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After a few seconds, the robotic voice responded, "Elva Caerwyn is located at State University, 610 Main Street in the Horticulture Greenhouse on its campus. Turn Left onto Main Street in .1 miles."

Millicent turned the ignition with a smile, "Oh good, she's still at Uni."


Millicent crept up to the Greenhouse. She was able to make out a small yellow light that illuminated Elva. Though her head was down, she was positive it was her. No one appeared to be in the vicinity. She would enter, cast the spell to eliminate her love for Cody, and then another to wipe the memory of the spell casting from her mind. Simple enough. 'Serves the slapper genius right after that public display this morning.'

The sound of the door opening alerted Elva and she quickly put her skullcap back on and then placed her head back on the table, her depression too great to do much else. Floarea immediately hid inside the fold, her typical hiding spot.

From the entrance, Millicent waved her wand at Elva. "Quod erat amor, et nunc est, nihil"

"Are you - what's the phrase? - adding insult to injury?" Elva stood and faced Millicent. "You've won and now you're trying to get me to forget my love for him?" Her arms went into the air and her voice went to a near shouting level. "Well, I don't want to forget! If the memories I have of Cody are all I can have of him, then so be it. Curse you for trying to diminish my feelings for him." She shook her head as she sat down. "Just leave me alone, you heartless witch."

Millicent stared in bewilderment at her wand, "Wha... What just happened?" The last time a spell of hers failed to cast she was twelve, and that was when she snuck into her Mother's room and tried her hand at the grimoire she found hiding under her the bed. She wasn't old enough to conquer it, but she had wanted to try.

Elva slammed her hands on the table as she stood again, "I said go!" She stomped toward Millicent with an angry fire in her eyes. "It's obvious Cody only wanted a girl to spread her legs for him and he got that in you. So congratulations, you get to make babies with his precious bloodline. And the sad part about it is that I truly loved him and you only love his ancestors. You have ruined my future; now get away from here before I make you." Her hand reached behind her neck and made short work of the zipper before extending inside her book bag.

Floarea knew what was next. She also knew that Elva's Father, Cathal (Cath-all), would admonish her charge greatly and would severely punish her if Elva proceeded. She positioned herself near her ear, crawling inside the fold to ensure she couldn't be seen and tried to reason with her in a hushed whisper, "My Lady, please, I implore you to think rationally. Don't do this."

Elva sighed as her hand fell to her side, "Miley, please leave."

Millicent's mind was reeling. 'How had I won? How did I ruin her life? Why did my spell not work? How did Elva know I was a witch? How did she know about my plight for Cody's bloodline?' So many statements were said that didn't make any sense and it caused her to respond in her typical eloquence of confusion, "What the bloody hell do you mean?" She shook her head, "You're the one that was on your knees in the pavilion winning his heart through his todger."

"Todger?" Elva thought for a moment to decipher the gist of the word, "I never! You were the one acting like a professional prostitute. A blowjob for his heart."

"Me!" Millicent fumed. "It was blatant that..."

"Wait," Elva held up her hand as she interrupted. "If you didn't and I didn't... the fog!" She snapped her fingers at the revelation. "Did you feel it too?"

"What fog?"

"When you walked to the pavilion this morning, did you feel anything? A sense of uneasiness or dread?"

Millicent's eyes scrunched before they went wide, "Why yes I did."

Elva ran past Millicent, grabbing her arm in the process. "Hurry up, you witch. Cody's in trouble."

"How do you know I'm a..."

"No time for explanations," Elva was in a mad dash with Millicent right behind. "Did you drive?"

"Of course. It's that silver Aston Martin."

Elva hated automobiles for what they did to the environment, but this was an emergency. She quickly jumped in the passenger seat as Millicent sat behind the wheel.

Millicent was unsure what was going on but she knew the intellect next to her was usually spot on, and that meant Cody was in danger. Though she didn't know how Elva knew she was a witch, it did make things easier for her. She waved her wand over the GPS, "Cody Trumbull, please."

After a few seconds, the robotic voice responded, "Cody Trumbell is located in the backyard of his home, 23951 Sycamore Lane. Turn right onto Main Street in .1 miles."

"Hurry," Elva proclaimed.

Millicent didn't hesitate. She accelerated so suddenly, that the back tires peeled out in a cloud of smoke. She flew through the streets, dodging and weaving through traffic as if she were racing Formula 1 cars. With speed and precision, and one final squeal of the tires as she turned into the driveway, Millicent and Elva arrived at the Cantor residence as dusk was beginning to fall.

