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Belinda's Tale Ch. 01

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New city, new job, time to get a new life.
8.4k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 05/17/2008
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The tram ride to the office nearly always made Belinda impatient. Not that she was such a workaholic that she couldn't wait to get to the office, but rather that once she had left her small two bedroom apartment in South Melbourne, she was eager to get started, her work mindset clicked on as the door clicked shut behind her. She had joined the marketing division of Robson Multimedia four weeks ago and so far it had lived up to the challenge Derek Robson had promised. The marketing division was divided into three sections, sports, multimedia and corporate divisions. She had been hired to run the corporate division and the challenge, along with the nice salary boost had convinced her to move to Melbourne from Sydney. The rattle of the tram changed as it crossed the Yarra, its new tone seeming to announce the destination for nearly all its occupants. Belinda watched the mixed crowd wandering along the Southbank complex, hurrying to work while others seemed more relaxed and intent on enjoying the bright morning sunshine.

By the time she stepped out of the elevator onto the eleventh floor, her mind had already contemplated the three appointments she had booked for today. Belinda nodded a greeting to someone she recognized but whose name she couldn't remember. Apart from Tony, Derek and Julia, she hadn't taken any time to get to know other staff members in the company. Except for Pamela, her personal assistant.

'Hi Belinda,' the greeting was as cheerful as ever. Belinda recognized that Pam had played a huge part in helping her settle into the new job and had a calm efficiency which kept the minutiae off Belinda's desk and out of her mind. Belinda hadn't had a personal assistant before and was a little unsure of how to thank her without appearing patronizing or overly grateful. It was something she would have to make a decision on soon however.

'Hi Pam, any calls?' It was a silly question given that it was only just after eight, but Belinda suspected that there were plenty of others out there who started work earlier than she did.

'No. The Tiller file is on your desk, and Derek will want a progress report at the exec meeting this morning.'

Belinda thanked Pam and opened the door to her office. The office window faced south, taking in the whole of Southbank including the tall buildings that marked the Crown Casino, the Port of Melbourne and as far down as St Kilda's Esplanade. On days like today, where the vista was bathed in sunshine, the area looked almost as pretty as Darling Harbour, 'but not quite' she reminded herself, struck by a sudden stab of homesickness.

Belinda sat at her desk, sure that it had been messier when she had left for home last night and opened the Tiller file. Tiller Entertainment were a US based cable television company about to launch in Australia, and their account was going to be worth some ten million over three years. Belinda knew that it was virtually hers and that landing it would secure her place at Robson. Not that she felt that her position was insecure at all, it was more of a personal feeling, one of being the outsider recruited from Sydney. Her mother's pleading for her not to go, not to leave her, had combined with her own deep seated, but mostly well hidden, sense of insecurity to convince her that the move would be a bad thing and ultimately lead to failure. Derek Robson had, astutely, been aware of her hesitation, and his gentle persuasion had won her over. That and the dead end future she had faced in Telstra's Sydney office. The intercom buzzed and Pam's quiet voice reminded her that it was ten to nine and time for the Monday morning company executives' meeting. Scooping the Tiller file and notes she had scribbled into her arms she thanked Pam and walked quickly towards the conference room at the far end of the hall.

Tony was the last into the conference room as always. Belinda knew that he had been in the company longer than anyone except for Doris and Irma at reception and suspected that his late entry was carefully staged appear just before Derek as if to remind people of his seniority. He directed the company's sporting accounts, which included two AFL clubs. It was such a different game and the long limbed athletes that played the game were far more appealing than the stocky thick necked types she was used to in her native rugby league. Tony smiled warmly at her and she responded in kind, vaguely aware of the mild flirtation behind both their smiles. Belinda put his age in the mid-thirties only by the number of smile lines around his eyes. He still had a firm jaw line and thick hair that he kept carefully unkempt, but his eyes smiled when he did and it was that she found most attractive. Alone in Melbourne, the thought of having someone to meet outside of office hours held appeal and at twenty eight years herself, she felt very comfortable with the age gap; it was only the whole co-worker thing that had stopped her allowing things to go further.

By eleven the meeting was over. It was the only time of the week that Derek could be accessed and for that matter the only time he checked up on what his executives were doing. He was not into micromanaging the business affairs of his company, so the two hours each Monday morning were a valuable time for all concerned. By the end of this meeting Derek was visibly pleased with her progress on the Tiller account and asked her to stay behind as the others left the conference room.

