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Breeding My Rolling Asian Coworker

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Cute new hire pops molly, cheats, gets a belly full of cum.
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This story features WMAF raceplay, drug use, rough and violent sex, reluctantly giving in to cheating, a breeding kink, and the experience of falling in love with while rolling on MDMA. If these aren't your thing, don't say I didn't warn you.


The bustling FAANG company office in the heart of San Francisco was always abuzz with energy and innovation. As a principal engineer, Jake had seen his fair share of cute new grad hires come and go. He had quite a history with some of them, too.

We'll get to that.

It was a bright, beautiful Monday morning in June, and a new junior software engineer was joining Jake's team: a shy, nerdy little Asian girl named Mei. At just 22 years old, she was a fresh-faced, bright-eyed new grad with a CS degree from Stanford.

Mei was petite, standing at only 5'1", with a slender, almost skinny frame that made her look even more delicate. The little nipples on her small but perky A-cup breasts occasionally poked against her loose-fitting blouses (she never wore a bra, they didn't fit well). Her long, black hair was often tied up in a messy bun, and her thick-rimmed glasses framed her big, dark doe eyes.

Despite her perky little breasts, her hips were wide, splaying out on each side. Her round, firm ass stretched and strained against the tight yoga pants she wore to work each day. (For the engineers, it was a casual workplace.)

Contrasting against the dark curves of her tight belly and hips, the light poked through her big thigh gap, illuminating her mound from below like a firm, round treasure.

She had a habit of biting her lower lip when she was deep in thought, and her cheeks would flush a delightful shade of pink when she was embarrassed or excited. It was clear from watching her run around completing her onboarding meetings that she was a little ditzy. Maybe she wasn't the brightest Stanford had to offer, but she sure was cute.

Jake smiled as he watched the HR associate lead her around the office. Mei was clumsy and awkward, accidentally stumbling into things and apologizing profusely.

I guess I'll take it upon myself to show her the ropes, Jake thought.


"Hey, Mei," Jake said, approaching her desk with a friendly smile. "How's the onboarding project coming along?"

She looked up from her computer, her thick-rimmed glasses framing her big, dark eyes. As she ran her eyes up Jake's body they widened and her cheeks flushed.

No surprise there. Jake was a six foot four white dude, athletic and fit with dirty blonde hair and a tan. He usually wore tight-fitting tech conference t-shirts that accentuated his arm muscles (can't skip party muscle day). It was almost a tradition now for these cute little Asian girls to stammer and stare when he introduced himself. He could smell them wetting their panties at the sight of a hot athletic white boy like a shark smelled blood.

"Hi! Uh, Jake, is it? It's- it's... um... it's challenging," she admitted, biting her lower lip. "I'm... having trouble with this Java test mock."

"Mind if I take a look?" He offered, pulling up a chair beside her. "Two heads are better than one, right?" He grinned warmly.

"Sure," she said, smiling and blushing, a hint of relief in her voice. "I'd really appreciate the help."

As they leaned over her computer screen, their bodies brushed against each other, and she shivered as she felt a jolt of electricity course through her. Jake could swear he saw a flicker of something in her eyes, but he played it cool.

"You know, Mei," he said, keeping his tone light as he scanned the screen, "you're incredibly smart. This is impressive work."

She blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thanks, but I still have a lot to learn."

"We all do," Jake assured her. "But I think you're doing great. Just need a couple more fixes. For starters, you're going to need an assertEquals right here..."

He leaned over, brushing her little hand as he took over the keyboard to start typing. His head and shoulder were only inches away, and she could feel the heat radiating off him. He had really... really nice shoulders. And was that... there was a big bulge running down the side of his jeans, was that his...?

"Hey, so--" Jake said, causing her to jump as her eyes snapped up from his staring at his crotch.

"...I try to get to know all our new hires. How about we grab lunch today and discuss some more strategies for unit testing?"

She hesitated for a moment, her face bright red. "W-well... um... I was supposed to get lunch with my b-boyfriend Kyle... he's heading up from Palo Alto..."

Jake furrowed his brow and smirked. "The guy you're dating is... still in undergrad?"

Mei blushed furiously and looked down, embarrassed. "Well... yes... he's- he's on a five year program..."

Jake smiled and shrugged. "You know what, no biggie. We can do it another time."

Mei's big shining eyes looked up at him.

