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Time ticked on and eventually took its toll. Millicent had no interest in the field of environmental engineering and the words in the textbooks made her fall asleep that much more quickly. As soon as her head collapsed onto the book, a small yellow light appeared from her backpack.

Floarea had been waiting patiently ever since Millicent and her Mother's phone call. Having completed her task, she thought she would try to slip out soon after, but the vampire appeared. Now the coast was clear and she hastily took flight. She zipped and darted in between skyscrapers and the other buildings that constituted the Hilldale skyline. She flew across town to the place where the Princess dwelled, a small-secluded wooded area on the outskirts of the city.

Elva was lying on the limb of a large American Beech tree with her back against the trunk reading 'The Phenomenology of the Spirit'. She loved philosophy and the different variables that could dissect the thought of humanity.

Elva saw the yellow light approaching and quickly marked her page. She let her legs fall, allowing them to dangle as she leaned forward in anticipation.

"Floarea, I am pleased to see you have returned safely."

"My Lady," Floarea spoke with a bow. "I have completed your requested mission. The goal of the witch is to marry a man with an impressive lineage. She is here to determine if Cody is the one they seek."


"The witch's mother," Floarea quickly confirmed. "This is her doing. I got the distinct impression Millicent may not be infatuated with what she is being requested to accomplish. There is also a vampire interested in feasting on Cody's blood, but not in league with the witch, though they are familiar with each other."

"Interesting... so it comes down to matters of the heart between me and the witch. At least Cody is adequately protected from the vampire," Elva put her hand to her chin. "And what type of blood do they believe courses through Cody's veins?"

"I do not know, My Lady. It was not specified."

"It could be that is what Hiromi sensed. The power Cody radiates may be from him and not the protective barrier that surrounds him..."

"Hiromi is very keen."

"Yes. More keen than I. Even after a year, I can't sense anything abnormal. It does help that she has known him for an extensive amount of time."

"My Lady is most fortunate to have such an ally."

"She is most perceptive and a good friend." Elva smiled, "So are you Floarea. My Father was wise to put me in your care."

"My Lady is too kind with her words."

"I apologize for not controlling my temper with you earlier," Elva shook her head. "I am embarrassed that I allowed the witch to frustrate me so."

"Perhaps a song will alleviate your temperament." Floarea didn't wait for a response and immediately began flailing her limbs and twirling about as the words started escaping her lips.

"My Lady is in love,

To a man sweet as a dove,

He's now in the witch's sight,

My Lady will lose the fight,

She'll then be deprived of!

His love!"

Elva laughed as she threw her book toward Floarea. "Shut up, you little fly!"

Floarea turned toward the Princess with narrow eyes and a knowing smile. To her, she did her job at releasing the Princess's tension.


"Everyone, thank you for helping me catch up this evening," Millicent announced to Cody, Hiromi, and Elva as she sat down at the library table in which they were sitting. The textbooks were laid out, already open in preparation of the study session that was about to occur. Originally, Millicent had asked Cody, wanting to spend time with him alone, but it quickly escalated to a foursome as Hiromi had overheard the question and offered her assistance and Elva followed suit.

Elva and Hiromi were clinical in their dissection of their material and though Millicent became knowledgeable, she was uninterested. When it was Cody's turn, his expertise being in the subject of physics, she finally was afforded an opportunity to make a move.

"Oh, I see!" Millicent hugged Cody. "It's just determining which equation best suits the problem at hand."

Cody was caught by surprise as he was engulfed by her devouring arms before he let out a chuckle and reciprocated the act. "You're welcome Miley."

Millicent kissed his cheek, leaving a small amount of lipstick on the skin before pulling away. Elva rolled her eyes at the blatant display.

The sound of a chair dragging across the floor diverted the attention of the foursome to the resonance.

"Is the slapper making a divvy of herself in front of his mates?" Antanasia spoke in a horrible mocking of Millicent's British accent. "Did I say that correctly, Inselaffe (Romanian term for anyone from Great Britain. Translates to Island Monkey)?"

At the intrusion, Elva quickly wrote the word 'Vampir' down on a small slip of paper and slid it to Hiromi. She gave a slight nod at the knowledge.

Millicent glowered at the vampire, "Antanasia, what on earth are you..."

