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Broken Hands


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Dalton practically purred towards her as her strong fingers rubbed the shampoo through his messy hair and made him feel like he could faint at how good everything felt. She massaged his scalp with shampoo for a good five minutes before she pushed him towards the spray of the water to wash it all out. She rubbed her fingers fully through the soap and water as he allowed her to completely take over. Everything felt briefly wonderful.

When Dalton finally opened his eyes he saw Mrs. Holloway reaching over to grab a bar of soap from the nearby shelf.

"Oh...I usually just use that body wash," he said, nodding over towards some pine-scented squeeze bottle that he'd been struggling to use that week.

"Oh...that's okay. Let me just do this for you," she said...and Dalton was surprised when she leaned in close to his face and gave him a silly grin.

Adrienne was stoned. Fuck. Had she just flirted with him? She wondered to herself. She had. That was not good. She was more stoned than she meant to be.

But that didn't change what she had decided to do for this boy.

She stepped in close to him in the shower spray, and Dalton held his breath as Mrs. Holloway began to rub the bar of soap over his chest.

She smiled at him as she bit her lip. She was having trouble hiding the fact that she was enjoying this task. But she had to try.

Dalton watched as she slowly worked the bar of soap down his body, over his back and arms and armpits. She scrubbed soap into him with her soft hands and she got closer to him as she worked. Dalton was breathing very shallow as she washed him.

Adrienne was getting lost in his muscles, and then without even thinking. She sunk down to her knees. She began to soap up his legs, starting with his feet.

Dalton was feeling lightheaded in the hot water. His half-hard cock had risen fully to attention. He wondered what she must think of the fact that he had a full boner in front of her face as she soaped his legs up.

Adrienne couldn't take her eyes off of his big cock. God...it had been a while since she'd gotten to enjoy a cock this nice. She was doing her best to stick to the job at hand. She knew it would be wrong. She did. She definitely should not abandon her task. She definitely should not stop washing him and begin to suck on his cock. She knew this.

She did.

But god, he was so big and so hard.

She smiled up at him as he looked down at her face, splashed in the spray of the water as she worked, as if to make light of the situation.

"I'm sorry...I'm not trying to, ya know...I just..." Dalton was attempting to apologize for his unavoidable boner. She was kneeling in front of him, her tank-top mostly soaked through now. He could see her breasts poking through the wet fabric. It was thin and her nipples were hard.

"Dalton, it's okay...guys get hard all the time. I don't care," she said it so nonchalantly. She subconsciously bit her lip a little as she scrubbed the soap into every crevice on his lower half.

She passed the bar around his thighs and even allowed her hands to reach up under his legs to his butt cheeks.

Dalton couldn't believe when he felt her fingers slide into his ass crack and begin to wash him there. She didn't even ask. She just did it for him. Wow. She was so fucking sexy. Dalton was fucking broken for this woman.

She brought her hands around and rubbed his butt cheeks in both of her hands with the soap, and he couldn't help but stare down at her ass in the shower spray, as her panties and tank-top were both thoroughly soaked through now.

"Dalton..." she started, as she stood back up and faced him in the spray of the water. He was standing with his covered casts pressed against two upper shelves that ran along the wider edge of the shower space. The water fell over his back and shoulders and onto her front. She placed her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. "Do you want me to wash your penis and balls? I understand if that's too personal...and I especially understand if you'd be uncomfortable with that because you're...ya know..." she glanced down to his very hard cock only inches away from her wet midsection. What a cock he'd been packing, she marveled again.

"Umm..." he said, suddenly feeling his horny words catching in his throat. Was she really offering to wash his cock for him? She had offered so simply. Like it was nothing at all. Like it was no big deal. She only wanted to help.

"I'm sure you've had trouble washing down there with those casts. Just let me do it real quick and we'll be done," she reasoned with him. "You know you'll feel much better after."

"Okay, yeah, go ahead," he said, gulping. The water was hot and his head was swimming with wild nerves.

"Good," she said. And her hands were suddenly on his hips. She put the bar of soap down and squeezed a glob of body wash out of the other container. Dalton watched as she brought her soft hands down to clutch his scrotum and shaft.