"No, wait!" she blurted out. "We can go, I'll just tell him to come another day."

He grinned. "Thatta girl."

As Jake walked away, Mei got up to rush to the bathroom. He looked back and noticed a little wet spot on her chair. He smiled slyly as he turned and strolled back to his desk.

These little Asian girls were so fucking horny.


"Goddamn," Jake growled, slurping a noodle messily, "I love fucking Asians."

Mei stared blankly, her cute, round face bewildered, trying to register what she'd just heard. "What?"

"I fucking love Asian," he said, smiling. "Asian food."

Mei blinked. "Oh!"

She smiled, blushed a little, then blew on her spoon of ramen. "Um, me too!"

These doe-eyed new grads. Jake loved gaslighting them.

"I come to this ramen place all the time," he said, leaning back in his chair. "I can't help myself. Just can't get enough."

She finished politely slurping a noodle up and beamed, brushing her long, dark hair back over her ear. "It's really good!"

As they ate, Jake regaled Mei with stories of the company, noticing how she seemed both captivated and slightly overwhelmed by his boldness and effortless charisma. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. It was so easy, being a tall, hot white boy. These cute nerdy Asian girls were putty in his fingers.

They finished their lunch and stepped out of the ramen shop, and Jake turned to Mei with a mischievous grin.

"You know, I've been thinking about that testing problem you mentioned earlier. I think I might have a solution."

Mei's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really? That would be amazing!"

"How about we head back to the office and I show you what I have in mind?" he suggested, placing a hand on the small of her back as they walked.

Mei hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "O-okay, sure."


When they arrived back at the office, Jake led Mei to a quiet conference room and pulled up a chair next to her. He showed her his idea to solve the problem, and they spent the next few hours pair programming together to implement it, talking and smiling the whole time.

Jake couldn't help but notice how Mei's cheeks would flush a delightful shade of pink every time he praised her work or gave her a compliment. Every time their bodies brushed against each other, there was that spark again. They seemed to naturally do it more and more as the day went on.

It felt so comfortable and natural being with him, Mei thought. She couldn't help but daydream about what he was like outside of work...


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the tests were all passing in the CI/CD pipeline. Mei looked up at Jake with a mixture of relief and excitement.

"Thank you so much, Jake! I couldn't have done it without you."

He grinned at her. "Of course you could have. You're incredibly talented, Mei. I just helped you see it."

Mei blushed and looked down, her long black hair falling in front of her face. Jake couldn't resist the urge to reach out and tuck it behind her ear, my fingers lingering on her soft skin for just a moment longer than necessary.

"I... I should get back to my desk," Mei stammered, her eyes wide and shining, standing up quickly.

Jake nodded and winked. "Great work today, Mei."


The week flew by, with a few more tension-charged pairing sessions sprinkled throughout.

It was Friday now, and the Friday afternoon tradition was taking all the new hires out for a drink.

"Hey, Mei, are you up for getting a drink with us after work?" Jake asked as he stopped by her desk.

She hesitated for a moment, biting her lower lip. "I don't know, Jake. I don't really drink too often... and I promised my boyfr-"

"No worries, I don't drink much either," he interrupted. Not exactly true, but whatever. "We can just grab some sodas or something. It'll be fun, I promise."

Mei looked at Jake for a moment, her big, dark eyes searching mine. Finally, she nodded. "Okay, sure! I'll go."


The engineering teams all headed to a SoMa dive bar after work. It was dim inside and packed with loud, tipsy tech workers letting loose. The drinks were flowing, and the music was pumping, but Mei seemed a little out of place.

"Hey, Mei, want a drink?" Jake asked, leaning in close to her.

She looked up at him, blushing. "Um- I..." she looked around as she trailed off at everyone else drinking and laughing. "Um... well, okay, sure, one drink."

Jake signaled the bartender and ordered two Adios Motherfuckers. (The perfect choice, in his experience, to get a shy girl loosened up.) The bartender returned with the drinks, and he handed Mei her tall glass of vibrantly blue liquid. She took a small sip, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Wow!" she said. "This is good!"

Jake laughed. "Just take it slow, okay?"


Mei did not take it slow.

One hour crept into two, and then three, and after downing at least two more tall blue glasses heavy with hard alcohol, Mei became more and more loose and relaxed. She started laughing and joking along with the rest of them, her movements swayed unsteadily, and her cheeks flushed a deep red. Every time she looked over at Jake, which was a little too often, her eyes lingered. If he caught them, she smiled, blushed, and looked away.

