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Brian Meets His Busty Match Ch. 02

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At the doc's, things get out of hand for Brian & the ladies.
7.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/17/2023
Created 05/04/2023
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A quick note: My stories aren't for everyone. If you don't like very petite -- or sizable -- women with really huge breasts, mother-son and mother-daughter incest (or the use of the word "mommy" in a sexual context), totally unrealistic scenarios, they might not be for you. If you like those things, great! But I can't stress this enough: These scenarios are not meant to be realistic. At all. They exist in a fantasy world. If that, or anything else I've mentioned, is not your thing, go elsewhere. If it is, please vote and leave a comment! Thanks. (All characters are over 18 years old.)

Another quick note: This is probably my most ambitious chapter to date. I hope you like it.


After all the cum and other fluids had been cleaned up, after sheens of sweat were wiped away, after clothes were put back on, the quartet -- mother and son, mother and daughter -- shuffled their way into Dr. Romano's office. The two teenagers held hands, almost instinctively, and the two tall, wildly voluptuous mothers exchanged smiles and knowing glances.

Like the waiting room, this wasn't a typical doctor's office: There was a desk, with an office chair behind it and a more comfortable armchair in front of it. But there was also a very broad divan that stretched most of the way across the room.

"Please," Dr. Romano said, gesturing at the divan, "take a seat."

The two teens sat next to each other, their mothers on either side of them. Rachel glanced up at Brian, biting her lip. She had put her T-shirt back on, though without her bra, and Brian couldn't help but glance down at her huge breasts, still heaving from their epic love-making session. Slowly, they leaned toward each other and began to kiss, gently at first, then more energetically. Brian reached up and began to massage one of her GG-cup tits, forcing cleavage to spill out of her low-cut shirt. She wrapped one hand behind the back of his head, and laid the other on his groin. She could feel his cock rapidly hardening -- again.

Dr. Romano signed. "Well, we can't have this. I brought you all in to talk -- for now, anyway. Can we break these two up just for a bit so we can talk?"

Ms. Stockton spoke first. "I've got an idea." She took off her business suit jacket, revealing her white button-down shirt that strained against her massive bosom, then began to unbutton the shirt.

"Sweetie?" she said, gently caressing her daughter's back. "Do you want to suckle on Mommy's big, full tits? Would you like that, baby?"

Rachel stared at her mother's breasts, which were now only encased in a massive bra that could barely contain them. "Um..." She turned to Brian. "Is it OK? I really want to fool around with you more, but..."

"It's fine," Brian said, though he was clearly disappointed.

"Don't worry," Dr. Romano said. "There will be plenty of time for you two to... have more fun. In fact, I'm going to insist on it. Rachel, I think your Mommy has an excellent idea. Why don't you put your head on her lap and suckle?"

"Yes, ma'am," Rachel said, meekly. She reluctantly disengaged herself from Brian and scooted over to her mother, as the top-heavy, middle-aged woman removed her bra, revealing some of the biggest breasts Dr. Romano -- and Brian -- had ever seen. Ms. Stockton cupped one huge tit and presented it to her daughter. Rachel lied down on her lap as her mother pulled her head into her pillowy but firm breast. Rachel began to suck as her mother sighed with pleasure.

Ms. Pepper ran her hand through her son's hair. "Would you like to suckle too, sweetie? It would give the adults time to talk and I know you love it."

"Yes, Mommy," Brian said. "But would it be OK..." He trailed off, looking ashamed.

"What, baby?"

"Would it be OK if I took off my pants so you could play with my penis?"

"Of course, sweetheart -- that is, if it's OK with Dr. Romano."

"Yes, that's fine," the doctor said, marveling at the two sets of incredibly sexy, horny mother-and-offspring duos in front of her.

Brian pulled off his jeans, revealing his thick -- and quickly lengthening -- penis. Ms. Pepper pulled off her yoga top, her giant rack dropping to her chest with an impressive weight as she did. She, too, offered a huge, swollen breast to her son, who laid down on her lap, and took her long nipple into his mouth. The mother reached down and wrapped her hand around her son's now thoroughly rigid prick.

"Here, let me help you with that," Dr. Romano said, reaching behind her to grab a bottle of mineral oil, which she squirted a bit of into Ms. Pepper's hand, which then returned to her son's cock. She caressed it slowly, teasingly. "There you go, baby. Suckle Mommy." With her other hand, she drew his face into her massive breast. For Brian and Rachel, the feeling was truly amazing: Surrounded by soft breast-flesh, milk streaming slowly into their mouths. Smiling lovingly, Ms. Stockton began to slowly grope her daughter's body, running her hand along her body, cupping her huge breasts and gently massaging her pussy through her shorts. Rachel began to moan, though she maintained her focus on her mother's massive tit.

