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Blackmailed by Mr. B Ch. 03


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"Twinkie." He called out like a doctor would for a scalpel.

Craig unwrapped the Twinkie and handed it to Felipe but hesitated before handing it to him.

"Double or nothing. On two?" he offered and Felipe grinned.

"You're on."

Craig unwrapped the second one and Felipe looked down at me.

"Okay listen up bitch. I've been training your pussy real good and now it's your turn to put in some effort. When I pull out I need you to push out as hard as you can. Keep pushing. Until I say stop and then you clench down okay?'

I tried to say okay but it couldn't come out clear with the metal ring in my jaw and this upset him in some way.

"If you fuck this up, I swear we are going to shove so many fucking tacos up your ass it's not even funny."

I began shaking my head furiously and the men laughed. Craig rested two unwrapped Twinkies on my forehead and Felipe gave me a few more thrusts. Mr. B loomed over us with the handheld camera.

"Okay start pushing out cunt, let's go"

I pushed as hard as I could and Felipe pulled his dick out in one fast motion and before I could even register what happened he pushed right back in. I kept pushing out and he would pull out all the way and push back into me. Finally he pulled out and didn't re enter me. Instead he held my cheeks spread apart and smiled excitedly. I couldn't see my ass as they held it up to the ceiling but I had a feeling of what they were seeing.

"Hold her ass apart!" he yelled to Craig who complied.

Felipe took a Twinkie and held it above my hole looking at me in the eye. He let go and I didn't feel anything except a light tap, deep inside me, maybe as far as his dick reached. He picked the second one up and again dropped it, this time it stopped shorter.

"Okay stop pushing and clench" he ordered.

I did and I felt a strange and full feeling inside me. I held the clench as long as I could and then released before clenching again.

The men were watching and grinning and Craig was the first to speak up.

"Best $20 I ever spent."

They let me back down and helped me to my feet again. Mr. Brown spoke up and his words were like a cold glass of water on a hot day.

"Well you did it, congratulations. You made it to the end. Let's sort her out boys and get her ready for her treat."

I was wary but both Craig and Felipe seemed less rough for some reason. Craig took the gag off and Felipe pulled down the soaked thong that was barely on at this point. Craig then helped me get the soaked dress off and gave me a small Pat on my ass. I reached down between my legs and felt that my asshole had indeed closed up although it felt slightly swollen. I was still sticky from my own spit and the leftover lube but otherwise dry.

Felipe brought out a pair of clean white panties with Pink hearts decorating then and helped me pull them on. Oddly enough having a clean pair of underwear felt very good in the moment. Craig brought me a purple dress that was a little more fancy than the other one but clean and dry so I had little to complain about.

"Okay let's finish this up, get down on your knees." Mr. Brown said.

I was confused but I did as he asked hoping that there wasn't much more.

Felipe carried over a crown and sash and put them on me. The sash read "Prom Queen" and I knew immediately that I wasn't going to enjoy this despite my initial hopefulness.

As Mr. Brown wheeled the teleprompter over my heart sank realizing there was more humiliation to come. He started it up and gave me a look that said *You know what to do*.

"You made it to the end, how do you feel?"

"Good." I croaked out, trying to sound bubbly but failing.

"Are you ready for your treat? We thought you might be sad about not having a prom date so we thought we'd give you something to remember us by."

Craig and Felipe stood on either side of me, naked so their cocks were on either side of my face.

"Yes I can't wait." I said.

"Alright anything you want to say before we finish up?"

"Can we do it again tomorrow?" I read off the teleprompter, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Wow, such an eager bitch. Usually girls quit the porn business and try to go back to being guys after us. You must be special." he remarked. "We'll talk after we finish up, okay boys, go ahead."

Both men began jerking off in my face and the teleprompter instructed me to just smile open mouthed and so I did. Not long after and Craig announced he was cumming. The first shot hit me across the nose and forehead and bangs and hung thick on my face. His next pumps hit my cheek and lips respectively and he aimed the tip of his cock between my lips for the last couple, filling my mouth. It was salty and thick, like Mr. Brown's and the flavour overwhelmed me immediately. Felipe came immediately after, hitting my forehead with his first two and then pulling my head back by my hair and shooting the last few over my face with at least two ropes filling my mouth. He released my hair and I looked back at the teleprompter. In big letters it told me what I needed to do next. Anyone who watched this footage would assume I did this freely as if it were my own idea.

