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Big Bang Theory Season 04 Ep.15

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Leonard Bangs Mrs. Latham.
5.6k words

Part 25 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Author's note: The series resets with this episode. Remember that as this story progresses, many times they resume the storyline as if never having sex before with each other. So is the case in this episode.

One of my readers requested adding pictures of the new characters, but this is not allowed by Literotica. When a new character is introduced, I will put in parenthesis the character's real name so you can look them up on the internet.


The four guys were eating at the university cafeteria and discussing zombies and vampires. While doing this the university president, Dr. Siebert came over to them, "Hey, there's my favorite geniuses." He leaned over and put is arms around both Sheldon and Leonard, "How are we doing today?"

Sheldon cringed, not liking anyone touching him, "That depends. How much longer do you plan on fondling my shoulder?"

He pulls it off and straightened up, "Sorry, Dr. Cooper, I forgot you have a touch phobia."

"It's not a touch phobia, it's a germ phobia. If you'd like to put on latex gloves, I'll let you check me for a hernia."

Its Siebert turn to cringe, "Yeah, so listen, fellas, who's up for a little party this Saturday night? Open bar, good eats, might even be a few pretty girls."

Both Raj and Howard replied, "Sounds good, we're in."

Sheldon broke in, "Hold on, just because the nice man is offering you candy, it doesn't mean you should jump into his windowless van." He turned to Siebert, "What's the occasion?"

"Just a little fundraiser for the university."

Sheldon scoffs at him, "Aha, the tear-stained air mattress in the back of the van."

"I understand your reticence, Dr. Cooper. And I sympathize, but the facts are, we have to shake a few hands and kiss a few butts to raise money for our research."

Sheldon turns back to Siebert, "I don't care, it's demeaning and I refuse to be trotted out and shown off like a prize hog at the Texas State Fair."

Siebert has had enough of his nonsense, "All right, let me put it this way. You're gonna put on a suit, you're gonna come to this party and you're gonna explain your research to a bunch old people or I swear to God, I'll blind you with a hot spoon like they did to that little boy in Slumdog Millionaire."

Raj blurts out, "Ohh, you don't want that!"

Siebert straightens up, "So Saturday night, it's gonna be off the hook." He hugs Sheldon and leaves.

Raj is all smiles, "Oh boy, Tater Tots and a party invitation? What a great day!"

Saturday evening arrives and Penny is helping Leonard with his tie, but the underside is ten inches longer than the top side. "There you go."

He picks it up, "Are you sure this is right?"

"Yeah, just tuck that part in your pants, you'll be fine."

Raj and Howard enter the apartment and Howard blurts out, "Okay, let's go smooch some rich, wrinkles tuchis."

Penny looks at him, "Oh, Howard, I can't believe Bernadette let you go out to a fancy party wearing a dickey."

He chuckles, "Excuse me, my girlfriend doesn't pick out my clothes. My mother does."

Leonard checks his watch, "Oh, we should get going."

Howard looks to the hallway, "What about Sheldon?"

He comes out, "Sheldon's not going!"

They go back and forth and they leave without him. They arrive at the party and it's loaded with numerous old, rich men and women.

Just then Dr. Siebert sees them, "Ah, there's my band of brainiacs, where's Dr. Cooper?"

Leonard let's out a sigh, "He's tearing the mask off of nature to look at the face of God."

He nods, "The board of directors insists he has a beautiful mind, I think he's just bananas. Come on; let me introduce you to one of the university's leading donors." He leads them over to one of the hotter older ladies, "Mrs. Latham, (Jessica Walters) I'd like you to meet three of our outstanding researchers. This is Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali and Howard Wolowitz."

She looks them up and down, "What happened to you, Wolowitz? Couldn't stick with it long enough to get your Ph.D.?"

He smiles at her, "I'm an engineer, most engineers don't bother with a Ph.D. You may be interested to know I designed the zero-gravity waste disposal system for NASA."

She scoffs, "I got it, you're a space plumber."

He stares at her, "I'm gonna go hit the bar." He turns and walks away.

She turns to Siebert, "Tell me about these two."

"Dr. Hofstadter is representing our experimental physics program. I think you'll love hearing about his fascinating work."

She isn't impressed, "Right, fascinate me; I'll make it easy for you. When you arrive at the lab in the morning, what sort of machine do you turn on?"

He looks at her, "Coffee maker?"

She takes a deep breath, "All right, Dr. Kooth--Whatever it is, you're up!"

