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Blood & Carrots - Celestial Ep. 16

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Episode 16: A Dish Served Cold.
8.8k words

Part 16 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/25/2021
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Welcome back, my lovely reader~

If this is your first visit to the Blood & Carrots series, STOP go read the first one then 'Silverpaw' next, to get the best experience. This is a direct sequel and I STRONGLY recommend reading the first ones so you're not lost. Yes, my writing wasn't as polished back then, but you seriously do yourself a disservice if you move forward without knowing the story of the first two.

Take your time, I'll wait for you to catch up. :3

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

Did you enjoy the last episode and the spicy reunion our lovely ewe had with her angel-bunny? I sure did! Things are starting to come together and we're oh so close to where the original tale ended, aren't we? How exciting!

Sometimes, an unseen threat lurks though, and sometimes... that unseen threat needs its teeth knocked down its throat! An old enemy you don't even know the name of, but a comeuppance that needs to be settled all the same. It's time to watch our lovely ewe be the badass we know she is! I guess Ezekiel can help too...

Let's jump right in!


Episode 16:

A Dish Served Cold

"Too slow!" Ezekiel roared out as he drove his fist right against my jaw. I felt it dislodge in a break, but the ancient blood in me set and healed it nearly instantly.

"I'll show you slow, brother!" I spat the words out as I simply leaped back in a blur. There was no tracking me with his eyes as limbs started to break and shatter from my blows. I finally came back into view, finishing my assault with my elbow thrusted up against the underside of his jaw.

The lion slammed to the damp earth, wings fanned out looking stunned, eyes unfocused. I clenched my fist and rolled my shoulder, watching his shattered limbs reset themselves, that odd crunching popping sound filling the air before his red eyes came back into focus.

He snarled with anger but I offered my hand, helping him to his feet. "Damn it... I'm still so far beneath you..."

"You've improved dramatically these last few years, especially since you're staying with Harold and Mino. You've just got a lot of catching up to do to me, don't lose heart, brother.

He rolled his neck and sighed as he eased his tension and we both turned to the sound of the clapping from our mother. "Yes, yes... both of you are doing so well these days and it's all in part to me. I'm quite proud of both of you, children."

Ezekiel gave a bow of his head and I just snorted in response. The elder vampire showed me a knowing smirk and waved her hand. "My son, return to your lord brother's home, but be at the ready, I will summon you soon. For now, your sister and I must speak privately."

"As you will, Mother," He spoke out dutifully as I watched a gate part to house Sandshore, briefly catching a glimpse of Harold and Mino before it snapped closed. Harold was one of only a few that was in the loop on what had transpired, him and his wife having sworn oaths of secrecy to our elder.

I paced over to her, looking bored as I shifted a hand to my hip. "What is it?"

The blonde showed me a malicious grin, her large sharp teeth shining in the light, her red eyes glittering before she blurred from my sight. My head juked to the side as she faded into view to levy a kick, then she blinked away once more. Another strike from behind came as I stepped to the side, then another.

She spent several moments on the assault, each blow dodged or parried but I never sought to counter the strikes. Then just like that, she was back on her throne, leaning back looking relaxed as if she'd never moved. "Yes indeed... you are a fine choice to be my Avenger, Lorelai Tahmineh."

"Frankly, I'm your only choice at this point, what with Diana and Ras gone." I rolled my eyes before meeting her gaze with a hard glare. "Out with it, what did you wish to speak of? I know you did not make my brother part simply for that display."

Her red eyes flared as she spoke out in an almost musical tone, "Funny you should mention your fallen sister..."

My eyes narrowed at that. Diana was an incredibly touchy subject for me, and she knew it. I felt my body tensing already as I awaited her words. She seemed to acknowledge my body language as she continued, "Cardinal Pavel, does the name strike a chord with you?"

"It does not." I folded my arms and cock a brow as I spoke out skeptically, "Why?"

She showed me a knowing grin and cocked her head back slightly as she called out casually, "What of... Cardinal Yarslov or Arsney?"

She watched me flinch at each name, knowing damn well she'd hit two different nerves with those names. Long dead holy men who controlled the church, one was in power at the time of my home being sacked, the other in power nearly a century past when Diana and her family were lost.

