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Blown Cover Ch. 05

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The sisters are finally rescued.
11.7k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/04/2024
Created 03/01/2024
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Rebecca woke reluctantly, savoring the feeling of the first good nights sleep she had enjoyed for weeks. She kept her eyes closed, the enjoying the warmth of Finley's body pressed against her back and the comforting pressure of her arm as it draped across her shoulders. There was nothing sexual or arousing about it, just a long absent sense of comfort knowing that she was not alone in this anymore. She thought back to the night before, what they had done together.

Sure she had imagined it was Misha she was with but she couldn't deny it was her sister's lips on her neck, her hand on her breast and fingers between her legs that had brought the long denied orgasm. She gave a small shiver at the memory then slid gently out of bed so as to not disturb her sleeping bedmate. She gave another shiver as the cold air of the cell raised gooseflesh on her body and stifled a squeak of shock when her bare feet touched the cold stone of the floor.

Rebecca went through her workout routine, snorting with laughter when Finley grunted in disdain and rolled over pulling the pillow over her head. After almost half an hour of calisthenics Rebecca was hot and sweaty as she yanked the comforter off of her little sister.

"Up and at em' sleepy head." She chided. "The rules are we shower together and I am not going to get hypothermia standing here waiting for you."

"Fuck you!" Finley grunted, struggling to pull the blanket back up over her shoulder until she gave up and grabbed at the robe Rebecca held out for her. "I always hated you, did you know that?"

Rebecca guided her still half asleep sister down the hall to the small bathroom and propped her against the wall as she waited for the shower to heat up. Finley woke when she was pushed under the warm water and slowly became less surly as Rebecca washed her back for her. The two sisters shared the cramped stall, washing and shaving each other as per the orders they had been given. Even the task of using their tongues to check for any stubble had lost the sense of disgust, replaced by an acceptance of this was what they had to do to survive. When they returned to their room their breakfast had been delivered and they sat at the small table savoring the warm coffee and granola with yogourt.

"Becky, who's Brian?" Finley asked innocently, then gave a knowing smile as Rebecca snorted into her drink.

"What do you mean?" Rebecca replied after she had collected herself.

"You said his name in your sleep last night, who is he?"

"He's my supervisor at the Agency, that's all." Rebecca told her, her gaze darting to where the emergency transmitter hidden in the necklace and earrings sat on the small table. She knew they were being watched but didn't know if they were being listened to so she was careful about what she let slip.

"Is that all?" Finley continued, eyeing her over the rim of her mug. "The way you said his name didn't sound like you were talking about your job. If someone is riding to our rescue here, I want to know if he is cute or not."

Rebecca sighed, Finley wouldn't let it go and she didn't want her saying too much so she told her sister about Brian. She described his perpetually mussed hair, his warm soft eyes and the way he smiled with only one side of his mouth. She tried to relate his scent, a mixture of aftershave and deodorant that somehow combined with his natural odor to cause her nostrils to flare even now as she thought about it.

She even told her sister about the last time she saw him, how they had pretended to have sex so she could talk without raising suspicion of the men watching her. She related how he had denied himself even when she had said it was alright, practically begged him to fuck her. She talked about his short but broad physique. That he didn't seem to loom over her like other men and remembering fondly how her head fit perfectly below his chin the last time he held her. Her shoulders tensed under her robe as she recalled the feel of his arms around her and the sad sound of his voice that morning when he apologized for leaving her alone, having no idea of how badly she wanted him at that moment.

Finley reached out an took her hand, squeezing it gently. Rebecca remembered the gesture, one that she usually did when the two of them had been sitting together and Finley had been recounting the latest guy she had fallen for. Rebecca felt a twinge of guilt at the fact that most of the time she was already anticipating the tearful breakup that she would have to ease her sister through. The moment broke when the steel door opened with a groan of hinges. Rebecca smiled when Misha stepped in, then frowned as Olga followed her.

"Alright ladies, enough girl talk. It's time to thank Mr. Kaprikov for his hospitality." Olga barked, gesturing imperiously for the women to follow her. Out in the hall Rebecca was surprised to see Anastasia and Katya, also in their robes and slippers.