He stares at her, "It's Koothrappali and I have to tinkle!" He turns and slowly walks away.

Back at the apartment, Sheldon is online with Amy discussing the party. She scares him by telling him if he doesn't attend, the grants may go to the liberal art program.

He panics; hurries to change and attend the party to get the funding for real research.

Back at the party, the three of them are at the table loading up their plates with food. Leonard isn't happy with his performance, "On the bright side, I don't think President Siebert will be making us go to any more fundraisers. Face you guys, we crashed and burned tonight."

Mrs. Latham overhears Leonard, "Oh, you didn't do that badly."

He puts down his glass and turns to her, "Mrs. Latham, the first machine I turn on in the morning is the helium-neon laser, because it needs time to warm up."

She continues to fill her plate, "I no longer care, dear. But don't worry; I really enjoyed meeting you this evening."

He looks down at her, "You're kidding right? That was good for you? Because I was sweating through my T-shirt."

She breaks out in a big grin, "Excellent, there's nothing I like better than making smart people feel ill at ease."


"Oh, I don't know, it's one of the fun things you get to do when you have lots of money."

Just then Sheldon could he heard across the room, "No, no, no I'm just here for your money. I don't wanna shake anyone's germy hands." He looks to the President, "Explain it to them, Siebert."

The next morning, being Sunday, Sheldon is eating breakfast and he gets a call from the President, "I must confess, I don't understand you, President Siebert. First you say you want me to appear and your fundraisers. But now you say you never want me to go anywhere near your fundraisers. Forgive me, but that sounds like a mixed message." He listens to what he says and replies, "Here we go again. If there's simply no talking to me, that why did you call? I'm sorry, there's someone on the other line. "Why don't you see if you can organize your thoughts and we'll try again later?" He hits the button to take the other call, "Cooper-Hofstadter residence. Go for Cooper. Good morning, Mrs. Latham." He listens to her, "Yes, of course I remember you. A woman well past her prime seeking to augment her social status by dolling out her late husband's ill-gotten gains. So how much money are you going to give me?"

Once again he listens to her response and replies, "I'm not crazy; my mother had me tested. If you're not going to give me money, then why are you calling?" He nods and hands Leonard the phone, "She wants to talk to you. Who's crazy now?"

Leonard takes the phone, "Hello, Mrs. Latham. Yes, I live with him. I don't-- I really don't know why." He listens to her and replies, "Tonight? Sure, that would be great. Okay, I'll see you then, bye." He hangs up the phone and turns to Sheldon, "Uh, she wants to have dinner and talk about my research."

Sheldon stops eating, "An entire dinner to talk about your research? Where are you going, the drive-through at Jack in the Box?"

"Well. Wherever we're going, she's sending a car to pick me up."

Later that evening Leonard and Mrs. Latham are in the back of her limo. They just finished dinner and are headed back to his apartment. Leonard is in a shirt and tie and wearing his suit, but has his jacket off. As for Mrs. Latham, she in a two piece grey pantsuit and a white blouse under the jacket. She's looking rather sexy for an older woman and Leonard is wondering if he should make a move on her or not. He turns to her, "That was a great meal."

She batted her eyes at him, "I'm glad you enjoyed it.

"You know you sorta remind me of my mother. She enjoys making people uncomfortable too."

She's looking hotter and replies, "Well, you remind me of a boy I dated in college."

He looks at her and grins, "No kidding."

She nods, "Uh-huh, sweet boy, very smart, very large, thick cock. I just loved sucking him off. If only he's had money."

All of a sudden Leonard's cock started to stiffen and he felt a little more uneasy, "Yeah, um, so hey, speaking of money, how are you feeling about helping the Physics Department get a cryogenic centrifugal pump and molecular sieve?"

She licked her lips and stared down at his growing bulge, "Well, I must say you make a very persuasive case for it."

He nodded, "Oh, good, good!"

She leaned in closer and placed her hand on his upper thigh, "And I'm seriously considering taking it to the next level.

He grinned at her, feeling her hand go even higher, "Terrific, great! What level is that?"

She leaned over and grabbing his head, pulled him to her and planted a tonsil teasing kiss on his lips. At the same time she deftly unzipped his pants and wrapped her long, slender fingers around his fat, stiff cock. Breaking the kiss, she immediately dropped down and took him totally into her mouth. She was amazing and she had the practice and knowhow. She had her nose against his belly and her tongue rolled around his cock like a two dollar whore.

