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Big Double Birthday Present

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Ex wife gives me a very nice birthday gift!
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Big double birthday present

Nobody under eighteen years old, any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental. Fantasy! Please be nice in your comments.

My ex-wife Marjorie wants to give me a really nice birthday present. Since the divorce, we have actually gotten on with each other a whole lot better. She and I even fooled around once in a while. Then she completely surprised me, we were talking about my birthday, and she wanted to know what I would like for a present! We were divorced, and Christmas presents aside, we don't usually exchange a lot of gifts during the year. I have given her a small birthday gift occasionally, but nothing major like we did when we were hitched. When we were married, we were very extravagant with each other. Those carefree days are gone, but the memories of those lovely gifts live on.

She says, "How about a little nookie?" Damn, that is a lovely present! Of course, I said yes. I will make sure she gets a present out of this deal as well, as it's only fair and proper. It doesn't even cost too much!

In the bedroom my ex, Marjorie, comes in and she's in a sheer red, almost totally see-through negligee. It's very sexy! I'm always amazed at how beautiful she is naked! Long brown hair, dark brown eyes, and me, a confirmed tit man, seeing her great big plump yabos, with those big hard nipples, very dark brown, and her puckered five inch areolas...Well those big beautiful globes really get my motor running. Marjorie's giant melons seem to have gotten even bigger since we've been separated! On cold nights I do miss her hot soft body next to mine, and tend to forget about all the fights, and the yelling, and the cursing of when we were together. Our relationship had been a passionate and fiery one. Marge can still light my fire! She does occasionally want to kill me, but that's kinda' normal for us. I guess fire and ice might describe us.

But just then was a wild surprise, as a few seconds later, her gorgeous younger SISTER Deborah comes strutting in, in a sheer black negligee!!! I am completely overwhelmed. Her sister is shorter, and is as busty (if not more) as her big sister because she is still nursing a baby. The two women are both gorgeous, and look quite a bit like each other. The scene was like something out of a movie, and quite amazing to me. We're quite friendly towards each other, as I had a crush on Deb for years and years. She's always been nice and kind to me. Deb is super hot, and incredibly sexy to me!

My ex-sister-in-law Deb is having a real problem with her husband Marvin. Well actually she's having at least four real problems with him... He is cheating on her with his very young sexy PA... and also his sexy secretary... not to mention fucking her (former) best friend Melinda... and Marvin is possibly having a work affair with his boss (a woman)! The detective was not 100% sure about the work affair, her name is Mrs. Waltham, but had photos and videos of the other three trysts. I knew of this because she cried on my ex's shoulder, and Deb asked me to front the funds for the private investigator to be paid back at settlement when she divorced his ass. I had done so, and suggested they try counseling, as it had helped my ex-wife and me. Marge agreed with me, and told her sister that it did help a lot, even though we still wound up divorced. It did help us keep the divorce civil and probably saved us a shit load of money we would be sending the attorneys. We were able to forgive each other and more importantly, we forgave ourselves!

Marvin was kind of a super manwhore. He was going through some kind of mid life thing, as he had just bought a brand new red sports car six months ago, and started his filandering ways then. My sister-in-law was very fed up with his lying and cheating ways. It hurt her terribly, the things he did. Marvin was going through some kind of change for sure.

"Debby, I do apologize for Marvin's bad behavior. He gives us guys a bad name!" I said. "It seems like he is having a classic mid-life crisis, from everything he has done. I don't know why on earth he would cheat on a gorgeous woman like you! He must have lost his mind." I meant every word I said.

Deb gave me a devilish look! My ex shared the naughty glance directly at me. "Well Danny Boy you can make it up to her and me tonight!" They are planning and plotting something extremely dirty for tonight. Threesome? Oh boy!

Marge spoke in a sexy voice,

"My sister Deb and I both want to fuck you tonight. Partly as revenge for her husbands crazy behavior, partly for your birthday present, but mostly for fun. You ok with that?" Seeing as it was my birthday, it was a perfect plan, sort of. My sister in law will get some payback, and I will have a fantastic sexy birthday with two beautiful girls! From my perspective, the best birthday gift of all time, ever!

"Actually, Marge, I think that would be so cool! Are you both OK with this?" I asked them. With the dirty looks on both sister's faces I don't know why I bothered to ask, but I'm a guy. Somewhat clueless! I own and operate a successfull cyber-security company, but about women, I have no clue. My job does allow me to mostly work from home, so I can study and learn from these sexy, heavenly creatures!

