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The Lad with the Cock in his Mouth

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Young straight guy takes three truckers' cocks.
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*** Jesse is a twenty-two year old university student living in a flat just out of town, where trucks fly by every day. His fatal mistake is pranking his girlfriend, leading her to throw him out the door one morning... nekkid. ***

"Let me back in!"

I smashed on the door, but Luce just laughed.

She thought she was fucking hilarious, shoving me out on the back doorstep naked, my balls hanging out for everyone to see. Well, for the three curious cows in the paddock behind the house to see, anyway.

"Sorry Jesse, I'm going to take a bath," she called to me, a joyous lilt to her voice.

"Luce! Lucy!"

I heard her footsteps retreat back down the hall.

Shivering in the frosty morning and with one hand covering my junk, I started circling the house.

The dewy grass soaked my feet as I searched for an open window. Nothing. Thank God our house was surrounded by eight-foot high hedges on both sides that shielded us from our rural neighbours. But once I finished my circuit to see if the front door was unlocked, I'd be in full view of the road.

I stood in the lee of the house, as truck after truck rattled past, waiting for a lull. Problem was, this time of the morning, all the truckies were doing their deliveries and pickups from the farms that surrounded us. If I didn't want anyone to see me, I was going to have to freeze my arse off a while longer.

Pro tip, guys, don't date stroppy red-heads. They seem like fun at the start, but before you know it, they're kicking you out of your own flat to freeze to death.

I hadn't even done anything. Okay, yes, I'd pranked her the day before, but it was hilarious. You'd have thought so if you'd been there.

But coated in flour from head to toe, she apparently hadn't.

All this would be worth it once the views hit my YouTube account, but for now, I'd been seduced into thinking I was getting a hot blowjob in the kitchen, only to find myself shoved out the back door, naked.

Another truck battered the road with its bulk, barrelling back towards the motorway like a milk-filled guided missile.

I couldn't stand around forever. I knew from experience that Luce might take up to an hour in the bath, and I didn't have the body fat to survive that long.

She was probably masturbating too. Argh. Just the thought of her dipping her hand under the water to slide between her legs made my frozen junk start to heat up.

Right, time for action. I made a break for it, down past the back bedrooms, past the living room and... fuck, fuck, fuck, slid on the wet grass and went arse over tit, winding up on my hands and knees on the front lawn... just as another tanker slowed to a crawl, probably waiting for a turning truck just up the road.

I stayed where I was, frozen, and the truck driver's head turned towards me. Our eyes met. Through the shiny pane of glass, I saw him smile.

I got to my feet and ran for the door, giving him a full view of my arse as I tried the front door. Predictably it was locked. This was my own fault. I'd taught Luce to be thorough in her revenge.

"Lucy!" I smashed on the door. "Lucy, it was just a prank! Come on, Luce!"

The chances of her hearing me from the upstairs bathroom were about zero.

Aware that my arse was still in full view of the road, it was time to made the dash to the back of the house again. At least the cows wouldn't book me for indecent exposure.

I turned to jog back down the porch steps and found the tanker driver blocking my escape.

He looked to be in his late thirties, well muscled and fit. He had a baseball cap pulled down over his dark hair, and a deep tan, as if he worked outside a lot. Tribal tattoos ran up his left arm, disappearing into the sleeve of his tight t-shirt, and another tribal tatt ringed his right bicep.

He had his hands pushed into the pockets of his jeans, and a grin plastered to his face.

"That's quite a show you're putting on," he said. His deep voice sent a shiver through me. He was half a head taller than me, broader through the shoulders, and looked as though he could throw me further than I could throw a cricket ball.

"Got locked out," I said, both hands covering my unmentionables. I jerked my head. "If you don't mind, I need to get past you."

"I'm Troy," he said, extending a hand.

"Ah, nice to meet you?" I said, shaking his hand with a fair whack of 'wtf' on my face.

Troy put one foot on the bottom step, his eyes roving over me in a way that wasn't reassuring.

