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Blue Moon Rising Ch. 03

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Aiden remembers an old flame.
3k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/08/2010
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I woke a little disoriented amidst a chaos of twisted duvet. I stretched and discovered a few unusual aches in few unusual places. It was dark and seemed late at night but I could smell and hear food cooking. Mmmm steak. Ian. Memories of the previous hours flooded my mind.

I was a little shocked, and a little horrified by this new me but more than that, I was happy. Happily hooked up with a wolf-man, yeah that part was strange but I could put it away in a little box and deal with it later.

The scent of perfectly seasoned steak tickled my nose again and my tummy growled demanding attention.

"I can hear your stomach from over here!"

I smiled and rolled out of bed, grabbing a robe from my door on my way to the kitchen. Ian had set the table simply and elegantly with a single Iris as the center piece. "That's my favorite flower." I stepped into his arms.

"Really? I think it's your neighbor's favorite as well." He gave me a wicked smile.

"What? You picked that from Mr. Williams' garden?"

"Now he'll have something else to gawk at."

"He'll think I've been stealing from his flower bed!"

"No he won't. You're the image of innocence. No, you're right. I'd almost forgotten your little show for him."

"Please, don't remind me. I'll never be able to look him in the eye again."

Ian got that wolfish 'I'm going to eat you' look and untied my robe. "Do you think Mr. Williams is ready for part two?"

"Stop it! We have to eat something else besides each other or we'll die. That'll spoil all your fun."

Ian smiled and pulled my seat from beneath the table, "Mademoiselle."

I sat and was served a perfect filet with a perfect salad. Ian's plate had three filets and a healthy serving of lettuce. "I thought you didn't like to eat anything green or colorful."

"I don't, but I want to be a regular sort of guy," he winked and stuffed a Heimlich worthy chunk of meat in his mouth.

"There's nothing regular about you Ian." I sliced into the steak -- medium rare, just how I like it. "Do you do dishes and laundry too?"

"No, I don't. I have people who do that sort of thing. I enjoy cooking."

Wealthy huh? "Are you a spoiled brat?"

"No, but I always get what I want," he pointed at me with his fork "eventually." Ian stopped eating for a moment. "You could have all the money in the world and not be happy. Love is the only thing that truly matters."

"Those are rare words to come out of a man's mouth."

"Yeah, you learn all sorts of difficult lessons given unlimited time."

We finished eating in a comfortable silence and watched the sun rise. Ian cleared the table leaving only the solitary Iris in the crystal vase. He herded me out of the kitchen. "How about a relaxing bath and then a trip into town, we have some shopping to do."


Aiden was riding his Harley out of town, speeding to nowhere in particular. He'd been partying with his Vamp friends, indulging in their specialty -- Bloody Marys. Nothing virgin about their version of the classic. Vamp blood always gave him a mad case of insomnia, perfect when he was on call but a nuisance otherwise.

He rode helmetless and always too fast. He likened it to letting his wolf free but without the effort. Not that he was lazy. He was a damn good doctor, worked his ass off. He just didn't put a lot of energy into other areas. Work, ass and getting shit-faced -- his priorities, not necessarily in that order.

His habits and associations were not tolerated by his family, he had in effect, been disowned by all except Ian. They had remained loyal to each other throughout.

Aiden was pleased that Ian had finally found his mate and that he had been the one to introduce them. He was also delighted that it was Kate though he would like to have gotten a taste. No chance now, not that a chance existed before. Maybe now that he wouldn't be sniffing around Kate he'd be able to stay away from Libby. She was an annoying bitch but he kept coming back for more and he could not fathom why.

As he surfaced from his thoughts he recognized a house as he sped by. He braked and let the back of his bike slide, cutting a half moon in the gravel. He revved the oversized engine, a deep throaty sound he loved, and returned to the familiar house. He studied the steps, the porch and door as he sat on his idling bike. He remembered in a flash of images -- Claire. A sexy redhead who was always game for a little fun, but booted him out when she thought things were getting a little too serious.

