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Best of Castle Pt. 15

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Rick & Kate again, Alexis joins them Their 1st 3some.
15.2k words

Part 15 of the 25 part series

Updated 11/22/2024
Created 06/09/2023
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Best of Castle Part 15

Season 5 Episode 1

Castle woke up the morning after Beckett came over to profess her love for him. He sat up in the bed and looked around and wondered if it was a dream or if it really happened. He was naked and the bed was a mess, but no Beckett.

All of a sudden, Kate came strolling into the bedroom, dressed in only one of his white dress shirts and nothing else. It was half unbuttoned, showing off her cleavage. Her long hair was disheveled and she looked incredibly sexy. She was carrying two cups of coffee and she smiled when she saw him awake, "Made you a coffee."

He smiled up at her, "So it wasn't a dream.

She chuckled, "No. you definitely weren't dreaming." She put here coffee cup down and he closed the distance between the two of them, "You were right. I had no idea."

She bit her lip, "So you liked it?"

He scoffed, "Yeah."

"Even the part where I was on my back and you were fucking my mouth?"

He nodded, "Especially that part. I loved that."

She chuckled again, "Good, me too."

"So you're on board with this, right? It's not some, "Oh, I quit my job, I almost died, I'm in crisis thing?"

She shook her head, "Uh.... No, not for me."

He closed the distance, "Okay, me neither."

She smiled at him, "Okay, good"

He nodded back at her, "Good."

"But I just quit my job. And I do have the day off."

He nodded, "I do, too." His hands went to his shirt and slowly unbuttoned the remaining buttons on the shirt she was wearing. She looked down at her bare breasts, "Really?"

He slipped it off her shoulders, "Yes, so what would you, um, like to do today?""

She closed her eyes as his mouth attacked her bare shoulder, "Um...I don't know, we could read."

He nodded, We could watch TV."

She looked at the growing erection between his legs, "Yeah, we could get something to eat."

He moved to her neck, "We could do that, yeah."

Her mouth turned to his and their lips met and before long, she had him on his back. She was over him and she groaned when he cupped her tits and rolled the nipples, "Or we could stay here in bed and fuck all day. I need to ride you again, Rick, can I?"

He chuckled, "Okay, is that a trick question? Sure, but I think you're gonna have to get him a little bit harder before you can do that."

She chuckled, "That has never been a problem for me in the past." She lowered her head, taking his cock into her mouth. He groaned and spread his legs a bit, giving her better access. She reached down and fondled his big, hairy balls as she sucked another couple inches of his shaft into her mouth. She felt it swelling up, getting bigger and harder. When he was nice and hard, she slipped a leg over his and climbed atop him. She sighed as his cock slid all the way into her already moist pussy. She leaned forward and began grinding her pelvis against his. He pulled her head to his. Rick's hands were on her cheeks, and he kissed her and she shivered when their tongue met.

He pulled back slightly, "I'll never get enough of this mouth. You're so fucking hot and gorgeous, Kate." His hands were roaming all over her body, as she continued riding him.

Kate bucked against his cock, loving the sensation of control she had over him. As she clenched her pussy muscles, cradling his cock in her cunt, he groaned. She leaned over again and kissed him even harder and longer. Her soft breasts pressed against his rock, hard chest.

He buried his face in her neck, "Oh fuck, Kate, don't stop, keep doing that."

She continued to ride him as he was thrusting his hips and pushing his cock deeper into her. She gasped, "You're so fucking hard, Rick."

He stared up at her, "Can we switch?"

She giggled, "Sure, why not, we have all day." She crawled off his body flopped down on her back and spread her legs.

Rick hovered over her and stared at the beauty beneath him, "Fuck, Kate, you are gorgeous.

She scoffed, "Yeah, sure my hair is a total disaster."

He shook his head, "That makes you look even hotter!" He got between her legs, holding them up, he planted them firmly on his shoulders. He gripped his cock and guided it home. She groaned as he entered her. He sank deeper and deeper into her tight, juicy pussy. He switched up his angle of attack with each third or fourth stroke, driving Kate wild with need to cum.

She clawed at his arms, "Oh fuck Castle, don't stop."

He was already dripping with sweat as he continued his assault on her lush curves. He pumped in and out of her, not concerned about anything other than their both approaching orgasms.

His thick cock throbbed deep inside her told her everything she needed to know. He was hers and she was his. He picked up the pace, "Oh fuck Kate, I'm going to cum!"

