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"Yes Mother." Millicent hung up the phone and her thoughts immediately went back to Cody. She couldn't help the smile that pursed her lips.


It took Delilah some time to come up with a plan; after all, she had never really had to seduce someone before. Anytime she needed a boy toy, she would simply walk up to her target and release her love pheromone. If she wanted privacy, she would release a scent that kept people out of the general area, affording her and her new slave ample discretion. Only if a person was highly motivated, would they dare enter that fog. If desperate attention was needed, she would affect a wide range area with a lust fragrance and she would be ravaged on end in what could only be described as a nuclear gangbang. Men would flock to her in troves.

Then there was what Delilah referred to as the 'fuck off' fragrance. She would radiate the odor and it would blanket a ten-mile radius. This was used in extreme cases, usually when it was her time of the month and she didn't want to be bothered. Not that anyone would want to deal with a spawn of hell when she's on her period, she just safeguarded herself so no one would make the attempt. It would be so much easier if Midol made products for a succubus as she had all the same problems as humans without the fertility. None of her pheromones, however, would work on Cody. Her boss ensured that boy was protected from every type of known magical abilities, including hers.

"You're up early today," Cyril's tone intoned a question as he rolled over to notice his wife pulling on a mid-thigh black skirt.

"Today's the day I will seduce the boy," Delilah gave a wicked smile as she tensed her muscles, which caused her wings to pull hidden into two slits on her back. "I've been overthinking how to do it and decided to just go for it."

Cyril laughed, "Good luck."

"Thanks." 'It shouldn't be too difficult,' Delilah hoped as she skipped her bra and instead put on a tight purple blouse that afforded ample views of her vast bosom. A pair of black stilettos finished the ensemble and she walked out of the front door with confidence.

It was still dark outside, but the birds were already singing their chorus as the sun was just beginning to make its ascent in the east. Delilah walked over to the old Saturn Ion that constituted Cody's car. She shook her head as she glanced at her nails, 'I'll just have to repaint them.' She stiffened her right hand causing her fingernails to extract into eight-inch claws, and then promptly stabbed both passenger tires, the escaping air making a hissing sound at the punctures. She retracted her claws and then brushed her hands together with a smug smile adorning her face, "There; that should do it."

Delilah sat at the table, a bundle of nerves and full of anxiousness as the rest of the house seemingly came alive. She heard the shower in the distance - most likely Cyril - the television turn on - definitely Cody - and the footsteps of the slave entering the kitchen.

"Oh Mrs. Cantor," a slight sound of surprise evident in the maids voice. "I apologize; I didn't know you were going to be awake so early this morning. I'll have you're triple raspberry mocha ready expeditiously."

"No hurry. I'm only up early because I'm excited for my meeting this morning." Delilah coated her nails a bright red that matched her lipstick.

"Reeling in someone powerful or a multitude of someone's?"

"That's the best part," Delilah smiled. "I'm not sure."

As the others filtered into the kitchen, the maid set down the pancake breakfasts of Cyril and Delilah on the dining room table before placing a third plate on the counter. "Best hurry, Cody. You'll be late."

Cody kissed her cheek, "Thanks Mom." He sat on the bar stool placing and began to inhale his food. It took only a minute before he finished. Cody was stuffing his last piece of toast into his mouth as he stood, "That was good." Nobody understood his mumbled last comment as he rushed out the door.

Cody got in the driver's seat as he tossed his backpack onto the floorboard next to him. The car started easily, but as soon as he put it in reverse, he knew something was amiss.

"Damn," Cody muttered in disgust as he reentered the house while looking at his cell phone.

"What's wrong Cody?" The typical caring voice of his Mother asked at seeing him upset. "I thought you left for school."

"I must have run over something as both passenger side tires are flat and the tow truck said it would be two hours before they'd make it out here."

"I can give you a lift," Delilah smiled. "My meeting is that way."

"We wouldn't want to inconvenience you," the maid responded. "I can take him."

"Nonsense. Cyril is about to leave as well, so if you left too, who would be here when the tow truck arrives." Delilah walked over to Cody and put her hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, we don't want you to be late." She quickly headed for the door, not waiting for an answer.

