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Black Bimbo

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A unsatisfied husband seeks release.
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I observe myself in the mirror now like every morning. I see the man before me growing older, but feel the mind inside beating his chest and feeling as youthful as ever. I often hear that men lose their urge to procreate with their partners after a certain point, but as I stand here watching my wife's reflection. The rising and falling from her gentle slumber, I dont think that's the case for me. I love her more than ever, but my desire is ravenous and has a boyish vigor that she has not quenched in ages. I haven't fallen out of love, but maybe she has.

I shake my head, in a futile attempt to force the painful thought from my head.

Perhaps it's the two kids that are about to start college, the stress of work, or my weathered face from working in factories all my life. I think trying to rationalise this despair I feel In my chest, but in whichever the case may be, the cravings are becoming more than I could ever possibly bare on my own. I tug at the bottom edge of the mirror exposing the contents behind it.

Several bottles stand tall and beg for attention, but only one seems to catch my eye, so I find myself taking up the bottle of depression medication yet again. I turn the container around and around in my palm trying to alleviate some of the tension and stress I've been feeling within my soul when I take its contents. I know that If I take it I will feel like a zombie, I know It won't kill the urges for long, nor alleviate my contempt for the dependence of it.

I uncap the bottle and spill out some of the contents into my hand, before tilting them back into the container, save for two of the little tablets.

I toy with the thought of dumping in the trash, but I know it won't help. I recap the bottle, before I can try and tilt them out into the sink's drain. I replace them in their designated spot and close the mirror. I see her body roll, and the moonlight resting upon her exposed breasts. I grip the counter my cock already throbbing. I look at the little pills.

Should I try and see If she would be willing tonight? My cock points out angrily at the sink as though telling where to lay the pills. I obey its command and deposit the pills on the side of the sink just incase I need them to combat this pang of desire.

I open the cabinet again and grab some lube from within its bowels. I pop the cap and slather some on my engorged cock, before closing it all back up. My cock penetrates the moonlight long before my hips do, so I seize the shaft and travel my hand up and down it, spreading the glimmering liquid over it.

I pull at the sheet unsheathing her hips and the furry mound between them that had brought me years of bliss. I stoop down to kiss her ankle, all while enjoying the smell of her scent. My teeth seek sustenance from her skin begging to be released upon her, so I unshackle them through my lips to devour her flesh. She groans, once I begin my journey up her shin. I kiss my way towards her knee, all while knowing that once there she would moan again.

The excitement of having her under my lips again makes me draw in a deep steadying breathe and send my hand backwards so I can stroke myself.

I peck the skin of her knee and I feel her toes curl against my leg. I protrude my tongue and press it against her kneecap, forcing that moan I do so enjoy to crawl out from behind her lips.

A feeling of satisfaction washes over me, and I feel an urge to press on with my journey. I dance my way up her thigh toward my goal, but find that I am shunted with my efforts, as her hand now resting upon my hair.

"Honey," She whines, pushing my head back making the pain that I felt at the sink well up within my chest and spread into my limbs. "It's too early in the morning."

An Invisible burden in dropped onto my shoulders, and I slowly retreat from the bed as she pulls the sheets around her and curls into a ball. My guts begin to twist in sorrow, and I return to the pills that love me so much.

I swallow them.

This cycle seems to go on and on for some time, but as the months go by my desperate frustrations slowly warped until I found I became resentful of her rejection. I gave my wife an ultimatum... one that she didn't care to meet. All these years I have shared with her and the two boys we have raised... I haven't wanted any woman besides my wife. Time has gone by and I have enter an existence of pure repetition, I find my home empty of all the joys I cherished above all things. my wits are nearing their end and I fear no pill will save me from where my thoughts now stray.

For weeks now I've been feverishly looking for someone to plug, in a vain attempt to fill the hole I have carved in my soul. Being without the familiarity of my now estranged wife's warmth next to mine each night, I find the only way to sleep is to force myself into a drug induced slumber. I'm not looking for commitment, I had that and here I lay alone. No, what I need a release, something stronger than a drug and more efficient. I may have a way...