Leonard was shocked and amazed at the same time. His hands went to her short light brown hair and clutching at it, he guided her head up and down his saliva covered cock.

She suddenly drew her lips off his cock and sat back and smiled at him, "I suppose I no longer remind you of your mother, do I?"

He looked down at his cock, covered in her bright red lipstick, "Uh, okay you definitely do not remind me of my mother."

She stroked his cock a little more, kissed him again and pulled up at his apartment, "I guess we're here, have a wonderful evening Leonard, I know I did!"

He climbed the stairs to his apartment, a raging hard-on slowly deflating as he walked up the three flights of stairs. In the apartment Sheldon, Raj, Howard and Penny are watching a zombie movie.

Leonard walks in and Howard stops the movie, "Hey, how was dinner?"

He cleared his throat, "Swell, I need a drink! Do we have any alcohol?

Sheldon scoffs, "Are you kidding, if we did don't you think Penny would have found it already?"

Penny shakes her head and turns to Leonard, "Are you okay?"

"Uh, I'm not sure."

Howard stops the movie again, "What's going on?"

"Well...Mrs. Latham said she was seriously considering donating money so we could get a cryogenic centrifugal pump."

Howard and Sheldon were excited, "Oh wow! Yes!"

He looked to them, "Then she stuck her tongue down my throat. She whipped out my penis and before I could react, she had my stiff and down her throat."

Sheldon was baffled, "Why?"

Penny shook her head, "We can't keep explaining everything. Read that book we got you."

Leonard was still stunned, "She hit on me!"

Howard was drooling, "Wait, are you telling us that old lady wanted to have sex with you, in exchange for giving your department millions of dollars?"

Leonard nodded, "I think so."

Howard was getting excited, "You lucky duck!"

Penny looked to Howard, "You're really a broken toy, aren't you?"

Howard just smiled and Leonard broke in, "I was able to get out of there, but she wants to see me again tomorrow night."

Sheldon hops up, "Excellent, what are you planning to wear?"

Leonard was confused, "What?"

Sheldon turns to Penny, "You're an expert on trading sexual favors for material gain. Walk him through this."

Leonard stops them, "Whoa, uh, hold on a second. I'm not going to sleep with her. It's not gonna happen."

"Now come on Leonard, this may be your only chance to make a real contribution to science."

"I repeat, not gonna happen." He turned and walked out of the room.

Penny looks to Sheldon, "What was all that about me trading sexual favors for material gain?"

He threw up his arm, "It was a compliment. I believe in giving credit where credit is due."

The next evening Sheldon answers the phone, "Fine, I'll tell him...Ahem" He hangs up, "Leonard, Mrs. Latham's car is here for you."

Leonard is dressed in a nice new suit and he figures he might as well take advantage if the situation presents itself, but tells Sheldon something different, "I won't be late, I'm gonna make a pitch for the funding and say good night."

Sheldon goes on and on about hitting on her and Leonard opens the door to leave, "Good night Sheldon!"

Sheldon runs out into the hallway, "Given how much time you spend engaging in pointless self-abuse, you might consider just this once, using your genitalia to actually accomplish something."

Hearing all this, Penny comes out of her apartment and heard Sheldon screaming down the stairs. She calls out to him, "Still won't shag the old lady, huh?"

"No, but thank you for asking."

Leonard gets into the limo and she's wearing a red jacket, but no blouse under it tonight. She also had tailored black slack on, showing off her trim figure. Leonard notices and wonders just how she looks under those clothes. For her age, she's rather attractive, "Hello Jessica."

"Hello, Leonard, I hope you're hungry."

He nods, "I'm very hungry; for food, right?"

She bites her lip, "Oh, I made you uncomfortable last night. I'm so sorry."

"No, that's okay."

She leaned over again, "No, it most certainly is not. Leonard, I'm making the donation to your department regardless of what happens between us."

He isn't so sure, but is becoming hornier by the second, "Really?"

"Of course, there's no quid pro quo here. You and your colleagues do remarkable research and you deserve the money."

"Oh, okay, they what was last night about?"

She shrugged, "I took a shot, sue me. You're a very handsome man, Leonard. It was foolish of me to think someone your age might even be interested in someone like me."

"Oh, don't say that. You're a very attractive woman, and the way you sucked my cock, well..."

She scoffed, "Oh please!"

He placed his hand on her thigh and found it was very, very firm, "Its true!"

