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Blackmailed Husband

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Blackmailed and used.
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This is my third attempt. I've even risked putting it in the brutal LW group. Brave, ain't I.

As before, all spelling and grammar mistakes are my own. I'll try for the Pulitzer Prize later in my writing career.



My name is Jeri Williams. I'm married to Kevin. He's 30 years old and I'm 28. We've been married for two years and we haven't started our family yet. In fact I don't really want children as it stands now. I really don't think Kevin is father material and I'm not all hot to be a Mom so soon.

I work for Acme Real Estate. I've been there for four years. It's a pretty good market now, and business is good. My savings account is doing well.

Kevin works at Acme Fitness center as a trainer. His income is feast or famine simply because most people don't stick with their fitness programs.

I have four showings scheduled today. The last one is at four thirty. I was almost through with the third one when the seller for the last one called and canceled. Their baby was sick and they were taking her to the hospital. That ended my day so I started for home. I stopped by the pizza shop and got my favorite. Combination without anchovies. Kevin is probably home, but I'm not sure. No telling with him.

There's a car parked next to Kevin's taking up my space so I park at the curb. I open the door and hear voices.

"Suck it, bitch. Get ready to swallow."

I know it's not Kevin's voice. I quietly set the pizza down on the table by the entry way and open the drawer in the small table. I take out my snubby .38 and check to make sure it's loaded. I kick off my shoes and peek down the hallway. Nothing. It sounded like it was coming from our bedroom. I cock my gun and push the door open.

There is Kevin on his knees between some black guys legs. Kevin is sucking his cock. I stood there with my mouth hanging open. I never knew Kev was bi.

I don't know whether to be pissed of just shocked. I just watched. The black guy keeps talking dirty to Kev and Kev was working hard.

"Now, bitch. I'm cumming.

Kevin hung on and took the guys load, not spilling a drop. He sat back and saw me.

"Oh fuck."

The black guy looked at me and I could see anger on his face.

"Hey, bitch. Get the fuck out of here. I ain't done with this slut yet."

I come to in response to his order. I leveled the gun at him.

"Look, asshole. You have about thirty seconds to get the out of here."

"Fuck you, bitch. You ain't got the balls to pull that trigger."

Kevin speaks up.

"Don't, Brian. She'll kill you. She knows how to use that gun."

I moved away form the door and took up the Weaver shooting stance, mentally thanking my Dad for all the shooting lessons. I held on center mass. I knew one hollow point would do the job.

"Twenty seconds."

He seemed convinced. He grabbed his clothes and quickly walked out. I waited till I heard the front door close.

"I can explain, honey. It's not what you think."

"What the hell do you mean it's not what I think. I just saw you blow that guy. Jesus christ, Kev. What the fuck is wrong with you. You're blowing him without a condom. You've probably been fucking him in the ass without one and then you come to me. Do you know who he's been with. You're putting both of us at risk. You know there's stuff out that will kill you."

"Please. Let me explain. It was ten days ago. I went to work and someone slipped some kind of drug in my coffee. The next thing I knew I was in a room somewhere and three of us were having sex. It's all kind of fuzzy, but I remember some of what happened.

Later in the day they took showed me the video they made. They told me they would show it to you and put it on the internet if I didn't do what they wanted.

Remember that day I came home sick. That was the day. Now, they take me and make me do horrible tings. Some days I want to just end it all, but I don't have the courage.

"Oh my god, Kev. You should go to the police. These people belong in jail. There may be others like you."

"I thought about that, but I don't think I could go through the humiliation of a trial. I would have to testify in front of all those people and tell them all the things they made me do. I just can't do that."

"What are you going to do?"

"Now that you know, I'm thinking of running. I could go somewhere else and start a new life. Somewhere they can't find me. I'm worried about you too. They may try something against you if I run."

"I don't think they'll try anything with me. That guy was pretty scared. I think he knew I would kill him. I could see it in his eyes."

"I know you carry a gun, Promise me you'll be extra vigilant for a while."

"I will. Can you give me their names. After you're gone I'll contact the police. Maybe then can do something. Maybe something about the drugs."

"OK, but wait till I've been gone a few days. And make the cops keep your name out of it."

