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Billy's Reward Ch. 03 - Disciplined

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Ellie's breasts bear/bare the burden of her sins.
3.2k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/19/2018
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Ellie sat quietly alone on Saturday morning, thinking about the past few months. She had exposed herself to her former student, Billy. She had also slept with the real estate agent, Jack Eastland, that she had inadvertently and simultaneously shown herself to. It was early December now, and her husband Ted had gone to get new outdoor Christmas decorations. Ellie's phone rang but the name did not show on her caller ID and she did not recognize the number.

"Hello?" she half answered, half questioned.

"Is Ellie there?" the voice was a man's that sounded somewhat familiar to her.

"This is she, who is this?"

"This is Leon Bandy."

Ellie remembered how she had unintentionally caused her former coworker to retire after it was revealed he maliciously bullied Billy, and Ellie had not only helped Billy, but also revealed to the administration how Mr. Bandy had been treating him.

"Hey, Mr. Bandy, how are you?" she asked, not really caring.

"I could not be better, how is your husband...Ted right?"

"Ted is good, he works and golfs a lot." she answered, already bored with this call.

"That is good, a man needs hobbies. How is Billy doing? I heard he went off to college."

Ellie immediately felt uncomfortable when Mr. Bandy mentioned Billy.

"Billy is good I guess, his mother hasn't said anything to me that would make me think he wasn't doing well at school." Ellie answered assertively.

"Well I am sure he was glad to have you as a tutor. Did you sleep with him right away or did you seduce him?" Leon Bandy boldly asked.

"Excuse the hell out of me, what did you just say!" Ellie demanded.

"Yeah, it seems I have proof that you had an affair with your student." Mr. Bandy bluntly replied.

"You could not have proof of something that did not happen." Ellie corrected him.

"Well I have a picture of you in your back yard, exposing yourself to the house that Billy lives in. Maybe I was mistaken, maybe it was Billy's father you were showing your breasts to. I don't know, you tell me." Mr. Bandy's voice oozed bad intent.

Ellie could not believe what she was hearing. Jack Eastland had took pics of her when she was in her backyard showing herself to Billy, but how could Leon Bandy have got his hands on one of those photographs?

Then he told her.

"You see, after I retired, I decided I wanted to move to Florida, so I needed to list my house with a realtor. Jack Eastland is well-known to sell homes at an above average price. When he came to my house, he had to take all kinds of pictures of my home inside and out. When he was outside, I peeked in his briefcase, and what did I find but a folder with a whole bunch of pictures of you in that little swimsuit you stripped off. He had so many pictures, that I knew he would never miss any if I took one. Have you seen it? You seem to be lifting up your chest for someone else's eyes. I figured since Billy lives behind you, and you are facing his house, you don't have to be a genius to put it all together."

Ellie felt like she would faint. Her hands trembled and panic was about to set in. The only thing that kept her from crying was her rage at Jack for not destroying the pics.

"Mr. Bandy, I have to go now." she almost begged him.

"Go ahead and call whoever you want, I expect you to call me back in ten minutes, understand?" he ordered.

"I understand." Ellie answered defeated.

As soon as she hung up, she angrily called Jack Eastland to find out why he was carrying her nude pictures around with him.

Jack explained, "Oh shit! I am sorry Ellie, Leon Bandy was one of my stops that afternoon we got together. I had to go outside and take pics of the front and back of his home. I never thought he would go through my stuff while I was outside. I am going to go kick that old man's ass!"

"No, he has one of the pictures you took the day I was outside, and if he gives it to Billy's parents, Ted, or the school board, I am ruined. I wish I had never done any of it. Did you get rid of the rest like you said you would?" Ellie asked, already knowing the answer.

"You told me I could keep them. I did shred the pictures, but I have the digital copies on my computer in a secure file." Jack answered, trying to reassure her.

Ellie bluntly answered, "I am asking you to get rid of those too. I don't want anymore of this event haunting me. I do not know what Bandy is going to want. I have to get that picture and hope he hasn't told or showed anyone."

"I am sorry Ellie, is there anything I can do to help?" Jack knew he had accidentally put her in this mess.

"No, you have done enough, I will have to figure it out." she dreaded the cost.

"I will deliberately not even try to sell that bastard's house now." Jack said.

Ellie took little comfort, "Yeah, I guess that will really show him." she dryly answered.

Ellie called Leon Bandy back, dreading whatever the old man had in mind. He was nearly 70 years old and a widower. She doubted that he could even get an erection. The thought of that made her shiver with disgust. Maybe he would demand money and she could take out a cash advance on her credit cards. Whatever it would be, she knew it would not be pleasant, at least not for her.

Mr. Bandy told Ellie to be at his home at 2pm sharp, and to come by herself. Ellie agreed. She showered and got dressed. Deciding against wearing anything revealing or that could be considered remotely inviting. She picked out her most plain, white bra and panty set. Ellie wore khaki pants and a blue sweater. She drove to Bandy's house, filled with fear, dread and worry. What if he insisted on ruining her, and her husband, work and neighbors learned what she had done.

