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Beach Weekend

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Yound wife makes unexpected friends at the beach.
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They drove down the beach to a ways to get away from the crowds. They really wanted some privacy. They found a spot that was at least 100 yards away from other campers on the beach. They set up their little 2-man tent next to the dunes across the track from the water. It was late so they built a fire, ate some dinner, and crawled into the tent. They stripped down naked falling asleep in each other's arms. Jack and Tish were in their early 30's and had been married for a little over 12 years.

They woke up early the next morning. Jack stuck his head out of the tent and didn't see any activity at the other campsites. There didn't appear to be anyone around this early in the morning. Jack told Tish that they should run out to the surf and have a dawn skinny dip. Tish didn't want to do it. She was afraid that someone would come along and see them. After a bit of persuading, Tish agreed and crawled out of the tent after Jack. They wrapped towels around themselves and looked up and down the beach. Then they ran to the water's edge, threw off their towels and ran into the surf naked.

They splashed and played for awhile. Then, just as they were thinking that they should get out, a truck drove up the track. It stopped about 20 yards from Jack and Tish's tent and two guys in their 20's got out. They started unloading their stuff. It looked like they were going to make camp right there.

Tish got very concerned. She didn't want to get out of the water naked where the guys could see her, but she didn't see how she could avoid it. When it looked like maybe the guys weren't looking, she and Jack dashed up out of the water. Just as she was coming out of the water and headed for her towel, one of the guys saw her and smiled. She took two more steps and then the other guy saw her, too. They both watched as she trotted the last few steps and picked up her towel. She rapidly wrapped it around herself and followed Jack back to their tent. The guys waved, then went back to setting up their camp.

Tish was embarrassed but she was also excited about having those guys see her naked. It gave her a secret thrill. Of course she couldn't admit that to Jack. She could barely admit it to herself. Jack told her to sit with him by the fire while he got it going again. Tish thought they should put on some clothes and said so. Jack said he was hungry now and that they could get dressed later. So they sat in the sand wearing only their towels and ate breakfast.

As they were finishing up, the two guys came over. They said that they wanted to be neighborly and since they were camping right next door they thought they should introduce themselves. The guys were Kyle and Lee.

After chatting for awhile, the guys went back to their own tent. Jack and Tish went into their tent and put on bathing suits. Tish's suit was a somewhat conservative two-piece blue suit. She went out and lay face down on a towel on the sand to do some tanning. Jack said he had to go back to the store to get some items they forgot. Tish said OK and continued laying there.

A few minutes after Jack had left Kyle came back over and started talking again. He offered to put lotion on Tish's back. She said OK and he started rubbing it on. He worked his way down her back to the straps on her top. He lightly undid the straps and laid them aside. Tish didn't realize he had unhooked her top. Kyle continued working his way down her back until he got to the edge of the bathing suit bottoms. He slowly started sliding them down as he rubbed lotion lower and lower on her cheeks. When he had a good bit of her ass exposed, Tish said that was enough on her back. Kyle stopped with her back, but didn't put the suit back up. He then started putting lotion on her legs. He started at her feet and worked his way up. When he got to her upper thighs he started rubbing up her ass working his way under her suit again. He was also slowly working his thumbs between her cheeks and easing down toward her asshole. About the time he finally got a thumb on her asshole she again told him that was enough.

Kyle then offered to put lotion on her front. All of the rubbing had gotten Tish a little horny. She decided that she'd let him do it and enjoy the naughty thrill, but not let it go too far. When she rolled over her unhooked top came off of her breasts and slipped to the side. She gasped a little and straitened the top, but did not rehook it. Kyle began at her shoulders and began rubbing lotion down her chest. He was working his way toward her breasts. Just as he got a handful of tit in each hand she told him that was enough on her chest. Kyle moved to her stomach and again worked his way down to the edge of her suit bottoms. He lightly slid his fingers under the waistband just a bit. Then he slid them under just a bit more and just a bit more. Tish could feel what he was doing and was having fun with this. As his fingers began to brush against her pubic hair she started to tense up just a bit. Kyle finally got his fingertips almost to her slit when Tish told him that was enough on her stomach. Kyle went to her feet and started working his way up. Again he started sliding his fingertips under the edge of the leg openings of her suit. This time he could feel her pussy lips and was trying to get a finger between them when Tish said enough.