I work in the industrial district of my city, and I've caught glimpses or heard rumors of women that wander the streets at night. They've been known mostly for traversing between the all night dinners and run down hotels that encircle the district. These businesses, and their very active clientele, almost seem to make a cage around the wealthy fools trapped inside this translucent bubble. Where within women... hookers, hunt the company men that lie within this cluster of factories for the deep pools of cotton they have hidden away in their pocketbooks. I never really had a use for a prostitute, so I mostly thought of them as a nuisance to the younger men that work around me.

I use to grow annoyed to hear their stories of their seedy quests they had ventured into the night before. The constant chiming of a place they call "B and A" began to become a jingle in my mind. "B and A" became a tormenting fantasy location, one that has the possibility to soothe my woes and silence my lust, That holds a promise of traveling between the thighs or lips of untamed and skilled "trades women" for no more than a few dollars. I admit it never really interested me until now, but ill be damned if I don't seize the opportunity.

I turn down the pitch black alley between Brook and Abbey street with a particularly angry erection, as rain begins to speckle my windshield. The little driveway is pressed firmly against two towering factory buildings, with barely enough road to drive two vehicles down. Most of the metalic occupants are now snuggled up to the brick walls as though looking for shelter and warmth from the coming shower.

I pull myself closer to my trucks steering wheel as the rain begins to hammer down on my windshield. I turn on my wipers and watch as they frantically proceed to bat the water away. The wipers rapidly shake their heads "no" as they struggle with the falling rain. The severe lack of visibility due to my foggy headlights makes me feel that this outing may be a bust.

I begin to feel a creeping worry that this oasis between these two towering behemoths of brick and mortar exists. If it wasn't widely discussed or hyped, I wouldn't ever brave this storm for the prospect of getting some alley cat. That and the fact that I'm also starting to doubt any woman would traverse into this dark alley, during a typhoon like downpour, in the hopes of apprehending a few measly dollars from some lonely schmuck like me.

The only thread of hope I can cling to is the promise that at any given time, this alley is filled with at least half a dozen women ripe for the choosing.

Perhaps with a nicer night I might be able to quench my thirst on more than just precipitation. I think to myself halting next to a stop sign at the crossroads between the two factories, before continuing on between their secondary buildings. I cross the street and pull over to the side of the alley and kill my truck and its lights.

I decide it best to wait out the rain, so I sit back in my seat and stare out into the rain. No cars or people pass down this little strip of road. I rub my eyes and brush off the grogginess, as the roar of rain slowly turns to a more of a gentle pitter-patter atop my roof.

Just as all my hopes of getting off are dwindling away to nothingness, I see the door in the car In front of me open up and three women crawl out of the cab.

Shortly there after one of the women's upper body is illuminated from her cell phone. She quickly puts a baseball cap on her head, and brings her phone under its protection making her face glow hauntingly. An SUV on down the alley flashes their lights at the group. The girl with the phone looks up and waves to the others as she quickly trotts down the alley towards the vehicle. The other two pop umbrellas but don't move from their spot.

Is this them?

I wait a minute or two to be sure that this is indeed the group of whores I'm looking for. I squint out into the darkness at the silhouette of the SUV, and am oddly delighted to see it commence into a teeter-tottering motion. I take this as a strong sign, and excitedly turn my engine over. It hums to life, and I also turn on my headlights revealing the two women cowering under their parasols.

The younger of the two turn towards me holding up her hand to shield them from the light while the other closes her eyes and lights a cigarette. I turn off my headlights like the SUV did, just after getting a good look at them. The older one is a chesty latina wearing a long sleeve baggy shirt. Her left shoulder is exposed revealing the lack of a bra, and around her waist hangs a short black skirt. The younger one is a semi flat chested black girl with bright pink lipstick. She has on a white halter top, and some torn jeans shorts that are sheathing a pair of fishnets.The form of the older woman taps the shoulder of the younger and points her over to my truck.

My excitement skyrockets and so does my erection. The girl's slender body slides against the wall and the body of my truck as she heads to my door. I roll down the window so her face can poke into my window.

"Hey sugar, wet night, mind If I come in out of the rain?" She asks, holding the umbrella up over the truck awkwardly.