Ellie realized that Mr. Bandy had not pieced together that she had slept with Jack Eastland, so there was some relief there.

She pulled into Leon Bandy's driveway at exactly 2 o'clock sharp. Ellie noticed a third car in the driveway and wondered if he owned it too or was someone else here. She rang the bell and got her answer. There was a second man that she instantly recognized as Carl Watts, a teacher that she had when she was in high school. He was older than Leon Bandy, and she knew he was easily in his 70s. Watts had a reputation as a teacher that always tried to look down his female students tops or stare at them a little too long. Ellie recalled he was a widower as well. She was unaware that Bandy and Watts were even friends though.

"Come in Ellie, we have been anxiously waiting for you." Bandy said coldly.

"It is good to see you again after all these years Ellie." Watts added, "You were always one of my favorite students." his eyes went up and down Ellie's body.

Ellie entered the house and when the door shut she had never felt so alone. It dawned on her that she could easily physically beat up both of these men, if she wanted to. It also dawned on her that she had brought this on herself, and she would get herself out of it. She knew that regardless of appearances, she could regain control here.

Ellie stepped into the living room and stood silently as both men took a seat on the couch. Ellie decided to take charge and confront the issue head on.

"I want to know what I have to do to leave here with the item that you took from Mr. Eastland." Ellie defiantly stated.

"Well hold on there, let's discuss what this is all about first." Bandy answered her back, "We really don't care who you were showing off to, we just think you need to be put in your place. You come across as this innocent little teacher and wife, but you are just another slut that likes to use men. It is past time you learned some manners young lady. I'll give you your dirty little picture back, but for the next little bit, you are going to do what we tell you to. Do I make myself clear?"

Ellie swallowed her pride and faked humility, "I understand. What do you want me to do?"

Without saying a word, Mr. Watts went to the kitchen and brought a chair from under the table. Ellie knew it was for her, and she sat down facing them both. Both the old men's eyes were wide with the power they felt at the moment over a "helpless" woman. Ellie considered overpowering the men, finding the picture, taking it and leaving. Knowing she could do this, she decided to play along and see what would happen if she stayed.

Mr. Watts spoke up, "I remember that you were a goody-two-shoes in school. You didn't have a bad reputation and were always on the honor roll." Watts smiled,

"Then you would come in my class, sitting there all nice and quiet and then do that stretching thing where you push your chest out while you yawn really big. You liked to tease with them boobs back then and I want to see you do that now."

Ellie obediently did as she was told. She pulled her arms behind her and thrust her breasts out toward the men. She looked down and realized how much bigger they looked in this sweater and from her vantage point, she could see the curve of each breast, and the face of one of the men, above each side. She put her arms back down waiting for further instruction.

Mr. Watts stood and waked directly behind her. "Do that again." he told her. Ellie again stretched, arched her back, and pushed her C cup breasts out. This time Mr. Watts hands reached out and ran down the sides of her chest before coming over the top of each breast and squeezing them. He fondled her over her sweater as Mr. Bandy watched his friend knead and grab the protruding orbs.

"Hey Leon, you should come feel these." Mr. Watts joyfully said to his friend. "They're just what I imagined they would feel like. Big and firm."

Ellie looked down and watched as her former teacher touched her. His hands were old and spotted, and now that he was this close, he smelled like cheap aftershave. She spotted the photograph of her under some magazines on the coffee table. She once again thought of grabbing it and leaving, but decided to continue on.

"No Carl, you keep doing that, but I think you would have a better time if she took off that sweater. What about it Ellie, can you show me and Carl what type bra a naughty teacher like you would wear?" Mr. Bandy seemed to like directing this situation.

"Yeah, you need to show us what is under that sweater Ellie. Show us what you let some of those young guys get to feel." Watts added.

Ellie paused for a second, then she sat upright and peeled the sweater up over her head, revealing her plain white bra, and the top third of her breasts to the men.

Mr. Bandy chimed in right away, "I am so disappointed. I hoped you would wear something more in line with what a woman like you is known for."

Mr. Watts objected, "Hold on, let me see how it feels first, before you are to hard on her."

His hands slid back down from her shoulders, to her cleavage, then over the solid white cups. He lifted Ellie's breasts from below, then back toward the tops. He paused to run his thumbs under the cups, trying to feel her nipples, but his thumbs were too short to get inside Ellie's bra far enough.

Mr. Watts went and sat back on the couch with Mr. Bandy, facing Ellie in her khakis and her bra. Bandy pulled Ellie's picture out and the men studied it.

"What do you think of these?" Bandy asked his friend, pointing at Ellie's nipples in the pic.

"Well I can't decide if they are pink or red in that photograph." Watts answered him.

"Oh I think they are more brown, but as hard as they look here, I am sure that she was excited, so the color might vary." Bandy answered him back sounding studious.

"I guess there is only one way to know Leon." Watts said with excitement in his voice.