Antanasia interrupted with a big smile, "This must be Cody." She wrapped her arms around him from behind, her head next to his ear, "And his harem. So tell me, stud, whom will you choose; the slapper Brit, the childhood friend, or the girl genius?" Elva blushed three shades of red at the comment. Antanasia then inhaled his scent, "Or might I have a chance?"

Cody coughed before glancing up, "I'm sorry, who are you? Are you a friend of Miley's?"

Antanasia slid her chair in between Millicent and Cody, "I am. You can say..."

"We certainly are not!"

"Shh," the librarian quietly admonished from behind the counter. "Keep it down."

"Well, she's my friend," Antanasia giggled. "Clearly, those Brits are little dense as she's obviously in denial."

Millicent rolled her eyes in frustration, "What are you doing here?" She stared down the vampire, curious as to her intentions. She never had the audacity to interfere in any of her prior investigations. Why now?

"Nothing," Antanasia smiled. "Just came to check for myself in your interests."

"Leave me alone, Antanasia." Millicent demanded.

"See what I have to put up with?" Antanasia snickered as she gave a hand gesture toward Millicent. "I have done nothing to her but she insists on these immature displays."

"Though we've just met, I have to admit I never saw this side of her before." Cody looked curiously at Millicent. "So why the animosity, Miley? What slight has Antanasia done to you?"

Millicent's eyes locked with his and she immediately faltered. Technically she hasn't done anything specifically to her but be annoying. But that's because she always has her guard up around her. 'Damn those penetrating eyes of Cody's.' "Well, she's a... she's a..." She didn't know what to say. Does she tell the truth about the monster Antanasia is and therefore have to explain that she is a witch? Does she try to fabricate something to protect him?

"I didn't tell her about the flaws of a boy she liked in high school," Antanasia demurely responded.

"Yeah, um, that's it," Millicent had a wicked smile as she lowered her head; grabbing her wand and poking it in her nemesis' kidneys in the process.

The jab into her side caused Antanasia to jump in her seat. "Oh."

"Are you all right?" Millicent tilted her head as she asked. The other four also placed their gaze on the vampire.

Antanasia took the hint and stood, causing Millicent to rapidly withdraw her wand from view. "I must be going now. I'll see you later Cody," she lightly grazed her hand down his cheek and under his chin. "La revedere (Good bye), Inselaffe," she added as she walked away.

Antanasia's true goal was to closer inspect Cody. She couldn't get a read on him and it was frustrating her. Was there a magical barrier? She just couldn't sense it one way or the other. As she exited the library, she first verified no one was in sight and then morphed into her bat form. She flew up and hid herself in a tree. She was determined to find out.

The four finished their study session and were laughing as they were heading outside.

"Good bye, Cody," Millicent kissed his cheek, pressing her body against his. "Thanks again." She then turned and repeated the words to the other two.

Hiromi smiled and gave a simple wave, "See everyone tomorrow."

"Later Elva," Cody started for his car.

Elva was forlorn watching Millicent's display. She didn't think that after one day, the witch would become so brazen. Her head lowered, unsure of herself. "She seems affectionate."

Cody only got a few paces. Upon hearing those words, he turned to face Elva. "Yeah," he muttered as he ran a hand through his hair. "It's definitely different."

Upon noticing Elva and Cody weren't leaving right away, Millicent waited in her car. She waved her wand so she could hear their conversation.

Elva barely looked up at him. "Is that the kind of girl you want?"

"What?" Cody had heard the question, but was deliberately stalling. He wasn't expecting this conversation.

"I mean... is that the type of girl you're attracted to? The energetic, curvy, and slightly airheaded, what's the term..." Elva shook her head, "I suppose bimbo? That may be too harsh, but it makes my point."

"I... I... I don't know. I mean what are you asking? Do I like Miley? Yes, I think she's nice. I think the same of you as well. I'd probably classify my feelings for Hiromi a little differently." Elva held her breath with those words. She didn't think Hiromi was competition. "After all the time we spent together, I would say Hiromi is like a sister to me."

Elva exhaled, thankful for that reprieve. Not that she thought Hiromi was interested in Cody; she knew she wasn't, but that was one less obstacle for her. "It's just that I've never seen you with a girlfriend and I was curious as to what you would be interested in."

