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Birthday Pool Party Ch. 40


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"I talked to Sarah," I begin, "and the guys are talking to lawyers, but they're probably facing assault charges."

"What can we do, Daddy?" Kayla asks in a small, scared voice.

"Nothing, Honey." I sigh. "The guys have lawyers, hopefully they can come to a plea agreement and avoid anything too serious."

"What if they can't?" Kayla whispers as Lexi kisses the raven-haired beauty's temple.

"The guys made a choice, Kayla." I answer. "They may have to face some consequences. I know that you feel responsible, but you're not. You didn't ask them to assault David. Stephanie didn't ask them to assault David, and Kelsey didn't ask them to assault David."

"But David deserved it!" Lexi insists.

"Assault is still illegal." I state firmly. "The guys are adults now, just like David and Keith. They all have to face the consequences of their actions."

"It isn't right that they get punished for beating up that asshole!" Hazel hisses.

"It's fine to think that, but please, please," I beg, "don't do anything crazy. You have your own futures to think about."

"I won't do anything crazy, Daddy." Kayla tells me. "I promise."

"That's my girl." I say with a smile. "Now, how about we watch some television? As a family."

"We are a family, aren't we?" Hazel wonders happily.

"Yes, we are!" Lexi exclaims.

"By the way, Hazel and I are going out after dinner tonight." Kayla says, changing the subject.

"Oh?" I follow up with.

"Yeah, we're going to a movie with the girls." Hazel confirms. "Ian and Josh are coming, too."

"Have fun!" I tell them.

"Steven and I will entertain ourselves when we get back from dinner." Lexi purrs as she runs her finger down my chest.

With a smirk, I reach over and pick up the remote so I can start up one of our streaming services. The four of us decide to watch a horror movie. We all like horror, so it's a great choice, and I get to watch the girls jump cutely at all the scary parts.

When the movie ends, it's time for Lexi and I to get ready. We leave Hazel and Kayla to cuddle on the couch as my girlfriend and I make our way to the master bedroom. I'm already in my suit, but Lexi puts her auburn hair up and slips into a brand new, light blue dress before stepping into a pair of delicate heels.

"Fuck, you're gorgeous." I breathe as she stands in front of me holding a clutch purse.

"Fuck, you're big." she replies with a cute wink.

I'm overwhelmed with affection for the beautiful redhead as I find myself approaching her. I take Lexi's lightly-freckled face in both hands as I lean in and peck her lips. Then I pull back and gaze into her eyes as a smile spreads across my lips. She truly is gorgeous. I love her freckles, her cute, little nose, and every other detail of her flawless face.

"I love you, Alexis Davis." I whisper, my voice full of passion as I hold her face and admire her.

"And I love you, Steven Thomson." Lexi replies, her hands caressing my wrists as a smile enhances her beauty.

"You have nothing to worry about tonight." I assure her, my thumbs gently running across her light skin. "I'm with you. I want to be with you."

"I believe you." Lexi mumbles. "I'm still scared."

"Stacey is with April now." I remind my girlfriend before leaning in to kiss her again. "Don't be scared, everything is gonna be okay."

"I'll try." she lets out a breath as she nods.

I give Lexi a reassuring smile before taking her hand and leading her from the bedroom. Our bedroom. Hazel and Kayla comment on how good we look before saying goodbye. Then my girlfriend and I leave the mansion and get into my car. I start the engine and pull out onto the street.

It isn't long before I'm entering the lot of a nice, upscale restaurant. I recognize Stacey's car and park a couple of spaces away from it. I'm just in time, too, as the doors open and two gorgeous, young women in nice dresses step out onto the pavement.

Both girls are unbelievably sexy in their little black dresses and matching heels. Stacey is of middling height, her larger breasts creating a delicious-looking cleavage. My blonde assistant has her hair up in an elegant hairdo, and her baby blues are sparkling. I almost sigh when I remember making love to my assistant. I have to admit that I miss the intimacy between us.

Little April shuts the passenger side door and walks around the car to stand beside Stacey. The tiny nerd is as cute as ever in her glasses, her intelligence obvious in her green eyes. Her wavy blonde hair is framing her face, and I love the way her black dress clings to her small breasts. With all the attention I get at home, it's surprising how much April stirs me up. She's so small; I'm torn between a desire to protect her and wanting to fuck the girl's brains out.

"Hi Stacey, hi April." I say with a polite smile.

"Hey, Steven." Stacey replies.

"Steven." April nods, and I can see her eyes running me up and down. "Nice to see you again."

