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Click here"I want to put the baby down and you and I get back in bed for a while, OK? I need some special time with my husband."
Back in bed I almost came, still thinking about Thomas and the special Christmas gift his naïve son brought him. Almost climaxed, but not quite. Bradley came inside me for the first time in a month. Perhaps he was also thinking of her, under Thomas, making him a cuckold.
I didn't mind "giving him one", an orgasm of his not matched by one for me. He deserved it after last night's hand job and this morning's confession. He lay on top of me, shriveled up inside me, and kissed the angle where my neck meets my shoulders. There were other orgasms in my future now, not far off. My husband could have this one. He deserved it.
We must have napped there in bed, Bradley's cum drooling out of me, for almost an hour. I awakened first - new mothers always do - and jumped in the shower. I emerged clean and clear headed as Bradly shuffled in for his turn. I playfully moved to wash his penis and he actually pulled back from me. "God, Tracy, last night and again this morning? Can't get enough, can you?" But he was laughing.
"You poor sex object, you. You love it. And I'll get enough if Thomas shows up, won't I?" I had thought I was making a joke, but my husband's grin disappeared.
"Tracy, let's talk about that some more before anything happens we can't undo, OK?"
I was surprised a bit, because I thought we were on the same page, but I felt my husband's concern. "Of course, Honey. You are in charge of me. Dad takes nothing you don't agree to give. You share me, or not. I will absolutely do what you want."
We both smiled, and exchanged a peck on the lips as I again reached for his penis. He was hard now. We each thought we had "won", but I knew that when Thomas asked for me, Bradley would yield. Bradley always yielded.
Using the soap I continued stroking my sweet husband. It did look a little red and tender down there, but he was closing his eyes and groaning his pleasure. I took it easy, squeezing very lightly. If he came, it would be his first-ever "hat trick".
"Maybe we should take this back to bed, Bradley?" He made more noises. "Do you think you could cum inside me again, Baby?" Now his face was twisted and his orgasm loomed. Wow, a triple? Not like the man I knew.
Then it came to me. "I need to be fucked again, Bradley. Please?" He was whimpering like a puppy now, so close.
"OK, Baby Boy. Go ahead and cum. Your Daddy will be here soon."
That did it, although he had only the tiniest amount of cum left to unload.
The morning passed quickly with two feedings followed by two naps. The baby's suckling got more vigorous every day as he grew. The quantities he extracted caused my swollen globes to produce yet more, further swelling and aching. This was one of those days I wondered how much a woman's mammaries could be expected to handle - vastly more milk, noticeably more gnawing. I'd have balloons on my chest soon! My B-cup bra was never worn anymore, and I thought my big C-cup tooters looked pretty good in the rare moments I was fully dressed. Even when I ran around the house topless, airing them out, I looked much sexier than I used to. My husband and his father seemed enthralled. Even my Dad, when he visited, couldn't keep his eyes in his head.
Late that morning Thomas announced his arrival quietly, thoughtfully aware that the baby might be asleep. Bradley was in fact putting the baby down, and I was semi-reclined backwards, my pelvis forward due to the lumbar pillow. My shoulders rested on the rear of the couch, and my head lolling back. I was topless as usual post-nursing, so my swollen breasts and their chapped nipples pointed skyward. Totally by accident and coincidence, the sight that greeted Thomas was a semi naked woman poised for sex. He knew better, knew my routines, but he hardened anyway.
He came behind the couch, leaned over, and told me the lie that I looked beautiful. Then he bent forward to give me a surprisingly chaste kiss on my forehead and took the tube of cream from my hand. Without asking me what I wanted, he began to apply the lanolin to my nipples. I would have said yes anyway, and we both knew it. He treated my breasts as if they were his, too, and I sighed as he assuaged my pain. I was so lucky to have two men to fuss over me, to tend to me.
Bradley came in from the hallway and sat across the room, facing us. Father and son exchanged pleasantries and then conversed, for all the world as if the old man's hands were somewhere other than on the young man's wife. Thomas did the normal soothing circular applications with his fingertips and I moaned as relief came. But about once a minute he took the nipples between thumb and finger and gave them a gentle pinch with a twist. Like a secret message between just the two of us: "Your husband thinks this is about feeding the baby, but you and I know these buttons are connected to your vagina."
Indeed, as he intended, I began to feel the electricity in my crotch. Bradley's Dad knew his way around a woman's body. My yoga pants were starting to feel too warm. I had a naughty idea.