She tightened her grip around his neck with her strong legs, "Come in me, fill me up with your hot, cum."

He grunted and began pumping her full of his semen. Kate screamed out and clawed at him as she exploded, sending a stream of her own juices to coat his cock and signal her climax as well.

He slumped against her and he released her legs. They clung together and all of a sudden there were two people applauding. They both looked to the doorway and Martha and Alexis were standing there, smiling and laughing.

Alexis covered her face with her hand, but spread her fingers to look. At the same time Martha giggled, "Well, it is about fucking time the two of you got together. Fours years and you two are already worn out. Must have been one hell of a night."

Kate and Castle struggled to cover themselves with a sheet. They both replied at the same time, "It sure was."

Rick growled out, "Could you two please leave so we can get decent."

Alexis chuckled, "Too late for that Dad." They both left and Kate and Rick got up and got into a couple of his robes and joined them in the kitchen.

When they got there, Alexis had settled down at the breakfast counter and she looked like death warmed over.

Kate clung to Rick and he stared at Alexis, :Are you hung over?"

She was too sick to reply so Martha spoke for her, "Well, the graduation festivities got a tad out of hand, and Alexis called me from the party, I drove into town, I picked her up. So please don't get angry, darling."

He stared at the droopy eyed redhead, "Well, why didn't you call me?"

She glared at him, "I tired, but you never picked up."

He turned to Kate and smiled, "Oh, right. The two of us were deep in discussion and I had my phone turned off."

Martha chuckled, "Deep discussion, my ass." She looked to Kate, "So was it everything you were expecting, or was it a total letdown?"

Kate chuckled. "Oh it was incredible, even better than I ever imagined."

Rick hugged her, "I have to second that, we did things I never thought were possible, especially...."

Martha cut him off, "TMI, darling, TMI!"

He winked at her, "Well, you did ask." He turned to Alexis, I am deeply disappointed in you, and yet oddly proud."

Her fingers were clutching her head and she groaned, "My head is pounding."

"So I guess it is a bad time to ask if you still want to go on your graduation present trip next week?"

Alexis suddenly perked up and gave him a weak smile. "Oh yes, yes, we have to go. You still haven't told me where we are going?"

He snickered, "That is a surprise, but I was wondering it you wouldn't mind if Kate came along with us. She is suddenly without a job, seeing she resigned from the NYPD and she could use a nice vacation."

Kate spoke up, "No, no Castle, this should be a father, daughter trip."

Alexis tried to look cheerful, but her head hurt too much, "No, please Detective Beckett, come with us. I could use a buffer, you know how he can get."

He scoffed, "What do you mean, how can I get?"

Kate ignored him, "Yes, I know what you mean, but only if you are sure. Oh and please, no more detective, I resigned yesterday. Just call me Kate, okay?"

Alexis gave her a weak smile, "Okay and don't let the way I'm reacting be a barometer of how I feel. I'm so hungover, but yes, yes, I'd love for you to join us."

Rick chimed in, "Great, we are going to have one hell of a time in...." He chuckled, "Oh, no, I'm not saying."

Kate rubbed his back, "I was wondering if you would take me to my place. My clothes are still damp from the rain I was caught in. I'd love to shower and change."

Martha looked at her, "So are the two of you going to tell us what happened here or are you going to leave us in the dark."

Rick looked to Kate and back to Martha, "Dark, I'll fill you in later, I have to take her to her place now, we'll talk later. Alexis, you get some rest and drink a lot of fluids."

They left and raced over to her place. They both intended to get her out of her damp clothes, but no plans to get dressed again. Maybe a nice shower together for a start.

While all of this was going on, Kate forgot all about the man still out there trying to kill her. The man she encountered on the roof tracked down the individual who was holding the info over his employee. Maddox began to interrogate him. He tied him up and beat the hell out of him, trying to get the information Montgomery had left him to keep Kate safe.

Before Kate could strip and get in the shower there was a knock on her door. She yelled out, "Who is it?"

From out in the hall came a voice, "Beckett, it's Ryan."

She turned to Rick, "Just look normal., if that's even possible for you."

She let Ryan in and he stopped and stared at Rick, "Hey, Castle, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I was just walking by the neighborhood. I only live 20.... Uh... What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you about the case."

Kate followed him in, "Uh... Ryan? No, Ryan, I've resigned, I'm, done."