I reigned in the fury as I met her eyes once more. "I do, and you already know as much. Why do you speak of dead men to me?"

"What if I told you, they weren't dead? What if I told you... they were all one and the same?" She flashed her teeth in a broad grin, seeing me shift right away, clenching my fist as my eyes flared to blood-red.

"Explain this, now!" I hissed out, already feeling red creep into my vision.

"I shall, but first a question for you. Why did you not strike against Yarslov or Arsney in the past?" She hummed the words and I frowned at them.

"Yarslov was too powerful when I fled to Istanbul, I had a family and the council to think of. I'd not have the power to assault the grand church to exact retribution." I snorted out and glared upon her. "I was on my way to deal with Arsney when you halted my advance, do you not remember?"

"Were you sufficient then, my daughter?" She cocked a brow and gave another knowing grin.

I sighed and nodded as I acknowledged what she was doing. "Most likely not..."

"Yet now... well, to answer your question. They are one and the same. Pavel as he is currently known has been playing the role of Cardinal for nearly eight centuries, though he is very much mundane."

"How is this possible? Even magi only can manage to get three to four centuries." I rubbed at my chin as I thought about it. "Unless..."

"Yes, my child? Unless what?" She gave me a smile, waiting for me to put the pieces together for myself.

"Necromancy, blood magic, and demonic pacts. All of these would suffice."

"Correct, my daughter. In this instance, both magic and pacts. The cardinal has been not only sacrificing followers with blood magic to extend his youth but formed a pact with one of the greater demonic lords of the nine hells."

"No doubt under the radar of the celestial court. They are deplorable, but even they would not abide such actions." I shifted a hand to my hip and clicked my tongue. "You halted my advance that day, because I waded into combat against not only the church but-"

"But someone that could command greater magic as well as bring the lord of the fourth domain of the underworld against you, correct. You would have been ashes in the blink of an eye, my daughter."

I felt a shiver roll up my spine, my heart starting to throb in my chest before I grit my teeth and met her calm gaze. "Why tell me this now?"

My mother stood and calmly walked before me, showing her sharp teeth in a knowing grin. She stood over me as I glared up upon her, then I huffed in surprise as she offered her wrist to me. "Drink..."

"Uh... I-" I blinked as I stammered, seeing her wrist before me. I'd only ever had drops of her blood and never straight from her.

"We will see if these years have borne fruit. Drink deeply but try to halt yourself when satiated."

My eyes narrowed as I grabbed her wrist hard and sunk my teeth deep into her. She hissed out from how ravenously I tore into her flesh, then I drank. I drank as if I'd had nothing for months, no years. Her cursed blood filled my being and it was odd to think, given it was mostly my blood she fed upon these days, sometimes my brothers, but all the same.

She didn't resist even as I reached that threshold of knowing I should turn back. My mind clouded with hunger and dark thoughts, all the pain she'd made me endure, the humiliation... I could right it all, wipe it clean here and now. By claiming her I could undo all the slights and I would truly be the greatest of us, none would question me, all would bow, the world could be-

My hand shoved to her chest as I hissed out, pulling from her wrist and shoving her away from me. She hit the wall with such force that she winced and slid down it, crumpling to the floor. "That's not me... that's not what I want! Shut up! Shut up!" I screamed the words, clutching my head, nails digging into my scalp as I clenched my bloody teeth, feeling the hunger demand I finish things, finish and take my rightful place as this world's god.

"Take the hunger, Lorelai! It is yours, make it bend to your will!" She snarled the words to me. "Rein it in, do not lose yourself! You are my Avenger and our people's hope!"

"Enough!" I screamed out and clenched my fist hard, locking the mad thoughts away. I stood there, shuddering and panting, my vision still clouded red from the frenzy in me, but with enough focus, it passed.

I felt like I was only walking, but when I got to my mother, my hair had to settle back down, as if I'd just sprang forward. Even offering my palm to help her up I felt the wind pressure from thrusting it forward, making her bangs bounce. She gave me a knowing grin and clasped my hand to stand.

"Lorelai... it is time. I have final orders for you," She hummed the words proudly as she took a few steps from me.

"Final?" I tilted my head, looking perplexed by the word.