"I see what this is about. Forgive me, as I didn't have many people to talk to growing up. My social skills aren't really the greatest," Cody laughed. "I don't think you realized, but girls aren't exactly flocking to be with the nerd. So please, don't try to set me up with anyone. See you later." Cody started for his car again.

Elva shook her head, "Idiot."

At the same time, Millicent rolled her eyes, "Wazzock."

Antanasia waited patiently for the girls to disperse before flying toward Cody. When she got close, she landed and returned to her female form.

"Good Evening."

Cody was startled at the words as they came from directly behind him. "Antanasia, you scared me."

Millicent was across the parking lot when she saw Antanasia. She hastily got out of her car. Though a large distance separated them, she stormed toward the scene, wand in hand.

"I apologize about that, it was completely unintentional," Antanasia giggled before she became serious, her eyes staring deeply into his. She was pushing the thoughts of obey and submit into his mind. "Why don't you come over here so I can indulge myself?"

Cody's eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean by indulge yourself? Do you have car problems? I really don't know anything about cars?"

"What?" Antanasia was taken aback. 'How did that not work? She focused again and pressed an even deeper emotion into his mind; lust. "How about now?" She offered an inviting smile to the invitation.

"Uh, still a little confused on what you want?"

Antanasia grumbled in frustration before staring at her target - his neck. She dove forward, bared her fangs, and drove them toward her mark. Her mind was racing. 'This is going to be delicious.' She bit down hard and on impact, her right fang broke.

"OW!" Antanasia shrieked in agony as she grabbed her mouth. "Son of a Werewolf!"

Cody grabbed her shoulders to brace the woman, "Are you all right? What did you trip over?"

Millicent screamed, "Don't you dare hurt him!" She waved her wand preparing to cast a spell as soon as she got within range.

Antanasia looked dumfounded at Cody before she heard Millicent's cry. "Him? What about me? Do you realize the only dentist I can go to is in Romania?" She turned around and saw the incoming inferno that was Millicent. Her eyes went wide and she took off running in the opposite direction. As soon as she cleared the parking lot, she turned into a bat and escaped into flight.

Cody threw up his hands, "Miley, be careful. Antanasia tripped over something around here."

Millicent stopped in her tracks. Her head tilted in confusion. 'He seems fine.' "Are you all right?" She quickly reached for his collar and pulled his neck down to her eye level. "You're all right," she added completely shocked.

"I'm fine but are you okay?" Cody snickered at her continence.

"Um, uh, yeah," Millicent exhaled at the statement, still surprised.

"What's that in your hand?"

"Oh this?" Millicent held up her wand. "Uh, I thought Antanasia was hurting you so I grabbed this off the ground and came running."

"A stick?" Cody laughed. "You planned to save me with a stick?"

Millicent giggled, "Yeah, I wasn't thinking."

From above the administration building, the dragon had seen the scene. It spread its enormous wings. Slowly they lifted, then, in a quick burst, they pushed down sending a rush of air toward the ground. Lift off achieved, it turned its head to match its flight path, its eyes set on the home of Cyril and Delilah Cantor.


"A vampire and a witch? A Kenward witch no less? We can't allow him to have such powerful individuals by his side." Cyril had his hand to his chin while pacing the floor. "And that smart one has a fling for him too? Well, that one doesn't matter, but maybe she can be used." He continued going back and forth before stopping with a wicked smile. "Delilah, I think it's time for your dream to come true."

Delilah licked her lips in anticipation.

"But it must be done behind Slave's back," Cyril warned.


Millicent arrived to school earlier than usual; her head was still contemplating all that transpired the day before. 'I may have had him if it wasn't for that vampire's interference.' She wanted to be the first to meet with Cody today. If she could just get him alone, for just a few minutes, then maybe she could determine if she was wasting her time. He was peculiar, or at least he not having an aura was and she wanted to know the truth before her relationship progressed too far with him. For the first time, she honestly felt guilty for toying with a man's affections. He could easily be with Elva and they were both good people.

"Excuse me!"

Upon the words, Millicent felt a punishing pain in her shoulder and her body spun to the ground. "What the bloody hell?"

Laughter came from above her and she easily recognized the two bullies that had harassed Cody the initial day she had met him.

"Love the accent," Aaron smirked. "Do I make you randy?" He did his best Austin Powers impersonation which was the worst impersonation possible.

