotion, can feel it coming the more you write! Keep it up.
Lester the Jester was eventually tracked down and three very pissed of masked men "mugged" him. His injuries were extreme but sadly he will never have an erection again as his testicles were beyond saving.
I thought the same about the homophone ranker. Stood out like a sore thumb.
This was well crafted with a very plausible reveal in the garbage.
I don’t believe the suit against the school district had no merit though.
And the organization that hired Lester should have been held liable since he was banging 3 different wives.
Bill S.
I liked it.
I don't understand why it mattered
that she was a lying cheating slut.
Instead of just a cheating slut.
Would he have kept her if she hadn't lied?
No, that didn't make sense to me.
But the plot was interesting and well worked.
So top ratings from me.
Another good story about wife being hit by the 'Martian Slut Ray', you'd think we could find and anti missile, missile to shot that thing down. 5 stars, sadly.............
If she caught the several inuendo's I tossed out she didn't let on.
there was no inuendo before this sentence if there was they were extremely vague
How did this happen? We have a mc that did not just cave, that could not exercise any self control, andjust immediately have sex with wifey? Wow. As for Reed richards, I hope he keeps commenting he will earn a lot of one scores. So he stopped doing married women? Gee, that automatically make him a really upstanding and moral citizen. It is so funny, that he used that classic little kid defense, in stating other here also do the same cheating gutter dwelling thing, but mom, billy does it too, that makes it perfectly ok. such a towering moral stance. Rr is a scum sucking waste of skin.
A fairly well written but despressingly one dimensional and unoriginal BTB tale. Another cold-blooded, self-righteous hubby - who just happens to have FBI friends and DNA analysis at his finger tips - not even attempting to understand why his wife might have strayed or how he might have contributed to her behaviour. I'm perfect and she's a whore. No other explanation needed. Oh if only life were so simple and people so black and white.
I have absolutely no idea why the MC gave a last-minute chance to his wife - as if she would if their roles were reversed.
Except for this nonsense, though, a solid story all around. Thanks for the share, author.
Anony wrote, ", you are no better than lester or jensen or any other prick that goes after married women!" Well, I did give that up, many, many years ago, but yes, I have done so.
What are the odds that I'm the only regular here who has knowingly fucked another man's wife?
Well told story... Loved the M/C determination and willingness to discard the cheater. Surprised the School District didn't get any residual bad Karma.
Why average?!
You wrote him giving her another Chance to confess after playing you. disrespected, dishonored vows,and treated you as a wimpy cuckold
I loved it. It was very believable in all the things it talked about with the possible exception of just luckily, having a friend who could wire up a house for surveillance so quickly. Not saying it's impossible but it is a little to convenient. I believe people would be very surprised to learn that non criminals as well as criminals can have their DNA in a database that is available for comparison. Even victims of crime routinely have to give DNA so they can be eliminated when the crime scene is processed but their DNA profile remains in the system. I even heard of a cold case murder being solved through a familial match of the killer's offspring supplied from a DNA ancestry testing service. He was dead, but the case was closed. I gave it 5/stars for its accuracy and realism.
So, was Glen Lester in the DNA database? Better that than one of those Magical TV DNA Labs? With one of those, you could solve the roughly 1.3 million DNA crimes sitting in police files without a database or evidentiary match. Nice, realistic touch, OP.
Very average story almost saved from mediocrity by not having his wife do anal with her lover while refusing her spouse. That is such a silly, over used, cliche.
Good story, well written, and mostly believable. The owner of a DNA shop who does work for a number of Government Agencies may know a few shortcuts in identifying someone's DNA, but it turned out he didn't need it, the surveillance equipment gave him all the info he needed.
As to our friend RR, yes a shower pretty much restores her to her original PHYSICAL condition, but she's still tainted. A used pussy or dick is not the same as a cheating pussy or dick, It's unfortunate that there are so many that can't grasp the difference.
I agree with Angelrider on the 50/50 split. The wife cheated, but she spent over 20 years as a fully functional partner in the marriage, she's still entitled to 50%.
Thanks, ttt59, I enjoyed it.
Good story. As for the DNA critics, Lester went to prison for B&E. Prison. Who knows what happened there, the author didn't delve into it because this story wasn't about Lester. Besides, you may think the gov. doesn't have DNA on everyone, and you would be right. But I bet they are getting closer every day. Giving 5 stars.
A good tho ultimately sad story. Along with a commenter below, I ask why the wife put those clothes in a zip-loc bag when she thought the garbage would be picked up. If not for that, the rain might've taken care of the remnants of her cheating. Either way, she doomed herself by that action... which led to everything else. 1st story I've read from this author but will look at others. Tho the action's expected, writing kept me interested. 4 stars Bob
Reed, you’re getting too much of my anonymous ranker. I’m going to have to up my game.
Entertaining story, the glitch that cost you a point is the discovery of Lester’s ID thru DNA. What database had Lester’s DNA detail on it? His crimes were never serious enough to warrant the state to obtain or keep his DNA. That was a big hole in the tale
Scores 4/5, l enjoyed it the tale was quite imaginative.
you are no better than lester or jensen or any other prick that goes after married women!