Delilah waited in her Bugatti Veyron, impatiently tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. She smiled when Cody came out of the house and it became bigger when he slid into the passenger seat.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cantor."

"Call me Delilah," Her hand brushed over his thigh before putting the key in the ignition. "And I'd do anything for you." She licked her lips at the boy as the car roared to life.

Cody had always found Mrs. Cantor to be sex incarnate and he gulped at what he perceived to be an unfortunate innuendo. He had to change the subject before drool escaped his lips. "I always wondered what it would be like to take a drive in this car. This and Mr. Cantor's Enzo Ferrari are really in a class by themselves when it comes to automobiles."

"Yes, we both have an infatuation with quality. That's why when we bought the farmhouse, we updated it with the greatest luxuries in the world." Delilah could smell the virgin coming from the boy. It was taking all her willpower not to pull over and ravish him. But to break up his potentially dangerous companions, she knew she had to wait.


"Thanks again, Mrs. Cantor, I mean Delilah." Cody once again expressed his gratitude as he got out of the car.

"Now wait a minute Cody, how about a tour of your campus?"

"Excuse me?" Cody was perplexed as he looked back at the sexy woman.

Delilah smiled, "My meeting isn't for a few hours and I am interested to know about your University." She stood from the car, "Just a quick one."

"Uh, okay." Cody readjusted his book bag and went around to Delilah. With an arm gesture, he added, "Right this way."

Delilah did not waste the opportunity and wrapped her arm within his. "Lead the way."

Cody was determined to give the short version of the tour. They walked toward the everyday meeting place he and his friends convened, the pavilion furthest away from the buildings as so the smokers wouldn't bother them on rainy days. He simply pointed out the buildings along the path; Edison Hall, the Administration Building, the library. He was actually more aware of the stares both he and his Mother's employer were receiving. The looks of lust toward her and dumfounded expressions toward him, all signifying they couldn't believe that woman was walking arm in arm with him. He was somewhat used to the feeling, as it was similar when he was strolling around with Hiromi. But this excursion was proving exponentially worse.


"Hey Freddy, take a look at this," Aaron waved his friend over from the water fountain.

Fred wiped his mouth before turning, "What?"

"Look at that," Aaron pointed at Cody and Delilah.

"Fuck her tits are huge!" Fred stared wide eyed in disbelief.

"And look who she has her arm wrapped around."

"No fucking way."

Aaron growled as he kept his eyes focused on Cody. "I think we should introduce ourselves."

"And this is the Quad," Cody mentioned as they were walking through it.

"Hi Cody," Aaron made brief eye contact with Cody before focusing on Delilah. "Hey beautiful, I'm Aaron, Cody's friend. And this is Fred," he pointed over his shoulder at his friend. Still keeping his gaze on Delilah, he added, "Cody, how come you never mentioned you knew someone so stunning?"

"Well aren't you sweet," Delilah gave a faux smile. She knew far too well who these two were from the reports the dragon had given her and her husband. 'Perhaps this altercation can prove useful.'

"That's right gorgeous," Aaron smiled back. "I know how to treat a woman, unlike Cody here who has three other girlfriends."

Delilah stepped forward, her breasts brushing against Aaron's chest, her lips mere inches away from his ear. "A man can have more than one woman if he can satisfy them." Her hand cupped his crotch and then she loudly laughed, "You're not even close. You should lay off the steroids, Tiny." She turned back toward Cody and over dramatically melted into his side. "Shall we continue, Baby? Because when you get home tonight I need you fuck me with that giant redwood of a cock that's between your legs."

In the quad, there were several reactions to this outburst. Girls either laughed at Aaron or looked in surprise at Cody. All the guys were just happy they weren't the target of that verbal assault. Fred and Aaron chose to leave in a most hurried manner. Lastly, Cody carried a huge smile at his tormentor's embarrassment. Even if they came back at him with a vengeance, he would still cherish this memory and maybe even be able to throw it back at them if they do.

Cody leaned into Delilah, "Thanks for that."

"My pleasure."

"Looks like I beat everyone to the pavilion today," Cody nodded to the structure in front of them.

Delilah glanced ahead to the small enclosure with a smile. Immediately she began to release her privacy scent. The affect was instantaneous as the surrounding students were pushed away from the clear fog that surrounded the two.