"Bradley?" I asked my husband to go to our bedroom and bring my blue silk pajamas. They were lightweight and silky. I told him I wanted to put the top on, which was the first lie. When he returned, I took the top and held it in my hand. I had no desire to interrupt his father's fingers from giving me this pleasure. Instead of covering my naked chest, I told my husband that my yoga pants were too warm, and I wanted him to remove them and "help me" slip on the sheerer, lighter pajama pants.
He stood at my feet, facing Thomas, who was still bent over my head, massaging my breasts. He realized that, far from covering my body, I was asking him to strip me almost naked in front of his father. His father, the man caressing my breasts, would soon see more. Bradley's fingers grabbed the waistband of my yoga pants and then hesitated to remove them. His father was staring at him, willing my pants off.
"Can you take off the yoga pants please, Bradley," I said. "I want to slip on the pajamas." He was paralyzed. "I'm wearing panties, silly. Thomas won't see anything he hasn't seen before. That's right, Thomas, isn't it? Do I have anything you haven't seen before?"
The older man's hands were almost motionless now, kneading my flesh, enjoying the sight of his daughter-in-law emasculating her husband for the older man's pleasure.
I spoke to my husband again, "Daddy has seen a woman in panties before. It's just like the pool or something. Please? It's so warm in here. I'm burning up." The old man's hands rubbed me almost imperceptibly.
We might still be there if Thomas hadn't said "Tracy wants her pants off, Son. She's too hot. Do I need to help?"
He did not. Bradley slowly stripped my pants off. Clumsily, using one hand on the waistband of the yoga pants while sweetly holding the panties in place with his other hand. His last-ditch attempt to keep at least the most-special part of me from Thomas. The only part of me that his father hadn't already enjoyed.
My husband knew his future now, his and mine. He could see it clearly approaching. He could delay the inevitable, but not prevent it. His father had always wanted a taste of his wife, and now she wanted to be sampled. He hated that he was hard in his own pants in the moments before becoming a cuckold again. Everyone else always seemed to get what they want from him. He half-heartedly tried to put the silk pajama pants on, and wasn't surprised in the least when I told him to wait.
This was too perfect. I was laying back 45 degrees, naked but for my panties. Thomas was fondling my breasts and leaning over me. Bradley held the pants I never intended to put on. He also saw my hips up, my butt lifted by the lumbar pillow that had slipped underneath me. Both men had visible erections looking at me laid out like a piece of meat. Waiting. They both knew my Father-in-Law wanted to have me, and that when the moment was right his son wouldn't stop him.
"Thomas, I'd like Bradley to take care of my nipples now. Can you change places?"
My foolish husband thought for a moment he was getting promoted, but soon realized that it was now his father between my legs, staring at my soaking wet panties. I had not put on any pajamas, top or bottom. The blue silk lay on the couch next to me, making me seem even more exposed than I was. Yes, Bradley had just been given back his wife's nipples, but before he could be happy for that small victory he realized Thomas had just been given the rest of me. Both men were rigid in their pants now.
I broke my father-in-law's concentration on my panties by asking him to get me a cup of warm water from the kitchen. "I need to discuss something private with your son for a few moments." He smiled, turned, and left the living room.
I swear my husband knew instantly what I was going to do, but he didn't know how I would ask. "Bradley, I love you today more than ever, like that corny card says. I want you to share me. Would you give me that? Go to the store or something and come back in an hour? Only with your permission. Let me have Thomas?"
I couldn't read his facial expression, so I reached back with my hand and grabbed the erection I had caused. I had chosen my words with care, asked him to let me have Thomas. Not the other way around, which was of course the same thing but sounded worse.
"I hope you know what you want, Tracy. I'm scared you..."
I cut him off. "I know what I want. It's what we all want, dear; I just want it a little more than you do. I want us to be one family, not two. You're as hard as ever, Darling, you want this too. You've known this was coming. We've both been waiting for it. Let me have Thomas once and we'll see where we go from there later. Please?"
The poor man didn't even pretend to put his foot down, to keep me for himself. "An hour? I don't want to come back and see you doing..."
My crotch soaked as I realized my husband was now reduced to negotiating how much Thomas would fuck me. Again I interrupted. "You're right, Darling. That would be awkward the first time." I shivered at the thought of this being a regular thing, today only "the first time." And the thought of Bradley someday watching his father riding me. "An hour will be fine. I'll be careful."
Then, just before he left, I decided to give him something to think about while he was gone.
