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Blown Cover Ch. 05


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Zhukov took another drag of his cigarette "I don't have Vladamir's appetites, but there are people who do. Make sure they remain marketable until I decide."

Olga nodded again. "Yes sir, nothing visible or permanent, I understand." She cast a smug glance at Rebecca then disappeared into the house, her hips and shoulders swaying with restored confidence.

Rebecca struggled against Finley's restraining arms, but Brian took her firmly by the shoulder and bundled her into the back of the SUV. Finley slid in beside her as he took the wheel and they sped out of the driveway and down the long access road.

"We need to get back to the agency, we need to put together a strike and get back here fast. Do we have access to a helicopter? I only counted five men, and assume four more in the house based on the number of cars and seats then that means...." Rebecca blurted before Brian cut her off.

"Miller, we can't go to the Agency. I think Agency Director Skinner is the mole you told me about."

"What, how?" she replied shocked.

"He's the only one who knew about your mission, and had clearance to access your personnel file. Also, he has been in Moscow the longest so was most likely to have been approached by Kaprikov. Now that Kaprikov is dead and you are out he can write this off as a successful mission. There is no way he will authorize a strike that may turn up anything incriminating." He explained.

"Then we need to arrest him." Rebecca snapped back. "Get in there, arrest him and then get Assistant Director Scully to..."

"On what evidence?" Brian interrupted her. "Everything I told you about his access is true, but circumstantial. The only person who could prove Skinner was dirty is dead."

"But, but we need to do something!" Rebecca wailed, punching the back of his seat in frustration.

Brian slammed on the brakes and spun around to glare at her. "Dammit Miller, this isn't a movie!" He snapped. "We don't just barge into a director's office and slam our fist on the table to accuse him of being dirty, then wait for everyone else to cheer as we drag him out. We also don't stage helicopter assaults on a private residence based on the word of a mid level agent who wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place and his 'gone rouge' asset!"

Rebecca sat stunned, her mouth agape as she stared into his furious eyes. "But, but, I promised." She stammered weakly.

Brian closed his eyes and sighed, a resigned sigh of frustration. "I had to get you and your sister out. I couldn't go to Skinner or anyone in the Agency, so I contacted Zhukov, who is an upper-level boss of a rival syndicate out of Leningrad. I used to work out of that office before I transferred to Moscow. I gave him Kaprikov's location, thanks to the transmitter you were wearing, and helped him put together the raid. The only reason we are allowed to leave is because I said that I would be staying in Moscow and would work with him in the future."

He gave another sigh, "I have us booked out on a military flight tomorrow, I can't stay here with his hooks in me."

"But, Misha." Rebecca whispered.

"We can call the Moscow police, I have some contacts there. With Kaprikov gone maybe the people he had working for him will be willing to move on Zhukov before he gets established. This is a chance for them to tear down almost all of the organized crime in the city." Brian said hopefully, then gave another resigned sigh. "But, this is Russia."

Rebecca felt Finley slide her arm around her and she slumped back into her sister's embrace. She began to whimper quietly, then sob as Finley pulled her tight and stroked her hair, shushing her the same way that she has comforted Misha not long ago. Rebecca felt the car move back onto the road, then ignored everything as she cried in her sister's arms.

"Like I said, this was a successful mission. You infiltrated Kaprikov's inner circle and as a result we managed to take him down." Brian explained as they sat around the chipped kitchen table the safe house. "With your task over, you will be transferred back to your home agency with a glowing letter of assessment signed by Director Skinner."

The three of them were sitting in the kitchen of the small safe house apartment that Brian had brought them to. A half-drunk bottle of vodka and some empty take out food containers scattered in front of them and he was explaining how things were going to unfold next.

"I have requested some vacation time, not unusual after a mission like this. I said I would escort you out and conduct your debriefing on the way. Once I told Skinner Kaprikov was dead he was quite happy to have me out of the office. Finley, you were never officially here since Kaprikov smuggled you in. I have a set of fake papers that will get you onto the flight then once we are home you can go on with your life."

He looked at the two of them, confused about what to say next. Rebecca was still red eyed and exhausted, spent from trying to deal with everything and still not accepting that this was the end. Images of Misha, Anastasia and Katya kept popping up in her head, only to disappear behind the last memory of Olga's smug smile as she disappeared back into the house.

