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Beautiful Pt. 06


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"I'd love to, thanks."

We settled down on the couch, spending the next hour trading stories about being a mom of teens. We finished laughing about something her precocious older daughter had done, and she sat back, looking at me with an expression I couldn't quite read.


"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure." My good mood evaporated, replaced by nervous flutters, so I took a fortifying sip of wine.

"I just wanted to say thank you."


"Putting a smile back on my sister's face. I can't remember the last time I've seen her like this. I'm not sure I ever have. No, wait, that's not quite true. The first time she fell in love."

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, and I looked down into my wine glass. "I don't think..."

"I do. She was a freshman in high school." She sat back. "It was before she'd come out to me or anyone I know of. I was a senior, and I was supposed to meet her and bring her home after school. This was way before every teen in America had a cell phone. Of course she didn't turn up at my locker like she was supposed to. I went to hers, no luck, naturally, so I started hunting for her.

"Eventually I found her out on one of the practice fields with a girl. She was showing her how to play field hockey, how to hold the stick, things like that. She was flirting so hard it was ridiculous. When I got her into the car she was just floating." Hannah giggled. "I think she thought she was being coy.

"I'd already suspected, the parents did, too, but that confirmed it. But for that first week, she was giddy."

"What happened?"

"She got betrayed. She asked the girl out, and instead of saying yes, she outed Sandy to everyone."

My eyes went wide. "Oh my god. How did she...?"

My voice tapered off as a sly, fond smirk stole across Hannah's face. "Deal? In typical Sandra Dalton fashion. She never denied anything. Just stood up and admitted it, said she didn't care. When one of the football jocks called her a carpet muncher in front of the whole school, she just asked him why the hockey team's record was so much better the football team's."



"What did he do?"

"He took a swing at her. He missed, and she kicked him between the legs so hard he horked his balls out of his nose."

That made me do the same with my wine, almost, and we dissolved into a fit of the giggles that lasted almost a minute.

"Did she get in trouble?"

"Just detention, both of them. She should have been suspended for fighting, but the principal was an ass hat who didn't want to face the repercussions for suspending our star running back before our biggest game of the year, cause that comes with an automatic one game suspension for athletes. And he would have had to, 'cause the whole thing was on video surveillance. People didn't hassle her much after that. Not never, but not much."

Hannah sighed, running a finger around the rim of her wine glass and looking back into the past. "But she wasn't ever quite the same. Innocence lost, so to speak. She never was that same bubbly, happy kid, discovering love like the first time. I hadn't seen that smile since. At least not until she walked through that door with you." She nodded towards her entryway, her eyes never leaving me.

My heart melted inside my chest, a tear forming in my eyes. I tried to find something to say.

"I see you feel the same way."

The tear slipped free. I wiped it away, emotion twisting my face as I nodded, unable to speak.

"Oh, sweetie." Hannah stood and crossed the distance between us, pulling me into a hug. "Welcome to the family."


"Oh, shit, Melanie, ahh!" Sandy seized underneath me, my lips pulling on her clit at just the rhythm she loved, driving her through another orgasm. I had no idea how many that had been since we'd made it to my dad's cabin, but I'd basically attacked her. I'd gotten her off at least once on the couch, once on the stairs, and a whole bunch more once I'd gotten her into the bed.

"Oh, holy shit, stop, baby. I can't take any more. Damn, come here." I crawled up into her arms, kissing her deeply. When she finally let me come up for air she ran her hand through her hair, breathing heavily. "Baby, what's got into you? Not that I'm complaining, mind you."

"Your sister told me some stories. They made me want to do nice things for you."

She pulled me close, kissing my temple. "You're fibbing. But I still love you."

"I love you, too. And cuddling in bed is fun, but you know where it'd be even more fun?"

She grinned at me. "Where?"

"The hot tub."


"Oh hell, yes."

I grinned as I watched Sandy relax into the water, dunking her head under for a moment before reclining against the side. Steam rose from the hot water into fifty degree air, creating a surreal aura to the scene.

I set the towels I'd carried out down on the side table before turning towards my lover, fiddling with the belt to my soft, baby blue robe. "Feel good?"

"God, yes. This is heaven."

"Really?" I untied my robe, letting it open just enough for a peek-a-boo glimpse. "Should I just leave you to it?"