"You will accompany Anastasia, she will tell you how to prepare." Olga ordered pointing at Rebecca. "You will go with Misha, you have 30 minutes. Don't be late or it will result in a loss of privileges for all of you." Olga turned and left, the heels of her calf high boots striking the stone floor loudly. Rebecca noticed that she wasn't wearing her usual corset or leather pants, but a silk blouse and almost respectable skirt.

"Follow me." Anastasia told her. Rebecca jumped, she had never actually spoken to the young girl before but she noticed that the tone was almost as harsh as Olga's. Rebecca set her jaw, she thought of how she had forced her mother to lick her pussy after Kaprikov had fucked her. She could only imagine what the girl had been through but that was no excuse to take her anger out on her mother.

"Come on, we don't want to get in trouble." Kata said in a quiet voice, following Anastasia meekly like a calf following it's mother. Rebecca looked over at her sister and Misha noticed.

"Don't worry, she will be fine with me. I promise." The older woman said reassuringly.

'Don't make a promise you can't keep' Rebecca thought to herself, but didn't say anything for fear of tempting fate. She tightened the belt of her robe and hurried to follow the two young girls up the stairs and down an unfamiliar hallway. Soon she was in a room that was clearly a dressing room, there were makeup tables along one wall and a closet on the other filled with a variety of female outfits from ball gowns to bathing suits.

"There are your outfits, you are to make yourself up like students at a private girls academy." Anastasia told them, then moved over to sit at a table and began applying her makeup. Soon the three of them were dressed and putting the finishing touches on their appearance.

The outfit consisted of a crisp white blouse and a plaid sweater vest with a matching skirt. Surprisingly, the underwear was plain white cotton with no lace or adornment and the shoes were simple flats with knee high white socks. Even the makeup and hairstyle was simple, and as directed by Anastasia, as youthful as possible. Rebecca was even more disgusted than before, there was nothing sexy or playful about it except how young they all looked. She could have walked into any young girl's academy in the world and no one would have batted an eye, which is apparently exactly what Kaprikov wanted as Olga nodded her approval when they entered the den.

Rebecca saw him sitting not in his usual chair but behind a desk and not wearing his familiar track suit or dressing gown but instead a shirt and jacket with loose slacks. He looked like someone's overweight grandfather come to visit, until you saw the gleam in his beady eyes and how his tongue slid over his lips. Misha and Finley were there too, dressed as respectably as Olga was in blouses and skirts only their too high heels gave any indication as to what was going to happen. Rebecca then stiffened when she saw a man with a video camera on a tripod.

"Are we recording?" Olga asked and the man nodded.

"Headmaster, these students have been caught cheating on their last exam." Olga announced in a clear voice.

Rebecca looked over at Anastasia and Katya, then mimicked their hangdog pose. She couldn't keep her eyes off of the three thick leather straps that were sitting on the desk, especially now that Kaprikov was stroking them with his fat fingers.

"Most shameful behaviour from otherwise promising young girls." Kaprikov said in a disappointed voice. "And these are their teachers I assume?"

"Yes Headmaster." Misha replied, obviously having done something like this before. "My assistant and I just discovered the cheating and reported it to Headmistress Olga. We are very disappointed in all of them, they showed such promise."

Kaprikov nodded sagely then looked over at where the three 'schoolgirls' stood, heads bowed in shame. "What am I supposed to do with you girls. You could be suspended over this you know."

"Oh no, please, please headmaster. I am so sorry, it was all her idea, she told us she could get the exam answers for us." Anastasia said in a pleading voice, pointing an accusing finger at Katya.

Katya squeaked in surprise, cowering away from the hateful glare Anastasia directed at her. "But, but..." she stammered, her eyes darting around in confusion.

Rebecca stepped forward "It was my idea Headmaster. I knew where the test answers were kept and snuck in after dismissal to take them." She took a deep breath, pushing her breasts forward as she raised her head. "Is there anything that I can do to make up for it?" If this was going to happen anyway, perhaps she could get it over with quickly by playing the role.

Kaprikov nodded sagely, his hand settling on the handle of one of the leather straps. "That is very commendable of you young lady, but I am afraid that there must be some form of punishment to ensure this does not happen again. Punishment for all of you."