"OK, now that we have some peace and quiet," Dr. Romano said, picking up a clipboard from her desk. "Let's get some details from both of you."

She turned to Ms. Stockton, who was flushed and squirming a bit as her daughter sucked milk from her enormous breast.

"Ms. Stockton, let's start with breast size. How large were you when you were Rachel's age."

"Hmm. When I graduated high school, I think I was a DD. Obviously, I'm much taller and bigger than her, so they didn't appear to be quite as out of proportion. Which is not to say I didn't get my share of stares and... interest."

"Well, I can certainly see why. You're stunning now -- you must have been just as gorgeous as an 18-year-old," Ms. Pepper said.

"That's nice of you to say," Ms. Stockton said, adjusting her huge boob to allow her daughter to more easily suckle her nipple. "I think back then there was a bit of a contrast between my looks and my body and what was probably a sense of innocence. Though that didn't last long."

"And I take it boys were obsessed with your figure? Particularly your breasts?" Dr. Romano asked.

"They were, yes. I was ogled constantly -- and not just by boys my age, but professors, men on the streets -- and... I have to admit, I liked it. I started wearing more form-fitting clothes -- jeans and shorts that accentuated my big bottom and tight tops that showed off my breasts."

"And did they stay the same size?"

"No, to my surprise, they got bigger. By 21, I was a FF cup. I also started working out and got more muscular -- though without losing my curvy figure. Interest from men only increased."

"And given that interest, did that interest turn into fucking?"

Even after all that had already happened that day, Ms. Stockton was taken aback by the doctor's direct and lewd language.

"Well... yes. An enormous amount, if I'm being honest. I needed to have multiple orgasms a day. As a matter of fact, I had a hard time maintaining relationships -- with men and women. They just couldn't keep up with my libido."

"You were pretty much always horny."

"I was, yes."

"And did you supplement all that fucking with masturbation?"

"Every chance I got! I'd say I averaged five or six times a day. And then..."

"Yes, please go on," Dr. Romano said.

"Then I got pregnant. To be honest, I'm not sure who the father was. But my breasts... well, they ballooned. I was suddenly a HH cup. My butt got even bigger, though once I had Rachel, I got my waist back down to where it had been before. I could barely find clothes that fit me. I know I looked almost... cartoonish -- but I have to admit, it continued to turn me on. And even after Rachel stopped suckling, I continued to lactate. Not an enormous amount, but enough that I had to express my swollen tits daily.

"Eventually I was able to get a job as a paralegal. I fucked everyone under 45 in the office. I mean everyone. Nothing could satisfy me."

"And your breasts continued to swell, didn't they?"

"They did."

"What size are you now?"

"I'm a J cup. And I love them more than ever," she said, caressing the massive, round teat that her daughter wasn't attached to.

"Do you find yourself wanting more sex?"

"Always. I wear the most revealing clothes in public, I make sure to walk in a way that causes my bubble butt and huge tits to sway -- 4-inch heels help -- but it's hard to find someone to satisfy me."

"You do get a lot of pleasure from your daughter's body, though, don't you."

"I'm ashamed to say I do. Ever since we started our sessions, I've grown to need her more and more. Her little, busty body is just so... adorable and sexy. I love how her huge breasts are totally out of proportion with her body. And she's just so pretty," she said, beaming down at her daughter's face, nestled in her enormous breast. "Seeing her getting properly fucked by Brian in the waiting room was amazing."

"I don't want to offend anyone, but do you think it would be going too far," said Dr. Romano, "to describe both you and your daughter as fuck-sluts?"

"I think that sounds about right," Ms. Stockton said, caressing her daughter's hair. The contact caused Rachel to bite her mother's nipple ever so slightly.

The teenager raised her head, her eyes drowsy, as if her mother's milk-filled breast had put her half in a trance. "Are you OK, Mommy?"

"I'm fine, sweetie," Ms. Stockton said, smiling. "Actually, it's time to switch breasts."

She reached up to the bun that her hair had been in since they had arrived and unfurled her lustrous red locks, which cascaded down past her shoulders. She then lifted her 18-year-old daughter up, as if she were a small child, her short legs dangling above the floor. The mother placed her daughter on her lap, leaned in and kissed Rachel, deeply, but gently, on the mouth. She reached up and cupped one of her super-petite daughter's huge tits, and squeezed it ever so slightly. "Mommy loves you so much."

