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Biking Buds

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When Doug crashes his bicycle he needs a caretaker.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 07/14/2023
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Most of the bicyclers on the path around the lake seemed to be running a race. They flew by Mark and Doug, bent over the handle bars, their legs pumping hard, sweat dripping from their bodies.

Mark and Doug weren't that interested in speed. They liked to cruise around the lake, enjoying the views of the lake and of those using the lake... particularly the young women in bikini's that barely covered their lithe bodies.

The two men had met cruising around the lake, and over past two years had become friends. They liked to stop in the shade for a cold drink of water. They rode for exercise, but not like they were training for a competition.

The past two years they had also become friends away from riding their bikes around the lake. They had a lot in common. They were the same age (early 30's), both had professional jobs. Mark was a programmer for a fairly large corporation headquartered locally, and Doug was an associate attorney with a medium sized local law firm.

Doug had taken to riding his bike around the lake when his girlfriend/fiancé decided she wanted to move to a larger city. Mark had been riding for years, mostly because it gave him an outlet for his energy. He'd never had much luck with women. He had a lot of women friends, but rarely one he could call a girlfriend.

It worked out well for both of them. They would meet several evenings a week and most Saturday afternoons when the weather was nice, take a leisurely ride around the lake, then stop in a local tavern for something to eat and a cold beer.

Last football season they had started watching their respective football team's games together. They would take turns providing food and drinks. They would cheer for the other's team as long as the teams weren't playing each other. Friends from Doug's law firm or Mark's office often joined them, including some women.

In the winter when football was over they would often get together to watch their university basketball teams.

They had an easy friendship, like they had been friends for a lifetime. They talked about women, and sometimes went out to clubs trying to find some companionship, but usually ended up each going to his own house alone. They didn't really talk about their sex lives, or lack of a sex life.

Doug was working on trying to make partner in his law firm, and Mark had aspirations of being put in charge of major software projects at his company. They were both content to work on work and enjoy off time relaxing, often, but not always, together.

On the fateful day that it all changed they were riding around the lake. As they neared the end of the trail where their cars were parked Doug looked over at Mark.

"Last one to the cars buys dinner and drinks tonight," he smiled.

Mark grinned. "You're on!" he said as he started to pedal harder.

Doug stood up on his pedals, pushing hard to get out ahead of his friend. Mark was just about to stand up to make it a race when he saw a car out of the corner of his eye. He stopped pedaling and squeezed the brakes on the handle bars.

"Doug, stop!" he called out. But before Doug had time to react the car pulled across the bike path directly in front of him.

Mark watched in horror as Doug's bike slammed into the side of the car. Doug's momentum propelled him forward and he, too, smashed into the side of the car. The car was still moving. Doug and his bike fell to the side, a mangled mess of bent bike and twisted limbs.

Mark managed to stop his bike. He jumped off and ran to his friend.

"Doug? Doug? Are you okay?"

Doug looked up at him. He had blood coming out of his nose and mouth. He was bleeding from a big gash on his leg and another on his arm. One of his arms was bent at an angle that Mark knew meant it was broken.

"Someone call 911!" Mark yelled to the people starting to gather.

At least three people answered, "Already on it."

A lady in a swimsuit pushed her way through the crowd. "Let me have a look," she said. "I'm a nurse."

She knelt beside Doug. Doug moaned and looked up at her.

"Is it bad?" he asked her.

"It's not good," she told him honestly. "But it could be worse. I think you'll spend a few days in the hospital, though."

He looked at Mark. "Will you take care of my bike for me?" he asked.

Mark smiled. "Sure thing. I'll put it in my garage. I'll be up to check on you in a little while."

The ambulance arrived. Doug was loaded and whisked off to the emergency room leaving Mark to gather the pieces of Doug's bike and his own bike and get them to the car.

Mark put the bikes in his garage and went in to mix himself a strong drink. He'd never seen an accident like that involving a friend. He gulped the drink down, mixed another, and headed for the shower in his master bathroom.

Five days later Doug was sitting up in bed talking and laughing with Mark and two friends from the law firm when Nurse Jamie came in.

"The doctor says you can go home tomorrow if you have someone to take care of you," she said.

"What do you mean, if I have someone to take care of me?" Doug asked.

"Well, you're kind of helpless right now," Jamie said. "Do you have some family here? You're going to need a caretaker for at least another few weeks."

