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Becky's New Life Ch. 01

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Her random fling reveals her true desires.
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Becky sat on the couch in her bummin' around the house clothes which consisted of a light tank top and a pair of sweat pants that said "Princess" on the butt. She flipped through the channels trying to find something good on TV, but she knew that on a Saturday morning, that was unlikely.

Becky's parents walked into the room and informed her that they were going out for a round of golf and that if she wanted to have some of her school friends over that they wouldn't mind.

"Oh," her Dad said as he was walking out the door, "I almost forgot. The pool cleaners are coming today to fix the heater. I've written them a check already that's on my desk. Will you be sure to give them the check when they're through, angel?"

"Sure thing daddy," Becky replied. With that her parents were off.

As soon as Becky was sure that her parents were truly gone for the next 5 hours, she went up to her room and grabbed her cell phone and a music box that her parents had given her for her 15th birthday. It had stopped working long ago, but now it served to hide her stash of weed.

She was about to call her best friend Sandy over to smoke a few joints, but after a quick glance at her stash, she realized she only had enough for one. Sighing, she rolled up her joint and went out back to smoke it.

Savoring every drag, she was quickly becoming baked. She wished her parents left her alone like this more often. Her thoughts were interrupted by the back gate opening and a very well built black man coming through. He was wearing a uniform so Becky realized he was the pool cleaner that her dad had menhadtalked about.

"Good morning miss....", he greeted.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Becky."

"Okay, Becky. My name is Dale. I'm here to fix the heater. But before I do, do you mind if I have a hit of that?" he asked, motioning to the joint in her hand.

Becky was mortified. She had completely forgotten to hide her joint when the man showed up. Her look of shock was apparent, prompting Dale to say, "Don't worry, Becky. I won't tell your folks as long as you share."

Becky, feeling quite reassured, handed him the joint. He took a long drag from it, held it in for longer than Becky thought possible, then exhaled.

"Damn, that's some good shit, girl." Dale grinned at Becky. "Maybe I'll share some of my shit I got in my truck with you after the job is done."

Becky smiled back. "Okay," she giddily agreed. She was really letting the weed go to her head.

"Well, time to get to work," Dale stated, before he started to unbutton his shirt.

Becky watched as he started to undress. She was a little uncomfortable with this stranger taking his clothes off in front of her, but that feeling was short lived. As he pulled his undershirt over his head, Becky's eyes were drawn to his muscular torso and well defined arms. She found herself getting turned on by the display.

All the same, she had enough sense to ask, "What are you doing? Why are you taking your clothes off?"

Dale undid his belt. "Well, The first thing I need to do is make sure the pool thermometer is calibrated correctly and that the heater hose isn't blocked up. Both of those things are easier to do from in the pool. I hope you don't mind." With that he dropped his pants, revealing a tiny Speedo that left little to the imagination. There was a very prominent bulge in Dale's pants that caught Becky's attention.

"No, no. I don't mind at all." Becky kept her eyes affixed to him as he turned around. She got a brief glimpse of his chiseled ass before he dove into the pool.

When he surfaced again, she called to him," I'll be right back. I'm going to go get you a towel for when you're done."

"That would be great. Thank you Becky".

Becky ran to her room and peeked out her window. She couldn't believe how horny the weed and Dale were making her. She shoved her hand down her sweats, and found her clit, already engorged and sensitive. She pinched it between her fingers, sending a wave of pleasure through her. In that second, Becky decided to see where she could take things.

She turned to her dresser and found one of her bikinis. A minute later, she found herself in front of her full length mirror. Although her parents refused to let her wear sexy bikinis until she was 18, she mused that they would never approve of her wearing this particular bikini. It was a metallic blue string bikini that brought out her blue eyes. The top had two small triangles that barely covered her perky B cup tits. The bottom was a thong that tied on the sides, and covered so little that, if she wasn't tedious about staying shaved, would have showed her pubes.

She ran her hands up her long legs, across her flat tummy, then stopping to adjust her boobs. She decided to be extra tempting by tying her long auburn hair into pigtails. Giving herself one more look in the mirror, she concluded that she'd be irresistible, and skipped her way back outside, grabbing a pair of towels on the way.

Becky got back outside just as Dale was emerging from the pool. "Well, its all...fixed..." Dale trailed off as he watched the teen strut sexily towards him.

"That's good. I hate cold water when I swim." She giggled at Dale's expression. "Here, let me dry you off."

Before Dale could say anything, Becky took the towel and was rubbing it all over his chest. She worked her way down his torso until she was rubbing his crotch through the towel. Becky felt his member growing in her hand, so she glanced up at him and gave him a seductive smile, just like she always did to the boys at school.

Dale's hands found their way to her boobs, squeezing them between his large hands. Becky's nipples hardened, and were soon assaulted by Dale's fingers.

"Let me thank you personally for fixing the pool." Becky knelt down so she was eye level with his crotch. Licking her lips, she peeled away Dale's Speedo, letting his cock spring into view.

She gasped with anticipation, and took in the large black member that was pointing at her ominously. It was about 7" long, but incredibly thick and veiny. She couldn't believe it, but it made her pussy even wetter than she already was.

Quicky looking up at Dale and grinning approvingly, Becky took the head of his cock into her mouth. Little by little she took more of his thick cock into her mouth, until it hit the back of her throat, causing her to gag a little. She bobbed her head up and down on his cock, while massaging his balls with her left hand. Her right hand was preoccupied with her own burning pussy.

Dale grunted as she took him into her mouth. He watched the white teen sucking his big black cock, getting harder as he took in her sexy body.

