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"I didn't share that with her, no," I informed him. "Promising that she will get to meet you will keep her at bay for now. I have not even considered dating anyone since Mark, so if anyone sees us out and about, there are bound to be stares. Jen is all about me getting out there again. Miguel, the spy from last night, just loves gossip and me. I'm sure I looked happy, so he was happy. But there are some very judgmental people who think I haven't mourned long enough and still expect me to wear black and visit Mark's and the girls' tombstones weekly. I ignore the comments, but it gets trying at times. I've never felt a desire to move on until last night."

"'When you know, you know,'" he quoted and raised his eyebrows when he saw the look of surprise on my face. "What? Oh, well, a lady I know was a young widow once. She shared that she had no interest in anyone after her young husband had died, but then when she met her second husband, she told me, 'It was like everything just made sense at that moment. I just knew.' She often tells me 'When you know, you know,' and it just seemed appropriate to say at this moment. Am I right?"

I stood up and put my hands on his chest. "A woman I met in my grief group said that same thing when I asked her after the meeting how she knew she was ready to date."

"Great minds," Tom told me just before kissing me. I slid my arms around his neck and smiled into our kiss as he deepened it and moaned while wrapping his arms around my body.

"So, you think I'm hot, huh?" Tom asked and let me go as he let out a laugh. I'm sure the look on my face was worth the laugh. "These walls are kinda thin, and Jen's voice isn't exactly quiet. Besides, I'm honored, and I think you're hella hot too."

We went shopping for food and a few items he'd needed and brought them back home afterwards. When Tom offered to make lunch, I accepted and sat outside to enjoy the sun. Just as he came outside with our sandwiches, chips, apples, and individually wrapped brownies, I heard a motorcycle on the main street behind my house. I smiled. "Oh, I love that sound." Tom winked at me and finished his sandwich quietly.

After lunch, I had offered to take Tom to a place I liked to enjoy on my days off. I packed a backpack full of snacks, waters, and fruit. He accepted my offer and went along for the ride saying he trusted me.

I took him to the state park about an hour away, and we hiked through some trails. I knew there was a clearing at the very top of one and thought it'd be nice to look out at everything and sit and relax as well. Once at the top, we found ourselves in a secluded area. I took out the water bottles and handed him one.

There was a tree nearby, so we sat against it and enjoyed the snacks. I gave him my phone so he'd take a picture of us. It was another good one. After that, one look lead to another and since no one had crossed our path, he stood me up and within seconds, we were making out. He had me pressed against the tree, and it felt so amazing to feel that heat, that desire, that passion!

When we finally slowed down (but hadn't come off the tree yet), we heard a throat being cleared, almost to the point of annoyance rather than to remove the phlegm from it. Ah, of course it would be someone I knew. I moved out from behind Tom and greeted Mrs. Blathers from my church. We tended to call her 'Mrs. Blabbers' because she was all about the gossip. This was going to be awesome. (Insert sarcasm and an angry face here.)

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Blathers," I said sweetly, clearly avoiding the fact that I had just been making out wildly with a strange man who was still standing behind me. "It's such a lovely day today, isn't it?"

"Well, I had been enjoying the scenery," she sneered. "It's interesting that you're out and about at this time of day. Don't you work on Fridays?"

"Thank you for asking!" I said quickly and reached back to hold Tom's hand. He seemed agitated and was about to speak up. "I worked my last day yesterday since I've sold my house and will be moving out of state. My friend... oh! I haven't introduced you! Tom, this is Mrs. Blathers. Mrs. Blathers is a lady from church and is always willing to share countless tales with anyone willing to hear them! She's got all the gossip," I said rather snidely and then turned to face her, "don't you?"

I turned back to face Tom. "I'm sure by the time we get back to town, several of my churchgoing friends will have heard that I was seen hiking with a new beau, not to mention on a regular workday when I almost never take off from work! We wouldn't get anywhere without the helpful nature of Mrs. Blathers." I was laying it on thick. I turned once more to face her and smiled sweetly, almost sickeningly sweetly. "Thanks so much for all you do," I shared and motioned for Tom to follow me. "Have a great time hiking, and be careful, Mrs. Blathers! We wouldn't want you to fall off the ledge!"