"I can take care of myself," Doug said to her.

"Oh?" Jamie said. "So, who's going to fix your meals? And then who's going to feed them to you? Do you forget that we've been feeding you since you've been here?"

"I'll figure it out," Doug said. He flexed his fingers that were the only part of his hands showing.

Jamie looked at Doug's visitors. "Could I have a moment alone with Mr. Baker?" she asked.

"Yeah, we were just leaving, anyway," the two lawyers said. "Some of us have work to do."

They said their goodbyes to Doug. "We'll stop by to see you this weekend."

Mark followed them out into the hallway, but he stayed close to the door so he could hear what was being said.

"Doug," Jamie said sternly. "You can't take care of yourself. Even if you could manage to cook something using just your fingers you can't feed yourself. And how are you going to take your meds? I can assure you you're going to want the pain meds for a few more days. And the doctor won't send you home with them unless there's someone there to make sure you take them like you're supposed to."

Doug looked out the window, his mouth drawn into a frown.

"And what about little things like getting dressed and going to the bathroom?" Nurse Jamie continued. "Have you been able to do those two things without help since you've been here?"

Doug continued to stare out the window. "I guess I'll have to stay here a few more days, then," he said, his voice almost a growl. He didn't want to stay in the hospital, but he knew Jamie was right. He couldn't take care of himself. He would need help, and he didn't have any family close by.

"Um, no, you can't," Jamie said. "Once the doctor says you can go home your insurance won't pay for you to stay here. Your only other option is a full time care facility. Your insurance will pay for about half of it."

"And how much does that leave me to pay?" Doug asked.

When Jamie told him he just laughed. "Yeah, that's not an option, either. What about just hiring someone to come over to my house during the day? I'll be sleeping at night, anyway."

The nurse shook her head. "You have to have someone at night, too. Do you have a family member or friend who can stay with you?"

Doug shook his head. "I don't have any family here, and all of my friends have to work."

Mark stepped back into the room. "I can work from home," he told them.

They both looked at him, realizing that he had been outside listening.

Doug shook his head. "That's too much, Mark," he said. "I can't ask you to do that."

"I don't see that you have any choice," Mark told him.

Doug looked at Jamie. "So what happens if I just don't have anywhere to go? Are you going to put me out on the street?"

Jamie laughed. "No, honey, we're not that cruel. There is a county health facility that will take you if they have a bed. You can stay there for what your insurance will pay."

Mark looked at her. "I'm guessing it's not a really nice facility?"

She smiled. "I won't say it's not a good facility. It's not as nice as the privately owned facilities. But when it's all you have...."

Doug nodded his head. "I'll go there. What do I have to do to arrange it?"

"We'll make the arrangements for you, and transport you there," Jamie said.

Mark followed Jamie when she left the room. He pulled the door closed.

"Um, this county place... it's not very good, is it?" he asked.

Nurse Jamie paused, as if considering her words. "I won't say it's not good. I know some of the nurses who work there, and they are good nurses. Others aren't so good. They don't have a doctor on staff. Local doctors take turns checking on patients. It's a good, clean place, but..."

"Let me ask you this," Mark said. "Would you let a friend go there if they were in the situation Doug is in?"

She looked Mark in the eyes. "Not if there was any other way."

Mark nodded. "I thought so. Don't make arrangements to take him there. Like I said, I can work from home. I may have to go into the office for a few hours now and then, but I can be there with him most of the time."

Nurse Jamie smiled. "You're a good friend," she said. "Have you and Doug been friends a long time?"

Mark nodded. "Yeah, a long time." At least it seemed like a long time.

"I'll get the paperwork ready. Do you need a day to get things ready at home?" Jamie asked.

Mark shook his head. "Nah, not really. I'll go back in and tell Doug what we're doing."

Mark stepped back into the room with Doug.

"Good news!" he said. "You're going home with me."

Doug shook his head. "Mark, I appreciate it, but I can't do that. It's too much."

"BS," Mark said with a wave of his hand. "So I have to fix a little more dinner. I usually have leftovers, anyway."

Doug shook his head. "Did you listen to what she said? It's not just eating and meds I need help with."

"I know," Mark said. "We'll get that other part figured out, too. But I asked Jamie if she'd let her friend go to that county place, and she said not if there was any other way. Now, let's get you ready to get out of here. That is, unless you want to go home in that backless gown!"

