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Bastileborn - Dragon Fire Pt. 01

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Lacia and Sidian's epic love story.
36k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/20/2021
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Bastileborn is a continent of beauty and brutality. Dragons, elves, dwarves, humans, and many other creatures thrive and shed blood across the ancient continent. Cypress, the mischievous god of love and fertility, is one of four demigods that protect the mortal realm. Cypress often falls in love with exceptional mortals. He intertwines their fates and nurtures forbidden affections to maintain a healthy balance of good and evil. King Brimsly threatens that balance as he marches an army north to conquer the elves. Cypress orchestrates a plan to bring together every mortal race to stop him. Forbidden love is a powerful weapon, and Cypress intends to dissolve every boundary that limits its potential.

Dragon storyline synopsis:

Sidian, the last black dragon of the Living Mountain, is chosen to ascend to the spiritual realm of the demigods where he receives Cypress's favor. Shortly after crashing back to earth, Sidian discovers the dragon king committing racial treason with a human queen. Sidian is unjustly exiled from his homeland by the despicable king. Nineteen years later, Sidian hides among the humans by establishing himself as a pirate captain. To hold an old Lurian king to an important bargain, Captain Sid kidnaps the king's youngest daughter. Princess Lacia storms onto Sidian's ship with a temper hotter than a royal forge. She ignites something in the young dragon that reshapes the fate of Bastileborn.

The Demigods

There has always been bad blood in the world, battle after battle, slaughtering one's enemies and friends in the name of peace and power. The demigods look down upon the wars in amusement at times. They know suffering is necessary. The demigods were entrusted by their High Father to not allow the lesser beings of the mortal world to completely destroy each other. If the balance of good and evil is lost, the demigods take action to help tip the scale towards a more harmonious state of conflict. After all, a valuable life needs conflict. This ideology renders war a sacred right to all creatures, but even sacred rights have limits. Thus the Blood Accord was created by the High Father to bring the many races of the mortal realm together. A Blood Accord is a promise to never commit genocide. A holy week was set aside to ensure the promise was made. If the holy week is not honored, a destructive famine will fall upon the land.

At the turning of a new century, royal representatives from every race journey to the Living Mountain to create a new Blood Accord. The Living Mountain is the homeland of the dragons. As the mortals gather with the dragons, the demigods gather in the Garden of Fate to await the ascending of royal blood. In the heart of the ethereal garden sits a beautiful white fountain that holds a magical swirling portal. The portal extends straight down into another fountain in the heart of the holy garden of the Dragons. On the first day of every new century, the portal appears to mark the beginning of the holy week. Once the royal blood is collected, a young dragon guard is chosen to fly into the portal with the sacred goblet and deliver the blood to the demigods.

Dragons are the only mortals powerful enough to survive transcending to the immortal realm. Their ancient magic is similar to that of a demigod. Dragons are considered a blessed and powerful race since they were once used by the demigods as weapons. Dragons are cursed with slow reproduction. If one baby dragon is born every twenty years, that is considered abundant. Baby dragons are so rare they are never seen by outsiders.

Once the holy portal activates over the fountain in the Garden of Fate, the demigods gather around it to wait for the young dragon to ascend. Gwendoline is the first goddess to appear and approach the fountain. She is an exceptionally beautiful golden-haired deity. Her shimmering white robes emit the purest of light. All matters of light bend to her influence. Her spirit burns with arrogance more relentless than the desert sun.

Bastion appears a few seconds later and greets his beloved sister of light. Bastion's skin is luxuriously dark like the most fertile soil in the garden of the ascended realm. His body is lean and sculpted like the greatest warriors of the mortal realm. He is a deity of wealth and prosperity. Bastion's garments are spun from divine gold and trimmed in the brightest silver. He wears a gold crown adorned with every precious gem known to the immortals. His spirit is proud, and his admiration of prosperity is unmatched. He knows the true value of everything presented to him.

Daphne appears after her brother. Daphne's dark beauty is a sight to behold in the presence of her siblings. Her skin is like the darkest midnight sky, and her eyes shine like stars on a limitless horizon. Her flowing dark hair reflects light like a river of oil under a full moon. She wears a low cut gown spun of hot iron and copper. Her jewelry is a mix of every hard metal used in war. Her sensual frame and striking beauty demand admiration and fear, for she is as hard and strong as the metal she wears. She also loves as strongly as she hates.