Once under the pavilion, Delilah pushed Cody onto a bench and straddled him.

"Uh, Delilah, what are you doing?"

Delilah rocked her body against his, ensuring her pussy was scrapping across his quickly growing erection. "I wasn't joking about fucking you Cody." She started kissing his neck.

"But, uh, anybody can see us and um, you're ah, married."

Delilah kissed him, sweeping her tongue into his mouth before pulling back. "Being seen is a turn on. As for my husband, he knows and doesn't care. He probably has his dick inside some else right now. We're swingers, so don't worry about him. In fact, don't worry at all. I'll do all the work." Her hands reached down and unzipped his pants.

Cody's body tensed and he gripped the bench with white knuckles, "Please Mrs. Cantor, I don't want to do it like this. You're married and I love someone else."

Delilah was stroking the hard cock in her hands, surprised Cody had said no. Sure she could rape him, but she wanted him to willingly come to her any and every time as often as possible just to piss off Cyril's slave. "Cody Dear, I desperately want you to fuck me. I need it. Let me at least show you what I can offer."

"No, I don't want... Not like..."

Delilah dropped to her knees and in one movement; she impaled herself on his shaft.

"Oh God," Cody's head fell back and his eyes closed. He had never felt anything so exquisite. His cock was down Delilah's throat and the sensation caused him to see a palette of vivid colors in his mind.

Delilah just held Cody in her throat. No movement was necessary as she stretched wide enough to perform. Being a demon of sex, she didn't gasp, gag, or even need air, being able to hold her breath for as long as required to ensure the pleasure of her partner. She massaged his cock with her muscles while her tongue lengthened and curled around the flesh invading her mouth. Every part of her pulsed and gripped against his powerful pole.

Delilah sensed the intruders entering the fog; Elva from the east and Millicent from the west. She smiled as she now began to bob her head to make it clear what she was doing. She also shape shifted her body; the left side a perfect recreation of Millicent and her right the perfect facsimile of Elva.


Millicent was walking toward the pavilion. She sensed something unusual, but her wards of protection kept the fog from affecting her. She might have acted on it if her thoughts weren't overwhelmed with the image of Cody and she was smiling because of it. She didn't want to believe her Mom when she told her she was falling for her target, but she also couldn't deny what she was feeling for him either. She only hoped that she could do enough to win against her adversary.


Elva noticed immediately something was amiss. The barometric pressure was too great to be normal and she had the distinct feeling of doom as she continued forward. From the distance, she was able to see Cody and someone else in front of him. She went in a dead sprint to cover the hundred yards as quick as possible.


Delilah started attacking Cody's cock with gusto and even began humming as the girls moved in closer.

Millicent stopped midstride. She closed her eyes and reopened them just to confirm what she was seeing. Elva was on her knees giving Cody a blowjob, and by the looks of it, she was an expert. Millicent was a statue as she viewed the scene, unable to move. 'The genius outdid me. She is both intelligent and a slapper. How could I have competed?' She was astonished when she started to cry, the droplets only confirming her heavy heart that Cody was more than a possible candidate to be the kidnaped child. She turned and ran, at a loss for her feelings. She had wanted to win fairly. Now she will forever know that Cody didn't chose her by choice, but rather because she will have to cast a spell on him to love her and one on Elva to not love him. She felt despicable.


Elva gasped when she saw Millicent diving down onto Cody. She knew she was in a fight for Cody's affections but couldn't fathom the witch would have sex with him this soon. In public no less. Sorrow overtook her being as she turned around, unable to witness what was transpiring any longer. 'I lost to the witch.' Tears were relentlessly cascading down her cheeks and her shoulders repeatedly shuddered as her head hung low in defeat.


"Fuck, it's going to come out," Cody gasped.

Delilah picked up her prodigious pace, her head a blur going up and down. The effort was in part to please Cody, but also came with the knowledge that her mission was a success. His allies will disband and she will be more than happy to pick up Cody's rejected heart and fuck his very soul out of it. She changed herself back to normal form and pulled off, "Give it to me Baby. Coat my stomach with your seed." She dove back onto his cock in a flash.

Cody's body quaked and he moaned something unintelligible with his release.

