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Brother Asked to Correct Bratty Sis Ch. 10

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Lee visits Sandy. Ava sees Nick again and learns a secret.
42.4k words

Part 10 of the 19 part series

Updated 03/09/2024
Created 12/22/2022
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Wednesday June 22nd.


Wednesday morning I made sure Ava was up by 6:45 and told her to just throw on some old gym shorts and a top. This morning, since her wrist was injured there would be no working with weights, we would just use the treadmill.

She argued her wrist was fine, but a stern look let her know I was in charge. At 7 o'clock I had her on the treadmill and had her jogging at a nice pace. She seemed to be handling that well for the first 15 minutes, so I reached over and sped it up to where she was running at a nice clip. Sweat was dripping off her face and her top was showing signs of sweat and her bra was showing through her top where her top was sticking to her chest.

Her breathing was steady and she had a decent stride. Standing off at the side I admired her form, and of course her other assets. It was amazing she wasn't fat, I chuckled to myself, the way she ate. Good metabolism I guess. I let her run at a steady pace for 10 minutes then slowed it down to a nice walk for the last 5 minutes.

When she finished she was soaking wet but seemed fine. Using a towel she wiped the sweat off her face and got her breathing under control. "Whee," she smiled at me, and took a drink of water. "I can't believe I actually feel pretty good, guess it's these expensive shoes," she giggled.

"Believe me in a week or two you're going to feel even better," I chuckled.

"My wrist feels okay, why not go ahead and do some of the weights?'' She asked as she took another drink of water.

"Not so fast tiger, you don't want to over do it just getting started," I grinned at her. "Just cool down and go grab a cool shower and meet me in the kitchen for breakfast."

When she walked in the kitchen, she was wearing a robe tied at the waist. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra, her hair in a pony tail and damp. I had not exercised yet and was wearing a pair of gym shorts. I planned on working out after I made sure she ate a decent breakfast. That is if I could get my dick to go down.

I poured her a large glass of low fat chocolate milk and handed that to her along with a bowl of oatmeal with berries and nuts along with a banana. She looked up at me and smiled, "Really, no sausage and biscuits or bacon?" She giggled.

"Just try this for a few days, I'm not saying we are going to totally eliminate all the good stuff," I chuckled. "I'm sure as hell not giving up the chicken and dumplings, or your brownies."

Believe me I tried to keep my eyes off her tits while we ate, but it was impossible. Every time she took a drink her robe gaped open and I had a perfect view of her cleavage. It was especially difficult not to groan, when she got a chocolate milk mustache and used her tongue to wipe it off.

Lisa said we needed to talk to each other, so hell might as well get it over with. I let her finish her breakfast before I brought up the elephant in the room.

"Ava, we never really talked about where we go...from here...so you need to be honest with me. We can cancel out that contract we signed and...."

"We go on as usual as far as I'm concerned," she interrupted me with a sly grin, as she picked up her dishes and carried over to rinse and stick in the dishwasher. "Unless you feel different," she mumbled with her back to me as she rinsed out her bowl and glass.

I waited until she placed her dirty dishes in the dishwasher and turned around. "Are you sure, I don't want to do anything to upset you.....but yeah I'd like that," my voice was husky as I stared at her breasts, then up at her eyes.

Yeah she was telling the truth, I could see it in her eyes. Her face flushed a little and she finally spoke in a soft voice, "I love everything you've taught me about sex and don't want to stop. I know like the other night I got really wild and went a little crazy. But, that's not your fault, I think I've always had kinky sex deep inside me and you just helped me unlock it. I've no desire to change that about myself. Plain vanilla sex is okay sometimes, but it's not what I crave. If that makes me slut so be it," her voice was steady and firm letting me know she was being truthful.

I was glad to hear her say that, but I was still concerned about her mental state as far as Sandy, or that matter Nick. So I barged ahead and asked her. Like Lisa said we needed to be honest with each other.

"For one thing your not a slut, lots of people like kinky and rough sex. Oh I use dirty talk to turn you on, hell it turns me on," I chuckled softly, "when I call you dirty names during sex I don't literally mean it. But how do you feel regarding me and Sandy, or you and Nick or other guys. To be honest it's difficult for me when I think about you with other men, but I know it's best for both of us since we both want children and a family in the future."

"I'm not going to lie," she smiled as she walked slowly toward me, "I''ll always be a little jealous when you're with Sandy, or other women, but I accept the fact it's true we can't marry and have kids. In the meantime," her voice was low and sultry, she opened her robe, "I want to suck you, fuck you, and you teach me all you know about sex," as she placed her hands around my neck and kissed me hard on the mouth.

Damn my cock was about to burst it was so damn hard, as she straddled my lap. She was completely naked under the robe. Her tits were pushed against my chest and I could feel her hard nipples against me. I reached my arms inside her open robe to grab her ass cheeks and pull her closer to me.