"You must be freezing. I've got spare clothes in the truck. Why don't you hop on up and stop flashing your meat and veg for everyone to see?"

I glanced past him at the tanker. "No thanks. I'll wait around the back of the house. She'll let me in eventually."

Troy came up one more step. "You're shivering. Come on, before your balls get frostbite and you end up sterile."

Was that a thing? I realised I was shivering, my teeth chattering like castanets.

"Okay, thanks."

He turned and led me back to his truck, opening the door with a flourish, as if I was some Disney princess. The driver of the rig behind us leaned on his horn, scaring the bejeezus out of me. I pulled myself into the cab and stumbled between the seats into the bed area behind the main cabin. I stood there shivering, while I looked around.

It was like being in a small caravan. There was a bed made against the back wall, with storage cabinets above it, and a small bench/fridge beside it.

Troy put a hand on my naked back and pushed me towards the bed to get me out of the way of a narrow wardrobe.

I sat on the bed, since there wasn't room to stand about, one hand covering my modesty, while he rooted around.

"Damn." He gave me a pained look. "I thought I had clean clothes, but I don't. I haven't been on the long haul run in a while which is why everything's so tidy."

I glanced down at the carefully made bed. It was tidier than my own bedroom.

"Well, anyway, there's an accident up ahead and they're waiting for a tow. You can stay here in the warm while you wait for your lady friend to open the door."

I had to admit, it was much warmer in his cab than outside.

He stared down at me, trapped in that small space, and I realised I had my naked arse parked on his bedspread.

"Uh... I should."

I gestured helplessly and he seemed to get the idea. "I know, there's not much room. Here, I'll have a seat so you're not ah...."

I nodded quickly and got to my feet, and he put his hands on my shoulders and manoeuvred around me until we'd swapped places.

As we slid past each other, I realised something confusing was happening under my hands.

As Troy sat on the bed, his hands slid down my arms to my wrists, pulling my hands away from my crotch.

"Are you sure you're warm enough?" His green eyes held mine as his big hands held my wrists.

"Yes." It came out as a squeak. I cleared my throat. "Yes, thanks."

He frowned. "How old are you?"


He looked relieved. "Why don't you have a seat on the floor? You can't stand there for an hour."

He tugged at my wrists, and against my better judgement, I sank on to my knees and sat back on my heels. He moved his hands to my shoulders and there was a hunger in his eyes. I knew that hunger. I'd felt that hunger.

I put my hands back across my lap, feeling like a total twat.

"Are you one of those goths?"

I shook my head. I had a pierced eyebrow, and my hair was a bit long at the front, but that wasn't exactly goth.

"You have a beautiful mouth," he said. "And your eyelashes... you sure you're not wearing mascara?"

"No I'm bloody well not!" I said indignantly.

"You could be a girl with a mouth like that."

"Good thing I'm not then, isn't it?"

He nodded. "Yeah, it is."

There was a shout from outside and Troy jerked me forwards. I fell into his lap, and he shushed me.

"They can't see you down there."

I was face to face with his crotch, my arms flung forward so that they were either side of him.

There was another shout, and he put a hand on my head. "Ssshh."

He got to his feet, holding me in place with his hand still on top of my head, and waved to someone.

"Still a while before we'll get moving," he said. He looked down at me. Holding my gaze, he put a hand to his fly and slowly pulled his zip down.

"What are you doing?"

"Room rental," he said. "There are now at least half a dozen men out there, all of who would love to see your naked ass. You want to stay in here, there's a price."

He pulled himself out and I took a deep breath in. Thick, uncut and smooth, I'd have loved to have had that hanging between my legs. I wasn't so sure I wanted it bobbing this close to my face.

"It's up to you," he said. His hand was still resting on top of my head.

He sat back on the bed, his cock rising proudly up to greet me.

I felt a heat in my groin and realised my own cock was rising to attention. Naked as I was, he could see it too.

"Don't tell me a pretty face like yours has never had a cock stuffed in it?" he said.

I shook my head.

"Then consider this an experience."

He caught his cock at the base and with one hand cupping the back of my head, pushed me forward.

