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Best of Last Man Standing Pt. 21

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Mike with Kris, Jen gets her fill & Baxter Family Final Orgy.
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Part 21 of the 25 part series

Updated 10/11/2023
Created 12/09/2021
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Everyone in this story is at least eighteen years of age when having sexual relations.


Mike came into the kitchen and Jen slowly closed her laptop and leaned over so he couldn't see what she was doing.

Ever since she returned to Denver from China, she had changed her appearance. She now sported sexy black bangs and her straight hair hung halfway down her back. She wore tight tops to accent her growing breasts, now a healthy B cup, but still no comparison to Vanessa or her two older daughters.

After Mike left, Vanessa looked at Jen, "Okay, so what are you hiding from Mike?"

She stared back at her, "Nothing! What are you hiding from Mike?"

Vanessa blurted out, "None of your business! Come on, spill it."

She grinned from ear to ear, "My friends are visiting next week from Hong Kong, and they want me to take them camping. If Mr. Baxter finds out, he's gonna want to..... "TEACH ME STUFF!"

Vanessa refilled her coffee cup, "Yeah, I mean, that's because you've never been camping. Where, uh, where are you guys thinking of going?"

She hopped up, "Oh, I found the perfect spot at the top of Torrey's Peak."

Vanessa was stunned, "Torrey's Peak? That's so dangerous, I.... Why don't you start somewhere easier. like a roadside campground?"

Jen mocked her, "Uh, we want to have an adventure? We shouldn't be able to walk to a gas station and get nachos."

"Uh, look, look, wait. No, but... Torrey's Peak is above the tree line. You know who's really good at camping and doesn't go there? TREES!"

She groaned, "I can handle it. There's a ton of information on the Internet, and I've done all of my research."

"Look, look, I once did research to learn how to make a French omelet, and you know what happened when I finally made one?"

Jen grinned as her and mocked her again, "It came out perfectly?"

She scoffed, "We ended up with oatmeal. But my oatmeal didn't kill your friends."

"Would it make you feel better if I prove to you I know how to camp?"

"How are you going to do that?"

She shrugged, "I don't know? You're the expert, you tell me."

"All right, how about we camp for one night in the backyard, and we'll see how you handle some unexpected situations."

"Deal, you've got your situations, "I've got my camping apps. Bring it on"

Vanessa snickered, "This will be fun."

Later that morning, Kristen was proud of herself. She was doing great at the office and when Mike arrived, she followed him into his office, "So, I don't want to brag, but I'm kicking work's ass." She was trimming down, slightly, but was still large in the ass and chest. Wearing a tight, but flattering black dress with tiny white seashells on it. A wide black belt around her waist showed off her ass and tits. Under it she was wearing black tights and black ankle boots.

Mike put his briefcase down, "Be careful, kicking work's ass could wear you out."

"I'm serious, I already finished the cost-benefit analysis of switching over to the new software"

"That's a lot of work. Where you get the energy? Please tell me you're not putting meth in your coffee."

She chuckled, "No, uh, every day, I work an extra hour."

"Well, that hour comes from someplace. You really think this is worth it?"

"You should be proud of me, Dad. I came up with a better system than Mike Baxter."

"I am proud of you. Very proud of you. As a matter of fact, I'm so proud of you, I'm gonna get you involved in the quantitative analysis of opening new stores in, uh, good locations. Unless that's too much work."

"No, no way. I got this" She turned to leave his office, "Hey, oh, and one of these days, you're gonna have to teach me your "Get back to work" look, you know?"

"Well, you'd actually have to stop working for me to give you the look."

Back at the Baxter backyard, Jen was pounding a stake into the ground with a rock.

Vanessa came over to her, "Interesting.. I probably would've packed a mallet to pound those stakes. But, you know, but then, I'm a geologist, and I'm against cruelty to rocks."

Jen stood up and smiled, "But I got this on shale"

Vanessa chuckled, "Ooh. Good one."

Mandy was there to torture Jen and came over to them, "When you asked me to help, you promised no geology puns."

Vanessa snickered, "Oh, you're right, we're quarry."

Just then, Mike walked in and Jen jump three feet, "Wow, I knew I smelled tent."

Jen stepped back, "Hey."

"He added, "And maybe a bit of fear. Well, the family tent is out. I wonder what that's doing out here, huh? What a mystery." He looked down at Jen, "A little harder to hide a tent than is it to shut your laptop, isn't it? Look, I notice everything."

Jen threw up her hands, "Vanessa is teaching me a few tips on camping. Nothing for you to worry about."