"my wife was defiantly out of sorts." - Definitely, not defiantly.
She was defiant as well he jumped his shit when he asked if all was ok.
How did he identify Lester from the DNA? You need something to compare it to.
Lester had served time in prison, all prisoners are swabbed.
Reed, I don't know if you're being deliberately obtuse or what, but having sex with a non-virgin is NOT the same thing as "sloppy seconds." I don't know if there is any specific time period, but just the use of the word "sloppy" implies that the other man's semen is still in the woman's vagina, indicating recent sexual activity.
Thanks for this!! Always enjoy your tales. And thanks for including an epilogue. Always like to know what happened after the fact. Looking forward to your next one. :)
I understand the idea the wife would have put no special effort into hiding her richly doused with DNA clothing since she knew the trash would be picked up before anyone returned to the cabin. That logic does not explain, however, why said clothing had been hermetically sealed in a ZipLock storage bag. Why would the wife have done that? Aside from that quandry, it was a great read for me. Many thanks to the author. Please write another soon.
Another cheating wife story. All seem to familiar originality is very rare these days
Great story with the very rare, in LW stories, new way of discovering the cheating. Too bad he couldn’t burn the bitch completely, but he did get to Lester and Jensen with some professional and personal pain.
Good story especially the parts on what a fucked up court system we have when adultery is involved. It is effectively a breach of contract and should be treated as such.
You wrote hubby as a pontificating self-righteous prick. I give this story a 2.
Well written and the story flows very well. I still can’t imagine sitting on the knowledge your wife cheated on you for days until finally confronting her with the truth.
gave it a grade of 5 but it's a weak 4.6
could of been a little better; with more exciting parts of the story.
writer's choice; so you got your grade of 5
While it is obvious the author intended to have Liz deny the affair when confronted, it also seems rather probable that Liz could have or should have that the jig was up and tried confessing. What did she have to lose?
1) Henry turned down sex THREE times in one week, turning down sex is often a red flag for cheating and if you (ie Liz) are cheating I would strongly suspect either he (Hanry) is cheating OR he (Henry) knows/suspects you (Liz) are
2) there is a distinct lack of normal loving interaction from Henry (loving touches, loving words, etc)
3) the picture(s) in which a picture of the ziploc is prominent
4) being confronted by very serious Henry upon your (Liz) return from the lake house and Henry all but saying "I know your secret
A new and different way to discover a cheating spouse, I think, as I don't remember another story where a storm and science uncovered the adultery.
Cleverly done, with a "5" for the tale.
I find it hard to believe that Liz didn't catch on that Henry knew. He comes back from the lake with a whole new attitude and she doesn't have a glimmer? Otherwise a pretty goof hash of LW tropes. Nothing new to be sure but well told.
For the people who missed it…. When the neighbour mentioned Lester he said he’d got in trouble with the law but was turning over a new leaf.
If he’s been in trouble they’d be records, if he’s been a model citizen they would not be a record on file.
The Mc runs labs doing this sort of works so thinking about it he’d find a match when he ran the DNA from the spermicide sample.
The writer should have clarified that but people asking how her miraculously ‘ knew’ weren’t thinking about it. You probably struggle with TV detective shows too lol
Well written, but nothing new. Had to be throw to the curb BTB to get such high ratings. Nothing new.
Only error I noticed is you used ranker when it should have been rancor. Nothing over the top on either parties part just another sad story about life.
Sorry Angelrider, the bitch/slut shouldn’t be rewarded for breaking trust, abandoning fidelity and basically betraying someone who loved her, she chose to do wrong, generally if you lie, cheat and steal you get punished, I would have used the videos to destroy the whore anyway, shouldn’t hav got married if she still wanted to sleep around, glad one arsehole got beaten a couple of times, should have happened to the Lester arsehole as well
A DNA sample can tell many interesting things, from ethnicity to potential physical characteristics. That can really narrow the field.
The possibility of an relationship match in an ancestry database could leave only a very small number of people to check.
Though illegal, cops do this all the time. Once they an zero in, parell construction leads to probable cause to to get a DNA sample for formal comparison.
1*. An absolute cut and paste cheating wife story. Not an original thought or premise in it. Of course hubby could do his own DNA and had FBI contacts! Very juvenile. The usual LDM will be jacking off all over themselves though.
Ok story, the tornado was a new twist..
In terms of the DNA , the story does stretch things more than a bit..the only way he could match the DNA would be he had a sample on file in a db, or he could somehow hack into a sitw like 23 and Me and trace it. Even if he has access to law enforcement DNA db's, Les DNA would not be there, they only take DNA samples when it is something like rape or murder where the guy was a suspect, they didn't routinely get DNA the war they do fingerprints. So it would be hard to find who someone was from the DNA ,would take time.
Great story, thanks for sharing. Loved that last line, "It took a tornado to uncover the real storm."