Kyle continued to make conversation for awhile. Jack was going to be gone at least two hours to get to the store and back. By now half an hour had passed. Kyle suggested that they go for a dip to cool off. Tish looked at him, then said OK. She sat up and rehooked her top, then ran off to the water with Kyle running behind her. Her suit bottoms were still part way down her ass and were hanging kind of loose on her.

Kyle ran in behind her and tackled her when the water was about mid-thigh deep. She laughed and started to pull away. Kyle kept his hands around her waist so as she pulled away her suit started slipping down her legs. When Tish felt this she immediately pulled her legs up toward her to grab the bottoms. This neatly slipped the suit off of her feet. Kyle now had Tish's bathing suit bottoms in his hands. Tish demanded that he give it back. Kyle told her she'd have to get them, and stuck them down in the front of his suit. Every time Tish came toward him he would try to grab her ass or pussy. She finally realized she was going to have to put up with that if she was going to get her suit back.

She came up in front of him and had to get close to reach into his suit. Kyle had one hand around her grabbing her ass and had the other rubbing her pussy trying to get a finger inside her. Tish pulled Kyle's suit out and reached in for her bottoms. She of course felt his hard dick as she felt around for her suit. Kyle's rubbing of her pussy was getting Tish hot. Temptation got the best of her and she grabbed hold of Kyle's dick. It was big and hard. She hadn't felt another man's dick in 12 years. This was so naughty! She pumped it just a bit, then started to let it go. Before she could, Kyle pulled his suit down and pulled Tish closer to him. Now his dick head was up against Tish's pussy lips. Kyle pulled her legs up around him and started trying to get his dick in her pussy. Tish started to object and tried to pull away. After some rubbing Kyle was finally able to slip his dick into her pussy. Tish gasped. Kyle started pumping in and out, holding on to her ass to keep her from floating away. He was pulling her into him so he could drive his dick in deep. Tish hadn't had another man other than her husband in her since they were married. Having a strange man's dick in her was scary and exciting and naughty. After pumping for a few minutes he spewed his cum deep into her. Kyle pulled out and let Tish go.

She just crouched there for a moment trying to relax and realizing that she had just fucked a stranger and that her pussy was full of his cum. She told Kyle to give her her suit. But his suit was around his ankles and when they reached for her bottoms they had floated off. By now there were a number of people on the beach going up and down and a few swimming about 50 yards away. There was no way she could get out of the water without them seeing her half naked. She couldn't think of any way around it so she decided just to get it over with and started toward the shore. When the water got too shallow she stood up and walked quickly toward the beach. When she looked down she saw her suit bottoms had washed up to the shore. She grabbed them and ran back to her tent.

Jack showed up about a half hour later. They went back to laying on the sand tanning. Tish didn't mention her swim with Kyle. Jack was just starting to drift off to sleep when Lee came over and suggested a swim. Jack said no thanks he just wanted to take a nap. He told Tish to go swim. Lee was about the same size as Kyle, but from the growing bulge in his swim trunks it was obvious that he had a bigger dick and that Kyle had told him about their swim.

Lee held his hand out and Tish reluctantly took it and let him pull her to her feet. They walked out to the water and waded in. When they were about waist deep Lee turned and looked back at the beach. It was pretty clear that Jack was asleep, and even if he wasn't sound asleep, they were far enough away that it would be hard to tell exactly what they were doing. Lee took Tish's hand and guided her out into deeper water until it was almost up to her tits. He put his hands on her hips and started rubbing them up and down working his way down to her suit bottoms. Then he started sliding them down off of her hips. After nearly losing her suit last time she wasn't going to take any chances this time. She knew she was about to get fucked again so she pulled her suit bottom off and held it in her hand.

