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Barely Paralegal Ch. 02


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Anyway, back to the situation at hand and how I'm standing completely naked in my boss's bedroom while his wife kneels before me. She's looking up at me with a big grin on her face while rubbing her hands all over my lower body, seemingly touching every inch of me, except my cock. She's caressing my legs, using both hands to circle them up and down. She's alternating between light gentle touches, and more forceful grabbing and squeezing. At one point, she motions for me to spin around and spends a solid minute just squeezing and kneading my ass cheeks. She then tells me, "I could sit here groping you for hours. You're so tall, but so young... it's the perfect combination."

At this point, it's crystal clear that my age, or lack there of, is a huge turn on for Linda. Part of me is a little weirded out by this, but the other part of me can't help but like the fact that I clearly turn her on. "How about you climb up on the bed." She then instructs me. I still don't know what she has planned for me, but I certainly don't feel confident enough to disobey her suggestion. So I diligently lift my leg and climb up onto their king-sized mattress. As I do this, she keeps her hand in contact with me the whole time. While I initially get up on the bed in kind of an all-fours position, she immediately turns me over to where I'm now sitting and facing her at the foot of it with my legs hanging off the end. I'm still 100% rock hard, and considering she has yet to actually acknowledge my penis since it was unveiled, I'm still a little paranoid about what she thinks of it.

"Ok darling, just lie back and relax." She both tells me and guides me with her hand on my chest. I lean back, rest my head directly on the mattress, and can't help but stare straight up at the fancy chandelier above their bed. Linda then lifts my legs up from where they're dangling off the edge, and forces me into a spread-eagle position until my feet are far enough to the sides that they too can rest on the mattress. I'm now lying on my back, my legs are completely open, my cock is sticking straight up and I have no idea what's going to happen next.

Amazingly, I gather the courage to ask, "What're you going to do?" Even though as I say this I'm still looking at the ceiling so I can't even see her.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy this. That's what I'm gonna do." Linda responds with a mischievous laugh.

Right after she says that, I feel her hands land on the inside of my legs, and then with just a little bit of pressure, she guides my knees down towards the bed so I'm completely butterflied.

"Oh my god, you're so hairless... I can't believe it." Linda says softly, and at the same time she starts slowly running her hands all over the inside of my legs, from the edge of my groin all the way to my calves and back.

I'm not sure what she meant by this 'hairless' comment, so I feel like I have to ask, "Don't I have a normal amount of pubic hair?"

"Oh honey, this mane around your cock is glorious." And then I feel Linda's hands move from my legs right up to the base of my penis as she starts running her fingers through my pubes. Then she clarifies, "I'm talking about the rest of your body... everything else is so smooth and young. It's perfect."

She still hasn't touched my bare penis, and at this point I'm not sure if this is on purpose because she's trying to tease me and build suspense, but if she is, it's definitely working. I'm so overwhelmed with anticipation for when she'll finally make contact, that it's taking all my will power not to touch it myself. Of course, I'm also worried that once she finally does place her hands on my cock, it'll be mere seconds before I cum.

Linda apparently is ready to move on to the next step of whatever she has planned, because she lifts her hands off of me and says, "Time for you to turn over and get up on all fours."

I sit up and make eye contact after she says this, and perhaps I hesitate for a split second because she repeats herself a little more forcefully, "C'mon, turn over." I do what she asks, so now I'm on my hands and knees on their bed with my butt facing her at the foot of the bed again.

Linda then gives my legs a gentle tug to suggest I move closer to the edge of the bed, so I do. Then she says, "Perfect." and starts running her hands over the back of my thighs, around my ass cheeks, and then up to my back. Next, she pushes down on my upper back, gently forcing my chest down to the bed while my hips and ass remain high up in the air.

She starts caressing my ass cheeks in this position, and it's blatantly apparent my asshole is now completely exposed and spread open in front of her. With the windows open and a subtle cross breeze coming through the room, I can even feel the wind go across my butthole as it helps dry off some of the sweat that had previously been hidden deep in my crack. And even though I can't see her because I'm facing down on the mattress, I can sense her presence right in front of my asshole as her hands continue to massage my butt muscles.