I smiled and turned to Craig's cock and took it into my mouth, sucking the tip. Another burst of semen came out, adding to the collection. I pulled off him and repeated the process to Felipe, almost gagging when I thought of the amount of time and depth his cock spent in my asshole today. I smiled at the camera and opened wide revealing the cum in my mouth.

"Hold that position" Mr. B said and brought out a polaroid camera. *Snap* He took a picture of us and no sooner did it print he began shaking it. I then kissed each of the cocks on their tips and repeated the same sentence for each.

"Thank you for fucking me" *Snap* *Snap*

"Cut" Mr. Brown said and we were finally done.

I got to my feet and the two men each gave me a slap on my ass before heading to get cleaned up in the shower. Mr. Brown had me clean the floors and wipe down the couch and by the time I was done they were gone.

"Can I go get cleaned up now?" I asked Mr. Brown.

"Go ahead. But don't push the twinkies out. Just shower and when you get dressed leave those panties on under your boy clothes." he ordered.

I wasn't about to argue and I followed his directions to the letter.

The drive back to town was long and when he dropped me off at the school I was just in time for last period. The last thing Mr. Brown said was to keep the Twinkies in until I heard from him. I was disgusted in myself for obeying without protest. It was quiet bookwork for the most part thankfully and sure enough the bell came as fast as I wanted it to. The sound shook me as I realized I'd be walking home with Sonya. I could feel the Twinkies still firmly inside me as I walked down the hall to my locker and gathered my bag. I thought maybe this wasn't the best time to ask her and resolved to take the side streets home too avoid her when I turned the corner. She was waiting for me at my locker.

"Where were you all day? I have so much to tell you!" she exclaimed

"I had a doctor's appointment." I said, grasping at straws.

"That sucks. Alright, let's go."

As we walked she told me all about some drama that had happened during our second period class between a popular couple. I also got the scoop about two boys engaging in a fist fight over a girl in my third period class. My mind was lightyears away. I could still smell Craig and Felipe's dicks despite my rigorous shower. The taste of cum was still in my mouth as well and I wondered if it would ever leave. I remembered what they made me say while I was squatting on Craig's cock earlier that day. I was debating whether I could repeat the question, this time to Sonya for real when she said something that made my heart drop.

"Oh, aaaaand someone asked me to Prom!"

The words hung in the air for a moment. I didn't have a response.

"Did you hear me? Can you believe it? It was Chad! You know from the football team?"

"Oh, wow. Congratulations." I said, trying to sound genuine.

"Yeah, I can't wait! Have you thought about asking anyone yet?" she asked looking at me excitedly.

"Uh... Not really. I mean, I may just go stag too be honest." I said half truthfully.

"Well I'm sure you'll have fun! Lots of guys go stag!" she said with a comforting tone.

There was a long silence as we walked and my mind filled with images of her and Chad posing for their prom pictures juxtaposed with the pictures of me cum covered in a prom dress kissing two cocks. The silence was finally broken although I would just as soon have kept it up.

"Can I ask you something?" she asked.

"Sure." I responded.

"So apparently a bunch of people are renting rooms on the 6th floor of the hotel where the Prom is being held. I heard from Dora that Chad got one. Do you think he'd want to have sex with me?"

I didn't answer at first and she continued as I clenched praying the pressure didn't keep building.

"I mean hear me out. A lot of the football guys are Christian. I was just wondering if he was talking about anything like sex or whatever in the locker room or anything. I know you guys have gym class together." she looked at me wide eyed.

"Uh... yeah those guys are always going on about having sex with girls. Chad too. I guess they are all kind of doing it, you know, with girls." I said truthfully, hoping this might put her off.

The reverse happened, relief swept over her face and then something else. A wicked smile and she brought her thumb to her mouth and nibbled on it while looking away.

"Thank god", she said with a giggle.

The rest of the walk home was short and no sooner did I get in the door did my phone buzz. It was a message from Mr. Brown telling me to get to his house immediately. I told my parents I had a school project with friends and headed right back out the door.