Lee now had his trunks pulled down around his knees and was stroking his dick. He took Tish's empty hand and put it on his dick. She grasped it and started stroking him. She figured she might as well go ahead and get it over with. He got hard fast. Tish was right, Lee was bigger than Kyle. He was bigger than Jack, too. She couldn't see it, but in her hand it felt like the kind of dick you only see in porn pictures. She was beginning to get concerned about Lee putting it in her.

Lee started rubbing the head of his dick against her pussy lips and pushing against them. He got the head into her and she gasped a little. Lee slowly pushed more and more of his giant dick into Jack's wife. He finally got it all in. Tish felt like she was being stretched to the limit. Lee started working his dick in and out of Tish's pussy. She leaned back in the water trying to make it a little easier. Lee was pumping faster and faster now. He was taking long hard strokes. Finally he buried his dick deep in Tish's pussy and shot a huge load of cum deep inside her. After he had drained every last drop of his cum into her he pulled out. She couldn't see the streams of cum that flowed out of her pussy, but she knew they must be there.

Tish left her suit bottoms off for a bit to try to drain more of Lee's cum out of her. After several minutes she put her suit back on and started for the shore. Lee followed her making light conversation all the way back to her tent. Jack still seemed to be asleep. She sat back down on her towel. In the last couple of hours she had been fucked by two strangers. Even now she could still feel cum seeping into her bathing suit. She was also feeling a little sore. She laid back on her towel and tried to rest.

Jack woke up about a half hour later. He was feeling horny and started rubbing Tish's stomach. She knew what he wanted and was afraid he'd notice the cum puddling in her suit. So she suggested they go for a quick swim. Tish jumped up and ran out to the water. As soon as she was deep enough she pulled down her suit bottoms and tried to rinse out Lee and Kyle's cum. Jack was a bit slower than Tish and arrived after she had a chance to rinse a bit and pull her suit back up. Jack was getting playful as they splashed around. Tish had already been fucked twice out in the water, she didn't want to do it again. So she grabbed Jack's hand and led him back to the tent. She crawled into the tent and stripped off her suit. Jack joined her and quickly got naked. He then started rubbing her again until he was ready. He took his time fucking his wife until he unknowingly added his cum to that of Lee and Kyle.

They stayed in their tent talking until dark. Then they crawled out and started the campfire. They drank wine while the meal was cooking. Then they drank wine while they ate. As they were finishing their meal Kyle and Lee came over to the campfire and brought a bottle of tequila. They began taking shots and sharing it with Jack and Tish. They seemed to be passing the bottle to Jack more than anyone else.

As the bottle started getting low Jack was having a hard time staying awake. He finally laid back on the towel he was sitting on and passed out. Tish was drunk from all of the wine and tequila, but she wasn't ready to pass out. She laughed at Jack, then looked at Kyle and Lee. They were both looking at her and smiling. She smiled back. Kyle moved around the fire to sit beside Tish. He started rubbing her chest. Tish was wearing a loose button-up shirt and a pair of baggy shorts. Kyle moved his hand inside her shirt and started grabbing and massaging a tit. Lee had also moved over to sit on the other side of Tish and was rubbing her thigh. He was moving his hand up the leg of her shorts until he was stroking her pussy.

In her fuzzy state of mind Tish realized what they had done and that she was about to get fucked again by these two young strangers. She tried to protest, but they paid no attention. They pulled off her shirt and shorts leaving her naked beside the fire. Now both of them began rubbing her all over paying close attention to her tits and pussy. They totally ignored Jack while they worked on his wife's body. She squirmed a bit. Partly from trying to get them to stop and partly from the things they were doing to her. She could feel her pussy getting wet.

Kyle pulled off his shorts and moved up toward Tish's head. He put his dick up against her mouth. After rubbing it against her lips he finally managed to get it into her mouth. She tried to push it out with her tongue, but that just resulted in her tonguing him. Lee spread Tish's legs and positioned himself between them. Then he started pushing his monster cock against her pussy lips. He was finally able to work it in and started stroking in and out going deeper each time. Lee picked up speed and drove his cock deeper and deeper into Tish's pussy. After a few minutes of hard fucking, Lee shot his cum into Tish. He stayed there, deep inside her for a minute, then pulled out. Lee moved out of the way and Kyle crawled between Tish's legs. He pushed his cock into Tish's pussy easily after Lee had stretched it out. Kyle pumped in and out for several minutes. He was mauling her tits while he fucked her. He finally added his load of cum to her pussy and pulled out. Cum flowed out of Tish's pussy as Kyle pulled out. She lay there with her legs spread leaking cum. She was woozy but still awake.