I braced my hands against his thighs, but there was a part of me... a curious, hungry part of me, that was happy to comply. I knew what a cock felt like in my hand... what would it feel like in my mouth?

I let him slide inside me, and felt my own cock grow another inch. He rested his length against my tongue and I moved my tongue against him, using the base of it to caress the tip of his penis.

"You're a natural," he breathed. "I thought you would be."

He pushed the back of my head, pushing more meat into my mouth until it nudged the back of my throat.

I breathed against it, and felt my throat open up.

"Christ, no gag," he said. His voice was thick with excitement. "How far can you take it?"

I held his eyes, a flicker of fear in my stomach, as he pushed himself all the way in. He was only six inches, so while it was uncomfortable, it wasn't going to kill me to accommodate him. In fact, there was something about having my lips stretched around him that was incredibly hot.

Troy sighed happily and started to fuck my mouth.

I put a hand to my cock and pumped in time with his efforts, using my throat and tongue to lather him, suctioning around him with my lips.

"You're actually a little cockslut aren't you?" he said. "You can't have been straight until now?"

He pulled out of my mouth and smeared precum across my lips. I licked it away.

He stared at me, mesmerised. "I suppose you're an anal virgin too?"

Well. I mean, Lucy had had fingers up there. And a dildo. But I supposed I could technically answer 'yes'.

I nodded.

"Well. Isn't that something."

He pushed his cock back into my throat and pulled me on to him so that my nose was buried in the wire of his pubic hair.

He held me there so long I pushed against his thighs and he backed off an inch, only to shove himself back in, the whole time watching me with a kind of desperate glee as I fought to breathe.

He did this a dozen times, the hand in my hair gripping tighter as he neared climax, until he grimaced and slammed in one last time, his cock pumping cum down my throat into my stomach.

I swallowed against his cock as he pulled out, taking the last spurt on my tongue.

"Oh, you're too good not to share," he said.

"Hey!" But he'd already stood and was zipping himself back into his pants. I desperately looked for something to cover my nakedness while he climbed back between the seats and called to someone outside. He jumped out of the cab and I heard muffled voices outside.

The bed was the only way to hide. I pulled the covers back and got into the bed, pulling my knees up to my chest as I cringed against the side of the cab.

A moment later Troy clambered back into the cab. He knelt on the driver's seat and let a heavy-set man in loose-fitting faded jeans and a grey wifebeater push past him into the back of the cabin.

The man hitched up his jeans, his gut hanging over the top, and smiled down at me. He had a handlebar moustache and was wearing a trucker's cap with the same logo as Troy.

"This is Phil," said Troy. "He's come to 'fill' you in." His green eyes glittered at his own joke.

Phil grunted and pulled the covers off me. So much for staying hidden.

"Troy says you're hungry for cock."

Awesome. Thanks Troy.

I cringed away from the big man as he put a hand on my knee. "Come on boy, don't hold out on uncle Phil."

Christ, did he have to?

Phil leaned over me and put his hands under my armpits, pulling me up to my knees on the bed. It was one of those times when I wished I ate more. I didn't like that this man could move me around effortlessly.

There was scuff of shoes against metal and another man climbed into the cab. This guy looked as though he might be bald under his trucker's cap... yep, you guessed it... same logo as Troy's.

He was wearing a denim jacket over a white t-shirt, and faded jeans like his mate, Phil.

"Look at him, Grant," said Phil, as his friend took up the last three inches of space in the cabin. "Skin as smooth as an eighteen-year old girl's, and that mouth!"

Christ, I wished they'd stop staring at me like that.

Without any further discussion, both men unbuckled their belts and dropped their pants.

"Wait a minute!" I said. "I didn't agree to this. Could you both fuck off please?"

Phil reached forward and wound a hand in my hair, pulling me towards his crotch.

"Troy said you might need convincing."

I looked helplessly past him at Troy, who gave me a grin and shrugged. He looked as if he was enjoying himself at least.

