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Elva waited until they entered the building before standing. "What do you make of the witch?"

"Powerful. She's a potent ally or enemy," Hiromi put her hand to her chin. "Curious to know what her intentions are with Cody."

"It's obvious she wants him for something. We had better keep an eye on him. That man..." Elva shook her head.

"I'm sure he'll see how much you love him and pick you over that witch."

"That is for Cody to decide. Right now, we need knowledge." Elva picked up her book bag and threw it over her shoulder. "Floarea (Flow - area)."

A small yellow light came from the fold of the skullcap. It seemed to float until it was hovering at eye level with Elva.

"At you're ready, Your Highness." The small fairy with silver hair, wearing what could be considered a yellow sundress with translucent wings nearly as big as her body, bowed.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?"

"But that is what you are. What I call you will not change that."

Hiromi giggled at the altercation.

Elva gave her a glare before focusing on Floarea. "I want you to keep a close eye on that witch. I need to know what she wants with Cody."

"Ah, the love of your life has been caught in another's eye. How embarrassing, My Lady," Floarea smiled as she shook her head.

"What a crude little..."

"It will be done, My Lady!" Floarea fluttered off immediately so she couldn't be reprimanded again.

Elva raised her fist in the air, "Come back here you little fly!"

Hiromi placed a hand on Elva's shoulder. "Calm down," she snickered.

Elva let out a sigh. "We should get to class."

They took a few steps before Hiromi glanced back over her shoulder to the top of the administration building, "That beast still bothers me as well."

Elva nodded in agreement.


"So how did the three of you meet?" Millicent ate a 'French fry', still disappointed the restaurant, Gourmand's Bar and Grill, didn't have malt vinegar for her 'chips.' She was absolutely stunned when Elva asked her to join them for lunch after their second class together. Especially since Elva has been so cold to her.

"School," Elva responded mundanely.

Hiromi shook her head and bumped her friend in the side with her elbow.

Elva glanced in her direction. It took but a moment for her to realize what Hiromi meant. This wasn't who she was. Though she didn't like the idea Cody might choose Millicent, she didn't have to help by being rude to the witch. She was royalty and she should conduct herself in a dignified manner. She took a deep breath and looked the auburn haired girl in the eye, "I owe you an apology Miley. I had a stressful morning and I am taking it out on you. I apologize."

Millicent was shocked at the statement. She assumed her and Elva would have friction towards each other until the end. She did inwardly smile at the declaration. She had successfully incorporated herself into Cody's small group. "Apology accepted."

Cody smiled, his eyes seemingly peering at her very soul, "Now that sounds like the Elva I know." He then placed his hand atop of hers and shook it briefly. "Welcome back."

Elva briefly blushed at the look and contact. She straightened up in her chair and for the first time today, her voice had her natural sweet tone and the words were not spoken through gritted teeth. "And to answer your question, I met Hiromi at freshman orientation and we immediately hit it off. I met Cody as a result of our friendship. It did help that we all had the same classes, with all of us majoring in environmental engineering." She laughed as she continued, "The first time I met him, he was in a debate with that idiot, Terrence Brown, who thought mankind should be able to use the earth's natural resources as we so choose - screw the environment. Cody vehemently argued against it and lobbied that we should protect our natural resources at all costs. I never saw someone speak so passionately."

Cody chuckled, "I can't believe you remember that."

"Of course I remember," Elva smiled. "That conversation is what made me..." Hiromi nudged her in her side again and this time Elva realized she almost professed her love. Elva coughed to cover the near indiscretion, "It made me want to be friends with you, Cody." She then pointed between her friends. "Hiromi and Cody were friends for years before I came into the picture."

"Fifteen years to be exact," Hiromi smiled. "Our families own neighboring farms, though his is more like a plantation."

"It is not," Cody tossed a fry in Hiromi's direction.

"It is," Hiromi giggled as she tossed it back, hitting him in the chest. "I live in a regular farmhouse while he lives in one those large estates you would expect to see in a historical movie based on an 1800's cotton field. His house even has white pillars in front."

Cody rolled his eyes, "It's not that big."

