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Birthday Suit Required

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Dallas can get hot at night.
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The Uber driver pulled up to the apartment building where my sister Nita lived. For an upscale neighborhood in Dallas, I certainly expected more than the usual faceless, colorless and generic architecture that you see everywhere else. Every building on the block looked alike, except for the exterior color and where they put the fake potted plants out front. Even the traffic sounded the same.

"Can I help you with your suitcase, sir?" The driver was a pleasant middle aged guy, maybe late forties. His Impala was immaculate, inside and out. I wondered if he did this full time or just as a side gig, I'd guess full time.

"No, I think I can get it, if you don't mind popping the trunk. Appreciate the offer, though." I finished out the ride on the app, leaving him a good tip and five star rating. After my initial rebuff of his attempt at conversation, he had remained quiet the remainder of the ride from DFW to the apartment building, only speaking when he had to deviate from the directions provided by the app due to construction.

I waited until I heard the clunk of the automatic trunk release before I got out. My bag wasn't that heavy and I lifted it out easily. Gently closing the lid, I thumped it twice with my palm and waved through the back window to let him know I was finished. He waved back and pulled carefully back into traffic. I texted Nita that I was downstairs and on my way up.

As I entered the building, the lobby was exactly like the one in the building where I used to live in. Even the elevator was the same number of steps from the door. I counted them out of curiosity. I punched the button for the fourth floor, where Nita lived.

When the doors opened, it again looked exactly the same as my old building, even the plants were in the same place. If we're living in a simulation, I thought, somebody needs a better imagination. I found my sister's apartment and raised my hand to knock on the door.

The door swung open and a familiar voice loudly announced "Chris!" I was immediately wrapped up in a bear hug by Nita. I gave her a quick hug back and she pulled me inside and closed the door.

She held me at arm's length and looked me over appreciatively, "You look good, Chris. Still working out some, I see."

"Yeah, I have the time now." Nita was a little shorter than I was, I could put my chin on top of her head with both of us barefoot. I had put a little weight on my almost thirty seven year old frame during my marriage, which I was now trying to lose. The weight, that is, the marriage died a while ago. Nita still had the body of a woman ten years younger, meaning she looked fantastic for a thirty three year old.

"Well, the market can be tough." Nita laughed. "Especially when you're too old for cougars and not old enough to be a sugar daddy." I really had missed her snark.

Not that she'd ever have trouble attracting suitors at any age. Nita had been blessed with genetics that gave her that timeless athletic build, with an almost golden ratio of hip to waist circumference. Topped with light brown, almost honey blonde hair and blue eyes, she had always attracted attention wherever she went.

"Please don't tell me that you've started robbing the cradle. You're better than that." I shot back. She grinned and gave me another bear hug. Leading me into the living room, she pointed out the guest bedroom.

"You can drop the bag in there. It's all set up. The hall bath is yours, I have my own." She plopped down on the couch and patted the cushion next to her. "Come tell me what's new in your life."

"Not much, The divorce became final about six months ago. I got what I wanted." All I had wanted was to be free of her. I could replace everything else I might lose.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I was that much of a problem --" She started to apologize, again. I cut her off. I made the mistake of telling her one time what my ex had said, that she didn't like how close we were, calling it "not healthy" and "not right", whatever that meant. We grew up close and tried to maintain it through college and adulthood. I had fantasized about her from time to time jerking off, but I figured that was normal when you had a beautiful sister. I never felt that we were close to doing anything sexual in nature. I didn't consider holding hands, hugging and forehead kisses sexual.

"No, you weren't the problem, just a symptom. It's done, it's over, time to move on." I didn't want to discuss it ever again. "I see you did well, though."

"I did. He fought it, but when you knock up not one but two of your assistants, it's a little hard to cry foul because I kicked him out." Nita shrugged. I didn't get it, to be honest. How could anybody be married to somebody this wonderful and do that? She was not only attractive, she was smart, funny, and adventurous. "I did very well. He's not exactly hurting, either, except maybe his pride. He'll live."