"Yes, Danny boy, I want oral, anal, and plenty of good straight fuckin'... Oh and Marge and I are going to play with each other too. You ok with THAT?" Deb asked me. Wow! Jackpot! Oh fuck yeah! I just smiled a dirty smile.

I'm thinking what a hell of a b-day present! I suck on the four big huge tits, I should mention that my sister in law is still breast feeding. She loves for me to drain her huge marvelous milkers! They hurt unless she is milked. I am so happy to help.

"How is the cute little girl?"I ask about her baby.

"Sara is almost completely weaned, but I'm still a fuckin' cow, I put out a gallon of milk everyday. So I bottle it and drop it off at the hospital for babies whose mothers can't produce enough. Sometimes I breastfeed right at the hospital and show new mom's how it's done! It's nice to be needed, and I love breastfeeding, except if I'm not milked, my boobs hurt from the pressure. Wanna milk me?" She said with obvious pride and sexy excitement. Of course I did. Her sister sucked her other tit. Now THAT was sexy! Is that considered incest, sucking milk out of your sexy sister's tits? Like I care. It's sexy as hell!

Her unbelievably dumb-assed husband won't touch her gorgeous milky tits! What an idiot! And he won't eat her out! I suck on both women's huge tits, and eat both girl's delicious pussies till they scream, and then fuck my ex, then I fuck Deb until she has a huge orgasm. At that point, my sister-in-law asked me a crazy question that shocked Marge and me both.

"Daniel McMann, would you put a baby inside of me?"Deb spoke as serious as a judge. I was more than a little shocked by that request! I thought she might be drunk or high.

"What???" I can't believe what she just said. She wants ME TO FATHER HER NEXT CHILD!! I am dumbfounded.

"Me?" I asked incredulously. I wasn't sure, maybe I had just misunderstood her, or not heard correctly. Wasn't she on the verge of divorce with her cheating husband? She wants a child now? To raise all by herself? Of course, I would be there as well. I love Deb. She would always have us, as we are family, and that's forever.

"Yes, you. You have always been there for me, even when it was NOT your child. Danny, don't you remember? YOU drove me to the hospital in the middle of a bad, bad snowstorm, YOU carried me inside, then YOU stayed with me, even in the delivery room! Dan, YOU held me, and calmed me down when everything was going crazy. You prayed over me when you thought I was sleeping. I heard you praying to God for me! You rubbed my back when it hurt so bad. YOU prayed with me when I worried about the baby! And then you called everyone. My soon-to-be-ex husband was too busy banging his sexy secretary if I remember right. I should have had you cut the cord! Danny, you were there, certainly more of a dad than he was, or will ever be. Your neices and nephews all love you and confide in you. I wish I had married you..." Deb stopped right as she said it. She wept. "Sorry Sis. I... I'm so sorry! I really overstepped my bounds," she cried as she apologized to her sister. "But Dan, I do sincerely want YOU to breed me now!" She looked right at me, into my soul! "I WANT YOUR SPERM INSIDE ME, I WANT YOUR BABY IN ME!" She beamed at me with love in her eyes and gave the same loving look to Marge. My ex wife was smiling as well. Those two shared a soul, as well as a brain!

"No, no, no, Deb, you are quite right. I love this idiot still. He and I just can't live together. I know you love me and him too!" Marge said. "So I don't have a problem about you wanting a cup of his sperm!" She giggled like mad. She hugged her sister. They both laughed and giggled with each other.

"Debby, I am your ex-brother in law, but I love you so much regardless. It was always so very difficult for me with you." I said truthfully.

"Why?" Deb asked. Eyes wide all of a sudden. She was concerned for me.

"Cause you were so damned sexy, and looked so much like Marjorie. I'd look at you and get a huge hard-on, and have to explain to Marge why I was so hard. Usually I would just ravish her, sometimes twice!

I fucked her to a big "O" or two, and then I filled her little pussy up. Marge never ever complained once! But I felt so guilty that I was so attracted to you Deb. I wanted both of you so bad. I'm so sorry! I know that was so wrong, but I couldn't help myself. I fucked up so many times. I always wanted to be true to Marge, but I couldn't help but lust for her sexy as hell sister. I'm going to hell for sure. I love you Deb. There, I said it.