"You take everything in the savings account. I'll be OK. I have two houses in escrow. I can get by till they close."

"Once I get somewhere safe, I'll contact you so you can send the divorce papers."

"I love you, Kev. I'll miss you so much."

"I love you to, honey, but this way is best. We can't go on like this."


It's been six months since Kev left. When I got an all clear on my STD test, I breathed a big sigh of relief.

Kev signed the divorce papers and I'm single again. It's been a big adjustment for me. Mostly I missed having someone to reach out to and hold at night. Almost every morning we woke up with some part of our bodies toughing. I keep an extra pillow in my bed for that now.

I gave the names Kev gave me to the police. A couple of weeks later the detective told me that they finally found all of them. There were four of them, all trainers at gyms around the city. They were dealing drugs and prostituting the guys that they turned. They turned the case over the to the Feds and they all got the mandatory minimum sentence for the drug dealing.

The last message I got from Kev was what I hoped to hear. He had gotten a job as a assistant manager at a gym in Atlanta. They had a health plan that covered psychological problems. He found a counselor and was improving with each visit. I answered with a big yellow smiley face.


The "guy' market where I live is really a wasteland. It was either some alpha male that thinks he gods gift to women, some ex husband on the rebound or some guy with a hair trigger. I'm beginning to think it's me attracting all the crappy ones out there. I'm five ft. four in. and weigh a consistent one twenty five. Of course I think I'm fat because I don't wear a zero dress size. I do have a nice rack. I can fill a D cup rather nicely with a little pushing out the top. My ass is a little too big, at least, that's what I think. Jan always teases me saying I'm looking for that guy that is a good dancer, has a booty fetish, a million dollars in the bank and an eight inch cock. Well, Maybe I'd settle for a half million and seven inches.

Jan and I have been looking for a nice club to go to. We both love to dance, but good partners are hard to find. Most guys just want to shuffle their feet and pull you against their cock. We usually went out two or three times a month, just to get out.

We finally found one that wasn't a, "get them drunk and hope to get laid", place. It had a nice bar, and a larger than usual dance floor. The five piece dance band made it worth it. Their drinks were a little expensive, but we didn't drink that much. My limit was two, with an occasional third one.

One particular night, this guy was asking me to dance every slow one. He was stepping all over my feet and trying to shove his cock in me. finally, I told him I needed to rest. He got the message and left me alone. Two songs later another guy asked me to dance, He was tall and kinda handsome, so I accepted. I was pleasantly surprised. He was a great dancer. He held me in the right position so we could both move the way we were supposed to. It was a fast foxtrot and he started putting some more advanced steps on me. It wasn't my first foxtrot and I had no trouble following him.

I glanced over at Jan. She had a big grin on her face.

The song ended and he started to take me back to my table. I stopped him.

"Can we dance one more time. You're very good and it's a nice relief from getting my toes stepped on."

He smiled and said; "My name's Mark."

"You can call me Jeri."

"This is a nice place. Do you come here often."

"We just found it three weeks ago. And it is nice. The band is pretty good and there are a few good dancers here."

The band started a fast set and he took my hand and smiled.

"Hang on."

My snappy answer was: "Challenge accepted"

He was good and put a couple of moves on me I didn't know. I was impressed.

They played three fast ones and then started a slow set. He pulled me in his arms and my pelvis bone was against his leg and I could feel his manhood against my stomach. I was feeling so good I went along. It was nice to feel like a woman again. Before I knew it I had my head resting on his shoulder and we were floating around the floor. The set ended too soon.

On the way back to the table he asked if I would join him at his table.

"Umm, a little too soon, Mark. Maybe next time we're both here."

"OK, I understand. What night would that be?"

"How about next Friday."

"Great, but I'll be wanting a few more dances tonight."

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't ask."

I sat down and Jan was grinning from ear to ear.

"Got lucky, didn't you."

"It's a little too soon to tell, but he's a great dancer."

"He's pretty hot. I wonder why he's out here on the loose. Women should be throwing themselves at him."

"I don't know. I'll give you a full report next Friday."

"You're going out with him?"

"No, but we're meeting here. I don't want to rush things. He might panic."