"Anyways, even though we're neighbors, our homes aren't close," Hiromi continued. "There are my family's fields and then a large wooded area in between. I was always adventurous and walked the woods, even at a young age. One day I ventured further than I ever had and came along a stream - and there was Cody on the other side, just playing with a pile of sticks in the mud."

"I remember," Cody gave a warm smile at the memory. "I was building a little fort and when I looked up, I saw Hiromi watching me from behind a tree. Being isolated in that big house, I immediately called over to her. I was just so happy there was a person my age I could talk to."

"Friends ever since," Hiromi concluded.

"So you both come from farmer families?" Millicent sipped her 'fizzy drink.'

"My family is; his, well..."

"My mother works as a live in maid to a business man and his wife, Cyril and Delilah Cantor. They live on the farm because they love the serenity of the area. They seem nice, though I don't get to talk to them often." Cody picked up his glass and drank the rest of his cola. "I should get going. I'll see everyone tomorrow." He then pulled out his wallet and cringed as he opened it.

"Those imbeciles ganged up on you again, didn't they?" Elva sneered at the thought. Without waiting for an answer, she smiled, "Don't worry about it, I'll cover for you."

"Thanks. I promise I'll pay you back," Cody replied sheepishly, embarrassed at having Elva pay for his meal because of a couple jerks at school.


"Assume the position, Slave," Cyril demanded.

Cyril towered over the woman with his broad shoulders, perfectly toned body, and his large bat like wings casting a shadow over the bed. His devil-like tail curled along with his smile as the woman complied, getting on all fours at the edge of the bed.

Cyril moved into position behind her and lined up his large cock at the entrance of the woman's cunt. He pressed forward, the charm he placed on her allowing him to easily slide through her wet folds. She let out an involuntary moan at the intrusion. Once inside, Cyril didn't have to hold back his tempo. He moved back and then thrust forward, slamming into her quim.

"Darling," Delilah implored while her hands were working furiously on her own body. One hand was molding her expansive breasts and the other was exploring every part of her perfect curves. Her body oozed lust. "Make her pleasure me. I don't think I can wait for you." Her tail lifted between her legs, the spade nuzzling under the slave's chin.


After all these years, she didn't need to be prodded. She knew who she was. She was his slave. Before she would wince or cringe as she lowered her head to the succubus's womanhood, but now, though not excited, she just did.

It was difficult due to the brute strength in which her Master was pounding her pussy, but she concentrated hard to please Delilah. Her tongue snaked out and delved into her folds, hard and fast just as she liked it, causing her wings to shudder. It was like sticking her tongue into a pile of snow, but she was used to it. She swirled it around and moved in and out to touch as many erogenous zones as possible. Her goal was to equivocate the sheer bliss her body was receiving onto the woman.

Delilah was enjoying the attention. It always made her so horny when Cyril would order his slave to do this. Her hand snaked down and began playing with her clit, the extra sensations bringing her that much closer to ecstasy.

Cyril found the perfect rhythm, one of breakneck speed that didn't allow his slave to do anything but accept his hearty cock. It was a blinding speed, each thrust filling, stretching, and dominating his slave. He was ready to receive the absolute treasure of this experience.

"Darling, when can I try out the boy?" Delilah panted. "You have this perfect specimen; shouldn't I have one as well?" Speaking this always got Delilah to the brink. Seeing the slaves reaction and knowing she could do nothing was a thrill. Dominance was her aphrodisiac.

Her tongue ceased movement and her eyes seemed to bore holes into Delilah.

"How many times do I have to tell you no?" Cyril fumed. "Slave, continue."

She did. At contact, Delilah was on the precipice of euphoria.

Cyril grabbed her hips and slammed forward one last time, as deep into her cunt as he could, "Cum Slave."

She did. Her body tensed and her quim gushed at the words. Programmed for so long, she couldn't stop it if she wanted to. Her body began to spasm but her wail was muffled by the pussy she was devouring, forcing Delilah to climax as well.

Cyril's cock soaked in her life's essence. He felt more powerful with every coupling and was amazed at how fast his slave's spirit regenerated. He knew a normal human would have long since been dead but she was not ordinary. He enjoyed feasting on her body.

The three fell into a heap, panting and coming down from their mutual delights when the sound of the front door opening echoed through the hall.

"Go ahead, Slave." Cyril rolled off of her. "Go be a Mother."