This was gonna be so fucking easy, Jake thought.

As the night went on, the music at the bar got louder and the lights even dimmer. Mei's eyes sparkled with excitement in the low light and she started to move to the beat as she chatted with her coworkers.


A few hours later, the party was just getting started at the bar, but the last group of coworkers was filtering out.

Mei waved goodbye to them as they left, and then she turned. She and Jake were the only ones left.

"Hey you!" she said, flinging herself at Jake and giving him a bear hug.

Her words slurring, she said, "We should- um, we- I wanna keep partying! We should, um, we sh-hould go somewhere!"

Clinging to his athletic body like a baby koala, she stared up at him, her Asian double-eyelid eyes wider and shiner than he'd ever seen them. Her face was flushed with a fierce pink Asian glow.

In the animal kingdom, during breeding season, fertile females often took on a reddish hue to signal to virile males that their reproductive organs were ripe for impregnation. Maybe Asian glow, Jake thought, was nature's way for cute Asian girls to signal to tall, athletic white boys that they were wet and ready to slide their warm hips onto a white boy's thick cock, to squeeze the warm fuck cream out of a hunky white stud's engorged penis with their tight, pulsating, needy cunts.

It was time to move to the next phase of the plan: getting some molly into her system.

"You like EDM, right?" Jake asked.

It was almost a rhetorical question. Of course she did. Every little Asian bitch liked electronic dance music.

"Yesss!" she squealed.

"Cool. Then I know just the place."

Jake took her hand and led her out of the bar, catching her a few times as she stumbled, tapping on the Waymo app as they stepped onto the sidewalk.

"Sooo... where are we going?" Mei asked, her voice slurring a little, barely audible over the sound of the city.

"It's a surprise," he said, winking at her, and turning to open the door of the arriving car.


"Hey," Jake said to her in the back of the Waymo, "try one of these."

He held out his hand and his fingers opened to reveal two red ecstasy pills, thick and crisply cut, with Tesla logos punched into them.

Her eyes widened. "Is t-that... ecstasy?"

Jake grinned. "Yup."

She looked up at him, doe-eyed. "Whoa... I've... I've always wanted to do molly!"

"Try one," he said. "But be sure to wash it down, they don't taste great." And he handed her a water bottle he'd brought from the bar.

Her hand wobbling, she grabbed one and gulped it down with a swig of water, and then he did the same.


The club was only a few minutes away. Before they knew it, they were standing in front of the club, a converted industrial warehouse. The thumping bass of electronic music was already pulsing through the walls, and they could see the flashing lights of the rave inside.

"W-what is this place?" Mei asked, her eyes wide with wonder and fear.

"It's a rave," Jake said, his voice low. "It's where all the cool kids come to dance and let loose."

She gasped and looked up at him, her big, dark eyes shining with excitement. "Oh my god... I've heard about raves before... I've always wanted to go to one! Let's go innnnn!" she whined.

They flashed their IDs at the bouncer and he took her hand and led her inside, the heat and energy of the crowd enveloping us as we stepped through the door. Mei's eyes were wide with wonder as she looked around, taking in the sight of hundreds of people dancing and moving to the music, lights and lasers frenetically pulsing over the undulating crowd of sweaty, intoxicated humans.

The pulsating beats of the house music washed over them as they made their way deeper into the bouncing crowd. Mei's grip on Jake's hand tightened, and he could feel her excitement and apprehension radiating off her in waves.


The pills started to hit fast.

Jake leaned in close to Mei's ear and shouted over the music, "You okay?"

She nodded, her eyes still wide with wonder. "Yeah, I'm good! This is... amazing!"

The shivers of a molly comeup were starting to dance along her spine. Jake could see her pupils dilating and her jaw shaking.

"Hey," he said, holding up a piece of gum. "This might help!"

"OH my god, THANKS!" she beamed. "My jaw is so wiggly right now!"

Jake laughed. "Yeah, that's normal. Just wait."


Over the next hour, the effects of the MDMA took hold, and Mei's inhibitions melted away.

She let her hair down and became more and more tactile as she moved to the beat, pressing herself against Jake and rubbing her body against his subtly as she danced and swayed in front of him, undulating to the relentless bassline in the dim light of the club.

