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Breeding Ivy

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Woman is forced to breed with men for scientific purposes.
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***Author's Note***

I both assume and hope this is a given, but would still like to make it abundantly clear that this story is solely for the purposes of entertainment. Sexual assault in real life is abhorrent and unjustifiable.


The pounding of her head contrasted with vague and swirling voices as Ivy slowly strained her eyes open.

"Oh, she's awake."

A blurred, unknown woman came into view, fair-skinned and dark-haired in some type of lab coat. And next to her a black-haired mocha man with glasses dressed in similar fashion.

But Ivy was naked. Oh my God. Oh shit!

She tried to scream out, but little happened beyond a weak choke and tears streamed down her face before she'd realized.

Flat on her back with arms and legs spread, she struggled against the metal bound over her arms and ankles.

"It's okay, Ivy."

The man's voice was smooth and in any other circumstances would've been inviting, but she could only hyperventilate in response to the whole ordeal.

"You need to relax yourself," the woman said, "your voice will come back and the pain will subside, but you need to rest."

Ivy took several rapid blinks, trying desperately to clear her vision.

She slowly lifted her heavy head, straining to hold it in place for a better look at her surroundings.

The room was light and clean, marked by what seemed to be a few machines, drawers, two doors and no windows in view. She processed a vague scent of rubbing alcohol in her weary state.

"Don't strain yourself," the woman said. With the use of some device, Ivy's lifted head was supported by a raised part of whatever bed or machine or who-knows-what she was on.

Ivy relaxed her head, having little other choice in her body's weakened state. The man and woman continued to speak, but the voices grew hazy, and Ivy drifted once more.

Her eyes shot open and the smallest gasp escaped her. There'd been multiple simultaneous pricks to her arm.

"Oh!" the man's brows rose. "Didn't mean to wake you. Doctor Pham suggested we continue with the preparations, that it might be easier if you woke up with them done."

Ivy tried to process this. Tried.

It'd been some sort of nightmare, but she'd only woken back into it.

"She'll be back in a moment."

He gave Ivy a soft smile, one that would almost seem sympathetic if it hadn't been contradicted by the circumstances.

And she stared at him, eyes weary and mouth slightly agape.

He moved to her other arm and swept a soaked cotton ball over a section before taking a three-syringed tool and giving her the three injections simultaneously.

They were more intense than the first set, or at least the first set she knew of. Whatever she was being given had already given her arm a deep soreness, but she didn't flinch. She could only barely fight unconsciousness.

"I know this must be confusing and I'm sure you have a lot of questions."

The man's rich voice certainly didn't help her attempts to stay alert, but she resisted its warm tones.

"But you have nothing to worry about. Doctor Pham and I will take good care of you. We'll ensure the insemination process--"

Ivy's eyes shot wide open. Arms and legs yanked against the unbudging metal, and her breaths grew sharp and quick. She managed only a weak, screeching sound, her voice giving out on her just as quickly as it came.

"Okay, it's okay."

She shook her head violently, wrenching her neck again and again to each pained side, blinded by a burning waterfall of tears.


The woman was back and wasted no time in rushing to Ivy's side.

"Doctor Pham, I'm so sorry!" the man started, "I mentioned the insemination and--"

"Don't explain. Go to the rooms and prepare the males."

"Yes, Doctor."

The woman turned back to the hyperventilating Ivy as the man rushed out the door, different from where she came in.

"You need to relax your body or you're risking serious injury."

Ivy didn't respond, only continued to pull desperately at unyielding restraints.

"We prefer to use the least restrictive means necessary. Please don't have us increase the restraints."

This finally slowed her. She was tired enough as it was, fighting a losing battle. But she needed to think her way out of this.

Ivy's breathing calmed until nearly silent.

The so-called doctor spoke again.

"We'll keep you as safe as possible. I know it all seems bleak and confusing, but you're about to be part of historic scientific progress. My colleagues and I have determined a way to create a singular fetus with several biological fathers. We've already had successes with this; we just need to gather more data, more evidence..."