She hurried to her clothes, quickly slipping on her maid uniform and then exiting the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Cyril smiled at Delilah. "Your time will come to take the boy, but you shouldn't say that in front of her."

"I know," Delilah laughed. "I just can't help it. I love to see her face when I mention it."

"But she is strong willed. The only thing keeping her bound to us is that boy. If we threaten that, she may be the first to break through my charms."

"You overestimate her powers."

Cyril moved on top of Delilah, "You underestimate her will." He punctuated his statement by shoving his cock deep into her cunt.

Delilah shivered at the intrusion, not just from his penetration but also from what he was giving her. "Yes! Yes! It feels so good. Fuck me! Give me her essence." Her cunt grappled onto his spear; urging, demanding the satisfaction being poured into her body.

To Cyril, this was the best part of the experience. Sharing the essence of his slave with the one he loved. "It is yours, my love. With this slave, we will do as he wishes. And in turn, we will be forever powerful." He rammed his rod repeatedly into Delilah, each thrust more forceful than the last.

Delilah was in sheer bliss. Each thrust she would buck back into him, each time causing a minor orgasm inside her. Her head flailed from side to side and her tits nearly hit her in the face. Her legs wrapped around his frame and their tails mingled behind him, gently grazing each other during the fierce coupling. "Cum for me Darling! Fill me with her strength!"

With a deep guttural groan, Cyril came, the essence of his slave flowing from him and into his love. He held his position until it was half gone before he fell to her side while wrapping his wings and arms around Delilah. "I love you, my beautiful succubus wife."

"And I you, my incubus husband," Delilah nearly melted into his body.


"Hi, Mom," Cody gave her a hug upon entering the kitchen. "Rough day? You look tired again." Actually, she looked fatigued every afternoon, but always seemed to recuperate by the time dinner was finished.

"I'll be fine," She gave a half smile and reciprocated the hug. "How were your classes?"

"Fromby needs to retire. As much as I enjoy learning about the subject, he is just boring," Cody chuckled. "I'm going out back to check on my garden."

"Take your time; dinner will be ready in forty five minutes."

Cody gave a nod as he went out the back door. On the patio, he paused and took a deep breath. He loved the clean, crisp air the late afternoon was offering. He shuffled down the two steps and to the small garden he had off to the right. With a smile, he began tending to the flowers that would soon disappear with the cold weather.


Hiromi gazed at Cody from the distant tree line. She circled for a moment before she laid down, allowing the cool ground to press against her stomach. She propped her chin up and watched. She loved watching him. She knew him to be a good soul and reveled in just observing him. She had never met anyone like him before. He was smart, funny, caring, and loved nature. She loved him, but not as Elva did. Hiromi loved him more like a brother.

People may say she was stalking Cody, but her daily routine of watching him wasn't just for fun. She was genuinely concerned for his well-being as the dragon followed him wherever he went. She always wanted to keep an eye out to ensure his safety.

Hiromi saw the dragon let out a large huff, and smoke filled the air near its nostrils. It jerked its head to the side and its eyes appeared to be peering for something. She had gotten too close. She remained still and waited for it to be less guarded before backing off and circling around again, observing from a further distance.


Millicent was nervously sitting at the desk in her living room. Only the bare necessities sparsely adorned the small apartment; a bed, a dresser, a couch, a desk, and a potted plant on the small balcony were all the comforts her mother provided. Not that Millicent minded as she wasn't in America on holiday. She was there for one reason only: Cody Trumbell. The problem she faced, however, was that her Mother was going to be calling any second for analysis of the situation.

Right as the second hand moved vertical and the chime signified it was nine o'clock, her phone rang.

"Hello, Mother."

Gail didn't waste any time with pleasantries, "Is he the one?"

Millicent wiped at her forehead, "I don't know yet, Mother."

"I stayed awake for that?" Gail grumbled in irritation as she wiped at her eyes. "So what have you found out about the situation?"

"I have competition."

Those three words seemingly woke up the elder witch. "Magical beings? Do they have Cody under a spell?" Gail bit her lip. 'Could another coven have beaten them to him?'

"No, not magical, though one of the girl's auras registers her as a super genius."