He lifted one of the straps and held it out to Misha. "You will take this and punish this one." He said, pointing at Anastasia. "And you will punish this one" he said as he proffered another of the straps to Finley, gesturing to where Rebecca stood. "Headmistress Olga will administer the punishment to the third girl and I will count the strokes and watch to ensure that they are being delivered properly."

Misha stepped forward and took the strap, then gestured Finley forward. Finley stood still, rooted to the floor with her eyes wide as they darted from the thick leather to Rebecca's face.

'Do it.' Rebecca mouthed, twitching her head toward the desk.

Finley swallowed then shuffled forward and took the strap from Kaprikov's outstretched hand, giving a quiet whimper when she felt the weight. The office chair creaked under his weight as Kaprikov leaned back, folding his hands over his fat stomach. "Now girls, one on each side and hands on the desk."

Rebecca stepped forward, resting her hands on the polished wood and pushing her ass out. She looked down, allowing her hair to fall over her face. She heard Anastasia and Katya assume their positions on the ends of the desk then the clicking of heels as the 'teachers' moved into position. The gentle pressure of Finley's hand on the small of her back made her bite her lip in anticipation. She felt her skirt being slid up over her waist and she felt a small tremor from her sister.

"It's alright, it's alright." She whispered, hoping that Finley could hear her.

"One!" Kaprikov grunted and Rebecca tensed then flinched at the sound of leather striking flesh and the startled yelps of the other girls. Her own blow was almost gentle in comparison and she cursed to herself, if Finley didn't play the part they would both suffer.

"Assistant Miller, you will deliver the punishment that Headmaster has decreed or I will." Olga snapped.

"Sorry Mistress Olga, I have just never...." Finley stammered. "I will do better."

With that she wound up and delivered a stinging slap of the strap across Rebecca's firm ass cheeks. Rebecca yelped, making no effort to stifle her cry of pain as she knew it was what they wanted and they would get it one way or another.

"Two." Kaprikov grunted and another swish and slap of leather drew another round of squeals of pain from the three women. Rebecca heard Katya sobbing, but perversely Anastasia gave a moan of pleasure at the beating her mother was giving her. She dug her nails into the polished wood of the desk, smiling through gritted teeth at the furrows gouged into the wood.

"Five, six, seven." Kaprikov chortled as his fat belly shook with sadistic glee. All he needed was a hairless cat to stroke and he would be a textbook comic villain but Rebecca was in too much pain to laugh anymore. Her ass and thighs were on fire as each blow came seemingly harder than the last. Anastasia was not moaning anymore and Katya was openly crying, wailing in agony whenever Olga struck her.

"Eight, nine. Well Headmistress Olga, do you think these girls have learned their lesson?" Kaprikov said in a condescendingly pleasant voice.

"I hate to end on an odd number Headmaster, I think it sends a bad message." Olga replied haughtily.

"Very well, ten." And Rebecca let out her own wail of suffering to echo the others coming from either side of her then collapsed onto the desk. Her tears dribbled onto the wood as she gasped and tried to collect herself. She heard her sister struggling to stifle her own sobbing over what she had been forced to do.

Rebecca pushed herself up and looked around. Anastasia and Katya were still face down on the table, their young bodies shaking as they whimpered in pain. Misha was standing behind her daughter gently stroking her back and Rebecca could see the suffering in her eyes over what she had been made to do. Olga had a satisfied smile as she idly swung her strap, swishing air over Katya's reddened behind and making the girl flinch in fear with every barely missed stroke. Rebecca glanced over at Kaprikov who was pushing his chair back from his desk and tugging at his belt.

"Well, now that these girls have been punished for their misdeeds, I think it is time that they apologize." He chuckled, his pink tongue sliding out to run over his thin lips.

Rebecca grunted in pain and surprise as she was tugged off of the desk by her hair. "If I may Headmaster, this one and I have some issues we need to work out." She heard Olga say behind her.

"Very well Mistress Olga. These two young ladies should be quite enough for me. I think that Educator Misha and her assistant should learn to work together as well. Perhaps some team building will help them with their supervision in the future." Kaprikov replied as he waved his pudgy hand like a roman emperor giving a decree.