One of the lights was on, that was invitation enough. Aiden silenced his beast and dismounted, its engine 'tinked' as it cooled and was soon joined by a volley of lofty Cicadas . Aiden bound up the porch steps and gave the door a few taps with his knuckles. The door opened and a young woman appeared. Aiden blinked, she had the same red hair though it was cut short. She had the same curves though leaner and the same eyes, but it wasn't Claire.

The girl gave Aiden the same 'once over' and planted her hand on her hip, "Can I help you?" she asked in an unhelpful tone.

"I um, I was looking for Claire."

"Claire?" The girl's voice softened, "Claire was my Grandmother, this was her house. " Her eyes clouded, "she passed away a few years ago. I live here now." She looked up and frowned. "Who are you? How did you know my Gran?"

This wasn't the first instance Aiden had been tricked by time but it was disconcerting none the less. "I...we, she used to watch me, when I was a child. I used to sleep over sometimes, in the blue room. Nearly everything was cornflower blue." Aiden tried to recall little details to help support his story but glorious fucking was really all that came to mind. He shut up.

The girl continued to frown.

"I'm sorry, my name is Aiden."

She shook his hand briefly. "I'm Zoe." She looked up at Aiden curiously, "my Grandfather's name was Aiden. That's odd isn't it? Aiden isn't a very common name." She studied his face. "Would you like to come in?"

"You shouldn't invite strangers into your house you know."

"I can take care of myself," Zoe claimed in a grim, not boastful tone.

Aiden sat on Claire's sofa now faded and tatty. Zoe was digging through a desk drawer, shuffling through a mass of papers. "A-ha!" She held a photograph up and her expression grew serious. She handed it to Aiden. "You look like him."

"Who is this?" Aiden didn't really want to know, he wanted to leave. He rose from the sofa.

"He was my father, Alexander."

"Holy Fuck." Aiden Alexander fell back into the cushions.

"He was your father too, wasn't he. That makes sense with Gran babysitting you and your name and everything." Zoe was putting two and two together and getting an 'F' for a fucked up situation.

No, he wasn't my father. I am his. Aiden nodded absent mindedly.

"That makes us Brother and Sister!" Zoe plopped down next to Aiden and held his hand. "This is totally awesome! I thought I'd lost everyone."

Aiden pulled himself out of his frantic thoughts and considerations. "What happened to your...our Father?"

Zoe studied her hands. "Mom shot him in the head. Then she shot herself. I was just a kid, I don't really remember much."

"He died? What kind of bullet was it?"

"What?! I don't know. What kind a question is that?!" Zoe jumped up from the sofa.

"I'm sorry Zoe. I'm a Doctor, it's just my morbid curiosity I guess. Please forgive me."

"A Doctor? You look a little too young to be a Doctor." Zoe didn't seem at all surprised.

"Yeah, just call me Doogie."

"I don't think I will. He was a dork. You do look very young." Zoe was probing.

"What?" Aiden fidgeted and was becoming annoyed. "Thank you?"

"I look young too." Zoe persisted but Aiden refused to bite. "How old do I look?"

"Fuck, I don't know. Nineteen?'" Aiden didn't look up.

"No Damn it! I'm forty seven!" Zoe slammed her fist on the coffee table.

"So, you should be fucking thrilled to bits!" Ian stood and began to pace like a caged animal.

"No! I'm a God Damned freak! We're both freaks aren't we?!" Zoe flopped into a chair and gathered herself into a ball. "That isn't all. I'm too strong and too fast, I can hear everything I can smell everything." Zoe began to sob, "what's wrong with me??!" She looked to Aiden through glassy eyes. "Do you know? Is it some sort of genetic mutation or...or cancer, a brain tumor?"

Aiden pulled at bunches of his hair. "No. God Damn it, no. Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Aiden kneeled at Zoe's feet and held her hands away from her face. "Look at me. No, you don't have cancer or a fucking brain tumor. I guess you could say that we're mutants of sorts." Aiden slipped into his 'Doctor' voice, " Have you experienced any um, odd physical changes?"