"My beautiful sisters!" Bastion began as he kissed their hands. "It's always wonderful and inspiring to see you both here. Where is Cypress? Must he be consistently late every century?" he asked in reference to their fourth sibling.

"Indeed," Daphne began in her low, rich voice. "He is probably sleeping with the mortals again. I've stopped keeping a check on him for that reason."

"So have I," Gwendoline confessed in her high melodic voice. "Why must he sleep with everything that moves? I'm surprised he hasn't been raping the beasts of the fields by now," she scoffed.

"Sister, please," Bastion interrupted. "Don't speak so poorly of your brother. You know his heart better than that. He is infatuated with mortal beauty and their striving for virtue. He doesn't fancy mindless animals."

"Really? Some of the mortals aren't too far from that, in my opinion," Gwendoline snorted.

"Sister!" Daphne scolded in her thunderous tone, demanding everyone's attention. "Do not blaspheme. Even the vilest of mortals can find redemption. It is not our place to mock them. We do not know the pains of their physical turmoil. Cypress understands the mortals better than any of us. He has spent many centuries among them. I admire him for it. I do not have the patience for such tedious research."

"Research isn't what I would call it," Gwendoline chuckled.

Down in the mortal realm, inside the Living Mountain of the dragons, the royal leaders of every mortal race gathered in the holy garden of Gossamer City. They were preparing to drip their blood into the sacred goblet.

A handsome, pale-skinned dragon in dazzling platinum armor had won the honor of carrying the blood goblet. The other mortal races were always delighted to discover that dragons are shape-shifters, and often appeared as humans with wings. They watched the attractive dragon guard as he approached the dais that surrounded the fountain and removed his helmet, allowing his thick black hair to fall carelessly around his big blue eyes. Sidian Obsidian was his name, and his hair matched the black scales of the magnificent wings that were folded against his back. Dragon men and women often had attractive, small featured faces. Their eyes are large and elegant, and their hair revealed their family color.

Only younger dragons could survive entering the holy portal, and the short journey always left them injured. Sidian was in his prime at ninety-five years of age. To a human of Bastileborn, that's a ripe old age, but not for a dragon. Dragons are expected to live beyond seven hundred years if they're not killed in battle or fall to their death from the ascended realm. Those thoughts were weighing heavily on the black-haired dragon's mind as he stood in the fountain beside the portal. He said a prayer for protection to the High Father and summoned his own protective magic. Then he unfurled his shimmering black wings and stepped into the white light, holding the sacred goblet tight to his chest.

He was immediately hit with hot, heavy air. The air was so thick he could barely breathe. He felt divine magic pulling him up faster than his wings could carry him. He closed his eyes against the burning light. After a few agonizing seconds, his ascent stopped, and he felt something solid under his feet. He opened his eyes and beheld an ethereal garden. The colors of the flowers and trees were richer than any precious gem he had ever seen. He suddenly felt weak and dizzy as the heavy air of the divine realm pressed in on him. He began to fall to his knees, but a strong hand seized his arm and steadied him.

"Careful there, young dragon. Don't spill the mortal blood," spoke a soft male voice. His voice provoked a pleasant sensation in the dragon's mind in spite of the pain bearing down on his body.

Sidian looked to his right and beheld a beautiful man with unearthly green eyes. He knew he was looking upon a demigod. The man had tousled caramel-colored hair. It seemed to have highlights of pure gold captured from sunbeams. His well-defined torso was bare and a picture of ethereal health. His skin glowed like dewy spring honey, and his simple pants looked to be spun from a rich green satin.

"Cypress, bring the dragon forward. Don't coddle him in the fountain," grumbled a melodic female voice.

"Of course, sister. I'm just making sure he is steady before he walks," Cypress said with a charming smile in the direction of the voice. "Come now, Sidian, eat this. It will help with the pain," he whispered as he put a small gold-colored fruit to the dragon's lips.

"What is it?" Sidian stammered, right before Cypress shoved the plum into his mouth.

"Don't ask silly questions," he whispered as he reached behind Sidian's ear and scratched him rather hard, causing him to flinch.