Delilah accepted his entire load. Her lips suctioned against his shaft ensuring not even the slightest drop went to waste. When he was through, she bobbed a few more times to clean him off, smiling up at him the entire time.

Cody's focus came down to the vixen below him. He noted her exuberant expression and smiled back at her. "That was amazing."

Delilah ceased emitting the privacy pheromone. She zipped his pants back up, giving his manhood one final pat as she did. "Anytime, anywhere, no matter what, I am yours, Cody. In the middle of the night, just come to my room and Cyril will leave. If you want a repeat of today; not a problem. I will always be available for you. You can fuck me however you desire."

It took Cody only a moment to decide. "Mrs. Cantor, I'm not sure I can do that. If I follow through with your proposal, that would be lust not love. My heart would never be in it because I do love someone. So I'm sorry, I can't."

Delilah took a deep breath, never having been rejected before. She maintained hope that he would soon come running to her when the fallout from the witnesses comes to fruition, but still, she was disappointed. She leaned into his ear, pushing her huge chest into his, "If you change your mind, you know where to find me." She nipped at his earlobe while petting his cock before sauntering away.

Cody sat on the bench in a daze. 'I can't believe that just happened.' Despite replaying the scene over and over in his head, he knew he made the right decision to not have sex with his Mother's employer's wife. 'If Mrs. Cantor were lying to him, all would be lost; Mother out of a job, nowhere to live, he'd have to leave school. But if she were telling the truth, he would have to bury all his feelings for...'

"Good morning Cody," Hiromi smiled before glancing around the empty pavilion. "Where is everyone?"

Cody looked around before checking his watch. "I'm not sure, but we're going to be late if we don't get moving."

Hiromi held out her hand with a curious expression adorning her face. She felt the remnants of something in the air.

"Are you all right?" Cody asked as he picked up his backpack.

Hiromi stood still, trying to decipher what it was she was feeling. Her fingers were moving as if touching something delicate. She was worried at not only the ramifications but also the cause of the abnormality.

"Hiromi?" Cody waved his hand in front of her face.

"Late. We're going to be late." It came out monotone, as she was still deep in thought. Hiromi then shook her head, unable to come to a conclusion. She finally focused on Cody and smiled, "Let's get to class before we're late."


Millicent had gone to The Roasted Bean, a café and deli shop near campus. She was drowning herself in her sorrows with strawberry banana smoothies. Definitely not ale, as the only time she got drunk, it took her Mother three hours to remove the memories from everyone in the pub of a witch performing all sorts of spells. It would have been tea, but since coming to the states, she found she couldn't find a good place for tea if her life depended on it. So it was strawberry banana smoothies. She knew what she had to do, but knew she only had to do it if Cody was the one she was looking for. Her heart, however, didn't want to wait to find out that vital information.


Elva disappeared to the Greenhouse in the horticulture department. On campus, this was her own private sanctuary. She found her favorite spot near the edelweiss flowers and sat down on the stool in front of her, not even bothering to relieve herself of her backpack. The flowers usually reminded her of her happy childhood back in Austria but today they didn't help at all. She pulled her skullcap off and allowed her tears to soak into it.

Floarea fluttered out. She had a heavy heart for her companion. "I'm sorry My Lady."

Elva didn't respond and Floarea just sat on her shoulder, ready to be supportive when the Princess needed her.


When the final class let out for the day, Cody and Hiromi stood outside Edison Hall. Both were stunned they hadn't seen either of their friends today.

"So if they aren't here tomorrow, I'll check on Miley and you've got Elva, right?" Cody raised his eyebrows for confirmation one last time.

"Of course." Hiromi also gave a head nod to acknowledge the deal. She would have went looking for Elva tonight, but the mist that surrounded Cody this morning was still preying on her mind. Her priority was to ensure his safety first.


For the better part of the day, Millicent sat in the back of the café sorting out her feelings and what she wanted to do about them. Finally, she decided she didn't care about Cody being the one. After all the failed attempts at finding 'the one', she felt she deserved some happiness. 'I'll place the spells on the two of them and if he's not the one then I'll reverse it. Or maybe Mother will let me keep Cody on the side?'

Millicent paid her tab and then quickly went to her car. She waved her wand over the GPS system, "Elva Caerwyn please."

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