April is still looking at me with distrust, but there's something more now. Our eyes briefly meet, before we both glance away quickly. I can feel something electric passing between us. Something intense. I can feel it lingering in me, shooting through my entire body, even after April's green eyes leave mine.

"Hi, girls." Lexi gives them a small smile.

"All three of you are stunning." I comment smoothly.

"Someone angling for a foursome tonight?" Stacey suggests with a giggle.

"Keep dreaming, Buddy!" April snorts playfully. However, she does look away quickly when I glance her way. Her cheeks are flushed.

"Should we head inside?" Lexi suggests, changing the subject.

"Yeah, we should." I respond, taking Lexi's hand. Then I gesture in front of me toward April and Stacey. "Ladies, after you."

"Such a gentleman!" Stacey exclaims as she and April turn and start walking.

"Yeah, right," April laughs, "he just wants to watch our butts."

"To be fair, have you seen your butts?" I ask, grinning.

"I have!" April exclaims, looking over her shoulder at me as her tiny hand grabs Stacey's bum, making the taller girl gasp. "And this fine piece of ass is all mine!"

"That's okay, I'll take yours." I shrug as I look directly at April.

"Steven!" Lexi exclaims, swatting me on the arm.

I squeeze Lexi's hand reassuringly as April turns and looks away, her face red. The short blonde is clearly blushing deeply, and she's now very interested in looking forward as she and Stacey walk. I do check out the swaying female asses as the four of us walk toward the entrance to the restaurant.

After Stacey and April walk through the door, I glance over at Lexi. The redhead looks nervous, but she is clearly watching the two girls and doesn't notice me staring. Lexi takes a deep breath, pulls her shoulders back, and walks in with me, forcing a smile.

The reservation is under Thomson, which the hostess quickly confirms. She then shows us to our table. All four of us are smiling as the waiter arrives to take our drink orders. I order a mixed drink while the girls order wine. Lexi's smile vanishes when the waiter asks for her ID. The redhead crosses her arms and pouts as she orders something non-alcoholic. April gets carded as well, but she's over twenty-one.

"Guess I look old." Stacey frowns when the waiter walks away.

"You're my old lady!" April giggles as she wraps an arm around Stacey's shoulders.

"Whatever." Stacey grunts.

"Hey, I didn't get carded either." I add.

"Yeah, but you're forty!" Stacey whines. "I'm only twenty-five!"

"At least you get to drink." Lexi rolls her eyes.

"Well, back in my day..." I trail off with an exaggerated old man voice, trying to break Lexi out of her funk and make everyone laugh.

All three girls burst out laughing as I sit back with a satisfied smirk, my arms crossed. They start to calm down, then look over at me and resume their laughter. I glance around the table, loving the expressions on the girls' faces and the musical sounds of their mirth.

The waiter returns a couple minutes later with our drinks. Lexi's pout is back as she accepts her non-alcoholic drink. Stacey and April actually stick out their tongues before taking sips of their wine. Lexi makes a face at them. Our group then places our food orders, and the waiter makes his exit.

"So, how do you ladies like living together?" I ask Stacey and April.

"It's amazing!" April gushes while holding onto her wine glass. "Stacey's always been a great roommate."

"Does she snore?" I wonder. "Lexi does sometimes."

"I do not!" Lexi exclaims as she swats my shoulder with the back of her hand.

"Of course you don't, Baby." I say to placate Lexi. I shield my mouth from Lexi's view with my hand and stage whisper to Stacey and April. "She does!"

"Jerk!" Lexi hisses as the other two girls giggle.

"I can't speak for Lexi, but I know I don't snore." Stacey giggles.

"Maybe if you let me in the bed more, I'd know." April replies with a glare at Stacey.

"Hey! You crawl your naked ass into my bed more often than not!" Stacey retorts. "And you agreed to take the couch when we planned this!"

"Sorry for wanting to be held by my girlfriend." April says sarcastically. Then her face softens. "There's nothing like cuddling after rough sex."

"Agreed." I say with a predatory grin.

April and I lock eyes. I almost groan as desire consumes me. The petite nerd bites her lower lip, making her look incredibly sexy. I feel it again. The same spark, the electricity between us. It's not love. I don't love April, I barely know her. Still, I can actually feel myself hardening as I imagine throwing this girl down onto a bed and making her scream for me. From the look she's giving me, April is thinking something similar.

"You like it rough?" Lexi asks April with a raised eyebrow.

"I love it!" April announces. "Don't get me wrong, I love looking into Stacey's eyes, it's great! Still, sometimes a girl just wants to get pounded."

"Strap-on?" Lexi inquires.