He almost moaned out loud as her hands quickly worked the soap over his cock and sack. Adrienne felt her own breath catch as her fingers caressed the impressive size of his shaft three full times to make sure soap got everywhere. Also, because she felt like this was all she could get away with without being obvious about the fact that she really wanted to stroke this big cock. Fuck, she was starting to get horny from all of this.

She caressed his balls with more of the wash and brought her hands back down to his ass crack to clean him there again, even as Dalton practically cried into her shoulder where he had bent forward to lean while she cleaned him. She knew how badly Dalton wanted her to keep touching him. She truly loved that kind of power. But she was also responsible. She needed to do the right thing and simply offer to help this boy. Even if that meant thoroughly washing his dick because she liked the size and weight of it in her hand. Who said you couldn't mix business and pleasure?

A couple of minutes later and she was turning his body into the direct spray and using her hands to wash off the soap, taking one last lovely flick of her thumb over his helmeted head and slit.

Dalton shuddered from the last of her cleaning techniques and then the water was being turned off.

"Ughhh, Adrienne...that was so great. Thank you so much," he said, still crazy hard.

"Of course, babe. And look...if you need me to help you wash from now on...I can do that for you. Probably not every day...but this was pretty easy, so just let me know when you need it and I'll help you out, okay?" She promised with the sweetest face. He did need it. He needed it so bad.

He nodded thankfully to her as she hopped out of the shower to snag them both towels from the nearby rack.

"Do you have a shirt I could change into, Dalton?" She asked him, even as she began drying his whole body down for him.

Once again she was on her knees in front of his still hard cock.

"Yeah, uh...let me snag you something," he was once again almost convinced she was about to start sucking on his cock. But she just kept drying him. Was she teasing him? Or was he just the horniest person in the world? Maybe both.

When they were done, he led her down to his bedroom and showed her where his dresser was. She was able to find one of his old t-shirts. She said thank you and asked him to turn around for a second.

She took off her wet tank and for a moment, considered her hard nipples in his bedroom mirror, and the goosebumps on her clean skin. She wondered what he would do if she just got naked and told him to turn back around. She laughed to herself. She knew this was a silly notion.

She threw the old baseball shirt on, which hung low enough that she could simply wear it as a skirt, so she shimmied out of her wet panties and rolled them up with her tank.

"Okay, you can look," she said, and Dalton almost fainted again when he saw what he considered to be an older, shorter t-shirt, suddenly working as a skirt on Mrs. Holloway's small frame. She looked like a slutty college girl. Fuck he was so obsessed with her. He wanted her.

"That shirt looks way better on you as a skirt...I insist that you keep it," he said, gallantly joking with her.

"Thanks!" She said warmly to him. She loved how her body was probably very much being shown off to this dumbly horny young guy. She was living for his nervous energy. "Now what do YOU want to wear?" She asked, as she quickly sorted through a couple drawers to find his gym trunks and and shirts.

He only had one ripped t-shirt and a pair of Christmas boxers. She grabbed them and held them up. "You did say you needed some help doing laundry, yeah?" She laughed, even as she knelt down and had him step into the boxers. She pulled them up carefully, allowing for his cock to find a direction to arch upward as she affixed them to his body. Then she helped him into the old shirt and they were mercifully done.

She patted his chest softly, and there was something so nourishing in the gesture, Dalton couldn't help but croon a little over her gentleness with him.

"You are seriously amazing," he said.

"Well...what you did was amazing," she replied, and she felt a little teary eyed suddenly.

She pulled him in and they shared an intimate hug, even as she could feel his erection still tenting the front of his fresh boxers. It pressed against her body and she liked the way it felt against her. Dalton loved their connection.

She said she had to get going, as it was getting late. They said their goodbyes and Adrienne told him she probably wouldn't be available the next day due to the fact that she had a date.

Dalton told her it was no problem but he was naturally a little crestfallen. She promised she'd be fully available for him on Sunday and that was that. He closed the door behind her and headed upstairs.

Dalton slid into bed and slept on his back so that he wasn't crushing his aching cock, which apparently was just going to be torturously hard for the next 6-8 weeks.