Sandy moved through the water towards me, reaching out and grabbing the edge of my garment. "Don't you dare."

I spun in a little circle, letting her unwrap my robe. It fell to the ground. "Oops. I'm all naked."

"Woman, get in this tub." I giggled as I obeyed, the playful sternness in my lover's voice sending delicious shivers through my body. The hundred and four degree water embraced me as I slipped into the tub, and my lover's even hotter kiss wiped all conscious thought from my brain.

Fifteen minutes later I was leaning back against Sandy, recovering from my lovely orgasm.

I sighed as Sandy kissed me on my temple before whispering in my ear. "We're getting one of these for our house."

My heart melted at her choice of words. "Our house?"

"Yeah. I'm still moving in after Christmas, right?"

"Actually I've changed my mind." I hesitated just long enough for her energy to change. "I don't want to wait. Can you just move in now?"

Her arms tightened around me. "Yes, absolutely. Actually, on one condition."

"What's that?"

"That you'll marry me."

A sob broke free from my chest as I turned towards the woman I loved, looking into the eyes of my future, seeing nothing but love and desire. It wasn't the type that burned hot and faded. No, this was the kind that endured.

"Please, Melanie. Will you marry me?"

How could I answer? I could barely breathe. But somehow I managed to squeak out the only word that mattered. "Yes, yes."

"Good, then when we get back into the bedroom I have something for you."


I spent almost the whole drive home staring at the sparkling new solitaire on my finger. Sandy had told me she'd planned on giving it to me at Christmas, but she'd been carrying it with her for weeks, just in case the moment was right. She'd dried me slowly before walking me into the bedroom and retrieving the small box from her bag. I'd been nude, nothing hiding any part of me. But even without makeup, or shapewear, or any elegant gown, she'd knelt in front of my naked body and put the ring on my finger, asking me again to be hers forever.

When we got back into town the next afternoon we went straight to her condo, packing up two suitcases worth of clothes and two boxes of personal items. Obviously there was no way the two of us could clear out her entire living space in an afternoon, but by the time we got back to the house we had everything Sandy needed to stay forever.

We told the kids when they got home from school on Monday night. Charlie and Paige were overjoyed, but Will was more sedate, although he offered his congratulations and gave his future stepmother a reserved hug.

I tried to get a solid read on him during the rest of the evening, to no avail. At least, none that I was confident in. I knocked on his door after everyone had turned in.

"Come in!" I slipped inside. "Hi, Mom."

"Hey sweetheart." I sat down on the edge of his bed after closing the door behind me. "So, do we need to make small talk or can I just jump to where I ask you what you're thinking?"

"Does it matter?" His voice wasn't angry, like it was the first time we'd had this conversation, but I still wasn't sure what was going on in his teenage head.

"Well, you aren't going to dictate what I do or don't do, but that doesn't mean I don't care what you think, or what you feel."

Will took a deep breath, but he didn't say anything, so I tried one more time. "Is this about your friends, or what Anna will say?"

"Anna and I broke up."

My hand shot up and covered my mouth. "Oh, Honey, I'm sorry. Did her parents...?"

"No. Turns out she, well, she told me how sorry she was, that maybe if we prayed for you, you'd stop. I told her there was nothing to pray for, that you were happy, in a way I'd never seen before. And I told her that Coach Dalton was great, that you were happy, and that I didn't want to date a bigot."

He let me give him a hug, a rare occurrence these days. "I'm so sorry it didn't work out, honey."

"It's okay. I'm really happy for you, Mom. I love you."

I wiped the tears from my eyes before returning the sentiment and heading back into my room, where Sandy was waiting for me.


I wish I could tell you my family was supportive. My mother was furious that I would do this just before my brother's campaign, and John himself called me in full lather. I let him go on for almost ten seconds before I hung up on him. I wonder how long he continued to rant and rave before he realized I wasn't listening. Though I did get a private message of support from Audrey, my niece, telling me she was happy for me, and that she wished she were as brave as I was. I responded that I was always there to talk, and on her next break from school we went out for lunch with Sandy, and well, let's just say that John is going to have a few realities to deal with down the road. I also wish I could tell you that he lost his election, but the world isn't perfect.