Sidian watched in astonishment as Cypress drew his hand back and dripped the blood he had drawn from the scratch into the sacred goblet. The young dragon gave him a questioning gaze. The mischievous demigod winked and motioned for him to stay silent. Sidian was an honorable royal guard and despised deceptive behavior, but there was something overwhelming about Cypress. He couldn't bring himself to speak after the demigod prompted him to stay silent.

After Sidian swallowed the delicious plum, he could breathe easier. At that point, Cypress led him out of the fountain to greet his beautiful siblings. Sidian felt stunned by the beauty of the demigods. Each one unique and fierce in their auras of color and power. Cypress proceeded to cordially introduce his siblings to Sidian as if he were an important guest. Gwendoline rolled her eyes at her brother's antics. She believed showing so much respect to a mortal was beyond silly, but Bastion and Daphne smiled at the handsome dragon in approval. They enjoyed meeting and speaking with mortals that were powerful enough to enter the ascended realm.

Cypress's enchanted plum gave Sidian the strength to bow to one knee and present the sacred goblet to Bastion. Bastion had crafted the sacred goblet himself. It was traditional for him to pour and mix the blood with water in the scrying fountain. Sidian would have to leave before that sacred ceremony began. Only the demigods were allowed to see the many possible futures of the mortal realm.

"Thank you, Sidian," Bastion began as he retrieved the goblet from him. "Your task is complete. You may return to the mortal world for much-needed rest. May your life be abundant and blessed with memories of our realm. We look forward to seeing your spirit eventually return here for its eternal rest."

Sidian bowed low again before he rose and stepped into the fountain. The power of the portal immediately engulfed him and pulled him down. The heat and wind were far more violent than before, forcing him to close his eyes against it. He was falling instead of being lifted. He would have to use his wings to slow his fall or risk shattering his bones when he landed. He was already exhausted from the short time spent among the gods. He understood why only the fittest young dragons could survive the journey.

Suddenly, like a burst of cool air, everything slowed, and his descent stopped. For a short instant, he feared he had just died and returned to the immortal realm as a spirit, but a soft chuckle convinced him otherwise. He opened his eyes in confusion, and before him stood Cypress, smiling like a handsome forest puck. They were still in the ascended realm, judging by the beautiful garden around them, but only one god was there this time.

"What's happening?" Sidian asked as he attempted to move, but his body was frozen from the neck down.

"Sorry, Sidian. You're adorable when you're frightened. May I kiss you?" Cypress asked as he stepped closer and touched his warm hand to Sidian's cheek.

"What? No," he said in bewilderment.

"Oh, sorry, you prefer females, obviously," he sighed as he snapped his fingers and instantly transformed into a beautiful female version of himself.

"What the hell?" Sidian blurted in astonishment as he looked over Cypress's female form.

"Oh dear," she sighed as she shook her head at the handsome dragon. "You are far too serious to enjoy my antics. How old are you, Sidian?"

"I'm ninety-five. Why do you ask?" he stammered as Cypress began rubbing her hands down his armor, exploring the beautifully carved metal.

"Hmm, you're plenty old enough to marry by dragon standards, but your fellow royal guards still treat you like a whelp. They mock you for your vow of celibacy. Why did King Faddon encourage you to take such a lonely vow? Your remarkable discipline helped you become the youngest transcendent in history, not that ridiculous vow. Could a simple whelp really accomplish what you did?" she asked as she searched his dazzling blue eyes.

He frowned at her comment, assuming it was a slight. Sidian didn't realize how unique his devotion was, and it caused him to be naive in the face of authority. He had been teased by his comrades for decades for his steadfast devotion to his ambitions and his king.

"Please, don't call me a whelp. I'm not a puppy. I may be young for my accomplishments, but I passed the trials with honor and integrity, didn't I?"

"That you did, but you still act like a puppy sometimes. There are drawbacks to taking yourself too seriously. That's why your peers make fun of you. I've gotten kisses from every ascended dragon since the beginning of the Blood Accord. You're the first to refuse me. Why is that?" she whispered close to his lips.

Sidian's heart was racing from the overwhelming proximity of the beautiful demigod. Cypress smelled and felt alluring in every way, but Sidian's heart was too honorable to be swayed by it.