Millicent rolled her eyes in irritation before reaching for her wand. A look of surprise adorned her face as her hand came up empty.

"Hey, look at this," Fred stated as he picked up her wand. "The girl thinks she's Hermione Granger. Abracadabra!" He waved the wand about in the most ridiculous manner.

"Give it back, you wanker!" Millicent went to stand only to be pushed back down by the first goon.

"Wanker?" Aaron kneeled down, but with his larger frame, he was still looking down at her. A sinister sneer curled his lips as the back of his hand grazed her cheek, "Is that some sort of insult or were you offering?"

Millicent smacked his hand away with defiance in her eyes, "I will destroy you."

Aaron's head fell back in laughter, "Did you hear that, man? She's going to destroy me."

Fred chuckled though it was obvious he was still more interested in the wand, "Expelliarmus!" He shouted as he waved it again.

Aaron's eyes narrowed as he stared down Millicent, "I think I'm going to like this game."

Cody came from behind and easily ripped the wand from the grasp of an unsuspecting Fred.


Cody ignored the exclamation. "Leave her alone, Aaron. It's one thing to harass me, quite another for you to torment my friends."

Aaron stood and then shoved Cody's shoulder. "When did you grow some balls?"

Fred stood next to Aaron, cracking his knuckles in an act of intimidation. "I think it's time to teach the dork a lesson."

"You may pound me, but you better kill me if you want to lay even one finger on Miley."

Millicent looked up in awe at Cody. A breeze blew at his hair and his hands were clenched into fists - all for her. An unexpected feeling swelled inside her at that moment.

"Ready for class?" Elva stepped in between the standoff as if nothing were happening. She readjusted her backpack, which hung only on one arm.

"Morning everybody," Hiromi arrived as upbeat as ever and stood next to Elva. "First exam of the semester in calculus and who knows what Professor Winchell has planned. Hope everyone is ready."

Aaron grumbled, "This isn't over you fucking loser." He pointed right between the two girls in front of him. "C'mon Freddy, we'll get him next time."

Cody waited until the two tormentors left before smiling at Elva and Hiromi, "Thanks, you two." He turned around and noticed Millicent was giving him a peculiar look. "Are you hurt?" He offered his hand.

"Um, no." Millicent, almost in slow motion, put her palm into his. "Thank you."

"No worries," Cody smiled. "I believe this is yours." He picked up the book bag and handed it to her. "Is this the same stick from last night? Were you saving it as a memento?"

Millicent stammered, "Uh, actually, I just put it in my bag to, ah..."

Cody stared bewildered at her.

Millicent took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "I wanted it because my neighbor has a dog and I wanted to see if he would play fetch." The words came out hurried and her eyes reopened at their conclusion. She knew the lie was farfetched, but it was the best she could do while being put on the spot.

"Okay," Cody chuckled as he handed her the wand. "Good luck with that."


"It's been a few weeks, what have you found out?" Gail turned at her desk and faced the computer.

"He's chivalrous, sweet and a gentleman." Millicent smiled as she reminisced about all the memories she has of Cody, especially today. "He held open doors for me, pulled out my chair, and helped me in class. He listened when I spoke and responded while looking me in the eyes. He was..."

"I meant about his aura, Millicent. I meant about whether or not he is the son of Alice Griffin." Gail interrupted, surprised at what she was hearing. "Are you falling for him?"

"I, uh..." Millicent stuttered but quickly recanted, "No."

"Millicent, that's great... If he's the one. Just understand that there isn't a future with him otherwise, especially if he's a human."

Millicent gave a despaired filled sigh at the thought. Of all the possibilities she has met, Cody was by far the best of them. Even if he was just a human, she could see herself being with him. The way he stood up for her... But that could never happen. She shook her head, for the first time hoping that the person she was investigating was truly a Griffin.

"Anyways," Gail continued, "the reason I called was because we may have found something on an ancient stone tablet that originated in Western Tibet but we located in Scotland. How it got there is anybody's guess. It's not witchcraft, but at its core is the thought of being invisible. At first, we took it literally, but after pondering our situation, it might refer to hiding auras through alchemy. The problem is that it's written in Zhang-Zhung, a language that has been extinct since the tenth century. We borrowed a professor from Saint Petersburg State University and he seems to be enjoying himself. Hopefully we'll have an answer soon but until then, do your best."

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