"It said he was in the back," Elva flung her backpack over her shoulders and ran to the back yard, hopping the large, imposing gate in a single jump.

Millicent was a few steps behind and waved her wand, "Ascendo." She was still running, but at the word, her feet were ascending in the air. When she was clear of the obstacle, she waved her wand, "Descendam," and immediately she lowered to the ground.

At the commotion, Cody turned from his garden just as Millicent landed on the ground. A look of puzzlement adorned his face, not understanding why his two friends were frantically running towards him. "Elva? Miley?" He stood quickly to receive his guests, taking off his potting gloves while doing so. "What's the matter?"

Elva reached out with both hands. Her right landed on his shoulder while her left was placed firmly on his chest, right above his heart. Her eyes narrowed as she waited a few moments, just listening, feeling. "You're fine."

"Are you feeling well Cody?" Millicent was slightly winded from the run and slightly shocked Elva wasn't.

"I'm fine, but I should ask the same of you two. Hiromi and I were worried because neither of you showed up this morning."

"No, I was there and saw you with," Millicent caught herself before accusing Elva again, though she did glare in her direction as her anger began to flare. "Someone," she huffed.

Elva was calm. "We both witnessed you in the pavilion doing an act that shouldn't be done in public. Please explain what transpired this morning, and start from when you woke up." Though her heart was saying to attack Cody and demand 'why,' she knew there was something else at work and wanted all the information before she rushed to judgment.


Hiromi sat in the tree line, watching Cody from her usual distance. Her ears twitched when she saw Elva and Millicent start talking to him.


The Dragon turned on its perch and watched with rapt interest.


Cyril heard the small uproar coming from out back. His office was in the back part of the house so he simply swiveled in his chair and peeked out through the blinds. He stood with a start at seeing two girls talking to Cody. He made short work of the telephone and it was answered on the third ring.

"Boss, we may have a problem."

Dorji Tenzin (Door- gee Ten - sin) was a Tibetan man, physically average in every way possible. He wasn't remarkably tall, he didn't have a mouthwatering physique, nor was he impressively endowed. But he did have a harem of gorgeous women or as he called them his specimens. He also had an imposing following of all types of creatures willing to go to war for him at any moment. And that was his plan.

Dorji held the blonde woman's head on his shaft. "And what is that, Cyril."

"The boy, he has made some powerful allies. We tried to break them apart, but now... well they're here... in my backyard... talking to him."

"Stop stuttering, you fool." Dorji shook his head. "Just kill them. Use Isobel if you must."

"But the boy is with them."

"Is his Mother around?"

"Well, no. She needed to run an errand." Cyril ran a hand across his forehead, worried the slave would be back soon from having to run a quick grocery errand as she needed butter to complete dinner.

"Then what's the problem, kill him too."

"Kill the boy?" Cyril exasperated in shock. "But I thought..."

"You are too funny Cyril," Dorji chortled. "If he dies and the Mother thinks someone else did it, she will be more than willing to get revenge." Dorji grunted, unleashing his seed into the woman's mouth. "And we can tell her who that revenge should be associated with. We will make that boy a martyr."

"That means you are ready to put the plan into effect?"

"Of course," Dorji smiled. "We will own this world after we destroy what mankind doesn't even know is protecting them. Kill the boy." With that, he hung up the phone.

Cyril stared at the telephone, listening to the dial tone. It took a minute for him to become unfazed by the declaration before he shouted, "Delilah!"

"I'm busy!" Delilah wrapped her legs around her current lover. This day was one of those days she needed the nuclear gangbang, sort of. Her mind just couldn't let go of the boy. Instead of a myriad of men all at once, she chose one man that had a great amount of stamina in hopes of quelling her lust, all the while she dreamt it was someone else. To be honest, landing the A Bao A Qu (Ah-Ba-Ah-Coo) was something of a coup. To find a beast in this city that steals others life forces allowing her to steal not only his, but also his reserve, she couldn't have planned it better. She'll have to send a thank you card to the professor who climbed the Tower of Victory causing it to follow him back here. "Keep going, Cody."

His name wasn't Cody, but that didn't prevent him from thrusting his cock deep into her channel with the force of a bull.

"Delilah," Cyril pushed open the bedroom door with enough force that the doorknob punctured the drywall. "We have orders."