"Sure, jump in." I say unlocking the door as I adjust my swelling meat.

She hurriedly closes her umbrella and climbs inside. "Thanks It's awful tonight."

"Yeah, I was beginning to think the rumors were all lies," I joke, rolling her window up to protect her from the rain. "By the way I'm Ricky."

"Cloe," She says, wiping rain from her brow and patting her hair making sure it was still pulled back into a bun. "First time down B and A?"

"Yeah, so erh how does this work," I ask, rubbing the bulge between my legs.

"Depends on what you want honey?" Cloe says adjusting her tight jean shorts that now seem to be hanging loose around her thighs. "If you want something long winded we need a room, but If you just need a quick is fine."

I mull it over a bit, My wife and I separated a week ago and now she's at her mothers, so time isn't of the essence. The rain launches another barrage against my truck and I can faintly see the other woman scurry back towards the car. "You think It's gonna rain like this all night?"

"Might." Cloe says watching her friend climb back into the drivers side of the car.

"How much?" I ask curious how cheap the services really are, plus I am wanting to make sure If I can afford a whole night of sex.

She utilizes my bench seats to scoot right up next to me and then squeezes the thigh that is roughly bending my shaft. She notices the large mountain, which lies just below my denim jeans. In the low light of my radio I see her lick her large lips "That's a damn big dick for an old white man."

"Um, thanks," I say twisting in my seat uncomfortably.

"I mean it's... it's big," Cloe adds, stuttering a bit.

"I suppose," I say, not sure If I should be offended or not.

"I wasn't... Didn't mean to add that white part," she says.

"Its fine, so how much?" I re-ask.

"Um, thirty for head and double that for sex," she says. Not bad prices all things considered.

"So how much for a whole night?" I ask smiling. Thankfully the rumors on the affordable prices weren't a lie either.

"Erh I usually don't do the all night thing only until I make a man come," she says.

"I don't need something quick, I need an all night Fling," I say reading her. "I mean it is raining pretty bad, so a nice dry room for the night and good company seems like a good deal to me."

She strokes the length of my shaft again as though weighing her decision on how much fun she could have with it. She bites her plump bottom lip then says, "Sure, let me tell my girl that I'm leaving."

She fishes into her bra and pulls out her phone, which further depletes her already non-existent breasts. A worrying thought shoots through my mind and I feel the need to make sure what I'm getting prepared to screw is indeed female.

Cloe turns on the phone to pull up her messages, opening one that says Fiona. I take this as a chance to hike my fingers up her thigh. I brush against her mound and find it bump free. Thank God no balls.

She opens her legs wider to allow my fingers to explore between the seams of her shorts. She types an apology to Fiona and lets her know that we are going to a nearby motel and that she'll most likely be there all night. Fiona's phone sparks to life in the car ahead of us and I can see her reading the message. I turn on the light and use my free hand to switch the truck into reverse to angle it around Fiona's car.

Her text is shot back quickly so I glance down and catch a frowning emoji and a text that read.

"I had a feeling I should have taken that one."

Cloe laughs.

"Yeah has a nice one, *winky face and eggplant emoji."

I smirk and shake my head when I see an angry emoji pop up, she turns off the screen as we creep past Fiona's car.

My knobby feelers worm their way past the material and into the damp pussy beyond it. Her legs shutter a little as I tease her bean. "You are pretty good with your fingers, hope you share that talent with your dick."

"It's been a long time so..." I say as we slowly pass by the still rocking SUV, from which screams of lust are just barely muffled by the rain. "Well we will see."

The room honestly is better than I would have guessed, from the outside they always appeared to be run down but I guess with all the foot traffic from the workers in this area they really made the place look nice inside.

"Want a shower?" Cloe asks, gesturing to the bathroom.

"No I think I'm wet enough," I say unsticking my soaked shirt from my chest.

Cloe smiles and sits on the desk next to the door to take off her heels, and begins rubbing her ankle.

I peel myself free of my shirt and hang it over a chair to dry. Then I kick off my shoes and socks. I look over and see her unbuttoning her shorts, so I sit on the bed to watch her strip.