'So how are you fitting in Belinda?' It was a typically direct Robson question. It caught her a little off guard as she had thought he would want more details of the Tiller deal.

'Fine I guess.'

'Have you made any friends in Melbourne yet?' His stare was fixed but friendly, with perhaps a hint of concern.

'There's Julia.' She replied after a moments thought. Julia ran the multimedia section and had helped Belinda to learn the various protocols that made life in the company a little easier. Describing her as a friend was a white lie however.

'Good. I'd like you to come to PJ's after work. All the execs will be there."


He smiled wryly at her reply. 'You haven't been getting out much have you?' Belinda felt a slight flush creep onto her cheeks.'

'PJ O'Brien's, it's in Southbank. I'll get Julia to walk you over.' Derek stood, signalling that the conversation was over.

It was nearly six when Julia, tired of waiting, knocked on her door. Julia had told her to come and get her when she was ready to go. Belinda had sent Pam home at five, telling her that she would be leaving soon herself.

'No use trying to suck up to Derek here, he'll be on his second Guinness by now and everyone else will be miles ahead of you.'

Belinda closed the file and smiled. Julia was thirty, and sported short cropped brunette hair that suited a trim, petite figure that would have made many teenagers envious. They chatted about work as they crossed the footbridge across the Yarra, Belinda appreciating the reflection of the Princess Bridge lights on the still water. The sun had set but the western sky was a mass of dark purple and pink clouds that looked beautiful but promised rain later that night.

PJ's was a small but popular Irish style pub, the type that had become all the rage in most Australian cities. Dark woodwork and pints of Guinness were all the rage. The place was packed to the point that Belinda doubted that even if they could find Derek and the others, she couldn't see how there would be room for them to stand. Julia grabbed her hand and lead her confidently through the crush of bodies to the far corner of the bar and through an open door into a small function area that contained Robson's executives. Derek turned as he saw them enter and smiled a welcome. A waiter appeared and took their orders, scotch and dry for Julia and champagne for Belinda.

'Ladies and gentlemen,' Derek's voice was raised only slightly but commanded attention. A silence fell across the room, deepened when the waiter returned and closed the function area's door behind him to shout out the commotion of the packed bar. Belinda accepted her drink with thanks and was surprised when she wasn't asked to pay.

'For those who don't recognise the new face, I'd like to introduce Belinda Neilson.' Belinda smiled and realised that there were quite a few faces she recognized that she couldn't name, but that there were also a lot of faces she had never seen before.

'Not only would I like to welcome her to this gathering, but also to congratulate her. Just before leaving my office this afternoon, I received a call from one Lionel Bodulki of the Tiller Corporation informing me that we had been awarded exclusive rights to market their company in not only Australia, but New Zealand and Indonesia as well.' A few high-spirited cheers sounded from around the room.

Belinda felt a sense of exaltation sweep through her. The New Zealand and Indonesian rights had been an outside chance at best, and she had played it that way to Derek. Winning those as well meant that Singapore and Southeast Asia were within reach!

'It was solely due to Belinda's hard work and long hours that Robson has landed this contract. It is her effort that no doubt has kept her from meeting you all,' he paused to allow the laughter to subside, 'but tonight I hope you will make her welcome.' At once cheers and applause washed over her, followed by a series of introductions and warm welcomes.

Belinda knew she had worked hard for the Tiller account, but she also knew that Derek himself had been busy behind the scenes doing the top level hand pumping and contact building. But he had handed this moment to her alone, and although she knew that the others in the room would be aware of Derek's contributions, she allowed herself to be swept up in the praise and congratulations.

Around midnight, after many champagnes and conversations with newly found work acquaintances, Belinda found herself in the corner of a much quieter PJs with Tony. She hadn't remembered talking to him earlier, but had been very aware of his presence. Derek had left at eleven and the rest of the staff had quickly moved from the function area out into the main bar, where the crowd had thinned considerably.

'You must be feeling good with yourself.' His smile conveyed the same praise that everyone had heaped upon her.

'Well actually - yes I do!' She was feeling light headed, but very good about herself. She realised that a contract the size of Tiller had to be good for the company as a whole, so she assumed that the praise from her co-workers was genuine.