We moved on to other topics, how our parents were doing, what living in Dallas was going to be like, good places to look for an apartment, and what gossip we'd heard about old acquaintances.

It was about six when she stood up, "I need food. I know a good place to introduce you to the local flavors." The only other times I'd been to Dallas, it was just to change planes at DFW. I never left the airport. Food sounded like a really good idea to me, I hadn't eaten since morning and I was hungry.

She went to change while I sat on the couch, looking out the window. It didn't take her long, she just changed her shirt and combed out her hair. She picked up her phone and summoned an Uber, we sat and chatted for a few minutes until the driver was close, and then went downstairs to wait.

I had always thought Texas was dry and hot, especially in July. Dallas was not. It was oppressively hot and insanely humid. Nita assured me I would adjust eventually. I hoped so. Just breathing made me sweat like I'd just run a marathon.

This Uber driver was a very pleasant older lady with a minivan. It wasn't as clean as my previous Uber, so I assumed she did this part time, given the kids' stuff in a bag behind her seat. She got us to the restaurant in a timely manner. Nita chatted with her the entire trip, talking about some art thing going on downtown.

The restaurant appeared upscale, staff all neatly and uniformly dressed. The hostess knew Nita by name and we were escorted to a table immediately. There were a couple of murmurs of protest from people waiting but nothing distinct that I could make out.

Our table was against a side wall. It had been set up for service beforehand, to include a waiting glass of wine and a scotch neat. I gave Nita a questioning look and she explained, "I texted ahead. It's one of the perks of knowing me."

A waitperson stopped by the table to make sure the drinks were satisfactory, which they were. I was going to ask for a menu but Nita waved it off, "I've already ordered, it should be out shortly."

She had no sooner finished saying that when the waitperson rolled the service cart to the table. We started off with a salad, which was one of the best I'd ever had, everything was garden crisp. She had ordered a dish she called shrimp diablo, the sauce was extremely spicy, while she had ordered prime rib for me. It was exquisite. I'd had prime rib before but this was out of this world perfect.

When the table had been cleared and we had declined dessert, I simply couldn't eat anything else, she asked me "Tomorrow is the fourteenth, what did you want to do for your birthday?"

I really hadn't given it any thought. July in Dallas was obviously brutal, too brutal for me to consider doing anything outside like I would usually do for my birthday. "I don't really have any idea, Nita. It's too fucking hot, for one thing."

"Well, since you don't have any plans, I've taken the liberty of making some for us." She gave me one of her inscrutable looks. "I think you'll enjoy it."

"I'm sure I will, if the heat doesn't kill me." I laughed along with her.

I started to reach for my wallet and she shook her head no. "It's already taken care of, Chris. You can, however, pay for the Uber back." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and entered the address of the apartment and summoned one. Twenty minutes later, we were back at the apartment. It was the same driver who picked us up earlier and the two of them picked up their conversation right where they left off.

We sat on the couch, Nita sipping another glass of wine while I nursed a scotch. After going on and on about how incredible dinner had been, talk turned back to our relationships. I really didn't want to rehash old news but it seemed like she needed to get some stuff off her chest.

"I'm sorry I caused friction between you and Lisa. I didn't know she resented me that much. But, if it makes you feel any better, Marcus wasn't fond of you, either. Do you remember our trip to New Orleans?" She looked at me over the top of her wine glass.

I did. That was the beginning of the end of my marriage. The four of us had met in New Orleans one September for a week of vacation. Lisa complained almost the entire time that we were spending all of our time with Nita and Marcus. Turns out, Marcus felt the same way. At the time, I hadn't seen Nita in almost five years. We had a lot of catching up to do. In the end, our reconnecting cost us our marriages, although there were other factors that came into play later.

"In a way, I'm not sorry. We were sort of growing apart anyways, I don't think you were the cause, it was just the event that brought shit to the surface. Everybody is better off now, so I'm good with it." I drained the remainder of the glass.

She drained hers as well. "Me, too. I'm glad you're here now. You'll have to tell me about that new job sometime, though. It sounds interesting." She stood up and stretched, showing a tanned stomach. "I'm heading to bed. Sleep well, you're going to have a busy day tomorrow."