Zoe suddenly looked frightened. "Like what?"

"Like if you're really angry or really scared...anything?"

"I'm really scared right now and I haven't fucking changed since I was fucking twenty!!! What changes are you talking about? You think I have more of this shit to look forward too?!"

"No. No, I don't think so." Aiden patted Zoe's leg and resumed his pacing.

"You seem to have come to grips with all of this. How? How do you go out there and have a normal life?" Zoe needed to know how he'd accomplished what she failed so miserably at.

"My life isn't really very normal honey, and I had um, guidance and the benefit of being told what I was at a very young age." Aiden moved towards the door.

Zoe pounced blocking Aiden's exit. "You can't just leave me."

"I know. I'm not." He wiggled his cell phone in the air. "Just give me a minute. Okay?"

"Okay." Zoe held the door open for Aiden and closed it behind him.

Aiden needed to discuss this with Ian and called Kate hoping she'd answer.

"Kate! I need to speak with Ian."

"Hello to you too. Here he is."

"Ian! Man, you won't fucking believe this -- you've got to help me out."

"Get yourself into another pickle?" Ian laughed.

"No! Fuck you! Well, yes I did. Listen! Remember that girl I told you about?"

"Which girl, there have been hundreds, thousands..."

"Fucking shut up and listen to me! Claire, the redhead with the fiery temper. Remember? You thought she was good for me."

"Yeah, vaguely. That was a long time ago, she's got to be..."

"She's dead. She died a few years ago."

"Oh. I'm sorry, but I don't understand why you're so excited."

"Claire had a son, she named him Alexander. I saw his photo, he looks just like me."

"If he's yours he's a Were."

"Was a Were. His woman shot him in the head and killed him then killed herself."

"She knew what he was?"

"Probably. She had to have used a silver bullet to have killed him. Why would you use silver unless you knew."

"Yeah, wow. So you had a son. I am sorry, that must ..."

"Wait. There's more. They had a daughter, Zoe. My Granddaughter. I'm at her house now and she's freaking out. She has no fucking clue except that she isn't aging and her sense of smell and hearing...Oh fuck!" Aiden snapped his phone shut and leapt onto the porch and through the door.

Zoe was standing in the middle of the room, eyes bulging unfocused, tears running down her cheeks. She was able to hear every word Aiden had spoken.

"Zoe!" Aiden snapped his fingers in her face and patted her cheeks without effect. "Zoe, come on!" He pinched her arm and was immediately punched in the chest. Aiden stumbled backwards coughing, impressed. "Okay. Okay." Aiden raised his hands in submission. "Great to have you back."

"What did you mean 'was a Were'? What's a Were? A Werewolf?"

"No. You must have misheard me."

Zoe threw another punch that Aiden intercepted. "Don't lie to me!"

"What the fuck am I supposed to tell you? That you're part I dunno, Cherokee and hey by the way, part fucking Werewolf? "

"I am?"

"You see. And now you're going to fucking freak out, go all Wild Kingdom on my ass, scratch my eyes out. I don't have my med bag. If I was smart I'd keep some Thorazine with me at all times, you just never fucking know when..."

Zoe started to giggle then broke out into a genuine laugh. "You better chill Grandpa or you'll have a Stoke."

"What?" It was Aiden's turn to be confused.

Zoe flopped back on the sofa completely spent. "This explains everything! It makes perfect sense. You have no idea what a relief this is."

Ian watched Zoe for a long while, he thought she'd fallen asleep she lay so quietly. Her voice startled him.

"I've never changed into anything. Not that I know of anyway. Should I be able to?" Zoe opened her eyes and was looking across the room to Aiden.

"You'd definitely know if you'd ever changed. I don't know if you should be able to. I can't think of any other quarter Weres. I think you probably would have before you punched me in the chest and any extreme emotions will do it too."

"Hmm. Now what?" Zoe felt like a child, ready to explore the world.

"You thought that you'd lost all of your family, as it turns out you have a rather large one. Would you like to meet my cousin, your...I don't know what he would be to you."