Ivy's tear-soaked face went unmoved.

"Unfortunately, women who meet the necessary requirements aren't easy to come by, so when we know of one who does, we can't risk her unwillingness getting in the way of progress."

She was a madwoman. And Ivy was at her mercy.

God. Think, Ivy. Think.

"The set of injections you've received will help immensely, as they are designed for several purposes. We've already checked for non-hormonal, but this should counteract any hormonal birth control, as well as force ovulation, which was actually kind of tricky to do successfully in this way, but we managed."

'Doctor Pham' gave a soft giggle, as though this was something playful between friends.

"Your body will be particularly receptive to sperm, and I hope you'll be glad to know that the injections are also designed to heighten your own sexual pleasure and orgasms."

She wasn't.

'Doctor Pham' pulled a machine out from behind Ivy and guided it before her, presenting monitors and small mirrors.

The woman adjusted the mirrors just so, and Ivy could see her naked body.

Ivy was slim, perhaps slimmer than she remembered, and notably pale. Her walnut hair was carefully tied out of the way, and as she continued staring at the mirrors, it was clear that her typical bush was well-trimmed, revealing her most intimate places.

As if this wasn't terrifying enough.

Pham gently rubbed some sort of clear substance over Ivy's abdomen, then pushed a button on a nearby machine. Objects rose on either side of Ivy, about a hand-length apart from whatever she was on.

The woman looked at a monitor that faced away from her victim, and eyed it for a few seconds.

She returned to put a different substance over those pale breasts, and the door shot open.

"They're ready, Doctor Pham!"

"Good. Finish setting her up."

He looked at Ivy for a moment, and grabbed objects somewhere out of her sight.

Small suction cups, attached to cords, were placed in different sections on her, and soon devices were placed on her nipples.

She only stared at the ceiling. None of it felt real.

Pham carefully attached another device to Ivy's clitoris, having very gently parted the hood, and adjusted her legs so they were more bent at the knees, then fixed in place.

Pham looked at a monitor again, adjusted other things here and there, and soon Ivy could see different places on her own body through screens high on the wall.

The man pressed another button and the devices on Ivy's nipples and clitoris started sucking and vibrating.

Her face contorted as she tried desperately to stay still, core strained as she fought the reflexes of her hips rising.

She held her ass hard against the medical table, growing wetter with sweat and the nature of her own sex.

The vibrations only became stronger.

Ivy released a grunt from deep in her pained throat, her legs shaking no matter how taut she tried to keep them.

And the vibrations got stronger still.

Surrounding monitors showed her own pulsating sex, the betrayal of unyielding orgasms.

Her core had never been so tired, and even when she gave up the useless attempts at stillness and turned to violent flailing--as much as she could manage against the restraints--the devices were fixed in place.

They stopped.

"Good." Pham smiled. "Get the men."

The man left the room once more and Pham's voice was almost saccharine.

"They've been instructed not to be too rough, but we'll see how things go. They pay a lot to have women like you, and ultimately fund our research. I hope you'll learn to appreciate it."

Sick fuck.

The first man arrived almost immediately. Ivy closed her eyes, wanting to ignore him, even if that really meant nothing at this point.

Apparently content with silence, strong, calloused hands were her only introduction to him. He caressed her restrained arms and legs before removing his hands and returning with a hard cock against her inner thigh.

Ivy fought back tears.

She was going to be raped. There was nothing to do.

The head rubbed against the wet heat of her labia, rising to the device on her sore clit and back again.

He teased ever so slightly at her sex, slowly starting to enter and just as quickly retracting before doing it all over again.

The unknown man took a deep breath, spreading her labia with a single hand as he glided his thick cock inside.

Ivy winced. The man moaned.

He took in deep, shaky breaths as inched further into her, and pulled out with the same slowness.

And her body betrayed her.

She didn't want this; all she wanted was for it to end, but even in her restraints, she pressed higher against him.