"I feel liberated that I can confess to my sexy wife that I also find her sexy sister very um... sexy! I know that really sounds so stupid, but it's the damn truth. Two gorgeous sisters, both very similar to each other, and I find myself attracted to both amazing women. I can't help it. You are BOTH extremely good looking and sexy! Look at you both, sex goddesses! And the fact you want MY baby? I would be so honored!" I admitted to both girls. I wonder if they understand what happened to me. Probably not.

Marge spoke quietly, "We have a big secret too. We are a bit, um... bi-sexual. We love each other too! We have for years and years. And yeah, we know it's incest. So what? The heart wants what the heart wants." My ex explained their crazy relationship. She was afraid of what I might think! "You're not going to tell anyone are you?" Marge looked a bit concerned. Like I am ever going to tell anyone.

"You think I would judge you? NEVER! I'm not like that, and you ought to know it by now! I'll never ever say a word about you two to anyone. I'll take that to my grave. Besides, who would believe me? That I'm with TWO gorgeous sisters like you!" I was never more honest in my entire life.

"Yes, actually we both know that you are trustworthy, but there is the way everyone else looks at us. We feel a bit of shame by our dirty, nasty desires! You must think it's-"

"-Wonderful! And so beautiful too." I finished her sentence for her. "Both of you are so very sexy too!" I was being completely 100% honest with them. I think honesty really is the best policy, no shit.

The silky slinky nightgowns came off. Kissing and much touching started. Lots of fun, kissing, touching, licking and some sucking here and there. Mostly, it was between the two sisters, but I got a few nice licks in there too. My sister in law definitely liked my sucking her lovely huge engorged tits, her milk flowed quite heavily, and Marge loved it when I sucked on her hardened nipples as well! And we were just getting started!

The sisters sixty-nined and we continued to have a grand time. I fucked my sister in law from behind, as my ex ate her sister's muffin from below. My balls bounce off Marge's forehead as I filled her sister's cunt with my semen for her next baby! Deborah continued to munch on my exes' cunt the whole time, and my spurt after spurt of spunk sets off both girls climaxes! A triple come! Simultaneous sexual explosion, and that has got to be rare. I hardly ever get that with just one woman, and it just happened with two! Incredible! These two were hot as firecrackers. Hotter even.

Marge and I helped Deb with her big whoppers, making sure her huge milkers were empty! She has such huge hooters. My ex sucked hard on righty, while I milked lefty, and my sister-in-law had a big orgasm as her sister played with her clit, and I two- fingered Deb's slit from her clit to her asshole. Deb moaned. Teamwork! Deb loved that! She had another great cum when I pushed a finger into her tight lil' asshole as we continued.

Then I fucked my ex to several hard orgasms, and she handed me the bottle of lube, and told me to fuck her lovely tight behind! What a wonderful birthday present I was getting! My sister in law was eating Marge out,as I came on her face and mouth.

"Hey, that sperm was supposed to go into my pu-pu! I want to make sure you get me pregnant!" Deb said, as she licked and sucked every drop of my cum from my ex wife's cunt and asshole. Marge came again from the cleaning!

"Well, if it dosen't take today, I'll just have to fuck you again and again until you get there!" I said. Her eyes flashed extreme happiness at that thought. She was thinking about future fucking with me! Hell, I would fuck her seven days a week! I think I'll fuck my ex at the same time!

"Yes, both of you! Or you by yourself if Marge can't make it. I'll just have to fill you up every day with sperm!" I said. I think she almost came from thinking about that! She was smiling a mile wide smile.

Debby immediately sucked my dick, straight out of her sultry sister's sweet ass. She sucked me back to rock hardness... and asked me to fuck her ass too! Wow! Of course, I went to lube up her star before I pushed my meat into her beautiful behind with my lubed-up hard pecker. I was gonna put more lube in her rear end as needed.

WAIT a second here! She was pre-lubed! Wow! This was an already PRE-PLANNED little journey down her Hershey highway! Not that I minded my sister in law being sexually proactive at all. I pumped her plump rump at an easy pace, but she didn't want easy. She wanted it hard, fast, and rough. She never wanted slow and easy. Deb always wants me to pound the ever living shit out of her.

"Come on! Fuck me harder! Do it! Bang me good." She wailed. Deb was pushing back into me to get me deeper into her rectum.