"Look at that. So virgin." She then says, and now I have a moment of panic as I'm worried I have no idea what is happening here. I obviously have never felt in control during this whole ordeal, but now I'm genuinely worried that I'm in way over my head. I'm terrified that any second she could plunge a finger into my unprotected asshole, and while a lot of what's happened so far today in Linda's bedroom has left me conflicted, that is one thing I absolutely, positively, 100% know I don't want to experience. I guarantee you it's not on my secret checklist either.

My heart starts pounding loud enough I'm worried Linda will actually hear it. Then she tells me, "You should see see your ass... it's so sexy. When I mentioned how hairless you were, this is what I was talking about. Your ass crack, your asshole, even your balls. They're all so smooth and innocent... but I'm sure that'll all be different in just a couple of years as you get older."

Her little speech definitely doesn't put my mind at ease, and I really want whatever this part is to be over. I'm still face down on the bed, and even though I couldn't see anything even if they were open, I find that I can't help but close my eyes. Linda keeps running her hands all over my lower body, but now I feel her use just a finger or two instead of her palms. She goes up and down my legs, back and forth across my back, and then without warning she slides her finger down my ass crack and directly across my exposed asshole. It's the single most intense and invasive feeling I've ever had in my life, and I instinctively clench my butt and move my hips away from her in response without even thinking.

Linda giggles and says, "I bet that felt weird."

I don't say anything but instead am just lying in a fetal position on the bed and looking off to the side. I now feel like I shouldn't have agreed to this after all, as it seems like the things she wants to do to me are pretty unappealing. I don't want her to do anything to my butt, and to be honest all I really wanted was to do stuff to her. I don't like the fact that I'm naked and she's not. But so far she hasn't shown any indication that she's planning on taking off her clothes. But if she's really not going to get naked, then at the very least, she could finally touch my penis! That's the one thing I do want her to do to me, but I'm assuming at this point she must not want to?

"Why don't you hop down off the bed." She then suggests to me, almost with a sympathetic tone as if she could read my mind and tell that I'm not really enjoying this anymore.

So I sit up, slide myself to the end of the bed, and then hop down to where I'm now standing in front of her. She looks right at me, gives me a soft and sweet closed-mouth kiss on the lips, and then runs her hands slowly down my chest while she begins to crouch down. She eventually drops to her knees, and then it happens. As her hands make their way down the front of my body, once they get passed my abdomen, they both continue right on to my pelvis and up the shaft of my cock. For the first time in my life, someone is holding my penis.

It's such an intense feeling of relief and excitement, as this is something I was definitely hoping would happen. And while she's not jerking it or stimulating it in any way beyond just a simple touch, I still close my eyes and just savor the moment. And then, after I feel Linda kind of lift it up a little, I get to experience an even more amazing sensation. I feel her tongue make contact with the base of my penis and start working its way up the bottom side of my shaft, all the way to the head.

Holy fuck is this incredible. The soft, wetness from her tongue blows away the touch of her hands I thought was so remarkable just a moment ago. I can't resist opening my eyes and peering down to confirm this is actually happening, and when I do the two of us quickly make eye contact before her eyes shift back down, and she opens her mouth and slides my cock in.

Oh my fucking god. My penis disappears into her mouth as I stare down in disbelief. More than anything, I'm shocked by how wonderfully warm and comforting it feels to have her mouth engulfing my cock. It is pure heaven. And she doesn't just leave her mouth there as she immediately begins running her lips up and down my shaft, pulling back to the tip, before thrusting back forward until she's about 2/3 the way down my entire penis. With each thrust, I can feel her tongue and the roof of her mouth pressing against me from all angles. Holy shit is this incredible.

She's probably only had me in her mouth for 10 or 15 seconds before I realize that I'm already past the point of no return and I'm going to cum. I'm absolutely hopeless to prevent or even delay my orgasm at this point. I panic a little because I'm guessing she would've expected me to last longer, and I'm also sure she doesn't want me to cum in her mouth, so I abruptly just blurt out, "Oh god, I'm going to cum!"