"Yes, I would! Thanks Gramps!" Zoe pecked Aiden on the cheek.

"Don't! Please don't call me that." Aiden cringed.

"Let me get cleaned up. You know the house I guess. Make yourself at home." Zoe ran up the stairs by twos.


I left Ian to potter in the kitchen and chat with Aiden.

The bathroom was filling with sweet lilac scented steam as I waited for the old clawfoot to fill. I threw my robe on the chair and stepped in, almost too hot but not quite. I sank into the bubbles and gathered them around me. Perfect. Everything was perfect.

Ian opened the door and stepped into the clouds like a vision. "Mmmm, dessert? You look like a meringue."

"I feel like a creamy meringue."

I tucked my knees up as he stepped into the opposite end of the bath. I turned as he settled and laid my back against his chest. Ian let his hands roam over my body under the pretense of 'washing' me, they lingered on my breasts and between my legs. He was poking me in the back and I did my best to distract myself. "What did Aiden want? He seemed a little upset."

'Yeah, remind me to tell you about that. Later. Turn around."

I did and found myself between his raised knees. He pushed his legs beneath the water and pulled me up onto his thighs wrapping my legs around his back. Ian kissed my lips, teased me with his tongue, my own teasing back. He kissed along my neck and tenderly traced his bite mark with his tongue. I moaned recalling that intense sensation. I reached between my legs, into the bubbles and found him hard and slick. My hand skimmed his length, the lightest touch and twirled around his head, gliding over the top and back down. Our close proximity meant that I couldn't touch him without touching myself. I closed my eyes and enjoyed our mutual pleasure. Ian ensured that we remained pressed together by fondling my bottom. His fingers wandered down my crack and up as far as he could reach. Our fingers met during our activities and lingered for a moment, like a clandestine rendezvous. We smiled amidst a deep kiss. I loved the feeling of him in my hand, the restrained power. I wanted to taste him but couldn't see a way to achieve that in our current positions.

"Mmmm, yes. I think you'd drown though." Ian had snuck into my thoughts.

"Later then?"

"I promise." Ian smiled.

We looked into each others' eyes, our thoughts were one. Ian grabbed my cheeks and lifted me as I positioned him at my entrance. Neither of us could check the speed of our movement, everything was too slippery. I slid onto him like a three alarm fireman down a pole. I cried out but did not seek retreat. We could only manage slight shifts in our position. Wiggles and bumps. It was enough to raise the bath water into a stormy turmoil and enough to drive us into oblivion. We held each other as the water cooled around us. He slipped from my grasp and I shivered.

"Come on. Out. You're going to catch a cold."

We dried ourselves and each other between kisses and intimate caresses and were well on our way to getting started again when my phone chirped and vibrated.


"Kate, are you home?" It was Aiden.

"Yep, what's up?"

"Ian's there?"

"Yes. Do you need to speak with him?."

"No, just tell him we're coming over."

"He hung up." I snapped my phone shut. "Aiden said to tell you that they're coming over. Who?"

Ian rolled his eyes. "Aiden's a Grandfather. It's a long story. Better get dressed."

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illunoriaillunoriaover 14 years ago

That's hilarious! Granpa, what a lovely twist.

lovehate5642lovehate5642over 14 years ago
This is great!

So far I love your story. Its nicely written and flows wonderfully. I didnt understand the beginning with the use of mice, but besides that I cant wait for the next chapter!

foldedpaperfoldedpaperover 14 years ago
Very good read

I'm enjoying this far more than I thought I would! Nicely written and exciting story - keep on going

Kman4Kman4over 14 years ago
Good so far!

Story is looking good so far, Libby, her sister and Zoe are taking for an interesting turn.

catman71catman71over 14 years ago

i have a feeling the libby is in for a shock of all shocks and i can not what for it to happen

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 14 years ago
I'm enjoying this...

Too bad Libby's going to be a villain. I was poised to like her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

a very nice twist i like it. more to come soon i hope. thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I like it.

Nice twist with the granddaughter angle.

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