It was like that movie '40 Days and 40 Nights,' with a couple of weeks tacked on for good measure, and no Shannyn Sossamon waiting to blow his mind.

This was the worst.

He fell asleep dreaming of Mrs Holloway, only in his dreams they were back in the shower and she WAS sucking on his aching cock.

Adrienne got home and slipped into her own bed after a quick toothbrush and check on the baby. She pulled up her myriad of dating apps and looked for any of the many fuckboys who had made their intentions known to her upon matching. She hadn't technically had a date planned, but after having to hold and wash her next door neighbor's bulbous cock in the hot water of that shower, she knew that she needed to get some or she was going to go crazy.

Adrienne Holloway had a high sex drive and she quickly found a good looking dude who had been messaging her with naughty intention.

She messaged back the time and place. She told him this would be his only chance to fuck her, and then she sent a couple messages to some babysitters she frequently used. In the morning she'd wake up to his excited response, and everything would be set.

For now, she fell asleep in Dalton's t-shirt, and dreamed of what it would feel like to squat over his cock and allow him to slide completely bare into her waxed pussy.

Different, yet similar dreams collided in that sandman airspace that hovered above the two side-by-side homes.

When morning rolled around, Dalton was determined to take his mind off of his almost week-long build-up of cum, and instead texted a bunch of his friends to come over and hang out. Mostly he was trying to take his mind off of the mental memory of Adrienne's sloping neck and face, looking up at him as she washed his body in the hot shower. He remembered the way the drops of water would slide down her neck and chest. He remembered every torturous moment.

He ignored his morning wood and and got up to get his day started. There was a group that would be coming over for a chill session later that afternoon. Dalton needed his friend's company more than ever. He needed anything to take his mind off his unquenchable need to cum. The build-up was honestly becoming painful.

As afternoon rolled around his friends began to arrive. They'd brought beers and bathing suits over for some backyard drinking.

They all lounged around the patio furniture they'd spent so many nights around during their school years. It was the same group as the park, with a few more pop-ins as the afternoon went along.

It was a lazy, stoned, day-drinking kind of day. No one was partying. The point here was to relax.

Dalton's friend's were incredibly empathetic to his situation.

"Dude, I can't believe you kept this from us all week!" Brooster said, as the guys had taken their shirts off to get some sunshine. The girls were wearing bathing suit tops and overalls which they both had undone for further sunshine. Dalton's backyard was infamously popular within their friend group as a stellar hang-out spot.

"Yeah, well...honestly...there wasn't much to say. My summer is basically gonna suck," Dalton put it simply, though he was tipsy and stoned and wasn't all that sad at that very moment, actually. He was with his friends and they were there to joke around with him and comfort him. It was a much needed respite.

As the afternoon faded into evening there were about fifteen or so people who had shown up. Dalton figured out that by using a nearby back-porch shelf, he could prop his arm up enough to flick ping-pong balls over the table in a game of Beer Pong.

He wasn't anywhere near as accurate, but it felt good to shit-talk with his friends as he got progressively drunker.

It was around 7:30, and across the fence next door, Mrs. Holloway was giving a couple final directives to the last-second babysitter that had been happy to snag the gig, especially knowing what a good tipper the young widow was. She had a great reputation around the neighborhood for this.

Adrienne was the type of parent that would use you for three to five hours, come home fairly tipsy or high from some date, and then tip fifty extra dollars just because she was in a good mood.

She said goodbye to the neighbor girl as she blew a final kiss into the baby monitor where London had already gone down, and was quickly out the door.

She was dressed in a tiny, powder blue cotton skirt and low-cut t-shirt, with open-toed, lace-thin stiletto heels that gave her at least six inches. And who didn't love a good pick-me-up from a solid six inches? She thought to herself, as she waved to the babysitter at the door and strode out to her waiting Uber. Her hair was straightened and her lipstick had a particularly playful vibe to it. She would've called this look her 'I want to get fucked' style.