Rebecca was tugged across the room to a leather sofa where she was shoved to the floor in front of Olga. She glanced around and saw Anastasia and Katya slowly levering themselves up off the desk and gingerly making their way over to where Kaprikov sat. He had his pants pushed down to his knees with his semi hard cock peeking up like a giraffe out of a canopy of coarse black hair. Misha walked over to where Finley was standing, gently taking her by the chin and turning her to face her. The statuesque brunette pressed her ruby lips against Finley's mouth as her hands slid around her waist pulling Rebecca's sister firmly against her.

"Your little sister has become quite the whore." Olga sneered. "Perhaps it is your example that she is following. Now put that tongue to use and just maybe I won't make you beat her like she beat you."

Rebecca crawled forward, kneeling between Olga's spread legs and pushing her skirt up to her waist. She looked almost enviously at the neatly trimmed hair around Olga's pussy, a symbol of freedom of choice compared to her own smoothly shaven crotch.

"Yes Mistress Olga, I will do as you say. Please, please don't hurt my sister." Rebecca murmured pleadingly as she nuzzled her way into the other woman's crotch.

Olga snorted contemptuously "Don't think that you are fooling me slut, you aren't broken yet but you will be soon enough. Once Vladimir has squeezed you for all of the use you are to him he will give both of you to me, and then I can finish the job."

Rebecca suppressed a shiver of fear, then slid her tongue up between Olga's pussy lips. She pushed her face between the other woman's legs, settling herself on the heels of her disgustingly comfortable slippers as she placed her hands on the inside of Olga's thighs. The urge to bite the bitch's clit off boiled within her but instead she pursed her lips and gave it a gentle kiss. 'Soon' Rebecca thought to herself. 'Brian will be here soon, then I will make you pay.'

"That's right, use your mouth for what you are destined for you stupid little whore. Lick my snatch and just maybe I will be merciful to you and your sister tonight." Olga moaned, sinking into the sofa as her fingers dug into Rebecca's hair.

Rebecca obeyed, she had little choice at the moment. The sounds of sex filled the room behind her and she listed to try to distract herself from being forced to pleasure the woman she hated. She heard Kaprikov grunt and Anastasia moan in response, then a pained gasp from Katya and she could only imagine what the fat pig was doing to the two girls. She also heard a moan of pleasure from what sounded like Misha, a soft gentle gasp that was so out of character from the normally stoic woman that she turned her head to try to look behind her.

"Missing out on the show?" She heard Olga comment, then yelped in surprise and pain as she was yanked up by the woman's grip on her hair. "If you aren't going to concentrate on your job then I will just have to fuck some sense into you."

Olga spun Rebecca around and pushed her down on a coffee table. "Stay there slut, Mistress will be right back."

Rebecca heard Olga's heels click as she walked across the room and the sound of a cabinet door being opened. She glanced over, beside the camera man Olga was sliding out of her skirt and stepping into a strap on dildo. "Eyes front girl. Your task is not finished yet." She snapped as she nestled one end into her own pussy and stroked the other like she was sharpening a sword.

Rebecca complied, turning to look at the orgy going on in front of her as she slid her fingers between her legs. She rubbed her clit, desperate to moisten herself as much as she could before Olga shoved that latex phallus into her. She was disgusted to find that she was already damp, how could her body and her mind be so different? How could she actually be turned on by what was going on around her.

Anastasia was kneeling between Kaprikov's legs, her head bobbing gently on his cock while she stroked his balls with one hand. Katya had straddled one of the big man's thighs and was working her hips back and forth, grinding her pussy in small sensual circles. She was stretched up across his expansive stomach as he held the back of her neck and pressed his thin lips hard against her mouth. She whimpered in shame and humiliation as his fat fingers dug into her firm young tits.

Misha and Finley were on the floor in a sixty-nine. Misha was on her back, her legs spread and skirt hitched up to her waist as Finley pressed her face between the older woman's legs licking just as Rebecca had been doing to Olga earlier. Misha moaned again, arching her back with her eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. Rebecca saw her fingers dig into her sister's hips as she pushed her own pelvis up against Finley's probing tongue.

"Enjoying the show." Olga said from behind her and Rebecca flinched in surprise. She had all but forgotten that the woman was there, so focused had she been on what she was seeing. She felt her schoolgirl skirt get flipped up and her underwear pulled down. She braced herself against the table as the thick latex shaft nudged itself against her pussy lips.

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