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Billionaire and the Sisters Ch. 99

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Mark asked on a date by a teen.
5.4k words

Part 105 of the 105 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/20/2016
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A note to readers: This is a long story that unfolds chapter by chapter through the eyes of two protagonists -- Mark and Elsa, and as in many of my other stories involves a growing spate of horny characters. This story could appear in a number of genres (Loving Wives, Incest, Lesbian, Fetish, and more) depending on the chapter, but the overall theme is Group, so I have applied this moniker to all chapters. One character in this story is just coming of legal age, so the chapter complies with Literotica guidelines.

Chapter 99 -- Mark Asked On A Date By a Teen


I was wandering around my aerie, otherwise known as my corporate office high atop Worthington Towers, the headquarters for my three hundred billion dollar business enterprise. I should have been thinking about several dozen different business problems, issues, and opportunities, but my mind was on an even larger picture -- my life and all the people in it.

I had surrounded myself with women and men who I loved. We were a polyamorous family: fifteen women and six other men. The women were Elsa, Cindy, Melanie, Sheila, Izzy, KC, Alice, Marcia, Stacy, June, Julie, Kate and Kate's daughter Tori, and Brita. The men were Carter Tom, Deke, Ryan, Mike, and James, who I all loved without the sexual connection that I had with the women and no interest in the guys except when we were double or triple-teaming one of the girls.

Sure I had a 'regular' family: my parents and a brother living out in the western states. My poly family was my 'intentional' family -- the one I really chose in this life. Sheila contended that we all belonged to the same soul group in the spiritual world and that we'd come to this life together as wives and husbands to live out some destiny as we grew and evolved in mind, body, and spirit.

In addition to my intentional family, I had other friends who were just about family members. Many of those had come to our attention through friends and other family members. They often played with us, often in a sexual context, but they held themselves in reserve in someway. They were always welcome in our homes. They included Andy and Margo, Don and Edie, Jon and Amber, Dan and Sandy, Troy and Janet, Ron and Wendy, Sean and Pam, and Greg and Kim, and then some singles like Steve, Celeste, Zoé, and Chloe, and a few others who were more sporadic in appearing at our parties.

I focused on each of them, and silently thanked the Universe that they had come into my life and were part of my family -- my clan. I was so full of gratitude for what had transpired since years earlier when I met Elsa at a party. My life had changed for the better in every way I could think of.

Many people measure their wealth by the size of their bank accounts and stock portfolio, and I admit to having done that for years. Other people were always using that yardstick with me. Instead, I'd found a more valuable currency that is worth far more: the love and friendship we mutually feel toward one another.

I have a multi-dimensional relationship in mind, body, and spirit with each of the women, with the exception of Tori, who everyone eschews a physical relationship with until she becomes of legal age. I think we exercise each of those dimensions with one another; just to be sure we don't get overly focused on one aspect of our relationship.

In addition to my relationship with each of the women, I also have a bromance with the men, as they do with each other. We aren't gay or sexual, but are comfortable and emotionally intimate with each other, as with the women. We've bonded -- a favorite term I hear used about male-male relationships.

I felt good about life and the situation. Of course, and I confess with a silent chuckle, part of that was also helped by the continued, but gentle upswing in the stock price of Worthington Industries, and some significant advances in some of the projects we'd launched over the past couple of years.

Summer was fast approaching when my life started to get back to a more normal pace after a hellish six or seven months. The things that occupied a huge amount of my time in that window were a major launch of the Nanotech product line; the Gigabyte Cellular Technology program that Tom Power was overseeing; the launch of two newly approved blockbuster drugs in a couple of foreign markets, one for Ebola and the other for the Zika virus; a change in the corporate auditors; a ground-breaking for a Swedish manufacturing plant; and some trade deals with China. I think I spent more time on airplanes over that winter and spring than I did on the ground.

As a family of fifteen adults and now four children we didn't seem to be able to create a single cohesive event that we all attended. Sheila just had her baby to great celebration by the rest of the clan. She'd named it Tobias Piers Arden -- the surname hers, since there was some uncertainty about the paternity. The child instantly acquired the nickname Toby, but she admitted that was her expectation.