She moaned and our tongues battled with each other, her pussy up against my cock. My boxers and gym shorts are the only thing between us. Pulling her pony tail to tilt her head back off my mouth, I growled, "I want you completely naked, this fucking robe has got to go," as I tugged it off her shoulders forcing her let go of my neck, so I remove the robe dropping it on the floor.

Kissing and nibbling the soft skin of her neck I worked my way down to her left nipple and sucked the hard bud in my mouth and flicked it with my tongue. "Oh fuck yes...yes," she moaned and used her hands to hold my head and guide me to her other aching needy nipple. "Oh..Lee....gawd that feels so good.." she moaned.

As I nibbled, licked and sucked her tits, she was grinding her cunt against my cock. I felt her wetness along with my leaking cock soaking my shorts. Damn I didn't want to pause to remove my shorts and boxers. I groaned, "Fuck Ava I need to be inside you."

No words were spoken, she slid off me and knelt and helped me jerk my shorts and boxers off at the same time. My intention was to pull her back on my lap and fucker her, but she grabbed my cock and took me into her wet warm mouth and commenced to suck the hell out of my dick.

In this position I couldn't see her face, her head was bobbing up and down on my cock, her pony tail bouncing around. Fuck it felt good but I wanted inside her pussy.

Growling loudly I picked her up and pulled her off my dick, she moaned, "No..no..not finished." As I bent her over the table and forced her head and chest down next to my breakfast dishes.

"Slapping her ass, SMACK, "I'm in charge Ava," I growled, "I want inside your pussy not your mouth," as I rammed my cock balls deep inside her.

UGHHHH.....fuckkkk," she squealed, as I started pounding her pussy, one hand holding her down and the other hand gripping her hip. I was so damn horny and happy we fucking again I pounded her as hard and fast as I could.

Her ass cheeks were rippling like waves on an ocean as I bottomed out in her slick cunt. "Oh....gawd yes......fuck......Ugh, she screamed as I bottomed out. "Oh..oh...oh me....UGH.....oh fuck..ccuuuumminnnnnnggggggggggg."

The breakfast dishes were bouncing around on the table, as I grunted and kept hammering her cunt as she squealed and her orgasm consumed her. Her pussy clamped down on my dick when she screamed again.....OH gawd....oh fuck.......so... close.....don't.....stop.....UGH UGH... my gawd.....cccuuuummminngg again."

I grabbed hold of her ass with both hands and fucked her faster. Her pussy was clenching down on my shaft as she moaned and panted her body sliding forward on the table as I pushed into her, the sliding back as I withdrew and used my hands to pull her back toward me. She was moaning softly, "oh....oh...oh me.."

I didn't slow down I was so close to cumming..."Take it...take it....fuck fuck...." I grunted through clenched teeth as my balls drew up and my cock exploded inside her squishy pussy. AAARRRRRGGGGG fuck fuck," I screamed as I emptied four loads of cum deep inside her cunt.

Damn if her cunt didn't clamp down on my dick and she squealed loudly, "CCCCuuummminggggg," and squirted soaking my balls and almost like she was peeing.

I leaned over the top of her, my heart was beating like I just ran a 100 yard dash. My cock was still inside her, as I panted and whispered in her ear, "Your other two holes will have to wait....plus you'll have to be punished for topping from the bottom."

She moaned beneath me and mumbled softly, "Yes Master," as I felt her greedy cunt clenching and releasing around my softening dick.

Raising up and pulling my cock out of her, more fluids ran out of her pussy and dripped down on the floor. Slapping her ass, SMACK "Your Master expects his cumslut to clean up this mess and be ready to leave by noon."


My ass stung from his smacking my ass as he ordered me to clean up the mess, but I just moaned "Yes Master," as he walked off. My pussy was still sore and quivering from the hard pounding, as I groaned and pushed myself up off the table.

There was a big puddle on the floor making me giggle, remembering cumming hard several times and squirting. I could still taste him on my lips as I cleaned up the mess on the floor, then the dirty dishes. Maybe tonight if I wore my new lingerie I could get him to fuck me again.

When I was in the shower for the second time this morning, he startled me when he opened the bathroom door and shouted, "Only wear the clothes on your bed I laid out for you or you'll be sorry." Then he closed the door and walked off.

I figured it would be something really sexy but it was just a plain white sundress with a high neckline and came down to a couple inches above my knees. The bra was pretty and lacy but not as sexy as other bras I had, plus was padded where my nipples wouldn't show through the thin sundress. Same with the panties, they had lace around the top and the leg holes, but basically regular panties.

Oh well I wasn't going to complain, he had already said my other two holes would have to wait and I would be punished. At least we were over the rough patch and moving forward. I was going to enjoy our incestuous relationship as long as possible.

When I got downstairs with my bags Lee was dressed in jeans and a nice tan colored pullover shirt 3 buttons at the top. A brown leather belt that matched his Italian brown leather loafers. He smiled at me and told me to go to the kitchen.

Sitting my bags down I walked into the kitchen thinking maybe we were going to eat before we left. He walked up behind me, his voice husky and said, "Bend over the table and do as I tell you."