"Yeah, we have one." April nods happily, her wavy blonde locks bobbing in the air. "You? Steven into that? It's okay, we don't judge!"

"Steven is not into that." I state firmly, making all three girls laugh.

"My Slut-sisters." Lexi explains. "We have a lot of sex toys for play time."

"Oh yeah, Stacey told me about that." April says as she pushes her glasses up her little nose.

"A strap-on is nice, but there's nothing like real cock." Lexi insists.

"Yeah, you're right about that." April sighs. "Just too bad Stacey doesn't have one."

"Uh, no." Stacey grimaces. "I like my lady parts, thanks."

"We haven't really come to a resolution about that yet." April winces. "About both of us still needing cock."

"You want a guy who won't try and come between you, it's tough." Lexi empathizes. "Plus, you need a guy who can really fuck you senseless. Not easy to find."

"Exactly!" April replies. "I want to be fucked so hard I can't even walk straight after."

"Oh God, yes!" Lexi husks as she gives a small shudder. "Being bent over like a dirty, little slut. Hands on your hips as a big, strong man just takes you! When you're trembling in pleasure and don't think you can take it any more, but he keeps ramming you! You cum and cum and cum! It's just..."

"The best." April sighs, completing Lexi's sentence.

Stacey and I look eyes. Her baby blues are wide with shock, and her mouth is slightly open as she breathes heavily. My blonde assistant is clearly as turned on as I am. I give Stacey a small smile, and she smiles back. We're both thinking about our girlfriends, and each other.

I'm glad Lexi is getting over some of her anxiety. Bonding with April seems to be helping. It makes sense, both girls are little firecrackers. Hopefully, things will go this smoothly when we start talking out our issues. I can dream.

"Small girl like you; I bet guys love tossing you around." Lexi comments.

"Oh, definitely!" April agrees before taking another sip of wine. "And I love being manhandled! What about you? You're not much bigger than I am."

It's true. April isn't even five feet tall, making her shorter than Lexi. Still, Lexi is a small girl as well. Both have small breasts and tight, little bodies. As much as I love a girl with long legs, there's nothing like fucking a petite woman. I'm actually over a foot taller than April, damn some time with her? Yes, please!

"Yeah, I love being moved into position, being taken." Lexi nods. "I mean, I guess I just love having cock rammed into me. Mouth, pussy, ass, wherever!"

"Mm, nothing like a big dick stretching your throat." April moans softly, her eyelids fluttering as she imagines it.

"You can deep throat?" Lexi inquires.

"Yup!" April smiles proudly.

"We watched her deep throat a ten inch dildo on a dare once." Stacey speaks up as she places a hand on April's affectionately. "Not one gag."

"Not bad at all!" Lexi chirps.

"Thank you, thank you." April inclines her head.

Stacey and I lock eyes again as April and Lexi start talking about blowjob techniques. I place my hand on Lexi's thigh, squeezing it lightly to indicate that I'm happy with how things are going. Stacey gives me another smile, and I can tell that she's feeling great about this.

"I bet even you would have trouble getting all of Steven down your throat." Lexi comments at one point.

"Stacey did mention him having a big dick." April responds as she makes eyes at me.

"He's bigger than the football players who did us a few weeks ago." Stacey says while looking at me guiltily.

"He can't be that big!" April insists as she sets her empty wine glass down.

"He's bigger!" Stacey and Lexi exclaim at exactly the same time.

Stacey and Lexi look at each other nervously. They don't say a single word as an awkward silence falls over the table. I lock eyes with April. The short blonde is ignoring the other two girls as she looks directly into my eyes. Her pupils are dilated, her face is flush, and she's breathing heavily. Even as I watch, April's pink tongue snakes out to moisten her lips.

The waiter chooses this moment to reappear with our appetizer. Everyone except Lexi orders another drink. Then we start enjoying the appetizer in silence. No one wants to be the first to speak, and soon the waiter is back with our second round of drinks.

"So, how about those, uh, Sailors. Think we have a chance this year?" I ask stupidly, once the waiter leaves. I sound lame even to my own ears, but this silence is painful.

"You don't watch sports!" Lexi and Stacey exclaim at the same time.

Stacey and Lexi lock eyes. They know me so well. They are both such important people in my life. I just want them to realize they don't have to be enemies. Both women continue looking at each other, seeming to communicate silently. I can't tell if this is going well.

"And the Sailors aren't even a team." April adds, breaking the tension.

Lexi lets out a very unladylike snort before she starts to giggle. Stacey's face breaks into a smile, and she also starts laughing. I pretend to look embarrassed as I take another small piece of food and pop it into my mouth.