She kept looking up at him with those big doe eyes, pupils widening, and she let her glances and cute smiles linger longer and longer. Every so often she would hit a new peak of rolling pleasure and shiver, closing her eyes and running her hands over her own belly and up the back of her neck.

Jake had to admit to himself, he was jealous. Your first time rolling is a uniquely beautiful experience. His big cock started to harden in my pants as he thought about how much more beautiful it was going to get.

Whenever he took these innocent little Asian girls to raves and pressed a speedy little ecstasy pill onto their tiny, cute tongues, it was always the same: their first time rolling, they had no idea how much their inhibitions could drop. Their self control invariably melted away and it was replaced by extreme, voracious horniness.

He honestly liked it even better when they were in love with a longtime boyfriend. It made conquering them, stretching those tiny, wet cunts with his big, thrusting white cock, feel so much more satisfying.

He didn't just want to fuck them. He wanted to take them from a weaker male. To win the right to breed by force.

It was the natural order of things.

Beaming with sheer happiness, Mei turned back from watching the stage to Jake, her face framed with little beads of sweat that gleamed in the dim light. Her jaw was vibrating violently and her saucer-pupil eyes wiggled uncontrollably. She was starting to peak, and the inhibitions were nearly dissolved.

"Hey you!" she squeaked as she smiled up at him, her eyes opened wide, pupils obscenely dilated, jaw flexing rhythmically as she furious chewed her gum. "This is sooo fucking FUN, oh my god! All these lights are soooooo beautiful. Everyone here is..." she sighed with utter contentment, "...so beautiful. I'm glad I'm here with you, Jake."

She turned to watch the DJ, her tight, cute butt and wide hips bouncing up and down as she danced with a big smile across her face, the speedy pill overstimulating her virgin brain to the point of mania.

Mei stared at the stage with wide eyes as she danced and chewed her gum with a clack-clack-clack of uncontrollable uppers-fueled adrenaline. She shivered and flexed her shoulders, and a shudder ran through her. Doing what felt right, she brought her hands up to massage her own shoulders, eyes closed.

"Mmmm... Jake," she said, writhing in front of him as she kneaded her shoulder muscles. "I feel... amazing. I... I've never felt like this before..."

Jake grinned, his own inhibitions fading away as the molly coursed through his veins. "I know, Mei. It's the molly. It makes everything feel more intense."

She looked back at him, her eyes shining with desire.

"Um... can I have some more?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jake raised an eyebrow. "More?"

She nodded. "Mmm-hmmmm. Yes please!"

This drugged-up little rave slut was already addicted to the high. Jake couldn't resist the opportunity.

He pulled out the little baggie he'd brought and handed her another pill. She gulped it without hesitation, washing it down with a big sip of water.

This second one was gonna hit her like a fucking freight train.

Fuck yes, Jake thought.

Overwhelmed with emotion at how generous and kind he was being to her, Mei looked up at Jake with widening saucer-pupiled eyes.

"Jake... Can we... can we dance?"

He smiled. "I thought you'd never ask."

She bounced with happiness and stepped forward to cuddle close into his broad chest. Facing each other, they pressed against each other's bodies and began to sway together, and he felt her tiny rock-hard nipples poking through as her little boobs squeezed into pancakes against his abs. At the electric sensation of their warm flesh pressing together she shivered uncontrollably for a second, then put her arms around his waist and held him tight. She sighed with deep contentment.

"I'm sure Kyle would be o-okay with this..." Mei cooed, " I just... I just, like, I need to feel skin on my skin right now, I guess..."

"That's totally normal," Jake said, squeezing her as they moved together. "Touching people feels really good when you're rolling." And he brought his hand up to caress her cheek.

She stiffened suddenly as a shiver ran up her spine and a low moan escaped her trembling lips.

"Ohhhh fuckkk... Jaaaake... that feels so fucking gooood..."

He idly played with her face, her thick lips parting slightly to gasp at the way his fingers felt running along her cute, round face.

Jake's crotch met Mei's wide hips, his thick half-chub urgently pressed into the moist mound of her sweat-soaked yoga pants. Their hips started to sway together to the beat, and she could feel the veiny thickness of his growing cock rubbing back and forth against her engorged cunt lips, dripping with pussy juice.

She shuddered again, more violently this time, clinging to him like she could barely stand.

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