I had major guilt pangs about the birth because Sheila popped a couple of weeks early and I was in Russia at the time, assessing the likelihood of nationalization of some of our corporate resources. The Ruskies were not playing nice with the other children. At least, Sheila was well attended to by most of her sisters and other husbands.

Elsa was back and forth to Las Vegas over a couple of weeks on her condominium project for her architectural firm. Since the Cessna Citation was laid up, she traveled commercially. When the jet did become available, Cindy flew some of the group to St. Croix for a long weekend even though it was the start of summer. Deke flew with another group up to Maine and they started to hike south on the Appalachian Trail, not even getting out of the state because some parts of the trail were either so hard to traverse or so inviting to stay and camp for extra days.

Philip Emerson was a year and a half; the oldest of his cohort in the family. Close behind were Jenny and Patricia each now over a year old, and only weeks old Toby.

Thus, for the first time in months, I headed home early on a Wednesday night in late October.

As I got off the elevator at the condo, Kate was waiting to take the lift down to the garage to get the new car I'd bought her and drive off to work at the Club Infinity. She loved the Jaguar, and had somehow gotten the vanity license plate 'PUSSY' to go on it. Since her stage name was Kit Katt, we all thought that was more than appropriate. I got a warm kiss and a cheery hello from the gorgeous stripper who happened to be my wife; well, one of them.

Kate whispered to me, "Mark, I hope you're going to be home in three weeks come Saturday. Tori has a function she needs you for. Don't disappoint her. It's important -- like, majorly VERY important." She didn't wait for a reply, just gave me another kiss, and got into the elevator and disappeared. As she did, it occurred to me that I had barely seen Tori over the last couple of months, in fact since we'd been on St. Croix. I had heard through the family grapevine that she planned to take a summer job with Deke, working in various aspects of his new security business, from office work to helping wire some of the homes and commercial establishments that had hired his firm. She was finishing her senior year in high school, would head off to college.

Of course, I insisted that I pay for Tori's college one night just after we got back from St. Croix. I'd never had TWO women dissolve into tears so rapidly. They both threw themselves into my arms almost shouting their gratitude to the skies. I loved to do things to provoke that response from my family members. Kate had not once ever asked me for anything, and like many of the others went out of her way to try to contribute with both money and energy to the welfare of the family.

As I went into the condo, I got wave after wave of attractive females greeting me with hugs and kisses. The guys were there with fist bumps and handshakes. Julie brought Philip Emerson to me, and he allowed me to hold him for all of three seconds before he wanted to get down and race around the condo some more; enough of this fatherhood stuff. As he scooted away, Julie took off after him after we shared a lovely kiss. I missed these homecomings when I was on the road.

Later, ten of us headed down the street to our little French restaurant. At least, Philip allowed me to push his stroller and get him seated in his toddler's chair at our long table. Dinner was chatty, mostly about jobs and the coming holidays. There was some enthusiastic talk about having some kind of party to celebrate the summer solstice that would include a lot of erotic partying -- sex.

With Tori around, and Philip, Jenny, and Patricia becoming cognizant of what adults were doing, virtually all of our exhibitionist tendencies had been curtailed. Our lovemaking had migrated behind closed bedroom doors, and consequently we were nowhere near as decadent as we'd been. An era passed that we mourned, but we knew we had to grow up sometime.

After returning to the condo from dinner, I sat with Elsa, KC, Stacy, Melanie, Mike, and Deke talking about our social life, our outside friends, and how big and splashy a party to hold. Partway through the discussion, Tori came and sat down with us. She was just in time to hear about the latest release of some adult videos by Juul and Rolfe in Denmark. The idea was that we'd get copies and have them playing on some of the TVs when we held our party. Beyond that, not much more was said, and our group broke up with a few people drifting away, I thought to perhaps make love in Deke or Mike's bedrooms.

Tori quietly caught my eye. She smiled at me nervously, "Mark, do you have a minute for me?"

I held my arms open to her and said, "Tori, of course. I'm sorry I've been so wrapped up in business. The tide is shifting back the other way now, so I should be around more. Come and let me hug you. You do know I love you, I hope."

Tori snuggled in against me, a very rare event since joining the family. She said, "I have a very big favor to ask of you ... and I want it to be you and no one else."