When we were far from her, I finally let out a huge breath and turned to face him. "Oh, that felt so good! It was so unlike me, but I'll be gone in two weeks, and I don't care anymore what she or anyone else thinks! It was time for her to finally be confronted! Oh, I feel amazing! I may have to go to confession before I move, but even Fr. Ray will agree that it was time for someone to put her in her place!"

Tom was quiet and maintained his hold on my hand. "You OK?" he asked and ran the back of his fingers down my cheek. I was fine, right? Maybe not. I began breathing deeply until my breath became ragged. Tears formed in my eyes, and I broke down. "Come here," he requested calmly and wrapped his arms around me. I sobbed against his chest, though I found immediate comfort in his arms.

"That was brave to confront her like that, and while I'm sure it felt good to say those things, I can guess it's not like you to talk to people like that. I'm sorry we were put in that situation, Trin. You didn't deserve that after all you've done to make my trip here so worthwhile. I was set to go back home after doing what I came here to do. Now, I can't imagine a day without you in it."

"Why do people have to be so judgy?" I asked and sniffed against his shirt. "What gives her the right to decide when I can and can't go places and with whom I'm doing them? Why do I have to feel so awful about what I just did?" I cried.

"Because you're a good person, Trinity," Tom justified and sighed. "Come on. Let's go back home, and we can spend the rest of the time not being judged. We can lie around the living room or dance for hours or climb into bed and spend some time getting to know each other some more." When I looked up, Tom raised his eyebrows multiple times. I burst out laughing and wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him tightly.

"This is another type of hug we didn't talk about yesterday," I explained and kept holding him. "It's the 'I'm so thankful that you fell into my life, and I don't think I want to let go, so please just keep holding me' hug. They're incredibly rare, but so worth it if anyone ever gets the chance to receive one."

"I can agree with that," Tom agreed and laughed. "How about we let go for now but continue it back at the house. I feel like there's more potential to be had in a different setting." He wiped my cheeks to rid of my tears and kissed me gently before leading me back to the trail.

"Excuse me," a young woman greeted us as she stood close to where we'd been hugging. "Can I just tell you what a lovely couple you are? I hope when people see my fiancé and me, they see the love that we share the way I can see it in the both of you. I hope you're OK, and I hope you have a wonderful day."

"Thank you," I responded and nodded at the man she was with as Tom held my hand and walked slowly to allow us the chance to enjoy the scenery, each other, and the peace and quiet which surrounded us even with the other people climbing and hiking around us. When we got into the car, he stopped me from putting on my seatbelt and brought me to him. He kissed me quickly and smiled as he ran his thumb over my chin.

"Thank you for this," he told me quietly and then turned to put his seatbelt on. "I don't get to do things like this, and I will always remember it fondly." He looked at the time and let out a laugh. "Finally. Trin! We made it 24 hours! You haven't ditched me yet!"

"Get used to being around me as long as you can handle it," I told him and shook my head as I aired out the car from the hot August heat. I turned and checked for traffic before backing up and heading back toward the highway to go home. "I plan to keep you around right up until I have to sign the papers for my house."

"Yeah, talking about that, what's going to happen at the end of these two weeks?" Tom asked and took a swig from his water bottle. He'd taken two more out so that we had them for the drive home.

"I have no idea," I answered. "I feel like these two weeks are a suspension in time. You're not from here. I'm leaving here. I don't know where you're from, and you don't know where I'm going. We have this opportunity to be together for the exact same time, and so far, it's been amazing. I started things out by telling you about my plans, so you know I have to make this move. I'm not going to sway from that."

"So, I hear what you're saying, but there's no chance for a future for us?" Tom asked and tilted his head as he looked out the window.

"Who knows? I just know I've met you and found myself loving the feeling I had with you, and it's been amazing this whole time. We have two weeks to discover countless things, and then we'll have each other's phone numbers so we can text, and we could email too. And after I've had my year to be me, just me, alone in this new, big place where I'll buy a house and work at a new job, who knows what will happen? After that year, in fact, here. Let's do this. On August 29 next year, we can contact each other and decide if we want to be together. But again, who knows what will happen?