Despite saying that, I'm worried I didn't give her enough notice. Another second or two go by, and now I'm even more worried as she still hasn't pulled her mouth away. So I let her know with even more urgency, "I'm gonna cum!"

But even after I told her a second time, she still doesn't heed my warning and take me out of her mouth. Instead, to my total shock and disbelief, she does the opposite. She forces her head forward into me as far as she can go, and I see her mouth slide completely over the entire length of my 6 and 7/8 inch cock until her lips are pressed up against my pubes at the base. I'm so far into her now that I no longer feel her tongue on the tip of my cock, but rather the constricting sensation of what must be her throat.

I know I have no choice but to cum inside her now, but I still try to hold out for one or two seconds more. Not only is Linda staying put with her lips pressed firmly against my hairy pelvis, but she's so committed to holding me in, that she reaches around and grabs my two ass cheeks so tightly I can feel her nails digging into my skin. She's literally forcing my cock down her own throat, and I clearly don't have a choice in the matter.

My moment to unload is finally here, and as I begin to cum I lose all control. With Linda grabbing my ass and pulling me in, I reciprocate and use both my hands to hold the back of her head into my body as well. With our four hands collectively locking my pelvis to her head, I start unloading the most glorious orgasm of my life. With each squirt, I violently thrust my hips forward and back, bringing her face along for the ride. And as I'm bucking and grunting uncontrollably, it's as if I can distinctly feel each squirt travel from my balls, across my perineum, up through my cock and directly into the back of Linda's throat. Even though I can't see it, I can picture it in my mind and it looks like an aqueduct of semen just pouring down her esophagus. I continue to hold onto her head with a vice grip only matched by her own hold on my ass. And as I continue to deposit more and more cum into her, I hear and see her noticeably stifle a small cough, before giving in and letting out a full-fledged gag that causes her to release the pressure on my cock momentarily while she takes an extreme inhale to catch her breath. But amazingly, she doesn't let that deter her as she quickly resumes her deep throated position just in time for my next few shots of jizz.

Finally, after what seems like 10 or more squirts, I feel like I'm winding down to the end of my orgasm. I'm breathing so heavily that I'm actually struggling to catch my breath a little. I let go of Linda's head as soon after I start to feel her retreat off of my cock. As I look down and watch her do this, I see her eyes are quite watery and there's a ton of saliva surrounding her mouth. There's also a slimy trail of almost snotty spit leading from the inside of her mouth to different points on the shaft of my penis. It's safe to say everything is a glorious, goopy mess.

Linda appears to be gathering herself too, and then looks up to me and asks, "How was your first blowjob?"

Yet again, I feel super embarrassed. I clearly suck at talking about sex, so I meekly respond with a big grin but no words.

Linda then stands up and says, "Thanks for all that cum." as she simultaneously makes a circular motion with her hand on her stomach, as if to indicate it was delicious. As she does this, I'm struck by just how fucking surreal this whole situation is.

Linda then says, "I'll be right back." as she walks over to what appears to be the bathroom connected to their bedroom. She's in there for a minute, and while she is I'm continuing to stand here naked, both relishing in what just happened and also getting so excited about what comes next. Despite the fact that I just orgasmed, I still haven't lost the slightest bit of excitement in what I've been looking forward to most of all... seeing, touching, and hopefully tasting a real live naked woman.

Soon enough, Linda returns from the bathroom and I can tell that she's fixed herself up. It seems like she both straightened her hair and touched up her makeup. She then comes right over to give me a kiss, and after we both open our mouths slightly to touch tongues, she pulls back and says, "You probably should get dressed and get back to your job downstairs."

Ugh. That's it? I obviously don't have the balls to question what did and didn't just go down, but I so badly wanted to do more with her. I wanted to see her naked too! This sucks! But then I catch myself and realize how ridiculous it is that I'm disappointed that all I got was a kiss and a blowjob, when I had never done anything like that before in my life. But the truth is I am at least a little disappointed.