I nodded encouragingly, hopeful that I could meet her needs. No doubt, this was what Kate had prepared me for.

"I want you to take me to a Daddy-Daughter Prom on Saturday in mid-May. It's a dinner and dance at a hotel downtown instead of in the gym, and it's supposed to be black tie for the men and a formal dress for the girl. I have to get a dress and you'll have to rent a tuxedo."

I chuckled and told her, "I own six tuxedos, Tori. I'm good on that score, and yes, I will be exceptionally proud to take you. I consider it an honor to ever be considered for the event." I knew Tori's real father had long disappeared from the scene and there was no love lost there either. "I assume stepdads are admitted?"

"Oh, yes, absolutely, otherwise there wouldn't be anyone to attend. Some girls bring their older brothers instead, but I want you more than you know."

Tori sighed and locked eyes with me, "There's a little more." She looked uncertain about how to phrase the next part of what she wanted to say.

"Tori, you can ask me anything -- anything; tell me what you want and I promise I won't get mad or react negatively; I promise."

She said, "I hope so. I want you to take me to a hotel afterwards and make love to me all night long."

"I can't do that until you turn eighteen. You know that."

Tori looked worried and tearful that I was looking for an excuse to turn her down, "But, I'll be eighteen three days before the prom, so ..."

I pulled Tori to me. "Tori, since that's the case, I will delight in doing what you want that evening. I lost track of the date. I just ... well ... I am a lot older than you. Do you really want this old guy doing that with you."

Tori nodded as tears ran down her cheeks, "Yes, I want you. I love you. I really do. You have been so nice to mom and me, right when we needed help most you were there, and then mom fell in love with you, and then so did I."

I said, "I don't want you making love with me or anyone else out of a sense of obligation. That's fraught with anger and bad feelings later. I wanted to do those things for you because I love you and your mom, and I don't expect your nubile body as payment." I tried to be serious but keep the moment light with my last comment and a chuckle.

Tori shook her head, "Mark, that's not the reason at all. I love you. I feel passionate about you. I want to be with you in a physical way because of that. You are such a nice man, and I know you'll be gentle and kind with me. Most of all, I am strongly and sexually attracted to you. Please ..."

I thought for a moment and Tori watched me like I might suddenly evaporate. Finally, I had an idea, "Tori, I want you to talk to some of your aunts, I guess you could call them, about the dress you want. If you want, they can take you to a little boutique namedSerendipity and get you the perfect prom dress, shoes, and ... well, even lingerie. I'm also going to talk to them about borrowing some jewelry from them that might go well with it. I don't think they'll mind, but you have to be my guide about this about what's proper dress and all at the prom."

Tori lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh, Mark, you'll do it. I'm so ... excited, is the least of it. I'll talk to them. They're more like my big sisters that I wished I'd had growing up and now they're there for me. I will talk to them." She added about a dozen 'Thank yous' as she danced away.

Elsa looked up at me from across the room, "She could borrow the dress and diamonds you outfitted Cindy or me in for that first gala we went to. We're probably close to the same size, and diamonds fit anybody well."

"Show her, and see what she thinks. I'm more than happy to send her toSerendipity for a dress, shoes, and such. Maybe you could play the role of Prom Mom in this situation. Kate is so busy with work and her parents."

"I will. Kate's dad does seem to be on the mend, but that was a pretty big dip he took. She was really worried about him."

I asked Elsa, "Are any of the girls' or guys' parents holding back on health care because of money or anything. I want to know about it if that's the case."

"I don't think so, but I'll ask around. We're a pretty healthy bunch, parents included. Kate's dad was an outlier. He was still a smoker until the heart attack."


Cindy and I studied Tori. Cindy told her, "OK, strip. Lose the sweatshirt and jeans."

Tori looked both worried and excited. Her clothes went flying. We were in one of the spare bedrooms where Cindy, a few of the other women, and I kept our ball gowns and cocktail dresses. Eventually, Tori stood in front of us completely naked.

I walked over to her and did a little reconnaissance of her body, touching and smoothing over some of the surfaces to feel her tautness and stretch. Cindy followed and together we allowed our hands to roam over nearly every square millimeter of her body, focusing especially on breasts, ass, and pussy areas.

Did we have ulterior motives? Of course. A little seduction is good for the soul.