"Good night, Nita. I really appreciate you letting me stay here. " I stood and gave her a hug and peck on the forehead. "See you in the morning."

"G'night, Chris, see you in the morning," she smiled and walked toward her bedroom. If I didn't know any better, I would have said she had a little extra sway in her hips as I watched her walk away.

Usually, my first night's sleep in a different bed was not good. It seemed every hotel or rental had different sounds and smells that made it difficult for me to get a good sleep for a couple of nights. I slept well that night, awakening to the need to urgently empty my bladder with a case of morning wood that wouldn't leave on its own. The only dream I remembered was one of Nita but the details were already hazy by the time I put on sweatpants and made it to the bathroom.

After attending to my bladder, I went back and grabbed my shower things. Returning to the bathroom, I met Nita in the hall. She had on an oversized t-shirt, which came down to just about the top of her thighs. I got another full hug and a smile.

"Happy Birthday. You still like your eggs scrambled medium?" She yawned and stretched, raising the hem of her shirt when she tousled her hair into some semblance of order. It wasn't hard to tell that she wasn't wearing anything under the shirt. I did manage to keep eye contact, mostly.

"Yeah, I do. If you don't have real bacon, you don't have to make any for me, though. I can't stand that fake turkey shit."

She had the courtesy to look offended, "I don't do fake bacon or anything else, for that matter, I'll have you know." She slapped me on the ass as I passed her. "Hurry up, I'm not waiting for you."

I glanced back at her as I entered the bathroom. She was again teasing her hair with both hands, lifting the hem of the shirt so I could see her ass as she walked toward the kitchen. I was still semi-erect from when I woke up and the sight of her ass just made it more demanding. I'd never actually seen her ass in totality before, usually only when encased in tight shorts or a swimsuit. It was indeed a beauty.

After a quick shower, encouraged by a shouted reminder that she wasn't going to wait, I sat down to a full breakfast of eggs, bacon and hash browns. Somewhere, somehow, she had finally learned how to brew coffee as well.

We ate, reminiscing about previous birthdays, almost all the memories from before my marriage. She gave me a rundown of the schedule for the day. First, I would be visiting the salon she frequented for a new haircut, which I needed anyway. Then it would be shopping for suitable clothes for the climate here. I had lived in Monterey for a few years, where eighty degrees was summer and nights were much cooler. Everything I owned was heavy fabric. We would come back, freshen up and then get ready for dinner at seven thirty. She refused to tell me where or what was planned afterwards, calling it her birthday secret.

We talked about my new position, Acquisitions Specialist for Briggs International. I explained how the family owned company worked, buying smaller companies with a niche market offering, then rebuilding the company around that or merging it into another company we held. I would report to the CEO, Del Briggs, and would be working closely with the CFO, Ashley Briggs, his sister.

Nita had ownership of a few businesses they had built during the marriage. She had taken a few days off when I told her that I would be coming to Dallas. The restaurant we visited last night was one such business, which is why we received the royal treatment.

One thing I noticed, besides Nita's lack of underclothing, was how busy her phone was. It didn't take me long to figure out that one text tone was business and the other personal. She constantly ignored the personal tone while we ate, only interrupting me once to handle an emergent matter with a call that lasted less than thirty seconds.

After four consecutive personal texts, I asked her, "Do you need to take care of that? I can go get dressed or something."

She picked up her phone and looked at it. "No, just friends wanting to know who the guy is that I was with last night. Apparently, they thought you were a 'hottie'," making air quotes around the word 'hottie'.

That made me wonder a little. Why hadn't she told friends that she had family coming to visit? Lisa's friends were like sharks or piranhas when they smelled even a hint of gossip. Blood in the water.

"Well, at least I still got it at thirty seven." I teased her a little. I had a rule, I wouldn't date my friends' sister and definitely wouldn't date my sister's friends. Family peace above all.

"You gotta remember, they're all skanks, they'll date anybody. Including you." She teased right back.

"You jealous of the local talent, honey?"

She threw her napkin at me and laughed. "Oh, hell, no. They ain't getting anywhere near you."