Mike grinned back at her, "Whoa, so you thought she'd be less tough on you than me?"

Jen rolled her eyes, "Well, yeahhhhh! What?" Vanessa stood behind her and gave out a wicked chuckle.

Mike was laughing now, "Nothing, nothing. Just fasten your seat belt."

Vanessa broke in, "All right, all right, come on, go, go, go! There's lasagna inside if you want it"

He left, "Good luck everybody."

Vanessa turned back, "Let's see here. Ah, well, this looks pretty solid." She turned to Mandy, "What, do you think, Mandy?"

Mandy turned, wearing black out glasses, "Huh?"

Vanessa looked at her, "Oh, well, I love that shade of black.

Jen grinned, "Yeah, me too."

Mandy took off the shades, "Now take it down."

Jen stared at her, "What?"

Mandy looked at the tent, "You pegged your corners before you zipped your entry. Now you'll never get it shut."

Jen tried to argue, but Vanessa broke in, "Yeah, no, no, no, she's right. You got to take it down. She turned to Mandy and took the glasses, "Uh, but put these on first."

She put the on and screamed out, "But I can barely see now!"

Vanessa threw up her arms, "Well, because it's night. Huh? You didn't pack a flashlight, did you?"

Jen scoffed., "Well, yes, I did!" She reached into her back pack and looked up, "It seems to be gone."

Mandy came over to her, "Oh what? Well, that is unexpected." She turned her flashlight on and flashed Jen, "Maybe one of your friends took it out and left it somewhere."

"Well, why would they do that?" She ripped it from Mandy's hand.

"I don't know, I don't know your friends."

Vanessa came over to her, "Listen, these things happen. Okay, now look, you're at the top of Torrey's Peak. You took two hours to hike up there, two hours to set up, and that's after a five hour drive. What do you do now?"

She looked worried, "I don't know."

Vanessa raised her voice, "You're above the tree line! You don't get to not know!"

Mandy screamed too, "Come on! It's pitch-black and freezing. What do you do?"

Jen began to panic, "Uh! I start a fire?"

Vanessa yelled again, "Come on. Asking or telling me?"

She hopped up and down, "I start a fire."

"Well, I hope you brought wood, because.... no trees!"

Jen hugged herself and grinned at them, "As a matter of fact, I did. Score one for Jen!" She opened up her backpack and pulled out the wood and made a tented log pit. "Ha, Ha!"

Mandy and Vanessa looked on, "Okay."

Mandy chuckled, "Look at that, very nice. You are all set for a toasty fire. Wait a minute, what's that? Thunder?"

Jen looked up at them. "Oh don't hear anything."

Vanessa scoffed, "Oh, Jen, Jen, you got to study clouds on the drive up here. See that, those are cumulonimbus clouds. And that probably means...... "

Mandy yelled out, "Rain!" She used the garden hose to drench Jen's campfire.

Jen stood back and cried out, "WHAT?!"

Mandy chuckled, "Should have covered that wood up with a tarp."

She looked from Vanessa and back to Mandy, "You guys are driving me crazy! I should have had Mr. Baxter teach me."

HE came out the back door with a plate of food, "I'm right here. What's up? You need some help?"

All three women yelled, "NO!"

Later, when it was actually dark, Vanessa was sitting in her chair, sipping wine and Mandy handed Jen a shovel and Jen took it, "What now, you want me to dig a hole? For what? To hide my valuables?"

"No, no. no, the hole is your....powder room."

Jen made a sick face, "Ugh, I'm not doing that!" She handed Mandy the shovel back.

Vanessa stood up, "All right, well, here's an idea. Why don't you go to a roadside campground that has indoor bathrooms?"

She growled, "Fine, I'll dig a hole."

Mandy tried to help, "Look, Jen, we're just trying to show you all the things you need to prepare for."

She was exhausted, "So what's next? Will you throw ice cubes at me and tell me it's a hailstorm? Or set off a stink bomb and tell me it's skunks?"

Mandy shrugged, "Or we could put a snake in there because you left the tent unzipped."

Jen was shocked, "I wouldn't be surprised." She dropped the shovel and slipped into the tent. She picked up the lantern and poked her head in, "Oh, and there it is. Really scary. She go in, "You want your rubber snake back now?" She let out a loud scream and came dancing out and shaking, "That's a real snake!"

Vanessa shrugged, "It's just a garter snake. It's harmless."

Jen went crazy, "I can't believe you are doing all of this just to ruin my fun."

Vanessa shot back, "No, no, no. No, no, no, I want you to have fun. But I want you to know that you're getting yourself into. Look, I want you to be safe."