"Wasn't your daughter a cheerleader?" April follows up with. "You must have gone to football games!"

"I, well, I never watched the games." I admit, letting out a nervous cough. "I just watched Kayla. And, you know, her teammates."

"Dirty, old man." Lexi teases.

"He really is, isn't he?" Stacey asks rhetorically.

"That's okay, I like dirty!" April giggles.

It takes a little bit of time, but our conversation slowly resumes and the awkwardness starts to fade. We make small talk about the weather, about our jobs, and about Lexi's upcoming graduation. Eventually, the waiter returns with our entrees. The food smells delicious, and the four of us dig in.

"This is so stupid." Lexi eventually comments. "We're like a bad sitcom."

"Or like Hospital Doctors in Love. But with less blood." Stacey observes.

"Oh! You like HDL, too? How much has it sucked since they killed off McSpoogy?" Lexi starts getting excited.

Lexi and Stacey start chatting about the hospital drama, making April and I smirk. I'm happy my girlfriend and assistant have something to bond over, but I hate that show. Even the eye candy gets boring after a few episodes. Still, at least the two women are talking now.

All four of us take our time eating, savoring our meals as Stacey and Lexi chat. It takes them awhile, but eventually they get caught up on which nurse is having the main character's baby, and who is coming back from the dead. Then we address the elephant in the room.

"I'm glad you girls have something to talk about." I comment with a smirk.

"Thanks!" Lexi chirps. "You'd know all these details if you stayed awake during the show!"

"Don't worry, we'll make an HDL fan out of him yet!" my assistant giggles.

"So, does this mean you and Lexi are okay?" April asks Stacey nervously.

"I don't know, are we?" Stacey wonders, looking directly at the redhead.

"Are you still in love with Steven?" Lexi inquires after gathering her strength. She has a steely glint in her eyes as she glares at Stacey.

"Yes." Stacey mumbles as she suddenly becomes very interested in her plate. "Sorry, April."

"It's not like I didn't know, Babe." April responds as she reaches out and caresses Stacey's shoulder. "I know you love us both."

"I do." Stacey nods, the tears in her eyes obvious.

"Okay." Lexi lets out a breath before continuing. "Do you still want to steal him from me?"

"No, yes, I don't know!" Stacey exclaims as she tries to relax herself with deep breaths. "It's hard to explain."

"Try." Lexi instructs. "I'm listening."

"Alright, I'll try." Stacey nods. The beautiful blonde takes a few moments to gather herself, then lets out a long breath. "This is going to be long, so please. Please, let me get through everything before you ask me to leave."

"Go ahead." Lexi encourages.

"At first it was just a job." Stacey begins carefully. "A great job, but a job. Steven was a great boss, provided great pay and benefits, and yeah, I thought he was really cute, but that was it."

"Then something changed?" April asks when Stacey falls silent, encouraging her to continue.

"Not overnight or anything." Stacey answers. "Over time, I learned more about his life. Single dad, lost his wife years ago. I could tell there was a sadness about him, but that he was a genuinely good man. The way he gushed about Kayla was so cute."

"Yeah, he can be like that." Lexi agrees with a smile.

"Anyway," Stacey continues, "I never really had the courage to do anything about it. Then something about him changed, he seemed more confident, like some of the sadness was gone. I don't know, it gave me the courage to go for it."

"Something about me changed?" I wonder with a frown.

"Yes." Stacey confirms. "I now know it's because he was falling in love with you, Lexi."

"So, it's my fault that you two started boning." Lexi snorts with her arms crossed. "Great."

"You did give your approval, Lexi." I remind my girlfriend.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." the redhead reluctantly admits.

"Keep going, Stacey." April encourages while holding her girlfriend's hand.

"We just kept getting closer." Stacey replies. "I mean, I could go on and on about how great of a guy he is; how smart, funny, and kind he is. You already know that. The point is that I fell in love. Then I announced it while he was inside me."

"I remember." Lexi nods. "Then what?"

"That made me realize how badly I wanted him all to myself." Stacey sniffles as she leans against April for strength. "I-I wanted him to be my boyfriend, my lover. And yeah, I admit it, I wanted to steal him from you, Lexi."

"And now?" Lexi prods.

"Now?" Stacey asks rhetorically. "Now I realize why he got his confidence back. Why his beautiful, green eyes have life in them again. You. It's you, Lexi. You make him happy. Anyone can see that. And I love Steven. I love him so much! I just want him to be happy. And he is happy. With you. He has his light back because of you. I have to accept that."


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