'You've made a remarkable impact since arriving here', his smile had faded but danced faintly at the corners of his mouth.

'Thank you,' she paused to down the last of her champagne, 'but I guess you have too.' At once she felt a tremor pass through her at her forwardness, followed by the thought, 'what the hell, tonight I'm a star.'

Tony raised one eyebrow but didn't appear shocked.

Belinda plunged on, 'well Tony, you always smile at me around the office, and here it is, almost midnight before you've decided to talk to me for the first time all night.' Her drunken smile challenged him to deny what she was implying was true. He laughed and shook his head, turning to the bar to order each of them another drink. Her head was spinning and she knew she should decline the drink, but she didn't want the sense of euphoria to stop.

'Cheers and congratulations.' He raised his drink. She clinked her glass against his, a little too hard, spilling some champagne onto her hand.

'Champagne sir?' Emboldened by his lack of a response, she offered her hand to him. He met her gaze with a smile and shook his head.

'Belinda, you're very drunk and I think that this,' he paused, 'this thing between us should wait until you're more in control of your decision making faculties.' She pulled her hand back, then without breaking the eye contact slowly licked the champagne residue from her fingers one at a time. She felt a small stab of lust in her belly, before becoming aware of the stares of two business-suited types who were seated behind Tony at the far end of the bar. Breaking away from Tony's gaze she smiled at them and raised her glass in their direction.

'I know what I'm doing Tony,' she said quietly, and deep down, under the fog of lust and alcohol, she knew that she did. Tony nodded and raised his eyebrows to indicate that he didn't believe her.

'I'm just going to the loo,' he said, placing his glass on the bar. She watched him wander across the bar and through the door marked 'men', and briefly considered walking away and catching a cab home. But she wanted him, and had wanted him well before she had gotten drunk. She took the opportunity to scan the bar and found to her relief that all her co-workers were gone. Reassured, she decided to stay, and then considered that the absence of other Robson employees in conjunction with the timing of Tony's advance was not pure coincidence. She smiled and decided that she would go home with him tonight.

They staggered into a cab at three o'clock, their breath hanging whitely in the air which was crisp in the aftermath of the rain that had just ceased. Tony gave the driver his address and then they sat side by side for an awkward, silent moment. Belinda was still riding the high of her success and the alcohol, and wasn't about to have it evaporate in the back of the cab so close to achieving her secondary goal for the evening. She slipped her hand across Tony's thigh and boldly rested it on his crotch. He jumped at the contact but made no move nor gave any indication that he wanted her to remove it.

She slowly began pressing her hand down against him, feeling a thrill at his immediate reaction. By the time the cab pulled up outside a small block of executive apartments in South Yarra, Tony had been shifting slightly in his seat in an attempt to ease the pressure. He paid the driver with a generous tip, and the taxi had barely pulled away from the gate before her tongue was in his mouth while her hand firmly massaged him. They fumbled their way through the security door and into a darkened corridor, their gasps sounding loud in the early morning silence. Belinda grabbed his hand as he reached for the light switch, instead pushing him against the wall.


'Shut up', she gasped at him, her fingers working his fly open, snaking their way inside and freeing him.

'No, wait...' His protest trailed off as Belinda dropped to her knees and swallowed his full length, her fingers dancing in unison with her lips and tongue. She worked him furiously for a few seconds, then slowed, her hand gripping him firmly as she slowly worked her tongue around his tip. His flesh was hard and hot and she felt a thrill at her power. His body tensed and at once she released him from her mouth, not wanting him to finish, knowing that if he did so in his drunken state that the night would be over. She stood, still holding him gently, kissing him on the mouth.

'Take me inside.' Tony held her in his embrace, and she kept his erection in her hand. From the tension in his body she could tell that the scene she had set heightened his senses. Their tongues danced together and he gently moved his hips against her grip, still riding close to orgasm. He went to slip himself back into his trousers but Belinda laughed and pushed his hand away. She stepped back and towards the door, her grip making him follow obediently.

'So this is what it means to be lead by your dick,' he muttered. Belinda laughed softly and continued to gently squeeze him as he fumbled with the key before they tumbled inside.