"There you go again. Underestimating yourself. You're hot and don't know it."

"Pish tish. I'm overweight and I have a fat ass."

"Jeri, guys don't like stick figures. There are women out there that would die for an ass like yours. Men want some meat to hang on to."

"Well, I sure have plenty of that."

"What's your plan for Friday?"

"Well, you're coming with me and we'll see what happens."

"OK, you give me a high sign and I'll beg off. How does that sound. You can take him home and jump his bones."

"Oh god, Jan. You're so bad."

Friday evening.

I got to the club early, as usual. Actually, I got there on time and Jan was her usual ten minutes late. After I had known her of a while I figured out that she was always late for everything but work. If Jan was your friend you just had to get used to it. We went in and found a table. I sat down and started looking for Mark. I couldn't find him. We hadn't set a time so I wasn't surprised.

Just as the server brought our drinks, he walked in. Jan saw him first and waved him over to our table.

"Jeez, Jan. You rushing things?"

"Nope. Playing cupid."

As soon as Mark sat down Jan jumped up.

"Be right back. I gotta go to the ladies room."

She stayed pretty busy leaving Mark and I alone a lot. We just danced and talked. I was impressed. I found out that his wife had died two years ago and he was just now starting to go out. I gave him a cleaned up version of my divorce. He just looked sad and shook his head at the mention of a cheating husband. I liked that. I figured he was one that kept it in his pants where it belonged.

We exchanged number and he asked me to go out the next Saturday. Of course I accepted. Jan was all excited about our future date. She was rooting big time for us to hit it off. I still hadn't found out about the million dollars. He worked for an engineering company doing something with robots. I got a hint about the eight inches. He got a little excited during one of our dances.

That night, I was thinking about him. I decided I would have sex with him as soon as her made the move. I knew he wasn't the alpha type of the rebounding ex husband type. That left the hair trigger type.

For our fourth date he invited me to his place for dinner. I wondered if he would make some kind of canned spaghetti dinner or fried Spam.

I figured tonight it would be the night, so I went all out. He said it was casual dress, so I wore slacks, a white blouse, no bra, lace panties and soft soled shoes. Just a hint of nipples showing through the blouse. I pampered myself with a scented bubble bath. Just before I walked out, I dabbed on a little of my favorite perfume I kept for special occasions. I had renamed it to: "I want you to fuck me." I hoped it would work.



My name is Mark Whitcomb. I'm thirty years old and stand an even six feet tall. I weigh around one eighty. I work for Acme Engineering in our prototype and manufacturing division. I'm worked there for five years. Most of the time I write software for our robots.

My Mom and Dad had a strong influence on my life. My Mom was a chorus line dancer in Las Vegas and later a dance extra in Hollywood. Dancers careers are short lived. There are hundreds of young ones waiting in line. She lasted three years in Hollywood and moved back to Vegas where she met my Dad. She quit and became a stay at home Mom when I was born. I have a younger sister and brother.

My Dad is a chef. Actually a Master Chef. He took lessons from some of the best chefs in the states. He worked at one of the upscale hotel casinos in Vegas. It's where he met my Mom.

My wife, Sarah died two years ago. She had an aortic aneurysm. It ruptured in the middle of the night and she was dead within seconds. Imagine waking up to find your wife dead in the bed beside you. That's what I had to deal with. I was lucky that my work insurance covered my shrink bills. Two years later I had worked my way through it and was ready to step out.

My Mom had taught me to dance starting at a young age. Later I found out it was a great way to meet women. I learned to cook from my Dad. It was more like osmosis, just being around him at home. I have a pretty good repertoire of foods that I prepare. I didn't ever have to live on Top Ramen or Campbell's tomato soup in college. I had an apartment and lots of friends that were always hungry.

I met Jeri through pure luck and coincidence. I was looking for a good dance club. I had driven by this place a few time, but never stopped. One night I decided to have a look.

I took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink. I sat, sipping and trying to get the lay of the land. I noticed Jeri right off for three reasons. The first was the guy she was dancing with was walking all over her toes and clutch fucking her. She was clearly uncomfortable. She finally got rid of him. The second thing I noticed was that she seemed to be a good dancer in spite of the clod with her. The third was she had a body to die for. She wasn't a full figure, she was more like Marilyn Monroe. Voluptuous. I decided to take a closer look.