He placed his hands at the back of her head, and guided her as she sucked.

When she took his cock deep into her mouth, she felt his hands hold her there. She took a reflexive breath as she felt him put pressure on the back of her head, forcing his cock down her throat. She gagged, but his hot rod slid down her throat. He held her there for a few seconds before letting her up. She gasped for breath, but felt incredibly turned on by his forcefulness.

"Get up and strip for me," Dale commanded. As she stood up, Dale took off his Speedo.

Becky danced seductively as she untied her top. It fell to the ground, revealing her perky tits topped with extremely hard, pink nipples. She tweaked her nipples and rubbed her breasts as she pulled the ties holding her bottom on.

As her bottoms fell, Dale was pleased at the sight of her shaven pussy. He pushed her down onto her tanning chair and positioned himself between her pale legs. He hungrily buried his tongue into her pussy, which evoked moans and whimpers from Becky.

Dale moved up to her clit, flicking it with his tongue. His thick fingers took over probing her pussy, getting coated with her juices. As her moans became more and more fevered, he hooked his fingers forward, rubbing her g-spot, while simultaneously sucking on her clit.

Becky tensed up as she felt a crushing orgasm hit her. She felt wave after wave of pleasure flow through her body. Dale ceased his assault on her pussy as she started coming down from her climax.

No sooner had she regained her senses than she felt something at her pussy. She looked down, and saw his cock poised at the entrance to her pussy. Becky rolled over and stuck her ass into the air. She reached between her legs and spread her pussy lips.

"Please fuck me," Becky cooed.

Dale slowly inched his cock into her pussy. with each thrust, her pussy stretched around his cock as he went deeper. Soon, his entire length was inside her tight, young pussy.

As Becky was getting used to his large cock, Dale grabbed her hips and began thrusting into her. Becky winced a bit from the pain, but with each thrust came a wave of pleasure. She was only vaguely aware that she was getting more and more turned on by his forcefulness.

"Oh, ah....harder," she found herself gasping. "Fuck me hard." Dale increased his pace to a blur of thrusting, and Becky let out a scream.

"Shit girl, your pussy is great!" Dale professed, "So tight! Oh, gonna cum soon."

Becky's mind was racing, she didn't want him to stop until she came, and she was so close. But she knew that if he came in her, she'd be pregnant. She didn't want that and didn't know how she'd explain it to her parents. But the pleasure waves pulsing through her were stronger than any rational thoughts could be.

"Oh, please don't stop, I'm so close! I need to cum!" Becky couldn't believe she had just uttered the words. She resolved she had better cum fast and make him pull out.

She bucked her hips in rhythm with his thrusts, allowing his cock to fill her deep and completely. She could feel her orgasm rapidly building inside of her, about to be released. However, half a second too soon, Dale thrust himself completely into her. She could feel his cock pulsing, and knew his seed was now in her unprotected womb.

Shockingly, the thought that she may have just been impregnated by Dale drove her orgasm over the edge. She shrieked in pleasure as her whole body quaked. She fell forward, letting his cock slip from her pussy. As she lay there on the beach chair, a rivulet of cum leaking from her pussy, she basked in the afterglow of such a hard orgasm.

Her reverie was short lived as she heard her parents car pull into the driveway. She quickly flipped herself back over and straightened herself out, scooping up cum with her fingers that she then licked up, disposing of the last traces of her fling. She barely put back on her shorts before her Dad walked into the back yard and greeted Dale.

"So how much do I owe you?," her Dad said.

"The job was $200. I had to replace the whole filter and clean some of the pipes," Dale replied. As he said the last part, he stole a glance at Becky while her father was writing the check.

"Fantastic," her Dad replied, oblivious to what he had been doing with his daughter moments before. Then he pulled out his wallet. "Here's a tip for you," he added, pulling out a $50 bill.

Dale raised a hand, "Oh no, sir. I couldn't take that from you. Besides, your daughter keeping me company is more than enough tip for me. You have no idea how boring this job can get when you have no one to talk to."

Becky's dad looked her way, suppressing a look of shock at the tiny bikini top she was wearing. She returned the look and waved at them. Her Dad waved back, and turned his attention back to Dale.

"Well, good enough for me. Have a great day Dale. I'll give you a call if we have any other pool problems." The two men shook hands.

Dale allowed a broad smile to cross his face.

"I sure hope you do, sir."


Three weeks later, Becky found herself in the bathroom, staring at the stick turning blue before her eyes. She was pregnant. She knew she should be freaking out, worrying, crying. But all she could think about was the moment it happened, the way she felt, the grunts Dale made as he shot his load inside of her. When she realized how horny she was getting, she sat down on toilet and started rubbing herself.

Her fingers expertly rolled her fingers over her clit until it was red and engorged. She stuck two fingers in her mouth to wet them before letting them slide into her hole.

They sunk in with a satisfying squish.

As she worked herself to orgasm, she imagiined Dale's black cock thrusting into her pussy. She imagined his cum laden balls slapping against her ass, waiting for the moment to deposit their load into her teen pussy. Becky had always loved cum, which is why she would suck her previous boyfriends' cocks religiously. But, she had never imagined that she would get so horny from getting knocked up.

It didn't take long for her to cum hard, almost falling off the toilet in the process. When she recovered, she looked at herself in the mirror again. Her life had changed dramatically. Not only was she going to have a baby, but she had resolved to always have guys cum in her pussy as often as possible. Now the only problem was how to break her pregnancy to her parents.

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