Doug laughed. "No, thank you. I'm done with this backless gown!"

After a stop by Doug's house to pick up some essentials, particularly more t-shirts, shorts and underwear, Doug was comfortably settled into a big recliner in front of Mark's huge tv screen.

Mark was at the big work station he'd set up in his bedroom soon after he got the programming job. He'd set up the multi-screen workstation for those times when he got a great idea for work, but he was at home. With this set-up he could just sit down and do the work, no matter the day or time.

"How do I change channels on this tv?" Doug called to him.

"Just tell me what channel you want," Mark called back to him. "I can control it from my computer in here."

"Very nice," Doug laughed.

They quickly fell into a routine. Doug watched tv and napped when Mark gave him his pain meds. Mark worked on work and around the house. He worked from home fairly often and he loved that he could mix in work and taking care of his household chores. There was really only one thing missing for Mark, but he could live with that.... for now.

The first evening that Doug was "home"- that is, not in the hospital- as he got ready to go to bed, they came on their first obstacle.

"Hey, Mark, um, I really hate to ask, but..."

"What?" He looked at Doug standing in the hallway to the spare bedroom. "Oh! You're getting ready to go to bed? You need help changing into pajamas?"

Doug nodded. "Yeah on getting ready to go to bed," he said. "No on changing into pajamas. I haven't slept in pajamas in years."

"So, then, what?" Mark hesitated for just a minute. "Oh. You want to pee before you go to bed."

Doug blushed and nodded. "Yeah. I figure it's a good idea."

Mark nodded. "You're probably right." He took a deep breath. "Well, we knew this time would come. Let's do it!"

Mark followed Doug into the big front bathroom. "So, you tell me how they did this in the hospital," he said. "Do I need to hold it for you?"

"Well, the nurse came in with me and pulled my undershorts down and made me sit on the toilet to pee, so there was no holding of anything. But when she pulled my shorts down the gown was still there, so she wasn't actually seeing anything, either," Doug explained.

"So I just need to pull your shorts and underwear down and you'll sit down to pee? That's easy enough," Mark said.

Doug sighed. "I guess so."

He stood in front of the toilet, facing Mark. Mark bent over in front of him and hooked his fingers in the waistband of Doug's shorts and underwear. They both blushed when Doug's shorts and underwear were around his thighs and his thick cock and balls were in full view.

Mark stood up quickly and turned to face the mirror, allowing Doug as much privacy as possible. He thought about what had just happened. He'd seen Doug naked when they'd showered together after playing racquetball, but he'd never taken a good look at his package. Staring too much in community showers could cause a guy to lose friends... or worse.

Doug didn't know it, but Mark was no stranger to seeing another man's cock and balls. He'd had some fun with other guys while in college. But it had been a long time.

Doug had never had another man that close to his cock and balls. He'd never wanted to have another man that close to his cock and balls. Now as he sat and peed he was wondering why he felt a little stirring down there. He didn't want to have a hard-on when Mark pulled his pants back up!

"Ok, I'm done," Doug announced.

"Ok. Um, do I need to wipe it, or shake it or something?" Mark asked.

"No," Doug said quickly. "Just pull my pants up, please."

When Doug stood to let Mark pull his pants up his cock was half hard and rising. Mark bent over to pull his friends shorts and underwear up. He could smell the musky scent of Doug's crotch. He saw that Doug's cock was getting hard.

"Sorry, dude," Doug said quietly when he saw Mark looking at his half hard cock.

"No problem," Mark said. He looked up at Doug's face. "Do I need to help with anything else?"

Doug shook his head. "No, I'm good now. Thanks."

They walked out of the bathroom. Doug turned toward the spare bedroom and Mark toward his bedroom.

"Um, Doug? If you wake up and need, uh, help... I mean, sometimes I wake up in the night and need to pee... well, call me if you do."

"Yeah, will do," Doug said.

Mark turned to look at his friend when he was at the bedroom door.

"It'll get easier, I think," Mark said.

Doug laughed just a little. "I hope so."

By the time Doug managed to pull the covers back and crawl into bed his cock was fully hard. He tried to reach down to rub it, but it just wasn't working with the cast and bandages. He rolled over and tried to hump the bed, but that wasn't working, either. He put a pillow under his middle to hump, and that wasn't working either.