The walk to Mr. Brown's house was much harder than the walk home. I had been holding the Twinkies in for at least a couple hours which was impressive considering the work out my ass had gotten that day. I took baby steps for the final block and rushed up Mr. Brown's steps, knocking on the door quickly.

Mr. Brown took his time getting to the door, and when he did I saw he was naked. As I looked up at the man that had me under his full control I lost what little I still had.

"You dirty bitch" he said, smiling, almost telepathically knowing what had happened.

He ushered me in and had me strip down and stand in front of him. He circled me and I could practically feel his eyes burning into the back of my panties, now filled with the remains of at least one of the twinkies. After what felt like minutes he finally came around in front of me and spoke.

"It occurred to me that you didn't cum today, and I thought that might have been unfair. I had planned on helping you do that now but look at this. I gave you clean panties as a gift and you've messed them all up."

"I'm sorry sir! I-" I began but he cut me off.

"I don't need excuses, I need action" he said, glancing down at his cock.

I sank to my knees and took his cock in my hand, pulling the foreskin back slightly revealing a wet sticky head. I kissed it sensually and looked up at him.

"I'm sorry sir, about the panties. You don't need to make me cum."

I was being honest. I didn't want him to make me cum. The first time he did it was beyond humiliating and I had already filled my quota for humiliating tasks that day. He brought me too my feet and gave me a bag.

"Go put this on and come back." he said gently and gave my shoulder a rub. It felt... nice, surprisingly.

I walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. The bag had two pastel cotton stockings inside as well as a pink cotton skirt. There was also a pink collar with a bell attached to it. I got the items on when I noticed there was mascara and lip gloss on the counter and opted to put those on as well. I finished everything off with the usual pigtails and spun around in the mirror. The skirt barely covered my ass and the bulge of twinkies held it up. I was happy to have the skirt cover it up but it was still embarassing.

He had me sit on the couch and I opted to sit with my legs together and up on the couch on my side. It was the only way I could sit comfortably as my panties were bulging out at the back with the smashed Twinkie.

"Its okay baby girl, I'll make sure you feel good. But you owe me. I don't think we'll need a teleprompter for this one."

he said as he pulled out his camcorder. He pulled out a bottle of scotch and poured a healthy amount into two glasses. Then he pullout a small hand rolled cigarette and lit it up. He handed me the glass and cheered me.

"Drink up, I want you to be relaxed."

I didn't have any problem with that. It had been a long day and if this would help me relax I would accept it willingly. He passed me the joint next and I hesitated before bringing it to my lips and inhaling. Within 5 minutes I was buzzing and feeling perfectly relaxed. It didn't hurt that he was calling me things like baby girl and being so gentle with me.

"Okay, how are you feeling baby?" he asked.

I looked up, he had the camera focused on me.

"I feel good daddy" I answered. Did I just call him daddy without hesitation or forethought?

"Why don't you get up on your knees and turn around for daddy?"

I hesitated this time. My mind was foggy and I was in a pleasant state of mind but I was still acutely aware that my panties were full of the remains of the Twinkies.

"Come on baby what's the hold up?" he said.

I obliged and began blushing as I rose onto my knees and bent forward over the back of the couch. I felt the skirt rise up above the bulge and could practically feel the camera recording it.

"What's this?" he asked, "what's in the back of your panties?"

The weed had already relaxed me but the alcohol was now giving me a clarity that seems to come with lowered inhibitions. I should play along. He already had footage of me doing disgusting things, what was one more? Besides, if I was obedient maybe he would keep being nice. One thing I remained firm on was that I wouldn't cum. I still hated him as much as anyone could hate and I didn't want to give him that satisfaction.

"It's just twinkies daddy." I said and forced a giggle.

"Hmmm, where did they come from?" he inquired.

"My pussy." I responded, maybe even catching him off guard although I couldn't see his face.

"That explains why they are all mashed up. You're a dirty girl aren't you?" he asked.

"Yes daddy, I'm a dirty girl." I said with a fake smile.

"You want to daddy to help you cum don't you?"

I felt the pressure increase in my cage for the first time that day and questioned whether I actually did want that. No, of course I didn't, I reminded myself. Regardless I responded in the affirmative.

"Yes daddy."

"Well then, get to work." he said as he took a seat on the couch.