"Who knows if you'll grow sick of me by Tuesday, or if you decide I'm not worth waiting for. Who knows if someone better might come along where you live and find that while I was a nice memory, that woman is exactly who you've been waiting for, and that'll be that? I don't want to be the reason you don't get your 'happily ever after.' I can't be the one who keeps you from that. I told you this yesterday."

"So, two weeks of inseparable togetherness, and then you want to go long-distance, though no idea where on either end, for a year," Tom reiterated what he thought I'd meant. He was right. Well, sorta. I hated this. I wanted to drop all plans, marry him tomorrow, and live happily ever after, wherever he was from. But I couldn't!

"More or less, yeah," I answered because what I was thinking was way too crazy.

"What if we end up giving it away or finding out where the other lives sometime during the whole year separation?"

"Tom, what do you want me to say?" I asked him, clearly getting frustrated that he was pushing this issue. "Do you want to stop this before it gets too far? Do you want to end this now?"

"That's the last thing I want," Tom answered quietly and sighed. "To be fair, you did tell me you had to go do something by yourself, and I respect that. I just didn't realize what this was turning into at that point. I couldn't possibly have known that waking up next to you this morning was going to be when I would realize that I want to spend the rest of my life having you lying there next to me."

OK, not what I thought he was going to say. Crap, Crap, Crap. We both felt the same way, and for the first time in probably ever, he, the guy, was saying it, and I wasn't. The guy was saying it, and I was being quiet. It would only take one of us to drop the L-word and the other would probably say it within the same breath.

"Can I ask just one question?" Tom asked pleadingly. "Please, Trin? And if you won't answer, then I'll need you to tell me why." I already knew what question he was going to ask. I had to decide if I was going to answer it or not.

"New York, Tom," I told him and shook my head. "Dammit," I whispered.

"Well, at least I know we'll be in the same state then," Tom told me and gave me a weak smile. "I live there too. I'm guessing you won't tell me where?" I gave him a disappointed look. "No, you already gave me more than you wanted to, and I appreciate that. I just don't get why you won't tell me. I won't pressure you. Thank you for answering me."

"Tell me where you're from?"

"I'll give you a hint," Tom offered. "Rush."

"Oh, no way! You're from Middletown?" I asked immediately.

"What the heck?"

"Huge fan," I admitted and then laughed. "It's the only thing I think of regarding actual places other than my favorite song which is Lakeside Park. But that's in Canada, so I knew it had to be there. The song Middletown Dreams doesn't even really refer to New York, but I saw that there was a town with that name, so I've looked at the town's website to check it out. It looks nice there. I'd like to visit sometime."

"Huh," Tom responded and looked at me as I drove. "Still not interested in sharing where you'll be living though?"

"Tom," I said with a warning tone. "You already got me to share where I'm going. Don't push it, alright? You're making this more and more difficult for me."

"Good," he teased. "I got where you're moving to in 24 hours. By next week, I'll have you moved in with me and ready to decorate the nursery for the future family we'll be working on." I burst out laughing.

"Would you stop?!" I begged. "Seriously, Tom. Come on!"

We drove much of the rest of the way in silence. It wasn't tension. It was just quiet. Occasionally, I'd point out places which I thought he might like to learn about. Once in a while, he'd ask what something was. Before we got to the house, I suggested eating out for dinner. He was game for that. I chose an Italian restaurant this time.

We were seated in a quiet corner of the place and received great service and excellent food. We held hands and talked about the rest of the two weeks we had ahead of us. When they offered us dessert, Tom ordered two different items to go, and then he paid the bill this time.

On our way out, I saw the parents of a friend of mine from grade school. I was about to wave at them when I heard her mom ask her dad, "What would Mark say? Can you believe she's out with a man so soon after he passed away? I mean, did she even mourn him before jumping in the sack with the next available stud?" I was too stunned to speak, but then Colleen, my friend from school rounding the corner. She must have been in the restroom.

"Colleen!" I said louder than necessary to make the point that I had been standing behind her mother the whole time. I gave her a hug and then nodded at Mr. Gramme who gave me a small nod of recognition in return. He looked uncomfortable. I didn't blame him. "Hey listen! Your mom here wants to know what Mark would say about me being out to dinner with a new friend. What do you think about that?"