"This won't be like that Christmas, Bradley. No one is taking me away from you. Your father can't send me away when he's done. That poor girl, going home to her family. Going home early, full of Thomas." Poor girl my ass, I thought to myself. She was lucky to have been given a taste of real sex. "I'll be here when you come back, and I'll never leave you. I'll be waiting for you."
He went through the kitchen, told his father he had an errand to run, and left the house. Thomas came back immediately with my now lukewarm cup of water. He looked down at his almost naked daughter-in-law, on her back in front of him. He began to unbuckle his pants. "How long do we have?"
"I sent him away for an hour." I slithered out of my panties and continued "We won't need that long, will we, Thomas?"
"No, baby girl. I don't think either of us will need very long." And the father was in me to the hilt before his son turned East on Oak Street. He was a hair longer than his son, and considerably wider, but most of all he knew his way around a woman's body. I would have had noisier orgasms if it wasn't for the baby, sleeping down the hall.
Brad is tender, gentle, unselfish in bed. Making love to my husband is like a spa visit, rejuvenating and restorative. He asks constantly how I feel, if I'm close. It almost feels as if the room has candles and soft music. Sex with his father was - is - more kinetic, uncontrollable. He moved me from position to position to suit himself, seeming not to worry about my orgasm, not even asking me what felt good. Thomas just stroked relentlessly, twisted me this way and that, and knew by my claws in his back when I came, twice, before he unloaded high up inside me. Spoiler: Turns out that Bradley's wife likes being used even more than she likes being romanced.
Thomas was gone when Bradley returned. He found me in bed, a bit of a mess, and sat on the edge of the mattress. He held my hand, and I thanked him, and told him how much I loved him, and then we fell silent, lost in our thoughts.
His father's ejaculation drooled slowly from my vagina under the sheets and milk leaked uncontrollably from my exposed, uncovered breasts. I took my husband's head and moved it to one of my globes. He nursed for a few minutes while neither one of us spoke. We loved each other so much. Our special moment was eventually interrupted by a cry from the nursery. "Bradley? Can you please fetch our baby here to nurse?"
He got up, but looked puzzled.
"I don't think I can walk just yet, Dear." I lifted the sheet and showed him my battered pubic area, red and wet.
"Did he hurt you?" he quietly asked.
"God no, darling. He was the very best gift you've ever given to me," I assured him I felt wonderful and sent him away to get his son.
I'm telling our story now, almost a month later. I've been so busy with the baby and real-world concerns that I haven't had much time to write. We all seem happy, comfortable with our unusual household arrangements. I know I've never been more content.
Once a young married couple has a child they frequently begin calling each other "Mom" and "Dad". But while Bradley now calls me Mommy I still call him Bradley. Maybe when the baby is talking I'll say things like "Tell Daddy his dinner is ready," but I'm not there yet. So he says things to me like "Can I get Mommy a cup of tea?" and I reply "Thank you, Bradley." It just seems that Thomas is the Daddy in our home.
This is hard to express, but Thomas treats me like his wife and our house as if it was his. He has flipped everything upside down and "allows" me to have sex with Bradley regularly when he isn't here. Sex with Bradley involves more and more breast feeding and him calling me Mommy while he gently rocks his hips between my legs. I love to tell Bradley that I am his MILF fantasy come to life. That he is the young man sexing an older man's wife. On the nights that Thomas sleeps over he joins me in the big bed and Bradley sleeps in a single bed we put for him in the baby's room.
We agreed long ago to have a second child once the first is three. We haven't changed our minds. Two children will be perfect. But because so many other things have changed, I'll have a big decision to make when it is time for me to breed again. For now I'm content. Sometimes Bradley acts like the younger of my two husbands, and when he nurses I feel like he's the older of my two boys. He's the most content of all of us, nursing at my breast, my body full of Thomas.
Watched my daughter in law breastfeed one time, when she visited while I was home alone, which is why I am reading this, rock hard, stroking, and dreaming about missed opportunities.
this is without doubt the most arousing story I've read in a long time; well written and concise and the way you ratchet up the erotic tension all the way through is fantastic. like one of the earlier comments I'd love to read a part 2, but sometimes the best things are short and to the point. great work, thanks for sharing.
This is an all time favourite, is there a part 2? I know it’s been a few years, but ??
Excellent story! I wish I were the husband but I would want to watch, then have her afterwards.
I like coming back to the story every so often. The narrative touch with comparison of the in-law versus husband versus father is really well done. Impressive!