She again lifted Rachel up, lining up her daughter's huge, firm breasts with her face. As she held her, showing her impressive arm strength, she leaned in and sucked on one of her daughter's tiny nipples, then the other, and finished with another deep, soulful kiss on Rachel's quivering mouth. She then turned Rachel's body, so her head aligned with the ultra-busty mother's other massive breast. A still-groggy Rachel immediately latched onto her nipple. Her mother groaned with pleasure.

Though Dr. Romano was astonished, Ms. Pepper did not seem to be fazed. In fact, she smiled at Ms. Stockton and said, "That was impressive. But what about this?"

She stroked her son's hair and whispered, "Brian, time for a break." He, too, was in a dreamy state and muttered, "OK, Mommy." Ms. Pepper lifted him up, almost above her head and, to the astonishment of both the doctor and the other statuesque, wildly busty mother, set him down so his legs were draped over her powerful shoulders and his large prick, which was dripping with pre-cum, was directly in front of her puffy, made-for-cocksucking lips. She kissed and licked his penis a few times, then plunged it into her hungry mouth, bobbing her head enthusiastically as her son groaned loudly.

"My goodness!" Dr. Romano said. "I see you've taken your sessions beyond just teasing and touching."

Ms. Pepper withdrew her son's thick, throbbing cock from her mouth, a strand of saliva draped between the two. "We did. I hope that's OK. I just love his cock so much and it seemed like the obvious way to increase the regularity of his daily orgasms. We don't generally use this position, of course, but... well, I felt like showing off a bit." With that, she again slammed her face onto her son's prick, this time going all the way to the base. She was deep-throating him, something Dr. Romano wouldn't have thought possible, given Brian's length and girth. With a series of gurgling sounds, she continued to suck on her son's dick. He grabbed onto her gorgeous brown hair and pumped away, fully mouth-fucking her, getting closer and closer to another orgasm.

"Mommy! It feels so good! I'm... I'm going to cum, Mommy! I'm going to cum in your hot mouth!"

Ms. Pepper only moaned enthusiastically and soon her son was there.


Brian flooded his mother's mouth with cum. She did her best to swallow it all, though a little dribbled out. She caught it, popped it into her mouth, and set Brian, who looked like he was about to pass out, down on her lap.

"Wow!" Ms. Stockton squealed. "Very impressive. I'm going to have to try that with Rachel one of these days."

"Thanks. I've been working out a lot -- mostly yoga and strength-training -- and there's no motivation like your own son's gorgeous cock."

"Speaking of which --" Ms. Stockton said, still holding her daughter's head against her huge bosom with one hand and masturbating with the other. She pointed at Brian's cock, which, amazingly, was still rock-hard and visibly throbbing. "I cannot believe he's still hard."

"That's my boy! OK, baby, time to suckle Mommy's other tit," Ms. Pepper said, as she laid her son down on her lap and pushed her other nipple into his mouth. "Anyway," she said, turning to Dr. Romano, "where were we?"

"Well, that was indeed impressive," the doctor said. "Let's turn to your personal history."

"My story is very different from Ms. Stockton's, actually," Ms. Pepper replied. "When I graduated high school, I was not at all curvy. Slim but definitely not stacked. Then I got to college and, well, things changed almost overnight. I had been a B cup and by the end of freshman year, I had grown to an H cup. I also grew about 3 inches. I maintained my slim waist, but my butt expanded significantly as well. I went from a skinny wallflower to something out of a cartoon. It was, frankly, pretty awful. I had to buy an entirely new wardrobe -- bras were especially difficult to find -- girls resented me, professors ogled me, and boys were either gross or totally intimidated. At first, I was incredibly self-conscious -- I would only wear shapeless clothing, I hunched over to try to hide my huge bosom.

"But then something happened. One day I was taking a shower in our dorm bathroom and I noticed a boy from my floor peeking around the corner. He was clearly masturbating. I decided to give him a show. I cupped my breasts and groped myself lewdly; I stuck out my butt and soaped it up, including my butthole. I eventually did something I had never done: I lifted one of my breasts up to my mouth and began to suckle myself. Like this."

She did exactly that, lifting the one massive tit that her son wasn't attached to up to her mouth, flicked her nipple with her tongue, and sucked briefly on it.

"You're not the only one who can do that," Ms. Stockton said with a wink, as she, too, hoisted a huge breast up to her mouth and sucked, then opened her mouth to display the resulting milk, then swallowed.