She let out a gasp, "Well, don't worry, I will be safe, because I'm not going to go camping with my friends at all!" She planted the lantern on the ground.

Vanessa yelled to her, "JEN!"

She ran back into the house.

Mandy stared at Vanessa and she turned to Mandy, "What?"

Mandy crossed her arms, "You told me it was a rubber snake when you had me put it in there."

Vanessa snickered, "It is, honey. It...Go get it."

Back at Outdoor Man, Kristen was burning the midnight oil, working on her analysis.

Chuck stood up, "All right, I'm out of here. You sticking around again tonight?"

She looks up from her spreadsheet, "Business never sleeps, Chuck. I love doing this. Makes me really fulfilled, you know? Like, I feel I'm making a difference. So don't worry about me."

Mike came out of his office, "Hey, you know, they say the first sign of a mental breakdown is talking to yourself.

"I'm fine, Dad, I'm fine. Okay? In fact, I'm better than fine, I'm great."

"Well, that's good to hear."

"Yeah, I should have all of this done and on your desk by tonight."

"Well, I don't need it tonight. You can just wait till tomorrow."

She shrugged, "I mean, it could wait till tomorrow, but why would it? You know? I can do it tonight."

He nodded, "Good point, good point. Yeah, and that would, open up tomorrow to do the monthly budget report."

She stared at him, "Huh?"

"Yeah, I would normally wait till the end of the month, but you got such an amazing system, why not just do it tomorrow?"

She grinned at him, "Sure, why not"

He looked down at the desk, "Unless there's a problem"

"No, no. No problem"

He looked at her, "Well, it kind of sounds like there's a problem."

"Nope, must be nice to have someone you can just dump all your work on so you can go home and relax with your family."

He looked skyward, "It is." He took a step closer to her and leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips, " You know, this all could wait till tomorrow, if you want to relax and release some of your stress."

She rose up and wrapped her arms around her father's neck, "I could do with some stress release. What did you have in mind, Dad?"

He reached for the front of her dress and slowly began plucking away at the buttons on the front of her dress, "Well, I think we should begin with releasing these beauties. I'll take it from there and wing it. How does that sound?"

She giggled, "Sounds like a plan. I guess I can do a little releasing myself." She reached down and worked slowly on the snap and zipper on his pants. She let out a moan when her dress slipped from her shoulders and rested upon her large, bubble butt. She inverted her palm and began stroking his cock after freeing it from his boxers, "Oh God, I can never, ever get my fill of this, Dad."

She rubbed her hand up and down his shaft and she loved the droplets of pre-cum that oozed out to lubricate her palm.

His hands wandered over her firm tits and she moaned louder as he pinched her nipple right through her lacy bra.

She rolled her head back, "You like my tits, don't you, Dad?"

He chuckled, "Just like you, I can never, ever get enough of these." He reached behind her and released her bra and those huge tits came floating out. He lowered his head and drew one of her huge aeroules between his lips. His tongue danced all over the stiff nipple.

Kris clutched at his head, "Oh fuck, I may have a nipple orgasm if you don't stop that soon."

He popped his mouth off of it and hovered over its twin, "Now why would I ever stop, that sounds incredible, I'd love to see it." He resumed sucking on it as his hand slipped to the hem of her silky dress and slipped under it. He found her sopping pussy and he chuckled, "Oh I can see you are in dire need of some stress release."

He guided her to the other side of the huge conference table. He lifted her up and planted her firmly on the table."

She looked back and smiled, "Thanks Dad. The last thing I'd need right now is to have all of my work scattered all over the floor."

He snickered, "I aim to please all of my employees. He stepped between her legs and Kristen wrapped her legs around him and drew him back to her. Their lips met and she worked on removing his shirt. She crushed her bare, tits against his chest and loved how his hairy chest teased her nipples even more.

He managed to break free from her hold and flopped down on the nearest chair. He rolled over between her legs and planting his hands on her knees, he ran them up her legs, taking her dress upward as he did. He reached her center and found her black panties with a large wet spot on them. He reached up and grabbed hold of the waistband and tugged them downward.

Kristen arched her ass off the table to give him easier access. She leaned back on her elbows and waited for what was to come. She always loved the way her dad ate her pussy.

He didn't disappoint and over the next fifteen minutes, he licked, sucked, fingered and brought her to three orgasms. He sucked on her clit, he fingered her G-spot and each time, she came, he slowed just long enough for her to recover and he began again. He had his fill of her creamy juices and Kris was so relaxed, all of her stress seemed to flow out through her juicy cuntlips.