He flopped back on his back in frustration. How long before the casts came off? He'd never gone more than a few days without at least jacking off. As of tonight it had been eight days since the last time he had an orgasm. Could he wait until the casts came off?

"I'm damned sure not asking Mark to do THAT for me!" he muttered to himself. But he remembered how his dick had started to get hard when he knew Mark was looking at it, and when Mark's face was close to it. Was it Mark's presence that was turning him on? "Nah," said aloud. It was just that he hadn't emptied his balls in over a week.

Mark went into his bedroom and closed the door. He took his t-shirt and shorts off, then opened a drawer on his dresser to get a gown. Then he thought better of it. What if Doug called to him and he didn't wake up? Doug could get out of bed and come in to wake him. It could pose an uncomfortable situation if he was sleeping in his favorite nylon gown.

He laid in his bed, thinking about what had just happened. He'd had thoughts of what it would be like to suck Doug's dick. But it wasn't something he had, or would, ever try to do.

But just a few minutes ago, when his face was just a foot or so away from Doug's crotch, when he had such a great view of his dick and could smell his manly musk scent he had to fight the urge to lean in and take it in his mouth. Especially when he saw that it was starting to stiffen.

Was Doug getting hard for him? Was he turned on by the fact that Mark's face was so close to his dick?

Mark realized that his hand was on his crotch, absentmindedly rubbing and squeezing his hard dick. He hadn't even realized it had gotten hard. It wasn't unusual for Mark's dick to be hard when he went to bed. He kept a couple of special toys in his nightstand drawer for just such occasions.

But tonight was different. He'd been thinking about Doug's dick as he rubbed his own. Doug's was quite a bit bigger than his, both longer and thicker. His mushroom head seemed huge when Mark looked at it. The base of Doug's shaft was surrounded by thick, curly dark hair. Mark's pubic hair was shaved.

He pushed the front of his thong panties down and hooked the elastic waistband under his smallish balls. He gripped his four inch hard-on and squeezed, then jacked it a few time.

He rolled over and got one of his toys out of the nightstand- a silicone sheath that would slide over his dick. It was open at the top so that when Mark shot his load he could watch and feel it spew on his smooth shaved belly and chest. When Mark pushed the button on the remote control the battery operated 'pussy' started to vibrate. A slide switch on the remote controlled the speed and intensity of the vibration.

He reached for another toy, a seven inch silicone realistic dick dildo. He lay back and sucked on the dildo. In his mind it was Doug's dick. He could still smell Doug's musky scent. He could almost feel the dick throb and pulse in his mouth. He pushed it all the way in until the mushroom head was in his throat, almost cutting of his ability to breathe.

In his mind he could hear Doug's voice urging him on- "Oh, yeah, baby, suck my dick! Oh, yeah, Marsha, make me cum in your pretty mouth!"

His body stiffened and trembled. He held the fake dick deep in his mouth. He felt his own cock throb and pulse. He felt the hot jets of his cum land on his smooth shaven belly and chest.

He collapsed back down on the bed, his chest heaving. He slid the control on the vibrating sheath until it was barely vibrating. He pulled the dick out of his mouth slowly. He could feel the veins on the fake cock.

He pulled it out of his mouth and rubbed it in the cum on his chest and belly, then put it back in his mouth. He tasted the cum coating the dick. In his mind he was tasting Doug's cum, and he wanted more. Much more.

He licked the dildo clean and put it back in the drawer. He took the sheath off of his cock and licked it clean and put it back in the drawer. He grabbed the small towel he kept in the nightstand and wiped most of the cum off of his chest and belly. He pulled the waistband of his panties back up over his now soft dick.

He rolled over, wishing he was wearing his gown, wishing Doug was in bed with him. He fell asleep thinking of how he might make his dream of sucking Doug's cock come true.

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KatiwantsKatiwantsabout 1 year ago

So well written and thought out!!

More please!!

Private4BrendaPrivate4Brendaabout 1 year ago

Oh Fran! An actual plot here on Literotica that isn’t about an erection in the first two paragraphs? Who are you? I’m following you right now!!! Love the story, please keep it going!

ShortyMacShortyMacabout 1 year ago

What a good friend to have to open his house to his hurt friend, and hopefully soon open his mouth to really help his best friend…… This story is really hot and worth a rock solid 10 stars………. 🤤


bamaguy326bamaguy326about 1 year ago

I love this story !

Please continue the storyline.

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