"I hope this isn't because of Gates, or because of what I did"

"No! No, look, I get it. You were just trying to keep us safe."

"I still am. And this guy that threw you off the roof, he's still out there." He looked to Castle, "I know what this case had done to you. I'm not asking you to jump back in. I just want to show you something, that's all." He pulled out a photo of Kate's protector, but on the photo, he was a lot younger. Ryan slid it over to Kate, "I found this photo Maddox took from the wedding album. You're familiar with the guys that Roy ran with back in the day. Is he one of them?

Kate looked at it, "I've never seen him before."

Rick spoke up, "I have." He picked it up, "This is the man I told you about, the one who's been keeping you safe."

Kate looked at him, "Are you sure?"

"He's older now, but it's definitely him. Now they've sent Maddox to hunt him down and get the file back. If we don't get to him before Maddox does, you will never be safe again."

Ryan left to try and trace the phone and Kate sat down and looked to Rick, "This was supposed to be over. I can't go back again, not now."

He held her hand, "Well, now we don't have a choice. If Maddox get to him before we do...."

She cut him off, "But I don't know how to do this. I'm not even a cop anymore."

"I'll tell you exactly what we do. We figure out who this guy is."

They combed through all sorts of info and came to the conclusion that he was Michael Smith. They raced over to his townhouse, but were too late. They found Smith passed out, tied to a chair. Castle untied him, Maddox got to him first. Kate saw a file burning in the fireplace, but it wasn't the file Maddox needed to take Kate out. Castle called EMS and they took him to the hospital, but before he left, he mumbled eighty-six M-m-m-m to Castle.

Castle looked through his files and found he had a new place being built. On 86, Markwell Street. They raced over there, but Maddox was following them and he had the jump on them. He tied them up and told them he was going to get the file and then come back and put Kate and Castle in the ground.

He went up to Smith's place, still under construction and found a safe in the floor. Somehow, Esposito tracked them down and freed them both.

The three of them raced upstairs and stopped Maddox and as he pulled the file out of the safe, Esposito, who was in the Armed Forces heard the click and knew it was booby-trapped. He dragged Kate and Castle to safety and it exploded, killing Maddox and destroying the file.

Gates came to the apartment complex, but got nothing from Kate, Esposito or Castle. They returned to Kate's apartment, nervous about what would happen next. There was a knock on the door and Ryan entered with a bag of confetti. It was, what was left of the file. Over the next several hours they tried to piece together anything that would help. They found a bank deposit number and after running the account number, it came back to Senator, Bracken. He was the devil behind all of the killings and Kate was at a loss on how to handle it now. With only a bank account, she hoped it would be enough to keep him at bay.

They connected all the dots and knew it had to be him, but with only a bank account, it was little to go on.

Castle floated an idea to take her someplace, away from New York where they could be safe. She crawled up into his arms and he hugged her tightly. She looked up at him, "I'll never be safe."

They slept together that night at her place, but in the morning, she dressed, took her gun and left him. She raced over to the hotel where Bracken was holding a rally. He was there to speak for the Vice-President and his re-election to the senate. She got him away from the crowd and he met her in the kitchen.

He knew she was out of options and he was about to leave and she called out to him, "I have the file. Smith had another copy. Account number 0-8-6-7-2-2-4-1. That's the number on the back account where you deposited the money orders. So you are right. It is about who holds the power. Now, I could release that file and destroy you. But what would that mean for my life expectancy? So here's how it is. The deal that you had with Smith, that's our deal now. And if anything happens to me, or anyone that I care about, that file goes public. Am I clear?" She waited and added, "That's a yes or no question."

He finally replied, "Yes."

She stepped close to him, "And one more thing. Whoever it is you think I am, whatever it is you think you know about me, you have no idea what I'm capable of, or how far I will go. I am done being afraid. It's your turn now." She reached out and slashed his cheek with her firearm.

He grabbed his cheek and groaned. She used a growling voice and added, "That's gonna leave a nasty scar. Every time you see it, think of me." She turned and left.

She returned to the precinct and went to see Gates.

Gates, was still being a bitch, "Your resignation was accepted. The matter's settled."

She stood there, "Sir, I have the top case-closure rate in the precinct. And now that the man what shot me is dead, that particular case will no longer be an issue."

"Really? Because it seems to be the gift that keeps on giving. You're covering for someone and I know who it is. But I don't intend to dig up the past and tarnish Roy Montgomery's reputation. The fact is, I admire your loyalty. I hope you feel that for me someday."