Her skin seems to emit an aura of golden bronze in the dim lamp light. My eyes linger on her smooth cat that now shows through her crotchless fishnets. She walks up to me and turns around, she then grabs the material at her waist. She bends her back and pops her ass out as she proceeds to roll the fishnets down her hips, thighs, and caffs until they're no more than a heap on the floor. Cloe slides two fingers between her pussy's curtains and spreads them apart so I can see the pale pink skin between them.

My dick growls violently, so I hurriedly crawl out of my waterlogged pants and aim my cock up at her. She raises up and turns towards me. "like what you see?"

"I do," I say while enjoying her eyes lustfully taking in the size of my cock. "You?"

"I do." Cloe says looking from my cock to my hand. "You're married?"

I look down at my wedding ring as though seeing it for the first time. "Erh," I grunt, writhing my hand as the reality of what I'm about to do begins to flood into my moral compass.

"Yes, twenty two years," I say, feeling the queasiness of shame in my stomach. Cloe gets down on her knees and runs her hands up and down my shins comfortingly.

"With a dick like yours she should be ashamed of herself for not taking care of it," Cloe laughs, as though trying to boost my morale. "When's the last time your wife sucked your dick?"

"A few years ago," I reply, as one hand clasps my balls and the other ensnares my shaft. "I haven't had sex in about the same amount of time."

"That's crazy, why didn't you get a divorce, you could have any woman with this big bastard" she mutters slapping the head against her bottom lip. I feel my balls tighten in anticipation with each rap of my head against here pink lips.

I go to shrug but find my head falling back as she downs almost all of my shaft in one fell swoop. "Fuck!"

Cloe pulls back, her throat releasing a small but audible protest from the swift venture. "mmm, Like that?"

"Hell yeah," I huff as she throats it again, causing my upper body to feel like jelly, so I prop myself up to enjoy the view. As Cloe pulls off of it she leaves slobbery rings around my shaft. Her body moves forward as she inhales, slurping all her saliva free of me. All the while her tongue gyrates around frantically. She presses me further and further into her with each successive stroke of her lips, causing her brow to furrow with the effort of not choking.

"I'm...gonna cum soon." I stammer as the whirlwind within my ball threatens to explode out of their confines.

She pulls off quickly to say, "Just do it, I'm not your fucking wife, don't warn me."

Liberation's what I feel, not just from her words but, from her actions. She impales herself with me again, and in doing so I'm drawn to her eyes, which hold a silent promise to unfurl my burdens into her throat. I can't help but moan loudly, as she continues to cram more of my length into her, so much that my abs tense up painfully. I want to fight back the urge to release into her, finding joy in the pain of pleasure, but I can't stop it, and after she gives herself a rather savage thrust to the back of her mouth I pop. I shout out as her lips milk every drop of pent-up sperm from my cock.

"Has your white wife ever done that?" She giggled, after licking free the last of my spunk free from the tip of my penis and swallowing it down.

"Never," I groan, wiping a mixture of sweat and rain from my brow. She grabs my thighs for support and stands up. I rise to follow her, my cock still stubbornly at the ready, so I lean forward and roughly take ahold of her and lift her up onto the table.

She tries to giggle, but I shut her up by pulling her into a firm and passionate kiss. She takes a breath and pulls back, unlocking my hold upon her lips. Follow her fleeing mouth and seize it again enjoying the fullness of her lips. I mentally compare them to my wives flat scornful ones. She doesn't try to pull away again, but Instead pushes further into our entanglement as though deftly sensing my need.

Our mouths collide for some time, before our breath becomes desperate for air we are forced to separate.

She says through rattling breaths. "She hasn't kissed you either?"

I shake my head sucking air.

"I've been with a lot of men but very few have kissed me like that," she says coercing a smile to cross my face.

"Do you have a condom?" she asks.

"It's been too long to wear a rubber," I say kissing her again.

"Good for you I'm clean then," she laughs.

She tilts her hips back, and angles my rod toward her hole. I take a step forward and feel the moist gates of her labia. She pulls me Into her slowly until my head pierces her slit. I release a moan within the confines of my throat as she squeezes my ass cheeks. I without quarter bury myself inside her up to the hilt. She yells letting her head fall backwards.


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