Lee and Kyle talked and laughed while looking at Tish laying there spread out. They had a few more drinks, then decided to fuck her again. Lee went first again and had an easier time getting his cock inside her. He pumped her roughly plunging in all the way each time, just using her body. The head of his cock was reaching deeper in her than anyone ever had before. Tish was alert enough to realize that she was going to be pretty sore in the morning. Lee seemed to be taking his time. After several minutes of hard fucking Lee finally spewed another load of cum into Tish's pussy. Jack's wife had now been fucked five times this day.

Lee pulled out. Kyle got in position and slid his dick into Tish's pussy. But Lee had stretched it out so much that he wasn't getting any sensation. So he pulled his cum-covered dick out of her pussy and started pushing against her asshole. Tish objected and asked him not to. Kyle lifted Tish's legs up over his shoulders and kept pushing until his dick slid into her asshole. He worked in and out for a few minutes getting deeper and deeper. He shot his load of cum into her ass, then pulled out. Cum was running out of Tish's pussy and asshole. She was feeling sore and dizzy. The guys gave her another couple of drinks of the tequila and she passed out. The guys finally got her to wake up just a bit and they fucked her again. Then she passed out for good.

The guys gathered all of their things up and went back to their tent. They left Tish lying there naked with cum flowing out of her pussy. The warm sun the next morning woke Tish. Her pussy and asshole were sore. Her pussy, ass, and thighs were crusty with dried cum. Her pubic hair was matted from dried cum. Jack woke up and looked over at his naked wife laying out on the sand in front of the world. She looked a mess.

The guys had packed up and left. Jack sat up. Tish started to stir and finally sat up. She was dizzy and felt awful. Her pussy and asshole both hurt. She looked around and saw that the guys had left. She never knew anything about them except their first names. She realized that people were starting to fill up the beach and she was sitting there naked. She crawled over to the tent and went inside. Tish put on her bathing suit and walked unsteadily to the water. She waded out about waist deep and slid her suit bottoms down to her knees. She rinsed her pussy, ass, and legs as best she could. Then she pulled her suit back up and went back up on the beach.

The activities of the night before were kind of fuzzy, but she thought that the guys had fucked her a couple of times. The soreness between her legs supported that theory. She went back to the tent. Jack didn't remember anything of the night before. He wanted to fuck his wife but she complained of "female" problems so he let it go.

Two months later Tish found out she was pregnant. She had gone off of the pill several weeks before the trip to the coast. She and Jack had wanted to have a baby. According to the timing of the pregnancy Tish had almost certainly gotten pregnant on that weekend. Chances were that the baby wasn't Jack's since he had only fucked her once. Lee and Kyle had fucked her at least four times each. But Kyle had put half of his cum in her ass. That big dick of Lee's shot his cum 'way up towards her womb. That meant that Lee was the most likely father. The truth was, she was having a baby by some stranger that fucked her on the beach. She didn't know which one or anything about them. Hopefully, Jack would never know.

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pummel187pummel187about 1 month ago

Oh he will find out, that is a guarantee. 100% a fact that he will find out

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Why would any woman go through with the pregnancy with the almost certain likelihood that her husband

was not the father? I mean, did she want to stay married, or not?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I don’t like stories where the husband is too stupid to know what would happen to his wife when left alone with 2 studs hovering around. And why would a happily married woman just let two strangers have their way with her.

mfbridgesmfbridgesabout 1 year ago

Hey Anonymous that shared his story. Dude, I'd have dumped you wife so fast.....she might have been given date rape drug. But she put herself into a position for something like that to happen. My wife would never go off like that alone with friends or not like that. Your story is as bad as some of these unbelievable stories.

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