"...for everything. Rebecca told me you would come for us, she never stopped believing in you." She heard Finley say as she snapped back to reality. Her sister was leaning over the table, one hand gripping Brian's elbow while the other clasped her own hand in a comforting grip. They were still wearing their clothes from the house and for a moment it was like Finley was a mother thanking the teacher for helping her daughter with a math class.

"Yes, thanks. I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you, that I got everyone into this." Rebecca said softly, then gave a small shiver when Brian's strong heavy hand settled over hers and squeezed reassuringly.

"Hey, the mission was a success and you and your sister are safe. That's what matters." He said before pushing his chair back with a grunt.

"I need to clear up some things before we leave, and I will grab some groceries and stuff. There are clothes here, I can't guarantee the fit. I don't want to draw attention by buying too much so we will need to make do until tomorrow." He waved to the two doors off of the small hall. "There are two beds in that room, for you two. I will take the other." He moved to the door, then pulled his pistol out, checking the load and safety and passed it to Rebecca.

"I will be back soon, three knocks then two before you open the door alright." He told her and she nodded. After he left Rebecca took a shower in the small bathroom. It felt almost lonely without her sister there and she looked for a razor and shave cream before she caught herself. Fuck, how long would they be in her head she thought as she wrapped the worn towel around herself.

"About time." Finley chided as she stepped out of the bathroom. "I was half tempted to join you just to make sure I got some hot water."

Rebecca smiled weakly. "Fin. About, about what happed." She said.

Finley wrapped her arms around her, stooping down while Rebecca instinctively rose on her toes. "It's alright, its alright. We can go to the same therapist when we get home if you want."

Rebecca smiled, shoving her sister with mock anger. "Really, I didn't tell anyone, not even Brian. If you want, we can pretend it never happened..."

"How about I have a shower first, then we can address any 'Post Traumatic Sexual Disorders' that crop up, ok." She replied, as usual using humor to take the stress out of a situation.

Rebecca nodded. "It felt weird, not having you in there with me. I don't know if that is good or not."

Finley nodded back. "I understand, but be warned that I probably won't shave for a month." They both laughed then Rebecca moved to the bedroom and opened the closet, looking for clothing. Her schoolgirl outfit lay on the floor in shreds. The two of them had destroyed any trace of Kaprikov's control over them in another orgy of clothing destruction, but she noticed that Finley's high heels were safely tucked under one of the beds.

She found an oversized t-shirt, it hung off of one shoulder but the hem came halfway down her thighs and the loose comfortable fabric was just what she needed. She combed out her hair and pulled it back in a ponytail, simple and effective with no effort at being cute or flirty. She looked at herself in the mirror, face scrubbed of all makeup, as fresh and new as she could make herself.

Finley walked in, wrapped in her own towel with her long thick hair up in a clip on top of her head to keep it dry. She pulled out a man's button up shirt and pulled it on, rolling the sleeves as she settled it on her shoulders. She shook out her hair and sat on one of the beds, curling one leg under her and swinging the other over the edge. Rebecca crawled up on the other, her legs hanging off the side with her toes barely brushing the ground.

"So, where do we go from here?" Finley asked after a few moments.

"We will go home tomorrow, you can go back to school and I will take some time before going back to work." Rebecca replied, looking out the window at the bare brick wall across the alley. "Like Brian said, this was a success and the report will be a big boost to my career."

Finley reached out, taking Rebecca's hand gently. "We did what we did, what we had to do to survive." She said quietly and Rebecca nodded in response. "I don't hate you, it is Kaprikov and Olga who I hate for what they did to us, to all of us."

Rebecca nodded again, still looking out the window as rain started to patter on the glass. She was ashamed, not just at the unthinkable things she had been forced to do with her little sister, but also at how much she enjoyed it. She found herself thinking back to that night in their cell together, when Finley's hands and lips gave her the pleasure she had denied herself for so long.

Finley sensed something was wrong and tried to change the subject. "And that Brian guy, you weren't lying about him. What a piece of work."