Ellie knew what was coming next, and this was the point she decided if she quit now, she would lose to Leon Bandy. It was almost like a challenge, to see this through to the end. She smiled to herself at the thought of possibly giving one or both men a heart attack.

"Ellie, take off your bra for us." Leon Bandy demanded with a shaky voice.

Without saying a word, Ellie reached behind her and unclasped her bra. She pulled down the straps one at a time, and pulled her arms out of them. The bra now rested on her chest by nothing more than gravity and her natural perkiness. Leon and Carl sat quietly with their mouths open, waiting with anticipation.

Ellie started to slowly slide the cups downward. The edge of her areolas began to show, then she stopped. She looked at the two old men that were now powerless to her, they just did not know yet.

She began to slide the bra down again, and her right nipple popped out first, followed quickly by the left nipple. They were both swollen with puffy areolas.

Leon and Carl just sat and stared at Ellie's naked tits. The upturned nipples rose and fell with her breathing.

Finally Leon spoke, "You were right Carl, they are more reddish."

Carl Watts could not speak, the old man just sat and stared at the topless Ellie.

Leon Bandy now stood and walked over to her. "Stand up." was all he said at first.

Ellie stood and her tits were now close to face level with the old man. Without warning and somewhat unexpectedly, Leon lightly slapped her left tit. It was not hard, but it caused the breast to jiggle and the gentle slap sent a shock through Ellie. Leon then did the same to her right breast. This time, she felt his fingers across her hard nipple. Leon looked her right in the face and reached up and took one of her breasts in each hand. This was so surreal to Ellie that it felt like she was watching it happen, and not part of it. Leon Bandy was playing with her bare breasts, while her former teacher Carl Watts watched. She was topless in front of two old men, that she had known for years. She was willing letting them see and touch her big naked tits. They were now the 3rd and 4th men to see her topless, since she had got married.

Carl Watts still did not move from the couch.

Leon went to his kitchen, and came back with something in his hands.

"Now Ellie, you have been such a bad teacher and have done some very bad things, so I have to discipline you in the only way that will teach you a lesson."

Leon reached up again and began to pull and pinch Ellie's nipples. She stood quietly as the old man managed to get them as hard as she had ever seen them before.

"Come here Carl."

Mr. Watts rose and walked over, still in a daze from the beautiful bare breasts in front on him.

"Lick them, get them good and wet." Leon demanded his friend to do.

Carl lowered his mouth, and as Ellie watched, her right nipple disappeared inside his mouth. His tongue flicked and did circles around the hard tip of her tit. He then did the same to the left breast, and his drool was lathered over both Ellie's nipples.

Leon then showed Ellie the two clothes-pins in his hands. He clamped one on each of her tits, at the base of her erect nipples. Ellie winced and bit her lip. This was turning her on way too much, she thought.

"Keep those there." Leon told her.

He went and brought back an instant camera and that is when Ellie objected.

"Look, I came here to get a picture back, not pose for more of them!" she said.

"I won't get your face in them. Do this and you can have your picture with your face back. Even if I showed a picture of your boobs to anybody, without your face, they would never know it is even you." Leon was almost begging now.

Ellie knew she was in control, so she decided to take charge.

"OK, but you have to do what I say. First, give me the picture." she demanded.

Moving quicker than a man his age should be able to, Leon quickly handed her the picture he had stolen from Jack Eastman. Ellie wadded it up and stuck it in her pocket. Now she really felt in charge, she could leave if she wanted, and neither man could stop her.

She stayed.

Ellie took the camera and stood between the two men. She pushed their heads down on each breast, facing the camera. The clothes-pins still on her nipples, she took a selfie with nothing but her exposed breasts and the old men's delirious faces. She was careful not include her own face. The old camera flashed and spat out a picture. Ellie took it and examined it closely. There was nothing in it that could be used to identify her at all. Both men were grinning with a goofy smile.

Ellie looked down and her breasts, motioned at the clothes-pins, and said, "I want each of you to take one of these off me now."

Leon and Carl both reached and gently took the pins off Ellie's nipples, that were now blood-red. Ellie then took Leon's face and put a nipple in his mouth. She put his hand on the other breast. Ellie carefully aimed, and took another pic with Leon on her tit.

She gave Carl the same treatment, and he decided to pose with his tongue licking the erect tip of her breast.

Ellie carefully examined the pics again, then gave them to the men. While they stood looking at the instant pics, she took the film out of the camera, in case they tried to take a picture as she left, and sat the camera on the table.

As excited as they were, Ellie figured that at their age they had lost their virility. The two old men went and sat down on the couch again. Each appeared exhausted and Ellie began to worry about the heart attack she thought of before.

"I learned my lesson Mr. Bandy...Mr. Watts. I am sorry and it won't happen again. I need to go home now before someone misses me." she cooed.

Mr. Bandy just nodded, Mr. Watts said nothing.

Ellie quietly and quickly left.

She took the clothes-pins with her. She kinda liked those.

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Microbevel8Microbevel811 months ago

Such a clever story. So many details to complete the scene.

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