"Does that mean I can show up for duty tomorrow?"

"No, you still have to serve out your suspension, same as Esposito."

She left the office and told Castle and he got into the elevator with her, "What are you gonna do in the meantime?"

She turned to him, "Oh, I'm pretty sure I'll think of something." As the door closed, she reached back and cupped his cock and he grunted, "Vacation with Alexis, here we come."

A week after Rick connected with Kate, he found Alexis lounging around in her bedroom. He poked his head in, "Hey Kiddo. Kate and I are packed and ready yo go. You have thirty minutes to pack before we head to JFK. Just to let you know, where we are going, it is legal to drink at eighteen. Just don't overdo it. The last thing you need is another hangover. So pack your bags and make sure you have at least one evening gown." He turned to go and turned back, "Oh and also make sure you pack your bathing suits, I heard the weather there right now is phenomenal."

She hopped up, "Where are we going Dad?"

He shook his head, "Sorry Pumpkin, that is part of the surprise. Just know, Kate and I are going to show you just how nice it is to be an adult." He was at the door, "We're leaving in thirty minutes, so get ready."

She raced around. She tried to get it out of Kate, but she too refused to tell her. They took a limo to JFK and drove directly onto the tarmac. As the boarded the plane, Rick found the pilot, "Please let the entire flight crew know that this is a surprise, so nothing about where we are going until we land."

The pilot tipped his hat, "Message received, Sir." He found the flight attendant and made sure she knew it was a secret and as they took off, Alexis was hopping from side to side to see where they were going, but all she could see was water. She sat down in a huff, "I'm supposed to be an adult, why aren't you treating me like one."

Kate came over and sat beside her, "We are Alexis. This is something your father planned for a long time. Let him have his fun. He's just as excited as you to see where we are going. I swear, you'll love it." She hugged her and Alexis hugged her back and nodded, "Thanks Kate, I'll behave, at least for now."

Three hours later the plane touched down, but it had already turned dark and again Alexia was frustrated. This is until she exited the terminal after walking from the tarmac. Her entire face lit up. She saw she was in St. Martaan. She turned to her father and wrapped her arms around him, "Oh WOW Dad, this is amazing. We have to go to the French side. I heard they have several nude beaches."

Kate looked to Rick and he shrugged, "It's her party, so wherever you wanna go, we'll go."

Outside there was a limo waiting to take them to the Black Palm Resort. Alexis was in awe of the place and Rick reserved the penthouse suite and it overlooked the bay.

Alexis was so excited, she had a difficult time sleeping. Rick ordered up a variety of food for snacks, seeing it was too late for dinner.

In the morning, Alexis was up at the crack of dawn and ran out onto the veranda. She was amazed of the view. She ran and found Kate and her dad in bed. She jumped in the middle, "Come on you two, get up, we have to go to the pool, the beach and the nude beaches today."

Rick grabbed her and hugged her, "Slow down Kiddo, we have an entire week, take it slow and savor it."

They showered and put on the bathing suits and cover-ups and headed downstairs for a hearty breakfast. As soon as they were finished, Alexis was at the pool and removing her cover-up, both Rick and Kate stared at the tiny pieces of cloth covering Alexis rich curves. She was milky white and Kate, being of Eastern European descent, was already darker,"Alexis, you most definitely need sunscreen on that white body of yours or you'll be spending the remainder of this holiday in your room with a terrible sunburn."

Alexis agreed and she loved how soft and gentle Kate's hands were on her back, shoulders and down her shapely legs. She even got a little turned on from Kate, but she pushed it away. She was too excited about the holiday.

They spent most of the morning at the pool. They took a long walk on the beach and promised Alexis they would go tot he nude beach on the French side tomorrow.

While they were sunning themselves, Rick came over and stood over Alexis, "Come on Alexis, we have a very, very exclusive dinner planned for you. You need to get your hair done and dressed in you best gown. We are going to paint the town red and let everyone that my little girl is now eighteen, a honored graduate and of legal age."

She hopped up and didn't complain whatsoever. Kate took her to the hair salon and they both had their hair done-up in fancy style. Kate's was in a sexy French twist, while Alexis had hers in a braided bun, with two red tentacles on either side of her face. They had their make-up done professionally too and they hurried back to the suite, making sure the humidity didn't destroy their hair or make-up.

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