Rebecca bit her lip, trying to keep her emotions in check. "Yeah, he's great, he sacrificed everything because I fucked up."

She yelped when Finley gave her a shove. "Hey, what the fuck? You kept it together and got us through all of that shit and now you are sitting here beating yourself up over past decisions? 'The goal line is the other direction stupid!' Do you remember telling me that whenever I tried to mope around over my latest fuck up?"

Finley leaned over, gathering her little big sister in her arms. "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it." She said in a firm reassuring voice. "So, what are you going to do?"

Rebecca shoved her away "You can't fix this with Disney quotes." She snapped.

"And you can't fix it by blaming yourself for bad decisions that you have already made. How about making some good ones." Finley shot back.

They were interrupted by three knocks on the door, followed by two others. Rebecca eased the door open, the gun held down by her side as Finley braced her foot against the bottom. She saw Brian standing across the hall and opened the door to let him in.

"I bought what I could, we will leave tomorrow morning so get some rest. Military transport's aren't very comfortable." He said, handing over some bags. Rebecca thanked him, then they stood awkwardly in the room for a bit until he mumbled about being tired and headed to his bedroom shutting the door behind him.

Finley laughed behind her as she looked in her bag then held up a small plastic wrapped package. "Seriously, he got us pads. I can't believe a guy actually bought pads." Rebecca smiled and looked fondly at the closed door to the bedroom.

It was later that night when Rebecca slipped quietly out of her bed. She paused at the door to the bedroom, listening to her sister's gentle snoring for a moment before slipping out of the room. She waited for a moment, then knocked softly on the door across the hall. Nervously, she tugged at the hem of the t-shirt she was wearing, considering whether to take it off or not.

The door opened and she took a sharp breath, Brian was standing there with an adorable sleepy expression wearing just a pair of pajama pants. His hair was mussed but the dim light from the window gleamed off of the curve of his muscular shoulders, casting a deep shadow that outlined his broad chest and hips. No six pack here, just a strong powerful body with a sprinkling of hair and a few scars that she was dying to learn about. He rubbed his face with his hand as his eyes focused on her where she looked up at him.

"Rebecca?" he asked in a sleepy voice.

"Um, sorry for waking you. I just, I just wanted to thank you for..." shit, why was this so hard she cursed to herself. She had been dreaming of this moment for weeks, here he was and she could barely even talk.

He leaned against the door frame, his hands awkwardly trying to slide into non-existent pockets. "Hey, it's alright. I'm sorry, I'm sorry it took so long. Sorry that you had to go through what you did." He replied, looking away guiltily.

"No, no. It's alright, it was my fault. You did everything right, I just, just wanted to, well." She stammered. "Oh fuck it." She said then threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.

He squawked in surprise and she took the opportunity to push her tongue into his mouth. She held him tight, pressing her body next to his while she hungrily devoured his lips. She moaned, the feel of her breasts crushed against his chest, the taste of him, the smell, it was everything she had wanted since that night in her apartment.

Instinctively he wrapped his arms around her waist then released her, gently but firmly pushing her back as he gasped when the kiss broke. "Rebecca, stop. This is wrong, you are really vulnerable right now. You have been through hell and are confused, we shouldn't do this."

"Oh for Christ's sake, get off of your moral high horse and fuck her already!"

Both of them started when they saw Finley standing unnoticed in the doorway. She was still wearing the man's button up shirt with the sleeves rolled to her elbows, her long legs sticking out of the bottom. Her wavy honey blonde hair was loose and hanging over one shoulder as she tugged it out of her face. She stepped across the hall and reached over Rebecca's shoulder to poke Brian in the chest. They were eye to eye as they stared at each other overtop of the smaller woman's head.

"You're right, she has been through hell. You want to know what got her through it? The faith that you would show up, that she could count on you to get her out. And you did, you stormed the castle, killed the dragon, and rescued the princess so now she wants to give you your reward."

Finley pushed them both into the bedroom and soon Brian was backed up against the queen bed. "She has had the hots for you ever since she got into this fucking country, and she told me the shit you pulled last time she tried to hit on you. Now shut up and let her do this. Besides, in the stories the girl always gets the hero."