I knew what was expected. I got to my knees in front of him and took him in my mouth, It didn't take long for him to get fully hard and I sucked and gagged until he was covered in saliva. He pushed my face down and I took his balls in my mouth as his cock lay across my face. His hand reached to my ass and patted the bulge.

"That only feels like one twinkie baby. I think you can get the other one out, go ahead."

As he patted, the sensation caused my own cock to pulse gently in the cage. I realized that despite this being disgusting and humiliating it was turning me on. The alcohol and weed helped me reconcile that fact and I began going with the flow, and let out a small moan on his balls.

"Push" he coaxed again and I tensed my abdomen to follow his instruction. He was right. The second twinkie, or what was left of it added itself to the bulge in my panties and filled his hand through the cotton.

"Okay honey, stand up." he said and I let his balls out of my mouth and gave his tip a peck before standing.

"What position do you want to be fucked in baby?" he asked me.

"On my back daddy." I said.

The first night when I came it was from behind. I figured that it must have been from some physiological response and by changing to the opposite position I had a better chance at avoiding it. He led me to his kitchen table and helped me lie down on it. He set up the camera on the counter so it had a perfect view of everything. Turning back to me, he lifted my legs up and carefully pulled my panties off, careful to not let anything fall from the seat. He laid them down on my lower chest and winked at me and I could feel the warmth on my skin. I was confused but by this point I was just along for the ride. He then pulled my ass to the end of the table and pushed my knees back and apart.

"Please fuck me daddy" I said.

He pushed into me all the way with one thrust and I winced. It was sore from earlier that day and he wasn't going easy on me. I moved my head to the side and closed my eyes, trying to avoid what was happening. Maybe two minutes into the plundering he pushed my legs back farther and his cock hit something inside, causing me to twitch. He must have noticed because he repeated the angle once more, this time pushing my legs farther. I let out a wince on his third thrust and he let out a low laugh. He pushed them farther and rested my feet on his chest, freeing up his hands to pinch my nipples. His cock was hitting the spot with every thrust and that frustratingly familiar pressure surfaced. I kept my head to the left, contracting my pelvic muscles, fighting the pleasure that was beginning inside. I raised my fist to my mouth and bit it while scrunching up my face involuntarily.

"Its okay baby, you can let go. Enjoy it." he reassured me.

He changed his rhythm to three fast thrusts in and out followed by 2 slow thrusts. The three caught me off guard and my whole body convulsed, snapping my head back forward as my hands grasped for anything to hold on to.

"You like when daddy uses your pussy don't you?" he asked.

"Unghh... Ye-es", I replied albeit distracted.

After continuing the rhythm for a while he suddenly changed it to fast unrelenting pounding for 15 seconds straight. The change in tempo caught me off guard and caused me to let go of my muscles and relax. Immediately a wave of pleasure hit me and overwhelmed my senses. It felt like an orgasm but wasn't quite as intense although it seemed to last longer. He must have had some idea of how I was feeling because he took advantage of the moment of surrender.

"Mmmm is my dirty girl hungry?" he asked.

My mind was mushy and I stared at him blankly, mouth open in a silent cry as he pounded in and out. In that moment all that mattered was feeling good, questions were irrelevant. He must have disagreed because when I failed to respond he pulled his entire cock out of me and let it rest over my caged clit and balls.

"Wha...?" I said as I began grinding and writhing and my hands went downward, searching for something to fill my emptiness.

"I asked you a question." he responded, "Are you hungry?"

I tried to understand what he was asking but the alcohol, weed, and heightened state of arousal made words hard to put together. Was I hungry? Yes I guess so, I hadn't eaten all day, but what did it matter?

"Yes!" I practically screamed and he plunged back into me.

The feeling of being filled again was akin to going from a cold winter night into a hot tub. Comforting, and causing my entire body too feel warm and satisfied. My mouth instinctively opened and he filled it immediately with his thumb. My hands found his fore arm and I held it as if it were a pacifier and looked him in the eyes. I hated him beyond anything yet I knew that wasn't the look I was giving him. I was looking at him like a stupid porn bimbo looks at any guy fucking her harder than she expected to be fucked. My face contorted like I was about to cry and I moaned around his thumb in time with the thrusts. He grinned at this and then slowed down until he was pulling all the way out slowly and then pressing all the way back in slowly.

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