So I don't question her and I walk over to my pile of clothes to start getting dressed. One thing that crosses my mind is how cool it is that I don't have to do any cleanup after cumming. My whole life, whenever I jerk myself off, I have to deal with the mess I made right after, whether that's a wad of tissues, a dirty sock, or sometimes when I get ahead of myself and cum before I was expecting to, a sloppy pair of boxers. But this time? My cock was a little slimy from Linda's spit, but that was it. As she so graphically pointed out, all of my jizz was now inside of Linda's stomach. How fucking crazy is that?

After getting dressed, Linda leads me back down the two flights of stairs to Mark's home office in their basement. During the walk down, as I start to reflect on the fact that I just got a real life blowjob, any lingering disappointment around what we DIDN'T do starts to fade away. How in the world could I possibly complain about what just happened?

As we get to the door that leads to the basement, Linda opens it for me, gives me yet another quick kiss, and then says, "Have a great rest of your day." as if to point out that she isn't going downstairs with me.

I kind of wish she had accompanied me down, because now I have to see Mark completely on my own. It's going to be so weird. But I man up and walk down the steps and of course Mark is there typing away at his computer.

"Well, well, well..." he says with a big smile. "You have a good time?" He then asks.

I'm sure I'm turning redder by the second, but I answer him. "Yeah, I did." But I'm completely unable to contain my own smile.

"Awesome!" Mark responds. "So what did you guys do?"

I can't believe I'm having this conversation with the husband of the person I just did this with, but I tell him, "She gave me a blowjob."

This elicits yet another smile from Mark, and with it he says "Nice." Then he thinks for a second and says, "Just be aware though... and I know I wasn't there just now... but I can pretty much guarantee that any BJs you get at Wash U. aren't going to be nearly as good as the one you just got. So just keep that in mind so you don't hold those college girls to an unfair standard!" And then he laughs.

Mark then gives my computer a look and says, "I emailed you a couple more docs for you to get started on, so let me know if you have any questions on them." And then he turns back to his own computer and resumes working as if it's any other Thursday. What the fuck? I guess I should get back to work too. Holy shit this is weird.

So I try my best to focus on getting some work done, and while it certainly wasn't my most productive day, it wasn't a total waste either. I finish proofreading one of the two documents Mark had given me, and by that point it's pretty much time to head home. Perhaps the weirdest thing about the rest of the day is that not once did Linda make an appearance after we parted ways. Perhaps she had some errands or something else to attend to, but this had to have been the only afternoon in the short time I've been working here where she didn't come down to check on us at least once.

That night, I find myself lying in bed rehashing everything that happened during the day, just like I had done 24 hours earlier. But it's safe to say that today had been even more eventful than yesterday. While I'm in my bed recapping every detail I can remember about Linda's blowjob, I once again think about the sexual checklist I had created all those years ago, and specifically I'm wondering just how many items I actually achieved today. It's probably been at least three full years since I last pulled that thing out to look at it, so I'm genuinely curious as to what is and isn't on there. I'm pretty sure getting a blowjob is on the list, and I'm also sure getting my asshole inspected isn't (thankfully). I know kissing a girl obviously is, so I'm confident there are at least two items to check off for today. But I have to admit, it feels pretty lame to finally be crossing these items off so long after I created the list. It's almost so lame I probably shouldn't bother? But I figure at the very least, I'm curious if anything else I did today qualifies.

So I get out of bed and go over to the secret hiding place where I've kept this list for so many years. It's in my desk, underneath my lowest desk drawer such that the only way to get to it is to remove the drawer completely. I pull the drawer as far as it normally goes, and then I give it the extra wiggle required to get it loose from its tracks so I can lift and pull it all the way out. Once I do, I see my secret list, folded up neatly just like the last time I left it there. I place the drawer down and grab the piece of paper.

I take it back over to my bed, unfold it, and my heart sinks into the pit of my stomach as soon as I see it. There's my list, with just the one 'holding hands' item documented, and then in the space where all the other items would be filled in, is a giant crudely written message:



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