"Impressive, both of you," Dr. Romano said. "But back to your personal history, Ms. Pepper. So I'm assuming you brought this peeping tom to an orgasm?"

"I certainly did. He splattered his cum all over the wall, then saw me looking at him. He was mortified and ran away -- but I felt... different. The experience had unleashed something in me. I suddenly realized I could enjoy my body -- and that I had been suppressing my libido, and for no good reason. I started to masturbate, more or less constantly. I also started to work out -- it's not easy carrying these around," she said, gesturing to her chest.

"No, it's definitely not," Ms. Stockton said.

"So the more muscle up top the better. By 20, I was a tall, extremely curvy, muscular young woman with massive tits, a huge bubble butt and strong, thick legs. Like Ms. Stockton, boys were intimidated by me, but unlike her, and despite my awakening, I didn't do much fooling around, and certainly no fucking. Though I easily could have. Everywhere I went, men stared at me, some even propositioned me. But it just didn't feel right for some reason. Masturbation was my only outlet."

"And you were still an H cup at this point?"

"Well, yes, until I did finally have sex and get pregnant. It was at a frat party and I was drunk. I don't know who the father is either. But 9 months later, I had Brian. He was everything to me. And yes, my breasts did expand. I eventually ended up at my current size."

"Which is?"

"Well, no one ever believes me, but I'm a MM cup."


"I have to get my bras -- and yoga outfits like the one I'm wearing -- custom made. But I love them. Like Ms. Stockton, I wore tight-fitting clothing and often just paraded around in a tight T-shirt and shorts. And like Ms. Stockton, I continued to lactate."

"Did you start dating after that?"

"Actually, no. I'm not sure I can explain why. I loved the attention I got, but I focused all my attention on Brian. I just didn't think anyone could live up to what I wanted. Earlier this year, when Brian turned 18, I finally acknowledged that the noises I was hearing from his room were him masturbating. Just as often as me. Which is when I called you."

"Fuck-toys, both of you?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Well, that catches us up. Can I ask you to please rouse your children?"

Ms. Pepper bent down, her hair caressing her son's skin. She kissed him on the cheek as she released her hand from his throbbing cock. "Sweetie? Sucking time is over for now. The doctor wants to talk to us." The teen raised himself to a seated position. His eyes were so heavy-lidded that it was almost as if he had been drugged.

"Baby? Sit up, please," Ms. Stockton whispered to her daughter, whose huge tits swayed as she lifted her body up. She looked over at Brian. They smiled at each other, in a daze. She looked down and saw that he was masturbating, with both hands. He had just started, instinctively. He blushed.

"Sorry," he said, staring directly at her GG-cup tits. He knew it was wrong, that he should look her in the eyes, but he couldn't stop himself.

"It's OK," Rachel said softly. She cupped her breasts and lifted them toward him, as is presenting them for his pleasure. "And it's OK if you want to stare at my breasts. Um, will you touch them and kiss me? Please?"

Dr. Romano cut in. "OK, OK, let's hold off on that for a bit. There's something important I need to tell all four of you."

The two teens straightened up. Rachel removed her hands from her tits -- and one of them went directly to her pussy, where she began to gently massage her clit.

"So. All four of you have something in common. Let's list the similarities. Most obviously, you all have extremely exaggerated sexual characteristics, primary and secondary. And you all have insatiable libidos. My sense is that you could have endless orgasms -- which is particularly amazing for Brian, who has cum, what, three times in less than an hour? Yet still has a raging hard-on."

Seeing the teenage boy blush -- and, momentarily, stop masturbating -- she quickly added: "This isn't a judgment; I'm just stating facts. There's nothing wrong with any of you. You two --" she gestured at the mothers "-- have very unusual body types, ones plenty of men -- and women -- would find extraordinarily arousing: gorgeous faces; tall, sturdy bodies; long, muscular legs; huge buttocks; and truly enormous breasts. To be honest, the biggest I've ever seen on women with your body types. And I've seen a lot."

The two mothers giggled.

"And this young lady," the doctor said, looking at the masturbating, half-stoned 18-year-old girl, "has an equally unusual body. She's also very pretty, but also very, very petite -- which is especially surprising given that she's your daughter, Ms. Stockton -- except, of course, for her substantial rear and very large breasts, which appear even bigger than they are compared to her slight physique. And, at least what I've seen from the two teenagers, you have very intense orgasms. I'm guessing the same is true for you mothers."

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