Ivy's eyes shut even tighter, face contorted once more as she tried pushing her body down against whatever sick chemicals they'd given her, but the man gripped her hips and held her ass as high as the restraints would allow.

God damn it.

Even closed, her tears fell, and jaw ached from endless clenching.

Her rapist shuddered with deep groans, slowing even more. But her own noxious-made box held his cock tighter, no matter how unwilling she was.

His sex throbbed harder. Ivy braced herself as best she could, which wasn't very well.

And the thick, warm sensation flooded deep inside of her sex.

He lingered, making sure she got every last drop of his unwanted semen, until some apparent timer issued a five-minute warning.

The rapist finally removed himself. Ivy kept her eyes shut even as he left and adjustments were made, including the somehow more tear-inducing feeling of escaped semen being softly pushed back in.

"You did really well, Ivy."

The assistant-or-whatever's would-be soothing voice was more like a wasp to her eardrums. That fucking asshole had the nerve to act proud of her for this? Complimenting her on what a good girl she was for not having magical powers to escape?

She opened her eyes to him. He was smiling too, though his expression softened into more of a blank look as she continued glaring at him.

It was both an excruciatingly long and unforgivably short amount of time before a chime sounded and another man was ushered into the room, by a different medical person that she saw only a glimpse of.

This man was a giant. Duck-'neath-the-door tall and Stay-Puft fat with long, greasy black curls, extensive piercings, face tattoos on leathery maple skin, and actual-leather jacket-pants combo.

He gave her a little wave and the creepiest smile she'd ever seen in her life before whipping out a veiny cock from a hole in the crotch of his leather.

Ivy looked to Pham and the maybe-assistant, eyes pleading. Pham nodded. The assistant gave her a vaguely apologetic smile. Evidently not apologetic enough.

The giant shoved his cock inside of her. She screamed a shrill, hoarse scream, crying and closing her eyes tight again.

"Look at me!"

He held her face as he began pounding her, squeezing her jaw so tight he'd crush her if she didn't.

Ivy opened her eyes to the wide-eyed beast on top of her, whose smile grew more deranged by the second.

He gripped her face only slightly softer, releasing a demonic laugh.

"Yes! Look at me, you dirty fucking whore! Take it! Take my cock deep in your tight little pussy!"

He spat the words at her, slapping her in the face as he did so.

"Not too rough!" Pham reminded. "We need the body to be safe."

He rolled his eyes, voice lowering. "You are nothing but a disgusting set of holes, Daphne."

She didn't know this Daphne, but knew in her heart of hearts that woman would be buried in the desert somewhere, if she wasn't already.

"You. Are. Fucking. Nothing!"

He ejaculated suddenly, yelling out moans and yanking himself away from her with no further words, leaving the room cock-dangling.

Ivy stared at the ceiling as Pham used a little tool to glide the giant's remaining semen back inside.

"Sorry about him," the assistant said, "I'm sure the others will be... kind?"


Rapists are known for their kindness.

It was some time before the timer gave a five-minute warning and eventually chimed, another man entering the room. A much smaller, pale man who came immediately as he entered her, barely lasting that long.

She got her longest break, doing nothing but wait for the timer to ruin everything again.

Pham exited for a brief break of her own through the door men weren't entering from, leaving the assistant alone to watch Ivy. Not like she was going anywhere.

"...I know this isn't easy," he started after a much-too-short silence, "but you're strong, Ivy. You wouldn't have been chosen if you didn't have it in you to do this."

She didn't look at him.

The two stayed in silence again until the five-minute warning. He went over to her and gently spread her labia with gloved hands.

"I'm... sorry about this. We're supposed to check in at certain intervals."

No response.

He stared into her creampied vagina for some time, then walked back to a machine, pressing a button that started the vibrations again.

She didn't fight it. She couldn't. All she could do was release the sore moans and whimpers as her nipples were played with and clit was tortured into orgasm. It didn't even matter.

The timer chimed and he turned the vibrations off, leaving her pulsating, relieved and almost annoyed that it stopped.