We spent the winter and spring getting ready for a small, intimate June wedding, which we did at our home just for friends and family. We also started attending a new, LGBTQ+ friendly church, the minister from which was happy to do our premarital counseling and preside over the ceremony.

And so, for the second time in my life I found myself in a bridal room preparing to walk down the aisle and promise my heart to another person. The differences weren't lost on me, of course. The first time my mother had been with me, beaming in pride. I'd been terrified, wondering how I could pretend to be a woman when I still felt like a little girl.

This time it was my daughter, dressed in a lavender gown with her hair done up in braids and flowers. This time I was a woman in every sense, and there was no fear. I was nervous and excited, of course, but this time I wasn't pretending to be anything.

Paige had dated Brandy throughout the rest of senior year, but they'd parted amiably after graduation, as Brandy was headed to Chicago to go to Northwestern. Paige told us that she was going to try to date some guys when she got to Virginia, but something made me think that it would be another woman who would eventually win her heart for good. But no judgment, whoever makes her happy is fine with me.

My father walked me down the aisle, proud as a peacock. Bryan provided the music, of course. Mother was there, deciding, I think, that her absence would make more of a story than the reverse. And Sandy was beautiful, beaming at me as I made my way towards her. She wore a smooth halter top with a pleated, layered skirt. I'd had to convince her it was okay to wear a dress, her sister, mother, and Jeanine all taking her to nearly a dozen dress shops before finding the one.

I'd also learned that Hannah and I got on like a house on fire, and we made shopping and lunches a regular thing whenever we were able to get together. It turned out that our passel of kids got on well with each other, too, so weekends in Asheville became commonplace. I found out that I'd missed having a social life, and with Sandy by my side, the world was suddenly an exciting place, waiting to be explored.

Our next Christmas night found just the two of us at my dad's cabin, sitting in front of a roaring fire, me leaning back against my wife as she whispered in my ear. "Darling?"


"I want to have a baby."

"I know."

"Are you sure? I'm serious."

"So am I. I know you want that. I've just been waiting for you to ask. You're going to make a wonderful mother."

There was a tear in my wife's eye, which I brushed away as it tumbled down her cheek. She kissed me soundly. "I love you, Melanie Dalton."

"Mmm, say that again."

Smooch. "My beautiful wife. Mrs. Melanie. Dalton."

Nothing in life is certain, and we aren't promised tomorrow. But for as many tomorrows as we're given, Sandy and I will spend them together. I want those tomorrows to include a little one of our own, and grandchildren, and a love that never fades.

And somehow, in this beautiful second chance I'd been given, all of those dreams came true.



Thank you all who stuck it out to the end. I hope everyone enjoyed these two ladies, and are as pleased as I am that they found happiness. A massive, heartfelt thank you to Ash_legend and rileyworks for helping edit this beast. You both made it so much better.

I'm currently working on two stories. First, Macie's story, the antagonistic sorority sister from Hero Worship. Now a reporter working the crime beat, she's forced by her editor to go undercover to do a human interest story on the new, young director of a local battered women's shelter. Also, I'm working on Love Songs, about a repressed young woman with the voice of an angel who meets a jaded keyboard player. They both have so much to teach the other. It'll be a while though, probably next year at least. Until then, take care and love each other.

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BERTACE12BERTACE127 days ago

very heartwarming , thank you very much

Miguel_TugaMiguel_Tuga2 months ago

Uma história Maravilhosa.

bootneck81bootneck813 months ago

A captivating story from start to finish

Prospecting_for_snowProspecting_for_snow3 months ago

Another extraordinary story. Very well done!

FernVillaFernVilla4 months ago

Excellent story. Kaylin's pep talk made me really cry.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

JcMN you’ve outdone yourself yet again. Another beautiful story with such a great ending. Your work is truly a gift to this world (and my life). Now I can sleep peaceful knowing that Sandra and Melanie are happy and safe. Thank you for this and I hope for more. You rock!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I really liked the epilogue

Nightwish1977Nightwish19774 months ago

I definitely have a problem when reading one of your stories (especially when reading it for the first time): I end up sleeping 2 hours instead of 7 or 8 and looking like a zombie next day at work.

Anyway, thank you so much for another lovely story.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I just stayed up until 3 am reading every chapter of this story. Now my pillows got my tears all over it.

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