I stood back, "Hmmmm. Nice boobs. You could go strapless if you wanted. The drawback there depends on the kind of dancing you want to do. How wild are you planning to get?" I glanced up at Tori but she was glassy eyed, "Hey, you OK?"

"You two turned me on by touching me all over the way you did."

I smiled and chortled, "Well, there was that secondary agenda. Were we too much?"

Tori sighed and looked longingly at each of us, "No, not enough."

I knew in that instant that she would fit in exceptionally well with all my sisters and me when we got in a sapphic lovemaking mood. My brain snapped and I suddenly worried that we might overpower the poor girl, but then I snapped again and knew that we loved her and would be careful to nurture and mentor her to be a full well-rounded person in every way.

I chortled, "Let's revisit that idea in couple of weeks, when you show me your voter registration card."

"I'm not a virgin."

I shook my head, "Doesn't matter to Cindy or me -- any of us. Get legal. In the meanwhile, what kind of a dress do you want -- gown, frilly, standout, blend in, cocktail dress, slinky? Give us some details."

Tori said, "I've never been to a prom. We couldn't afford the dresses or when we could I didn't like any of the boys in school. Mostly I've been to just informal raves, I guess you could call them, and they were jeans and sweatshirts or tees. Many were around the football or basketball season games -- pep rallies and that kind of stuff."

Cindy came out of the closet with the first two gowns that Mark had bought us. She laid them on the bed, but not before Tori's mouth started to water and she started to gush about how beautiful the dresses were.

Cindy rationalized, "You're near our size -- or at least the size we were a few years ago, plus our boobs were about the same size as yours. Try on one of these just to see what you look like. I'll get some shoes that match to see if they fit you."

Cindy went back to the closet and I helped Tori step into the bright watermelon colored dress that had been the one Mark picked for me atSerendipity when we went to a hospital ball years earlier around the time we met.

Cindy put the shoes down and Tori stepped into them. "Oh, they fit. They're really comfortable too."

"Look in the mirror."

"Oh, God, this is so exciting. This is the nicest dress I've ever even been near. You'd really let me wear this ... to a high school prom?"

"Well, you are going with Mark, so you have to look the part."

Cindy said, "Wait, there are a few things missing. Hold out your left arm."

As Tori put her arm out, Cindy put a diamond tennis bracelet on her wrist. A few seconds after that she stood behind her and put the diamond necklace around Tori's flawless neck.

Tori gawked at herself in the floor to ceiling mirror. "Diamonds? Are they real?"

"Very," Cindy assured her.

"How much? What if I lose them?"

"Don't lose them. The bracelet is probably around five thousand, and the necklace around seventy."


"Seventy thousand dollars -- maybe a little more these days."

"Oh, God," Tori gasped.

I asked, "What kind of jewelry will your classmates be wearing with their dresses, and what kind of dresses?"

Tori shrugged, "I guess I better ask, huh? I'm sure it won't be seventy-five thousand dollars worth of whatever. Everyone else just seems to know what to do, but as I said, I've never been to one of these before. On the other hand, maybe I just want to arrive and make a big splash dressed like this. I love the dress and jewelry. I suppose the dress is expensive too."

Cindy said, "Around ten thousand. It's an original Oscar de la Renta. So is the blue one on the bed."

"Tell me about the shoes," Tori said in a worried tone.

Cindy grinned, "Jimmy Choo's, about two grand. You can also have a Gucci clutch purse at around a thousand. We have some silk shawls from India that Mark brought back on one of his trips. They match perfectly and can provide some warmth given that your shoulders are bare and you're showing a huge amount of skin."

Tori stared at herself in the mirror for a very long time, and we were silent as she turned from side to side, and then looked back at her rear. Finally, she said, "I don't care what anybody else is wearing. This is what I want to wear to the prom. I'll be the best dressed girl there."

"You will be, and in that dress you'll also be the sexiest. You do wonders for the cleavage that the dress allows."

* * * * *

Everybody else in the family, Mark included, had gone out to The Meadows for the weekend, but Cindy and I elected to stay in the condo and help Tori get ready for her big Daddy-Daughter Dance. Mark told us he would be by in the limousine at seven o'clock to pick up his 'date.'


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