Belinda kicked the door closed behind them then found herself pushed against the wall with Tony's hands exploring her body. The rustle of material broke the dark silence in the apartment as they slowly stripped each other, leaving a trail of clothing from the doorway, up the staircase and into his bedroom. Belinda paid scant attention to the rest of the apartment, vaguely aware of its tubular and glass furnishings. As Tony paused she quickly glanced at his room, approving of the fact that it was clean and tidy. His bed was king sized and dominated the room. A large dresser with a mirror stood against the far wall and showed surprisingly good taste in decor. The other feature in the room was the large window, which faced out across the street. The curtains were open and the room was partially illuminated by the streetlight. Belinda moved towards the bed, her heart thumping, but Tony propelled her into a leather reading chair that was next to the dresser near the corner of the window.

The leather felt cool against her bare skin and Belinda sunk into its comfort. Tony stood in front of her and she let her eyes run appreciatively down his naked body. She leaned forward and placed her hands on the back of his thighs, drawing him closer until his knees rested against the edge of the chair. She parted her legs to allow him to get closer then looked up, meeting his eyes as she again took him into her mouth. She saw his eyes glaze in pleasure and felt herself tingle at her power. She moved slower than in their first encounter outside, her tongue exploring him with slow, languid strokes as her head bobbed back and forth in time with the contractions of her mouth. She felt his hands running roughly through her hair, not forcing her mouth onto him but wanting to explore her.

Tony pulled back, the look on his face betraying how close he had been to finishing. He dropped to his knees and kissed her deeply, one hand gently stroking her breast, the other running along her thigh then between her legs, making her jump at his first contact with her there. His fingers began working in small, quick circles, sending shivers of pleasure through her whole body and he pressed harder on her mouth with his, forcing her back against the chair. She pushed against his finger, then gasped as he broke off the kiss and ran his tongue across her sensitive nipples, over her belly and between her legs. She felt like screaming as his tongue explored her, sometimes in slow rhythmic circles then in small darting motions into her. She opened her eyes and gasped as her climax ripped through her body, bucking against Tony's mouth, not wanting to break the contact but unable to prevent it as she convulsed in the now warm and damp seat.

Tony's mouth worked its way back up her body until their lips met again and she kissed him passionately, her lust overriding the thought that his skin was covered with her wetness. She pushed him back and stood, pulling him to his feet, feeling his hardness against her belly as they embraced. Tony started to lead her to the bed, but she resisted, pulling him to the large window. The outside light shining on her skin gave her a pale luminescence, an almost ghostlike appearance. Sliding open the window she stepped onto the balcony and into the still night. The green lights of the bedside clock told her that it was nearly four in the morning and so the chance of anyone being up and seeing her, naked on the balcony, was highly unlikely. But the thrill was there. She turned and leant on the metal rail, facing inwards. Tony was staring fixedly at her, unsure as whether to follow or not. She beckoned to him with one seductive motion of her finger, which she then ran from her mouth, down between her breasts, across her body and between her thighs, touching herself and feeling the small electric shock of the after effects of her climax.

Tony walked onto the balcony, nervously glancing across the street towards the neighbours that he knew, but so consumed by lust as to be able to refuse. As he neared, Belinda turned, and leant forward so her breasts swayed over the rail, her rump thrust back towards him. She stood stiff legged, her feet apart, and waited for him. He entered her in one swift, smooth motion, his hands gripping her waist simultaneously. She gasped and heard a deep throaty moan from behind. His cock spread its heat into her and she felt it spread up through her belly and chest. Tony tried to keep his rhythm slow, but he was eager to possess her and Belinda thrust against him, wanting to come again before he finished. As if engaged in a race they tried to manoeuvre to maximise their own pleasure. Belinda could feel each of his thrusts as a frenetic rubbing of his shaft along her clit and she experienced a second massive climax, fighting to stifle her cry as she writhed in Tony's tight grip. As the waves passed through her she felt him tense and realised that he was not wearing a condom. As he began to come, she pulled free and turned, taking him in her hand and with slow, firm strokes led him into his orgasm, watching his face as he too fought not to cry out. His seed sprayed past her fingers and struck her stomach, then her hand was clamped around the tip of his cock and his sperm filled her fist. Tony's eyes were clamped shut and his jaw tensed as her emptied himself into her grip. As his body relaxed she stood on tiptoe and kissed him, wiping her hand clean on his bottom under the guise of a gentle caress. Their mouths met warmly and silently he took her hand and walked with her into the bedroom. They were asleep minutes later.

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