She showed me a mad grin, clenching her fist before turning to face me and I watched her bare her throat. "Take all of me, take my very essence and soul into you, then go slay not only Pavel but the greater demon. Show you are ready for your task and ascent as the rightful matriarch of-"

"Shut up!" I screamed the words as I glared upon her. "Are you mad?! You think I'd repay you with death?!"

"Lorelai, it is the only way to complete your ascension, it is the only way you will-"

"No!" I stomped to her and shoved my finger into her chest, showing my bloody teeth. "I'll not sacrifice you for the greater good, I'd be no better than those fucking angels and their pitiful gods!"

My mother tilted her head and gave me a surprisingly childish pout. "Hmph... you would keep me locked in this prison of boredom?"

"You are a fool, Mother. How many firsts have I shown you over these last decades? Do you think I will not come see you again when Ryder is safe? You are ancient but this world is vast, there is plenty yet for you to learn and do, so do not childishly roost on that!"

"You've grown stronger and wiser over these years, I am proud of you." She gave me a nod as she eased her stance.

"Also, I have my own pride to think of! I am Lorelai Tahmineh, the Empress of the court of Bloodstone, I have to trust in my own fucking powers too! I'll lay that Cardinal and demon low, but I'll do it without killing you, Mother!" I clenched my fist, showing the elder vampire a cocky smirk. I think Alice was starting to wear off on me these days.

"It will be a proper test for both of you. Collect your brother, you leave at dusk. I've a gate that will put you right in the main chamber." She spoke the words as she turned from me, moving back to her throne.


Radiant & Demonic Fire:

Also known as Divine Flames or Hellfire, these were unique eldrich powers of the vampiric lineage from times long ago. Little is known of the power other than some sort of pact was made with the Celestials and Demons to allow a single individual to wield their powers.

Originally the flames were unique to the wielder, with no way of sharing the power short of slaying the owner and claiming their vitality. If an owner fell before such an act, the powers that be would choose a new host for the divine or demon flames.

The powers stayed in the hands of Elias and Sarnai Silverpaw for nearly half a millennium, but the influence of the Chimera began to shift the control of things. Now the power is wielded by multiple individuals within the Chimera's circle, but only the original masters of the power can bring it to its full glory.


"You sure you're down for this? He's still a Cardinal of the church." I cut my red eyes to Ezekiel, my mother standing before us ready to open the gate to the grand church.

"Will you give me an opportunity to allow him to say his piece and defend himself against the accusations?" Ezekiel cocked a brow at me.

My teeth showed in a smug grin as I rested a hand on the bloodsteel wakizashi Alice had made for me. "Of course... I want him to have the opportunity to summon his little friend. This is as much about revenge as it is about testing myself. You handle the Cardinal in whatever means you see fit, but you leave his demon lord buddy to me."

"You sure you can handle that, Lorelai?" The lion asked me and I noted the concern in his voice, but my mother didn't wait on my answer, opening the gate, my feet already in motion and eager to see the bastard that cost me so much.

Stepping through the gate I blurred from sight instantly, already having knocked the three armed acolytes unconscious before the portly Cardinal could finish his shocked little yelp, all three bodies not even having hit the floor before I was back at my brother's side.

The Cardinal looked to be a mouse similar to Jeremy and Jennifer from the looks of it. I plucked my thoughts and clearly recall in the past the other Cardinals were a tiger and ox respectively. Perhaps he simply stole someone's body every hundred years or so to keep the facade up. Regardless, he was around my height, a small male with a large round belly showing he'd eaten well and enjoyed the luxuries of the church, his head clearly bald under the ornate cap he wore.

"Cardinal Pavel! The greater gods have caught wind of your heresy and your judgment is at hand. Have you anything to say in your defense?" Ezekiel bellowed out the commandment, thrusting his own hand forward.

Of course, were this just about him, I'd already have him unconscious and back in one of the circles null-magic rooms where I could properly spend a few decades brutally torturing him for what had happened to my family, but this was more than that now.

"I- I've no idea what you're speaking of, celestial! I plead innocent to these accusations, how dare you levy such charges against a Cardinal!" He stammered the words out then quickly slipped into his act. I was sure even Ezekiel could feel the building energy that was mounting. He was stalling for time and it was painfully clear what was happening.