She was headed towards a sexy, cocktail bar further into downtown. She was meeting her date there: Mr. Tall, Dark, and Dick Pic. It was an obvious choice for a date. It was the kind of place where people who were not being overly picky regarding the witty banter of a person, could meet up and get down to some eventual bedroom business.

When she was dropped off at the curb, she stepped out to an already forming line outside the bar. As the night moved along, tables became harder to come by. Especially because eventually people would start to dance and and fill up the space, when the DJ came out to start spinning underground hits.

But her date had already snagged them a table just inside the large, open windowed bar. She recognized him immediately in his black pants and button-up shirt. He was drinking a whiskey because of course he was drinking a whiskey.

The night went like a lot of these tended to go. He had such-and-such position in sales and he had a killer loft and a company car and he worked out six days a week and he TOTALLY loved books but had trouble naming any of the ones he'd read recently.

Adrienne wasn't there to meet a soulmate. She was there to snag a healthy cock that she could bring home to pound her until she came. If the right dude magically came along, swell, but she was fairly involved in the navigations of being a young mom and recent widow. She didn't need another saga at the moment. She needed orgasms and stress relief.

After a couple of drinks and a shot for good measure they did a little dancing on the crowded dance floor. Adrienne could tell when she rubbed her ass back against him that he was hard and he seemed plenty big enough.

"Want to get out of here?" She asked him with a very willing grin.

"Fuck yes," he replied, downing the rest of his cocktail and leading them out to his car.

As they drove the twenty minutes home, Adrienne leaned over to his driver's seat and began to unfasten his pants. He looked over at her with a stupid grin.

"Focus on the road, please," she said, and then lowered her mouth over his cock and began sucking.


It was around 10:30 PM and the last of Dalton's friends were heading home. What was supposed to be an impromptu afternoon chill session had turned into a low-key vibe party where everyone had a stellar time.

Dalton had a definite mood boost from seeing all of his friends and having something to distract himself with for a while.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long after they were gone that the loneliness crept back in a little. And it wasn't so much the loneliness. It was his aching cock that he couldn't bring relief to.

He was so hard all the time now. He wanted to jack off ALL. THE. TIME. Even having some of the sexier girls he was friends with over that day had been teasingly hard. All the summer flesh in skirts and tiny shorts and bathing suit tops. So much leg and booty and breast. So many reasons for him to be constantly having to hide his tented shorts.

It had gotten to the point where even peeing was hard. He'd get his shorts down and then would end up missing half the bowl cuz his cock was pointing this way and that. He was an 18-year-old Steve Carrell from the 40 Year Old Virgin.

He felt pretty gross from all the sun and sweat and layers of bodily detritus formed from being outside most of the day drinking. He wished he could've texted Mrs. Holloway to ask for her help with taking another hot shower, but he knew she was on her date and he would have to wait until that next day.

He decided to get stoned and watch a sci-fi movie with some sort of escapist story line.

"Aeon Flux?" He said out loud to himself. He read through the description. Sure. Whatever. He packed a large bowl of body-buzzing Indica and sunk into the comforting depths of the couch.


Over at Adrienne's place, Mr.-Talks-A-Big-Game had cum VERY fast after Adrienne had begun to squeeze her pussy muscles on the cock sliding into her from behind.

He'd barely lasted five minutes. This cock that she'd tease-sucked with expert road head...had barely gotten her to the first hints of that much-needed feminine explosion.

And he'd cum way too much. There wasn't going to be a repeat performance, no matter how much Adrienne jacked him off and put his condom-flavored cock into her mouth, trying her hardest to get his boner back into game shape for her to slide back onto and finish.

Eventually she gave up the struggle.

"I'm sorry," he said, as he stepped sheepishly out her front door. She told him it was fine. It wasn't of course, but she didn't have the energy to explain how bad he was at holding up his end of the sexual bargain. She didn't care how hot she was or how good her pussy was, there was simply no excuse for being that advanced into male adulthood and being that bad at handling your penile duties.

She plopped down on her couch wearing only a t-shirt and booty shorts. Her body was irritatingly uncomfortable. She was antsy. She needed to play with a cock. More specifically, she needed to play with a cock that would stay hard with her for hours and cum multiple times if needed.

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