He rose up, naked and ready to fuck, but Kris wanted to repay him for his expert oral skills. She planted a kiss on his lips that made him want her now. She tasted her cunt juices on his lips and chin and it heightened her senses and wanted him even more.

She slipped from the table and motioned for him to to the spot she just vacated. She used the moment to slip out of her dress. She felt the cool air of the air conditioning bath her overheated body and she welcomed it.

She wasted no time and began to devour his cock with her mouth. She always loved the feel of an erect cock in her mouth and her enthusiasm made Mike even harder. She grabbed his shaft by its base and ran her tongue up and down the shaft. She lowered her way downward. She cradled his balls in her hand and drew them into her mouth and she sucked them gently as she continued to pump up and down on his shaft. She scooted back a little and her tongue darted out and tickled his asshole and she smiled when she heard him release a growl. She went back and did it several times and his groans grew louder.

Mike was more than ready to fuck her now and he reached down and drew her up and she took his place on the table. He pulled her to the edge until her bubble butt rested on the edge. He gripped his cock and swiped it up and down her slick folds and he slowly pushed forward and watched as her greedy pussy, devoured his shaft.

Kristen leaned back and let out a gasp when she felt his slick nut sack press against her ass. She knew she had him totally in her body and she groaned out in relief.

He began pumping into her hard and with the force that caused her to scream out. With each pump, she seemed to become more and more vocal and Mike used that as reinforcement to go even harder, deeper and faster.

Kristen's legs wrapped around his legs and she screamed out, "Don't fucking stop what you are doing right now! Don't stop! I'm about to cum. I know how much you love me to cum all over your cock, and I'm about to do that!"

She gripped his arms and after just a few more thrust into her, she arched her ass off the table and let loose a dose of her cream all over his cock.

He leaned in and sucked hard on her tits once more and he felt her cunt muscles tighten around his cock. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and nipped and sucked on her flesh, "OH fuck Kris, I'm going to cum. Where do you want it?"

She squealed, "Yes, yes, Give it to me Dad, I want you to cum in me. I'm sure to cum again."

As she finished saying that, he erupted, filling her full of his potent sperm.

She could feel him shoot rope after rope into her overheated pussy and she felt another orgasm wrack her body.

He leaned over her and rained kisses all over her tits, neck and face. He ran his fingers through her tousled auburn locks and kissed her gently on the lips, "You know I love you, Kris, don't you?"

She giggled, "Oh yes, yes Dad, I do and you show me that in so many ways especially this way, one of my favorite ways."

He slowly slipped from her and helped her to her feet she hurried to the executive washroom and she grabbed her dress as she raced away.

By the time she returned, Mike had gathered up all of her spreadsheets and closed the files, "I think you can leave this for tomorrow. You've earned yourself a evening off."

She giggled, "My, my, if that all it takes, we just may be doing that a little more often. I have to say, my stress level is very, very low now."

He hugged her and the two of them closed off the coffee pot, the light and headed home.

The next evening, at the Baxter house, in the backyard, Mandy was feeding a few more logs to the fire and Vanessa pulled Jen out back there with her.

Jen stopped and looked around, "What's this?"

Mandy looked up, "Come sit and have some hot chocolate"

Jen stepped over to her, "Okay, there's not some crazed mountain man ready to jump out at me, is there?" She sat down and stiffened, "Where's Mr. Baxter?"

Vanessa came over, "Don't worry, it's fine. Look the hard part is over."

Mandy took a seat, "So I know you think that we took the Baxter Boot Camp a little too far, but I am a Baxter. And I do love boots."

Vanessa chuckled and as for mountain men, the only two here and Ryan and Kyle and they are in the tent, watching some sort of Marvel movie. Last night we tried to show you the difficult parts of camping, but it can also be really fun."

Sarcastically Jen replied, "Oh, yeah, this is a blast. Sitting in the backyard."

Vanessa tried again, "No, it is fun. Look, listen, it doesn't matter if you're at Torrey's peak, or a roadside campground or even in your own backyard. Camping is about being in nature, slowing down and spending time with the people you care about."

Jen smiled, "Hmm, then I really should go camping with you guys."

Mandy looked to Vanessa and nodded. Vanessa got up and hurried into the house and into her bedroom. She opened her end table and pulled out a leather pouch and hurried back down to the backyard.

Mandy went into the tent and pushed the guys aside, "No matter what you hear, you two stay put. I may have a visitor for you two later if you behave." She yanked on one of the two large queen sized air mattresses out of the tent and after zipping it back up, she turned to Jen.

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