"Well, Cypress, I just met you. It's customary for a dragon to know someone for at least three days before kissing them. Also, a first kiss seems too valuable to be given away so easily. So I don't want to give it to you. May I return home now?"

"That's an excellent answer, baby dragon," she said with a pleased smile.

"Don't call me a baby either!" he snapped, losing his patience with the mischievous deity.

"Calm down, Sidian. You are speaking to a god, remember? I'm sorry if I upset you," she said before she snapped her fingers and transformed back into a male. "I want you to know that my power will greatly influence the next hundred years of the mortal realm. You will find true love and experience fantastic pleasure with the most unlikely person, but you must first leave your homeland and gain influence in the world. Your brother needs you more than you know, and his banishment haunts him daily. Your pain in life will be saving him, but your joy will overshadow your suffering," he declared.

Tears gathered in Sidian's eyes as Cypress told him his fate. Leaving the Living Mountain was seen as great punishment among the dragons. How would he find true love and joy away from his people?

"Do not despair, Sidian. You will understand life better as your destiny reveals itself, and do not scorn mischievous spirits. You will learn to love them," Cypress said with a wink before he snapped his fingers, sending Sidian back into the fiery portal.

Sidian screamed in pain and unfurled his wings. He felt the glow of the Living Mountain surrounding him. The cool embrace of mortal air caught his wings and filled his lungs, but he was falling too fast to save himself. He would crash into the marble basin of the fountain like every transcendent before him. The pain was brief since the impact knocked him unconscious.

Despicable King

The world was a blur when Sidian finally opened his eyes. After many minutes of focusing, he realized he was in the healing garden next to the pixie pond. Sidian smiled as the tiny white pixies fluttered over his face and played in his hair. Their hair and clothes were pale and flowed like enchanted cobwebs. It was almost impossible to tell them apart, but Sidian had spent enough time with them to understand what made them individuals. He even gave them names.

"Sorry, Jenny, Collin, and John. I don't have any sugar cubes at the moment," he whispered as he raised his aching arm.

He held out his finger so his friends could gather on it. They all seemed disappointed by his lack of sugar. They were too dumb to understand he was there because he had been injured.

"Alright, guys, send some magic my way," he groaned as he began to painstakingly push himself into a sitting position.

The pixies excitedly fluttered around him, using their magic to ease his pain. He took a deep breath and rubbed his chest to make sure he was still in one piece. He wasn't surprised to find his armor had been removed. It likely needed repairs after the fall. He could feel a few cracked ribs, but they would heal quickly when his full strength returned.

"By the gods... everything hurts. I wonder if this is what it feels like to be old," he mumbled.

"Indeed it does," spoke a familiar voice from behind him.

The pixies scattered in fear of the new visitor.

"Commander Zorin," Sidian said with a smile as he looked over his shoulder at his old friend and father figure. "It's good to see you again," he said as he struggled to stand so he could salute his superior.

"Sit down and rest, you idiot. You survived an ascension. You're a commander now as well. The youngest in history, I might add," Zorin said as he settled down next to him. He smiled to see the pixies dancing across the pond.

"Oh right, I forgot that part," Sidian said with a proud smile as he looked at his dearly admired friend.

Zorin was his adoptive father. Sidian had never met his real father and didn't want to after knowing Zorin for so long. Zorin was a red-haired dragon and one of the most powerful warriors the dragons had ever known. He was approaching his seven hundredth year. After that age, a dragon's magic could suddenly fade, leaving him weak and sickly until he turned to stone.

Zorin would be loved and honored as an elder right up to the point of his death, but that didn't make it any easier. An outsider looking at the two dragons would not realize the vast expanse of years between them. Zorin was still handsome and built like a warrior. His hair was still bright red, and his skin mostly smooth. To a human, he would look to be in his late thirties. Only a fellow dragon could see his true age.

"Well, Sidian, what did you think of the gods?" Zorin whispered with a twinkle in his eye.

Sidian smiled involuntarily at the mention of them.

"They were spellbinding. Everything about them and the ascended realm was astonishingly beautiful and terrifying. I was in tremendous pain the entire time I was there, but the sheer beauty of it distracted me from the agony. Returning there as a spirit one day will be wonderful," he said a little dreamily.

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