The band started a set with a song with a four four beat. I made my move. Much to my surprise, she knew the foxtrot. I put a few moves on her and she never missed a beat. I started to take her back to her table and she stopped me. She wanted another dance. I introduced myself and away we went. I tried to cut her out of the herd, but she wasn't having any of it. She suggested that maybe next time we met she would join me at a table. We agreed it would be the next Friday.

Sure enough, the next Friday, her and her friend Jan were there. When I walked in Jan motioned me over to the table. I danced mostly with Jeri because Jan was busy elsewhere. We exchanged numbers and set up a dinner date for the next Saturday. After two more dates I invited her to my place for dinner.

While I was getting dinner all set up, I was planning the romp in the hay. I wanted her on top the first time for two reasons. I wanted her to feel free to express her sexuality and I wanted to get my hands on those magnificent breasts. I figured after getting her off three or four time orally, she would go for it.

When she walked in the door, I liked my plan even more.



On the drive over to Mark's, I got to thinking about what he would be like in bed. It had been way too long since I had a good experience, I felt like I was overdue to get a good one. Something about the law of probability. Then I noticed that my nipples had perked up and they were talking directly to my pussy. I could feel my panties getting damp. I glanced down and saw my headlight were on high beam, poking two noticeable bumps in my blouse. I hadn't planned on advertising that much, but I thought, what the hell. If you've got it, flaunt it.

I rang his doorbell and he must have been standing there waiting. He opened the door and took me in his arms. Without even so as a hello, our lips met. My breasts were mashed against his chest and could feel him against my stomach. I felt his cock stir and his tongue slid over my lips. I opened them and gave him my tongue. He sucked it in and gently caressed it with his. Little tingles went down to my damp pussy. He broke the kiss and closed the door. He smiled, looked in my and commented

"Hi, Jeri. Come on in, and don't expect a lot of eye contact."

I had to chuckle. It would have been impossible for him not to notice the girls and he liked what he saw. Well, he was a guy. He led me in the kitchen and indicated a chair.

We chatted a minute while he checked the food.

"I hope you like Cabernet Sauvignon. I have some decanting."

"That will be fine. It sounds like meat in on the menu."

"The menu for this evening is, Veal Cordon Bleu, Potatoes Au Gratin, green salad and Baked Alaskan for dessert. How does that sound."

"Oh my god. For real."


"OK, where did you learn to cook like that?"

"Confession time. My Dad is a Chef at one of the hotels in Vegas."

"Wow. That explains that, but what about your dancing skills. You're way above average."

"My Mon was a professional dancer for quite a few years. She danced in Hollywood and Vegas. She quit when Dad put a bun in her oven. Me, being the bun."

"That explains that. I should send them a thank you."

"What about your dancing skills. You're above average too."

"I dated a dance instructor for a while. He gave me a few lessons."

"I should thank him too."

"Well, if you can find him. He's in the wind somewhere. He didn't like the idea of being exclusive."

"Dinner is about a half hour out. Let me give you a tour."

He showed me the inside first. I didn't see a woman's touch, but kept quiet about it. He opened the sliding door to the back yard and flipped on the lights.

"Oh my. It's beautiful out here."

"It's kind of my hobby. I did all of the landscaping myself. I had the pool put in. I did install the hot tub and build the barbecue."

He took me through the dinning room on the way back. The table was set with nice china and crystal. Four white tapers were burning and there was a bouquet of flowers in the center.

"My my. Look at you. Candle light dinner with all the trimmings."

"Nothing but the best. It's the way I roll."

We both laughed.

He took the veal and potatoes out of the oven and had me finish the salad. I was very careful to keep the girls moving. And yes, he noticed. He carried the hot dishes and I carried the salad.

I was amazed at what he had done. It was far better than anything I ever had even in some of the better restaurants. "Keeper" came to mind and we finished up dessert.

"Wow, Mark you really know how to make an impression. That meal was superb."

"Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed preparing it. And the company made it better."

I actually blushed at his compliment.


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