"More than one?" Gail sighed in deflation. "I knew this would happen. The longer it took to locate him, the more likely he might be involved with someone." Gail shook her head, "If he's the one we're looking for, you're just going to have to enchant the girl to break up with him. What about his aura? Any progress on why doesn't have one?"

"I can't get a read on him. Every time I check, it is nothing, even if I'm standing right next to him. I don't know what to make of it."

"Suspicious. I'll have some lower level sorcerer's do some research, see if there isn't a grimoire that may explain his lack of aura."

"I also have no idea how to garner his attention. Normally, I'd flaunt myself to get it, but judging by the company he keeps... He's not like any of the others. I don't know what to do Mother."

"Why don't you try being yourself?"


"Yes Dear," Gail suppressed her amusement. "Anything else?"

"No," Millicent answered mundanely, still digesting her Mother's proposal before her voice raised a few octaves as she just recalled the unlikely find, "Wait, there's also an invisible dragon at the school."

"A dragon?" Gail exasperated.

"Yes. It's large and sits on top of the administration building."

"If it's not being destructive we can't just force it to leave or attack it without the humans becoming aware. Curious that it is residing in a metropolitan area." Gail tapped her fingers on her desk in thought. "We need his bloodline, so keep me informed. I love you."

Millicent hung up the phone and sighed as she fell back into her chair. Her thoughts dwelled on Cody. 'Could he like the real me?'

Millicent was startled from her reverie by a knocking on the sliding door to her balcony. She glanced over to see a young woman in the moonlight hovering at the entrance. With her black blouse, skirt, and long black hair fluttering in the wind it gave her the appearance of being much larger than her slender frame. Her black eyes were piercing the window and her smile caused her fangs to shine.

"Antanasia (Ant - an - asia)!" Millicent grabbed her wand and aimed it at the vampire. She cautiously stood, her eyes fixated on the target. Slowly she moved toward the sliding door and then opened it. "What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"Not going to invite an old friend inside?" Antanasia landed.

"We aren't friends and nobody in their right mind would invite a vampire into their home."

"With all the time we've spent together these past five years, I would think we were more than just acquaintances. After all, I have seen you in some of your most impressive failures. Remember Ulrich? How laughable!" Antanasia laughed. "I could have told you his body was just a temporary carrier, but it was an absolute joy to watch you throw yourself at that urât (ugly) boy."

"Why have you been following me all this time?" Millicent seethed.

Antanasia ignored the question. "Of course. I do admit I don't always get to stay for the comedy you provide, already knowing you're wrong. But there is something about this one that is intriguing," she smiled. "And I'm going to love seeing your reaction when you lose. Do you really think you can compete with that Japanese supermodel and the intellectual genius he hangs out with?"

Millicent shied back at the thought. She sincerely didn't believe she had a chance against the pair of them. After a pause, she forcefully retook her stance and reiterated, "Why have you been following me?"

Antanasia licked her lips, "Isn't it obvious? I think it would be absolutely delicious to taste the blood of someone who has the pedigree you claim he does."

"Don't you dare lay one finger on Cody! He may be my future husband."

"Not a finger... a tooth," Antanasia smiled.

"Insolent vampire," Millicent fumed. "I should have your fangs for a necklace."

"Don't get overdramatic. You very well know that when I feed, I don't take enough to harm a human or inject my venom to turn them into one of the undead. You would definitely have to explain your actions if you tried. Besides, if he's the sorcerer you claim him to be, he would have protected himself from the likes of me long ago."

Millicent was nearly dejected at the truth of the vampire's words. "Just... go," She waved her wand one last time.

"Since you insist, I suppose I will. Until next time," Antanasia smiled as she turned and proceeded to start walking down the side of the building. "Just remember, it was I who pulled you from the rubble in that battle you had in Helsinki with Oskari Järvinen. Those rocks were heavy."

Millicent remembered that victory against one of Finland's finest. He challenged her and lost, and after the duel he sent a pile of rocks on her in spite. She barely had enough time to place her guard spell to keep herself from being crushed.

Millicent let out a sigh and returned to the desk. Due to starting a week late, she had a mountain of homework to accomplish. She would have just waved her wand over the papers to have the answers appear, but with Elva being such a genius, she felt it best to know the material. If a conversation were to transpire, she didn't want to look like a complete prat.

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