We cleaned up the breakfast dishes and put them away, continuing to banter about me versus her friend group. It appeared that she was really trying to make sure I got excellent views of her ass as she stretched and bent over, sometimes unnecessarily, to put things away. I did the best I could not to stare but it was impossible. I hadn't had any female companionship in a few months, too busy with the merger to go on dates, and we were both human adults. I said nothing, not only because I didn't know how to phrase it but also because I was enjoying the hell out of it.

I excused myself to the bathroom while she finished putting things away. I needed to take care of a problem in my sweats. I heard her pass by the hall bathroom on her way to take a shower, she made a point to tap on the door and ask if I was all right. Not yet, but I was working on it.

After we got dressed, we headed out for our first stop, the hair salon. Nita and the stylist debated back and forth about what to do with my hair, and finally settled on something that was short and easy to care for. I had no say in the matter. Then it was clothes shopping. To tell the truth, I really didn't even need to be there. She knew my sizes better than I did and she whipped through racks, sometimes it appeared she just chose things at random. That is until I reached the dressing rooms, where it was apparent that none of her choices were made haphazardly. I had a new lightweight wardrobe, not only for work but for leisure. I would get to keep some of my heavier things, since winters in Dallas weren't always fun, either. By the time she was finished, it was already mid afternoon, so we loaded my take into her SUV and we headed back to the apartment.

We sat around, watched a couple of movies and talked about childhood memories for a while. I napped on the couch for a couple of hours while she watched another rom-com I couldn't get into. She shook me awake a little after six to get ready.

After showering again, since the Dallas heat and humidity were extremel, I dressed in an outfit she had picked out.

"Are you sure this is going to be okay? Seems a little informal for a birthday dinner, unless we're talking pizza and beer," I asked as I came into the living room. I had on a button down shirt, jeans and boots. It wasn't too cowboy looking but it wasn't appropriate for the type of restaurant we went to the night before. It was comfortable, though.

She was dressed in a denim skirt, down to mid thigh, with a peasant blouse and wedge sandals, basically the same level of informal wear that I had on. "No, no pizza and beer tonight. You ready?"

When I nodded, she requested an Uber and when it was close, we went downstairs to wait. Her hand found its way into mine in the elevator. I really didn't think anything of it, we often held hands in public when walking together. After all, we were close.

I recognized the route we took. It was the same as the night before when we went to the restaurant. I started to ask her a question and she cut me off.

"Do you trust me?" I always hated that doe-eyed look. What sucked was that she was really good at it. You could ask my dad.

"Right about now? Not really. Where are we going, Nita?" I'm not big on surprises that involve potential embarrassment. I considered being underdressed an embarrassment.

"Trust me, you're going to have a good time. Really. I promise." Again with the doe eyes.

"I'd better or you're going to pay for it later." She laughed. The look she gave me was impossible to decode.

The driver stopped in front of the restaurant, Nita closed out the ride, and grabbed my hand. Pulling me away from the entrance, we walked about half a block down and stopped in front of what looked like a service door. An electronic reader was attached to the wall and Nita swiped her wrist over it. There was a beep, a green light came on, and then there was a click as the door popped outward just enough to be able to swing it open. A metal bar had been welded to the inside for closing it.

The entryway was lit with an overhead fluorescent light. A small mirrored window in one wall housed what I assumed to be a camera of some sort. The wall directly across from the door held another metal door with a reader on the wall. Again swiping her wrist over the reader, the door clicked and swung inward. I belatedly noticed that none of the doors had mechanical opening mechanisms, just a red button on the wall, probably as an emergency release.

Passing through the second door, we were met by one of the largest human beings I had ever seen. He had to easily be six foot six. It wasn't the height that got my attention, it was his build. Calling him muscular would be insulting. For his size, he was amazingly fluid in his movements as he walked around his little podium desk and embraced Nita.

"Hey, Nita. You look great tonight. We have a good crowd, almost everybody showed." His voice was exactly what you would expect from somebody that size, deep enough to make your chest vibrate when he spoke. Looking at me, "You must be Chris."


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