Phil pushed his cock into my mouth, and I swallowed against his male musk, his big belly a soft cushion to push against. His cock was five inches at most, easy to take, although I had to get on all fours to be at the right height for him to fuck my mouth.

While Phil forced me to suck him off, Grant sat beside me and ran his hands over my arse. He spat on his hand and I jerked, my eyes popping open wide as a thick finger slick with spit invaded me.

"Look at him grow!" crowed Grant, ducking his head to watch my bobbing cock ooze precum.

He reached under me and started to jack me, and suddenly I was a whole lot more interested in the cock in my mouth.

"Yeah, boy!" said Phil, getting into a rhythm.

Grant's finger was pushed into me up to the palm of his hand, his other hand slicking precum back over my swollen knob.

I felt a climax building and suctioned Phil's cock, the only taste in my mouth the salty sweetness of his precum.

"Hope you're thirsty, boy!" said Phil. A second later his cum flooded my mouth. And my God the man could cum.

I swallowed three mouthfuls, feeling it run from the corners of my mouth and down my chin.

Phil pulled out and held his cock in front of me. Without being told, I lapped at the end of it, cleaning out the last drops of cum.

He patted my head and moved back.

Grant pulled his finger out of my arse and Phil swapped with him, taking my cock in his large fist while Grant pushed into my mouth.

My cock felt huge in Phil's hand, harder than it'd ever felt before.

I ran my tongue under Grant's shaft, massaging his six inches with the back of my tongue.

Christ. I was going to cum, I could feel it. These men, taking my mouth like this, without so much as a by-your-leave—why did it feel so good?

Grant seemed to sense the effect their efforts had on me and gripped my hair tight, pulling me against his groin. His grey pubic hair tickled my nose as his blue eyes stared down into mine.

I groaned around him as the rushing inside me became a frantic explosion. I jerked against Phil's hand, sending ropes of cum across the bedspread.

"Yeah, boy," said Phil, stroking fingers across my buttocks.

With a greedy light in his eyes, Grant fucked my face faster and faster, turning my mouth into his personal cumhole. I closed my eyes as he let go of his load with a moan.

He pulled out, splashing my face with cum. I kept my eyes closed as he painted my face, still in the glow of my own orgasm.

A hand patted my hair and the fingers stroking my arse stopped their caress.

"Very nice. Very nice indeed."

I put a hand to my face and wiped the cum from my eyelids and opened my eyes.

I stayed there on all fours, covered in their cum, as the three sated truckers stared down at me. Every single one of them looked as if they wanted to go again.

There was a honk from somewhere ahead and Troy glanced out the front of the truck.

"We're moving boys, clean up and ship out."

The two men squeezed back between the seats and shook Troy's hand before jumping down from the cab.

Troy ran his tongue between his teeth as he looked at me. I noticed he had a tongue stud.

"An anal virgin, eh."

Oh God.

"I have to go," I said quickly.

I got to my feet and realised not only was I still naked, but I now had cum all over my face and scrunched into my hair.

"I come by every morning," said Troy. "In case you get caught out again."

He watched me with the tip of his pierced tongue held against his teeth as I squeezed past him and dropped down out of the cab. There was a chorus of shouts and the blare of horns as I fled back up the driveway.

I grabbed the door handle and it opened. I cast one last terrified glance over my shoulder and staggered into the house.

I leaned my back against the door and put a hand to my mouth, wiping away a smear of cum.

I looked at it, and then put my fingers into my mouth. Fuck. I really was a cockslut. It should have bothered me, but instead it sent a thrill of excitement through me.

I could fuck men and women!

Prepare for trouble, make it double!

I couldn't wait to tell Luce.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Wish it was me sucking 3 cocks and swallowing cum

kneelnakedforbbckneelnakedforbbcabout 1 year ago

Enjoyed the story, especially loved the cum facial. Should be fun explaining the cum in his hair to his girlfriend. Definitely brought out some bizarre comments from "Anonymous."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

God has a filthy cock in his mouth all the time, and the fucking pig swallows too. Go figure.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Damn! I wish was small enough to be facefucked like him!!!

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