Mrs. Gramme refused to turn around, and Colleen's eyes got wide. She mouthed, "I'm so sorry," to me before speaking up for all of us to hear. "I think Mark would be happy to know that you've begun moving on with your life. It's been, oh gosh! Over a year already. I think Mark and the girls would be thrilled for you, Trin."

"Thanks, Colleen," I offered and hugged her again. "Tom," I acknowledged and motioned at my friend, "Colleen and I went to grade school together. She's been a dear friend and has reached out at least once a month to see how I've been doing since Mark and the girls passed away. In fact, over the last three months, she's been encouraging me to get back out there. I was really hesitant, but since meeting you, I think it's perfect that we ran into each other before we leave in two weeks. Oh! The house has a contract! I close on September 15."

"Oh, congratulations, Trinny," Colleen told me and then shook Tom's hand. "It's really nice to meet you." She moved away from the table and walked us toward the door. "I'm so sorry about my mom. She's almost as bad as Mrs. Blabbers these days. Ignore her. Tom, whatever you're doing to her, keep it up. She looks happy, more than I've seen in months. I'm so happy for you both. Keep in touch. You promised! Love you! See you later, honey!" She ran back as we walked out the door and headed for the car.

"Trinny, huh?" Tom asked and brought my hand up to his mouth. Even while I hugged Colleen, he hadn't let go of my hand. And I hadn't let go of his either. I loved having that connection to him.

"You've never been called a nickname?" I asked and hip bumped him.

"I'm called Tommy to this day by my family and most of the guys at my work, actually," he answered and shrugged. "All part of having the same name as my father, and people I work with who knew me in grade school."

"Are you ready to go home?"

"Home," he repeated and then nodded. "24 hours with you, and it's home already." He smirked as he looked out the window.

We got back to the house at around 7PM and set the desserts in the fridge as we had the night before with those pieces. Tom took a seat on the couch and motioned for me to come sit by him. I sat with my back against him so I could rest my head on his chest. He lifted his arm to wrap around me and we snuggled for a bit.

"I'm really tired," I said quietly and closed my eyes.

"We had a long day, and hiking isn't exactly a relaxing activity."

"Mmm," I moaned and didn't remember hearing anything after that.

I woke with a start on the couch. It was dark. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that it was 11:30PM. Tom was asleep behind me. Oh, I'd fallen asleep after we had gotten back. I turned to look up at him. Peacefully asleep, this beautiful man I'd begun falling in love with from the moment he'd spoken to me the day before. I had a feeling two weeks was going to fly by, and my heart was going to be hurting something awful with the move and absence of him by my side. Two weeks of constant togetherness was bound to cause a bond. Why was I so adamant to keep the secret?

I reached up and kissed Tom's neck. He woke with a small jump and inhaled deeply as he assessed his surroundings. "Mmm, we fell asleep," he acknowledged and ran his hand along my stomach. "You ready to head to the bed? Sleeping with you is awesome, but when we have access to a bed, I'd rather make the most of it rather than staying on the couch any longer."

"Yes, definitely," I answered and sat forward so he could get up. He pulled me up and we walked to the bedroom. I grabbed my tank top and shorts and headed for the bathroom. I took off my bra and panties and chose to just wear the sleepwear. I had a feeling that things were happening tonight. As I dumped the clothes into the hamper, I noticed Tom hadn't climbed into bed yet. He wasn't in the room either. Then I heard the toilet flush in the hallway bathroom. Ah. Good to have two sometimes.

I made the quick decision to go ahead and lose the tank top already, so I held the sheet up to my front as I sat up waiting for him to make it to the bed. He'd have to maneuver the dark this time. I knew it by heart. He didn't.

When he walked in and noticed I was holding the sheet, he tilted his head. "Cool that you're going shirtless, don't get me wrong. But you know I've seen them, right? In fact, I've feasted on them for several minutes already. Why are you covering them up?" He didn't wait for a response as he turned out the light and made his way to the bed.

"Are you looking forward to seeing them again?"

"Yeah, you had them covered up, so I couldn't see them, but I want to," he answered.


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