Yet another man came, and came. Another came and came. Another. Another. Another. Another.

One fully naked, except possibly for shoes, which she couldn't see. One in a well-kept business suit. Some casual clothes, formal wear, bizarro fashion from what can only be recognized as an apocalyptic future...

Some rough, some gentle, most not lasting long. Another man, another, another; she'd lost count.

Pham returned only to leave just as quickly and Ivy eventually assumed she'd clocked out for the day or something.

But Ivy couldn't do that.

Then there was a set of chimes, different than before.

The assistant cheered.

"Well, Ivy, I'm sure you'll be glad to know that you are officially done for the day. I just have to look you over, check some results, and we're good."

She didn't move.

He removed the devices from her nipples and clit; a rush of relieved tension flooded her system and she gave a slight sigh.

He stared into her just as he did before, gloved hands as gentle. He slid a finger inside, then two.

That hadn't happened before. It certainly wasn't any worse, and was presumably whatever their process was when a captive was 'done for the day'.

The assistant circled her clit with his thumb as fingers inside come-hithered her.

She let out a sharp moan. Damn chemicals likely still affecting her system. Her throat certainly hadn't returned to normal, but the unexpected sound from it showed her that at least it was starting to feel better.

Her body tightened around his fingers, sex sucking him further inside. He gave a soft smile.

There was no choice but patience.

Whether the drugs, the exhaustion, the trauma, or some combination, she didn't turn away when she caught another glimpse of herself on a monitor. Views captured her from the side, showing the examination close up. It was like it was happening to someone else. Someone rather... attractive.

The slickness of her sex evident on his gloved fingers as they motioned just a little outward before filling her again gave her a more relaxed humming sort of moan. Then the man leaned forward, gently flicking a tongue against her sore clit.

Ivy jerked back, but stopped just as quickly, eyes focused on the screen. The man returned to the task at hand.

She couldn't help but admire that man on screen. His mocha skin looked soft and flawless, lips expertly taking in that clit.

She giggled a little, and the assistant removed his clothes and rested a bare hand on her substance-covered abdomen, feeling the jolts from her body. For some reason, she found herself nodding at the monitor.

After a while, he stood, undoing his pants before her.

"You know, Ivy..."

She turned toward him, wide-eyed at the sight less divorced from herself.

"I think you're absolutely perfect. What we're achieving here is incredible. And I'm not supposed to, but I... I don't think it would make much difference, do you?"

Ivy only stared.

The assistant leaned over top of her, pressing his lips on her neck and face, and soon eased himself inside of her.

He gave the sweetest kiss to her lips. It was soft and gentle, and in any other context, rather loving.

Maybe he was right. Maybe it didn't make a difference.

She took in the sweet taste of his mouth and the hard cock gliding in and out of her. Ivy reflexively tried to wrap her arms around him, stopped by the restraints.

For his part, hands cradled her slim form, and he began moving quicker and deeper inside.

Her sex tightened around his, pulsing much as he did, swallowing him again and again.

His moans drifted to her ears, and though she could not wrap arms around him, she kissed his neck as he had hers.

The assistant moved faster, desperately plunging himself inside of her. His motions were rougher and grip tighter. Moans louder.

They locked eyes and she nodded at him in mutual moans until he unleashed his cum deep inside of her hot pussy.

The man pulled out and cum ran down to her ass. He opened a nearby drawer to retrieve a small towel and carefully blotted her.

Then Ivy was back to staring at the ceiling, trying to process what the fuck just happened.

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DEGEDEGE3 months ago

HOT AMAZING STORY!!! What happened to Ivy next? How would her belly grow? Would she be under a permanent dose of chemicals to keep her aroused?

Can't wait to read more about this!!

Sassybutterfly99Sassybutterfly99about 3 years ago

Please tell me there’s more to this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I loved how you deacribed the heroine's thoughts and feelings, and the assistant's mocha skin! Really lovely work 😻

BellaKKBellaKKabout 3 years ago

I love forced insemination stories! This one was great

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