3.5 stars for the guy not being a cuck. It's a commentary on sad state of the world in general and LE's LW section specifically, that I considered giving 5 stars JUST for that :( I almost gave it a 4, but then rememberd he STILL was planning to keep the marriage if only the piece of shit told him the truth.
-1 star because zero BTB. The bitch even kept relationship with kids AND made out like a bandit financially.
I enjoyed the story.
A couple of comments:
1. It isn't explained how he figured out it was Lester that was with his wife. Presumably it has something to do with DNA but what database did the main character have access to that had Lester's DNA?
2. In this case, knowing of two different men and this latest one being ongoing for several months, why would the marriage potentially be saved if she came clean with him after he's made it clear he knows there is something she should be telling him? It doesn't make any sense to me.
3. Ok, a third comment. If they split and he'd cheated, she'd get 50%. If they'd split and nobody cheated, she'd get 50% When the split after she cheated, she got 50%. How is a 50-50 split rewarding her for cheating?
Agree with Grimmer. Also the epilogue was unnecessary.
Leave something to the reader's imagination.
re: Superman x-ray vision.
Yeah, but if you have a lot of DNA results in your records, and a good computer, you might find several relatives that you could home in on the fucker. Or, easier, Fucker has been incarcerated in the area and the club submitted his sample to Hubby’s company in his employment application!
You know it's bad when your spouse is "defiantly out of sorts." Gotta love Auto Correct!
As for a divorce without ranker: It turns out Les was responsible for maintaining the fishermen's leader board in the club. Thus he was a ranker. Hubby didn't want him involved in the divorce, hence a divorce without ranker.
it is an 'established' fact. In fact, a big law firm in the state where I live runs radio and TV ads constantly about it. They only represent men, fighting for their rights and child custody and visitation fairness, because the courts are so one-sided. For you not to know this is a reality, implies you either benefit from that bias and are quick to defend it, or you simply have no idea what you're talking about.
pretty much a pure formulaic retelling of 99% of other LW stories, but okay for what it is.
ReedRichards is a classic example of why the world has so many lawyers. Vows and promises are just verbal diarrhea him. Meaning absolutely nothing. Just say them and pretend you mean it until something better comes along. He's the kind of guy that if you're in the same room with him it makes you want to go take a hot shower to get the stench off of you.
You left out the part where the MC uses his x-ray powers to determine who was banging his wife. Why did I use the phrase "x-ray powers"? Well, because he must be Superman to figure out who was doing the deed, Just because you have a sample of DNA doesn't mean you know who he is.
"my wife was defiantly out of sorts." - Definitely, not defiantly.
Rancor, not ranker.
How did he identify Lester from the DNA? You need something to compare it to.
"Liz, I've been honest with you our entire marriage. I've never lied, never deceived you or misrepresented the truth. I'm not perfect, far from it. I don't always get it right but being completely open with you has always been one of my top priorities in our relationship. So, one last time Liz, is there anything you need to be honest about with me?"
Except as readers we know this isn't true. After he returned from the cabin, he lied about why he didn't want to have sex with Liz. He also wasn't completely open. If Henry was that delusional about his own behavior, since he is the one narrating, everything else from his point of view is also suspect. Was their marriage really as good as he portrayed? I'd love to read a follow up from Liz's point of view. It seems like there are some hidden pieces to the story that Henry is unaware of or unwilling to acknowledge.
I liked the story because it didn't take 10 years and "acting like a loving husband" to handle business. It's interesting reading comments trying to pick apart his thinking. It's not the sex that kills the marriage, it's the betrayal, lies and lack of effort by the wife to save it.
3 stars for just one more 'average' BTB. Nothing new or unique in this story.
Really enjoyed reading this . Wish it could have been just a bit longer .
DK . 4 *
Why do authors think that the egregiously wronged spouse needs to utter some nonsense about possibly working things out? It comes across as imbecility and weakness...gratuitous "virtue signaling".
You know I fine it very interesting that adultery, in essence being in breach of contract, carries no penalties what so ever.
Our culture holds this contract is no regard whatsoever.
1. The opportunity to confess was pointless. Was never going to happen. She's been lying and cheating for months. She doesn't want him to find out. Until she is cornered with proof, she isn't going to volunteer anything. No one in that situation ever does. It's simply not human nature.
2. "I would have forgiven her, if she would have confessed" is silly. It asks something unnatural from the cheater and assumes an unknowable future for the betrayed. An honest husband in that situation cannot know how he is going to be able to handle the cheating over time. A simple confession seems pretty cheap penance.
Just a bit too convenient. He happens to tune in to a live fee and within minutes he hears everything he needs. Would have been better with a more realistic gathering of evidence -- no incriminating conversation, just screwing in the lake house. Then a PI follows the molester and sees the two other cheating wives. As for the earlier affair, it's just evidentiary overkill. There are ways to have it come out. He remembers stuff from the past and wonders. He asks around. His wife has an enemy at school who tells him what she saw. Etc., etc.
A different way to find out. Nice idea. A little too much formula for the rest. A solid B.