Finley smiled, a wicked seductive smile as she grabbed Brian by the back of his head and pressed her lips to his. He stood there stunned, unsure of what to do while she kissed him hard. When she broke the kiss she looked down at Rebecca "Because if she doesn't fuck your brains out, then I will."

Rebecca fell to her knees, tugging desperately at the waist of Brian's pyjama pants as she wrenched them down his legs. She took his cock in her hand, rubbing and stroking it as she savored the moment. Her mind flashed back to her apartment when she had tried to do this and he has prevented her, well she wasn't stopping this time. She took his prick in her mouth, moaning at the taste and smell that was better than she had imagined.

"But, but.." Brian stammered before Finley cut him off by kissing him again. Rebecca felt her sister's crotch press against the back of her head as she leaned in over her. She bobbed her head, impishly smiling when the knot of her ponytail rubbed against her Finley's pussy through the material of her shirt. Their mutual moans of pleasure were magic to her ears as she sucked on the cock in her mouth.

She slid her tongue along the bottom of the shaft, swirling it in circles while she twisted her head as she bobbed back and forth. She tasted the first oozing of his pre-cum and shuddered at the memory of when she licked it off of her fingers that night. The salty sharp tang made her nipples harden as she sucked hard like she was drinking her favorite vanilla milkshake. She felt one of Brian's hands settle on her head, he didn't try to push her away or control her. Instead his fingers dug lightly into her hair like he was finally accepting that this was what both he and she wanted.

"Mmmmmmmmm" Brian moaned into Finley's mouth as the two of them kissed over where Rebecca knelt. Rebecca didn't feel any jealousy, she and her sister were beyond that here. Instead they both worked to reward the man who had sacrificed everything to save them from sexual slavery. She sucked on his cock, pulling back to run her tongue around the tip before taking it in again. He wasn't too big and she could get most of him inside her mouth without discomfort which pleased her. She slid her fingers up his thighs and gently cupped his balls, rolling them in her hand like delicate Christmas ornaments.

"Oooohhhh fffuuucckkk" she heard him moan and looked up with a smile. His head was arched back as he groaned. Finley was kissing his neck then licked her way down his broad chest, taking one of his nipples in her mouth and rolling it with her tongue. One of her hands traced the line down his stomach to rest on top of his where he gently gripped Rebecca's head. The other was behind him, kneading his buttocks and nudging him forward into her sister's mouth. Rebecca reached around with her own hand to grab his other ass cheek, pulling his cock as deep into her as she could while she worked the back of her throat to massage the head of his prick.

"This is, this, this..." he groaned but Finley shushed him with a fingertip to his lips.

"Sssshhhhhhh, don't talk, just feel." She said in a sultry voice, then she took his earlobe in her teeth and began to gently nibble.

Rebecca felt herself getting wet and she could smell the now familiar scent of her sister's own juices. She desperately wanted to taste Brian's cum but her own need burned hotter. She rose and pushed him down onto the bed, crawling up to straddle his hips and rubbing her moist pussy against the tip of his now hard cock. She leaned forward, grabbing his head and pulling it toward her so she could press her lips against his again. This time he kissed her back, his arms wrapping around her and pulling her tight as their tongues fought inside each other's mouth.

She broke the kiss and pushed herself up, rising on well muscled thighs to hover herself over his upright cock. She looked down at him, he was still adorably confused but he had that cocky half smile on his face. She smiled back as she rocked her hips back and forth, gently teasing the tip of his prick with her wet pussy lips. She lay her hand on his chest and slowly slid down on his cock, closing her eyes and arching her back in long denied ecstasy as she finally felt him fill her.

"Oooohhhhhhhh" she moaned, slowly bobbing up and down on him as she savored the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of her. She hissed when she bottomed out, rocking her hips to grind her clit against his pelvis.

Rebecca sensed Finley move behind her, straddling Brian with her own long legs and felt her shirt being pulled up. She lifted her arms over her head, allowing her sister to remove it and toss it to the floor. Finley's warm breasts pressed against her back as she unbuttoned her own shirt and pressed her body against hers. Her hands came around to cup Rebecca's tits, gently but firmly squeezing them and rolling the hard nipples between her fingers.

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