I banged her beautiful behind harder, and she became a sex fountain, as she orgasmed and squirted all over the place. My ex-wife Marge, who was face up, under Deb's empty pussy (which was on top of Marge's mouth!), with my balls smacking her forehead on every anal in-stroke, was lucky not to drown in her sister's cunt juice flood! Dep didn't just squirt, she totally GUSHED into Marge's mouth. I filled this sister's colon with the last of my cum and I told her so. Deb came hard with me deep in her rectum, both of us at the same time! Marge smiled at me and licked her lips, apparently enjoying the taste of her explosive sister!

"I'm coooommming! Oh fuck yes that was good. Jesus you two are going to kill me with kindness for sure. That's it, you have beaten me. I'm so done!" I spoke with a smile on my face, and a song in my heart! "Thank you, thank you, thank you both!" I told both buxom women. "That was a fantastic birthday gift that I will always treasure for the rest of my days. Thank you so much!" Both girls beamed at me.

"Hey, I may need a lot more sperm injections, not just a few, if you want to breed me properly, and make sure I'm pregnant. You ok with that?" My sister in law asked me. Wait, wait, wait...

"Wait! Is this a trick question? Of course I'm OK with it. I just got done telling you I want to fuck you, maybe tomorrow and the next day. I think the good Lord wants me to be a sex slave to you both!" Both women giggled like crazy.

Marge then shocked me, "Good, because I have just decided that I want another baby too. I know it will be tough to get me pregnant, with all my medical issues, so you probably will have to fuck me a whole bunch of times! Might as well fuck both of us at the same time! Whether we are pregnant or not! You ok with that my Sex Slave?" My ex smiled at me. A very dirty smile. She was loving the whole thing, that lovely dirty girl!

"Yes, mistress. Oh PLEASE don't make me eat you both again and again until you both explode again in my face." I said with mirth. Hint, hint!

"Get to it slave! My sister first. How is your cock hard?You said you were done! I'll just sit on this nice cock to keep it warm as you pleasure my sister. Do you have any sperm left?" Marge asked me. Gees she was STILL GRIPPING ME TIGHT. That was truly remarkable. My ex has a truly wonderful pussy.

"Mmmgluffm," I said as I ate Deb's cunt. Deb loved it. We switched around after both girls came for me one last time. Deb rode Mr Happy hard, as she went up and down like crazy, as my ex wife screamed her head off, as I nibbled on her hard little pink kibble, her cunt spasming as her clit enjoyed my sucking and light chewing. I was fingering her "G" spot for good measure. They were done! I think we were all spent. Hell of a b-day, don't you think? I have never come so many times, or had as much dirty fun.


Over the next few months things changed. Both women were married right now, but not to me! Sister in law Deb gave her husband another chance.. that lasted a single month! Marvin cheated AGAIN! What an asshole! My ex had a less acrimonious divorce, as he was still cheating with her "best friend!" What a great friend huh? The work affair finally comes to light as his boss got enraged (!) that he was fucking THREE other women. I suppose he was lying to each and every one of them! So there was hell to pay for him. Stupid shithead!

The lawyers have told them (the sisters) to be very discrete, or do nothing until the divorces go through. They both chose discretion! I wind up fucking them each individually twice a week, sometimes three times each. Occasionally we all get together for a nice threesome when our secret schedules will allow. That's only three or four times a month, if that. We all enjoy that time together. We sleep all together whenever we can. I'm not sure it makes any difference with the two idiot husbands fucking everyone in sight! I see that as a wash at this point.

Deborah finally got divorced, and her and her kids are staying at my home 'till she's back on her feet. I keep her on her back! I fuck her every night and day that I can. She's now pregnant with my baby. She's so horny, and she loves my fucking her, hard and fast!WOW. She can stay in my house forever as far as I'm concerned. Deb is planning to have a second baby with me! I am astounded. And I'm grateful!

Marjorie received her final divorce papers, and she is now ALSO living with me. WOW! The ex-in-laws are going apeshit, with BOTH DAUGHTERS living in sin, but they like that I care for their lovely grandchildren, and anytime they want, they can come over and see them, or take them for a day or two... I don't withhold the babies from the grandparents. Never! They both help me out, as sometimes I have to take care of my business. That has greatly improved my overall relationship with them. My mother-in-law is teaching me how to cook, and that is a great skill to have. My father in law drags me out to the golf course to kill little white balls with clubs. We have fun out there. He is talking about us going fishing if we can find the time. We may wait until the kids are older, so we can take them as well. I love my in-laws, even if they get upset with me.

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