"The Cardinal is yours to deal with, as a personal request, make him suffer for my loved ones he took, I'll handle what's to come." I snarled the words and the lion gave me a single nod as we both darted away as a massive pillar of flames erupted from the earth beneath our feet.

"In accordance to our covenant, I summon thee to my aid, Greillier!" The cardinal showed his teeth with a victorious sneer as a gate burst forth a tall feline-looking demon stepping forth. His body was fully bared, a perfect example of the male physique, his muscles, and tone looking aesthetically ideal in every way.

His head and limbs were covered in midnight black fur despite the reddish flesh on the rest of his body. He also sported a muzzle and fur along his shoulders, white hair spilling down his back. I thought back to what Ryder had told me of his own captor, wondering if perhaps all of the lords had this type of appearance.

"Pavel... what have you gotten yourself into?" The demon hissed the words, then shifted his black eyes towards me. I showed my teeth in a snarl as I saw his length actually twitch in response, the cat showing me an excited grin before sheets of armor faded into view upon his body. "What... have we here?"

"Like what you see? I assure you, I'll be the last visions you take." I drew my gleaming bloodsteel-wakizashi along with the blessed shortsword Toroah had given me. "Your master has much to answer for, and by proxy, you will share his debt!"

Ezekiel roared out a battle cry as he launched forward, I saw the lion slam his fist into a screen of light as the Cardinal brought forth his magic. I, of course, focused on the demonic black cat that blurred into my face, his claws raking down atop me, shining with hellfire flames that reminded me of my sister's power.

I sidestepped the rake, some of my curls bouncing before I lunged forward, slashing my swords out. The cat's black eyes widened at my speed as he yowled out from the blessed silver and bloodsteel tearing into his flesh.

He bounded back, the large leathery wings at his back snapping out hard as he clutched his chest, eyes growing wider as only one of the slashes healed. "What... is that sword you wield?" He narrowed his eyes, hissing the words as I snorted out and rolled it in my grip.

"This? Just a little something my lover made for me, she promised me something stronger later, but it looks like it'll suffice for you!" I showed a wide grin as I blinked out of sight. The cat gave a loud hiss, bringing a saber and shield into being, parrying and dodging, my wakizashi and shortsword making divine sparks fly against the obsidian-looking armaments he wielded.

"You-" He snapped his jaws together, narrowly dodging a strike to his throat, then hissed out as another strike from the bloodsteel bit into his hip. I drove him back, not giving him time to think, my eyes blood-red and flames rolling off my limbs.

"Greillier! Do something about this!" Pavel screamed as more strikes of dark magic wisped through the air, the Cardinal in a quite literal game of cat and mouse, my brother giving chase as he fled or blinked out of sight with magic.

"I am busy with- Ngh!" Greillier grunted out, wide-eyed as I appeared behind him, my teeth showing in a grin as I ran him through between where his armor plates parted. The demon choked out as I planted a boot in his back, knocking him to the floor as I dragged my tongue along the blessed silver, tasting the blood of a proper lord of hell for the first time. It wasn't quite on the same level of my mothers, but gods if it did make my knees weak.

Paval gave a panicked yelp as he saw what I did. "Grei-" He choked out as Ezekiel broke through the shield of light and grabbed him up by his throat, divine energy rolling off his body despite his eyes burning red.

"You have much to atone for sinner, but my sister has words for you, so your execution is stayed for now." I felt the lion focus his will as the Cardinal's head dropped in a nod, but I felt his lifeforce intact, the lion must have used a sleeping spell or choked him unconscious.

Greillier snarled as he staggered back, the wound slowly closing partially, but not where the bloodsteel had went through. "Tch... you have your prize, I was simply under contract. You should quit this place before I get serious."

"I know a bluff when I hear one, kitty but please do get serious. You're the fourth gatekeeper and if I need to go through all eight of you to get to Kalinae, I will happily do so." I hummed the words, flicking both my blades as I stalked towards the cat.

His ears lifted as he snarled and looked to the lion then me before rolling his shoulder. "What's your issue with her?"

"She has a few things that belong to me, I'll be taking them back, as well as her life." I hissed the words, lifting my drooped ears before I sprang on the demon again. Our blades clashed, my wakizashi taking a large chunk out of the shield, my blows easily driving him back.

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