"What?" Delilah seethed, more than agitated.

"You failed. Cody's friends are here. We are to take care of it, including the boy."

"Damn it," Delilah let out a lamented sigh, full of disappointment at the order. 'I suppose I'll never get Cody.' She pulled her lovers head to her. "You will help me, won't you stud?" She finished by unleashing another strong dose of her love pheromone.

"Anything for you."

"Good. The sooner you are done, the sooner we can finish." Delilah licked her lips with a smile.

"We need to hurry," Cyril demanded. "It must be done before slave gets back."


"And that's what happened," Cody shook his head. "I had said 'no', but she insisted and I was afraid if I pushed her away, she would fire my Mother."

"Blimey, that woman's a succubus!" Millicent exclaimed.

Elva gave a slight nod.

Cody's head tilted to the side, "A what?"

The A Bao A Qu opened the sliding door and stepped out onto the patio. He was just tucking in his white dress shirt into his black slacks. His presence easily commanded the attention of the three friends.

"Who is that?" Millicent nodded to the large man before them.

Cody shrugged, "That's an executive that Mrs. Cantor has been doing business with since this afternoon."

"That isn't an executive," Elva's eyes sharpened. "Miley, I hope you have your wand ready."

The A Bao A Qu laughed. It was guttural, gruff, and resonated a deep fear. "These three aren't even worth my time. Pity."

"Elva," Millicent took hold of her wand. "Protect Cody."

In an instant, the A Bao A Qu unleashed three tentacles from its back, shredding his shirt. Each had a slew of thorns, and they attacked the three friends in a blink of an eye. One attached to Millicent's arm, another latched onto Elva's leg, and the third wrapped around Cody's stomach. The thorns tapped into their bloodstreams and began pulling the life essences out of the three. Once connected, the being morphed into its true form; a tall, gangly creature, light blue in color, with smooth skin. It stood hunched with its tentacles protruding from its back.

Cody took the brunt of the attack, with multiple thorns injected into his body. He collapsed with his breathing labored as his eyes rolled in the back of his head.

Elva struggled against the tentacle, trying to pull it from her body before she saw Cody's predicament. She dove to the ground and began tugging at his restraint.

Millicent aimed her wand, "Fulmina!" And with the flick of her wrist, a lightning bolt shot toward the A Bao A Qu. Her resistance finally waned, and she fell to one knee.

"Pathetic." The A Bao A Qu formed a fourth tentacle, and shielded himself from the attack, the thorns easily sucking in the energy from the lightning bolt. "Enjoy this!" His body tensed before he sent the lightening back through the other three tentacles.

Screams of pain came from the three. After the surge dissipated, Elva was attempting to reach behind to her backpack. Floarea swiftly flew into it and pulled the mini folding composite crystal crossbow to her hands.

Millicent shook her head and waved her wand again, "If that won't work - sphaera ignis!" A ball of fire formed and she thrust her arm forward, sending the inferno onward.

"Ha!" The A Bao A Qu laughed as he let the fire hit him. "You are too weak to hurt me now. Your magic cannot help you."

Hiromi watched from the tree line. She kept inching closer, but knew there was too much ground in between her and her friends to not be a surprise. The beast would surely catch her if she made the attempt.

Elva lay on the ground, struggling with the weight of her weapon just to aim it.

A bat came racing from the heavens on a direct course to the A Bao A Qu. When it came close, its appearance transformed to that of a young woman and her foot spun into the surprised A Bao A Qu's jaw. The force forced his head hard to the side, but Antanasia was not through. She repeatedly rained punches onto the larger beast, alternating between head and body shots.

The A Bao A Qu lurched his fourth tentacle to grasp the female. It wrapped tight around her form twice, and he lifted her to his eye level. "You just made a catastrophic mistake." The thorns drove deep into her body, causing her to gasp. He smiled, "Now your life will be mine."

Antanasia remained motionless, motionless with the exception of a knowing grin.

The A Bao A Qu laughed as Antanasia's essence began mixing with his. His laughed turned into a smile. Just as quickly, his entire expression exhibited confusion. His tentacle holds on all four people deteriorated, releasing the group from their captivity.

Elva's energy began recuperating itself at a rapid pace and she rushed to tend to Cody while Millicent slowly stood watching the vampire.

It was Antanasia's turn to laugh, "You ignorant beast. How can you steal the life energy from someone who is already dead?"