"Well, aren't you sweet?" She sucked in her breath when she felt his hand moving back and forth, "Leonard, just for the record, you'd remember a night with me for the rest of your life." She moaned when she felt his hand travel inward and upward, getting very close to her pussy.

He stopped and looked over at her, "I'm sure I would...But, but why exactly?"

She leaned in close and her lips were close to his ear, "You're a very smart man, Leonard. How do you think I landed such a rich husband?" She nipped at his ear and her tongue flicked out around the canal.

He let out a gasp, "I hadn't really given it much thought."

She nipped at it and her tongue ran down his neck, in a heavy breath she replied, "Well, think about it!"

He groaned again, "You meannnn..."

She ran around to his chin and whispered out, "Yep, I'm that good!"

He lost it and pulled her over and shoved his hands into her jacket, "Oh, what the hell!" He found out, she used a lot of her money on her body.

Her hand slid down and pressed against his cock, and he shifted in the seat. Her fingers moved over his cock, she loved his thickness. Her hands worked on the zipper and slowly started to pull it down. Her fingers slipped into the hole left behind by his falling zipper and feeling around, she closed her fingers around his thick shaft. Mrs. Latham's lips went back to his neck as she pushed her whole hand into his pants and stroked him a little harder. She pulled on long, slow stroked feeling the thickness in her hand harden like a rock.

Leonard groaned out, leaning his body against hers, pressing his lips harder onto her neck. His hand moved higher against her leg, he squeezed a little, digging his fingers into her firm, yet yielding flesh.

Jessica's moans got louder and she called to the driver to take them back to her house. Her fingers wrapped tighter around his cock and she stroked it even faster. Their lips connected once again, at first she kept them closed, but after a few moments, she began to open her mouth a little, her tongue venturing out in short little strokes, feeling for his as he opened his mouth.

They found each other. Their tongues swirled around between their mouths, darting in and out. Leonard allowed his aggressive side to show. His tongue pushed deeply into her mouth, probing her. His arms wrapped around her and she realized just how much she needed him.

Mrs. Latham pulled his cock free from his pants and looked down at it. Leonard pulled his mouth away and leaned back in the backseat, giving her a better view. She noticed the car stopping and she pushed it back into his pants.

The door swung open and she slipped out and grabbing him by the arm, nearly pulled him to the ground.

Leonard caught himself and hurried behind her as she allowed the door to be opened. She was greeted by her housekeeper and she gave her a wink, "I won't be needing your assistance any more tonight Alice, that will be all."

She gave Mrs. Latham a sly smile and hurried away.

Leonard looked on and was suddenly directed to the living room where she pushed him back onto the sofa and once again released his zipper. Jessica pulled his cock free from his pants and looked down at it again. She sat there silently, stroking it slowly and tugging at it a little harder. She turned her body towards him. Her head was just inches away from his thick, stiff cock. Opening her mouth, she reached out with her tongue and Leonard's cock jumped as the tip of her tongue make contact with it. She wrapped her hand around his thick, stiff cock and guided it towards her lips, parting them and letting the head slip in just a little.

Jessica popped it back out of her mouth and inspected it. The head of his cock was shiny with her spit; she leaned in again and ran her tongue down the shaft, very slowly, savoring each inch with her tongue. Leonard closed his eyes and leaned his head back as the matron licked at his cock. She unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down slightly, bringing his heavy balls into view. Her mouth continued downward until his swollen sack was in her mouth.

Jessica took one ball into her mouth and rolled it over her tongue. She pulled his cock back against his belly and slid down further, smashing her lips and tongue against his sack. She licked in long, wet strokes. Her fingers danced over the tip of his cock, playing with it while her tongue worked lower.

Leonard's hands moved behind her head, his fingers ran through her hair as she licked him, and he pulled her head forward, pressing her face against his cock. Leonard pulled her hair roughly, guiding her head up to the tip and pressing her lips against it.

Mrs. Latham opened her mouth and slowly lowered her head onto it, his shaft slowly filling her entire mouth as she descended. She gave a muffled moan as his thick, saliva covered cock pressed against the back of her throat. She swallowed, barely able to keep back a cough.

Leonard thrust his hips upward and broke through the barrier, sending his cock deep into her throat. Her eyes opened wide as her face turned red, her breathing was cut off by his thick shaft. Leonard finally pulled back, thick strings of drool hung from his cock, clinging to her face before falling to his thighs, some landing on her tailored slacks.


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