The A Bao A Qu fell to his knees, "You inhuman parasite!"

Antanasia picked up the large, oversized garden gnome sitting on a frog statue. "Takes one to know one," she spun and shattered the lawn ornament against the creatures skull.

The A Bao A Qu collapsed to the ground, dazed.

"Antanasia," Millicent exclaimed before her words became befuddled, "Where did... What are..." She gave a sigh, "How?" That one word seemed to sum up all her questions.

"I told you that you are my friend," Antanasia smiled. "I just needed to wait for nightfall."

"Well, thank you," Millicent gave a slight nod of gratitude. "And the new fang looks good too."

"Thanks," Antanasia smiled.

"Cody." Elva ran a hand through his hair as a tear cascaded from her cheek. She closed her eyes and put her palm to Cody's chest. At contact, she breathed a sigh of relief. "His pulse is faint but he'll live. His body is desperate for rest." She looked up at Millicent, "Don't you have a healing spell you can use?"

"It wouldn't do much use," Millicent shook her head. "My power is nearly depleted."

The A Bao A Qu began to rise, "Did you think you could win so easily?"

Elva grabbed her crossbow as she stood, "I'll defeat him." She took several steps forward to be next to Millicent and Antanasia, creating a small wall in front of Cody.


Cyril heard the car arrive from outside. He rubbed his brow, nervous on what to do. There was no way he could hide the battle going on in his backyard. 'Perhaps if she became the hero?' "Slave!" He ran to meet her at the front door. "Hurry, there's a group of individuals attacking Cody. He's already in trouble!"

The maid dropped the grocery bags as she ran through the house. Her hand slipped underneath her uniform to pull her wand out from her right leg garter. She rushed through the sliding door and didn't hesitate to point her wand at the A Bao A Qu. "Spontanea combustione!"

The A Bao A Qu's limbs extended wide from his body as if he were doing a jumping jack. His body then exploded from the inside, leaving only ash dancing in the wind.

"Blimey," Millicent put her hand over her mouth. "It cannot possibly be her."

"Who is she?" Elva gripped her weapon to prepare for its use if the woman was an enemy.

"I only saw her once - and that was at her funeral."

This time Elva looked suspiciously at Millicent. The witch had gone pale, so she was certain her rival was telling the truth, or at least the witch believed she was. She repeated, "Who is she?"

Millicent slowly turned her head to Elva. "It's Alice Griffin."

Alice surveyed the scene. A witch, a vampire, and a human with a crossbow and all were prepared to fight. She also saw her son lying unconscious on the ground. Anger filled her being. "Lux pugnae!" A continuous stream of high energy light emitted from her wand and toward the small group.

"Oh, Feck! Scutum custos!" Millicent quickly did the very first spell she was taught - the very first spell any Kenward was taught - as every member of the royal guard needs a protective shield. Her eyes scrunched as she braced for impact, hoping it would cast in time.

From the tip of the wand came a virtually clear force field that spread wide and just as the ray of energy impacted, it held firm in front of the three girls. "Stay behind me!" Millicent shouted.

Elva slid to the edge of the shield, crossbow in hand.

Alice's eyes narrowed as she reached under her uniform and to her left leg garter. She pulled withdrew a second wand and aimed it at Elva, "Lux pugnae!" Another ray of energy shot toward the group.

Elva ducked back behind the shield, "I cannot get a shot."

On impact, Millicent's stance was being pushed back, her feet pushing up the soil as the barrage was taking its toll. Her power was near its end.

Hiromi was in a mad dash coming from the woods. Her red and white fur was blowing in the wind while her paws made quick work of the ground.

"I'm sorry," Millicent lamented to the two other girls. "I just can't..."

Hiromi jumped in front of Millicent, her six tails spinning like a propeller before becoming a fiery inferno. The beams of light were engulfed in the flames as Millicent's shield finally faltered. The kitsune's body took on a human form once again with the exception of her tails.

Antanasia braced Millicent as she buckled from exhaustion. "That was some entrance!"

"Glad to see you arrived, Hiromi." Elva put her palm on Millicent's chest to ensure there were no complications other than fatigue.

"I had to wait for the right moment, lest be defeated myself." Hiromi held firm, full of determination.

The dragon grew tired of watching. It huffed as it lifted off with a quick flap of its wings. It circled around the fight, its flight path coming from the left of the quartet. Though cloaked, when it passed through the glow of the moonlight, it caught the eye of the vampire.


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