I immediately did as told, hoping we were going to have sex before we got on the road. The dress I was wearing fit snug around my chest down to my waist then flared and dropped smoothly down toward my knees.

I giggled softly when he folded the dress up over my back exposing me from the waist down and squatted down behind me. He slowly pulled my panties down and I figured maybe he was going to eat me first then fuck me.

Instead I felt him rub something on the lips of my pussy and he chuckled, "Stay still I'll be done in a second." Then I felt him insert something in my vagina making me moan. It wasn't large and didn't go very deep, but when fully seated a part of it was up against my clitoris. Spanking my ass lightly he chuckled again and pulled my panties up and back in place.

"Let's load up your bags and get on the road," he said as he flipped my dress back down. I didn't feel full or stretched and it wasn't uncomfortable, but each step I made I felt it rubbing against my clit. As I bent down to get my bag I felt it vibrate making me groan, "Oh shit." Then it stopped just as quick as it started.

He laughed, "Part of your punishment and you better not cum without permission. Now get your cute little ass in the car."


After leaving Ava in the kitchen to cleanup, I slipped my shorts back on and went and got in 30 minutes running on the treadmill. Feeling better now that Ava and I had worked things out, I smiled as I thought of fun things to do the rest of the day.

After showering and shaving I dressed and picked out clothes for her to wear while she showered. A conservative outfit making sure her panties were thick cotton panties, especially in the gusset. Then waited for her to come downstairs.

With her bent over the table my jeans got tight, as I lubed her up and placed the vibrator in her cunt. I considered fucking her again or at least tasting her, but I knew if I did we would not get on the road until much later.

She squirmed a little when she first got in the car, but finally settled down and relaxed. I kept the conversation on her training, and had her use her laptop to review some of the exercises I wanted her to use, plus some videos about self defense for women.

After viewing one video she said, "This is all good on film, but these are actors and how much of it really works in real life when a jerk grabs hold of you," she giggled.

"It's called muscle memory, if we practice enough it will become second nature to you. The main thing to remember is all you're trying to do is get free and run and scream like hell," I scolded her. "You're not trying to win a fight."

"Jeez, okay I'll do what you tell me," she pouted. "You didn't see that creep at the mall, he was big and scary looking."

"If you ever see him and I'm with you point him out to me," I growled at her. I saw red every time I thought about what could have happened.

"Can we not talk about it, I just want to forget it," she slammed her laptop, closing it and sticking it back in her red briefcase I bought her.

Her attitude was pissing me off, she needed to take this training seriously. I reached in my pocket and hit the remote at its highest setting 10. The vibe was super quiet and you didn't hear any buzzing, but I knew it was thrusting up and down in her vagina while vibrating against her clit.

"OH FUCK," she screamed and came up off the seat, her hand going between her legs. "OH....OH.....GAWD..." she moaned loudly. I let it run a few more seconds then turned it off. She sunk down in the seat moaning and I reached over and jerked her hand away from her crotch.

"Keep your hand away from your pussy, it's my pussy and I control it," I growled at her. "In the future you will take our discussions about self defense seriously."

"Okay.." she mumbled softly.

I hit the remote again on 10. "OH SHIT....OKAY MASTER," she pleaded. Turning the remote off she slumped in her seat and moaned, but kept her hands away from her cunt. "I promise....Master....I'll....I'll be serious," she groaned and leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

"We will stop up ahead and grab a bite to eat, and no you don't have to eat rabbit food," I chuckled, "you can eat whatever you want if you can behave,"

It was a family restaurant and had a variety of selections to choose from. I directed her to a table in the middle of the room where several families were seated. The waitress brought us menus and glasses of water, then gave us a minute to look over the menu.

She still looked a little flushed as she scanned the menu and put it down when the waitress returned to take our order. She looked at me and I just nodded, "Ladies first."

"Okay I'll have the double cheeseburger, large fries and a Strawberry milkshake." The waitress smiled as she wrote down her order. I'm sure she was thinking that's a lot of calories, so was I.

I chuckled softly, "I'll just have the grilled salmon with roasted asparagus, and unsweetened tea."

When the waitress walked off I chuckled, "Enjoy your food, because you're going to work off every calorie to make up for it."

"That's not fair, you said I could order whatever I wanted, she smirked, "besides it's my body."

I just ignored her snarky comment, she would pay for it later. "Your right," I responded holding up my as if surrendering. "Have you given any thought to what you want to major in?" I asked her in a sincere voice.

"I don't know for sure, maybe Web design, Cyber security, or perhaps Computer Engineering. What do you think is best?"

"You already have some decent computer skills, so Computer Engineering is a field that is growing, but any of the fields you named are fine. Just do something that makes you a decent living and makes you happy. Being happy at your job is the main thing."

The waitress delivered out food and I chuckled as Ava dug into her food. You would think she was starving and had not had a meal in days. We quietly ate, I let her enjoy her meal until she was more than half through. Without her noticing I reached in my pocket for the remote, holding in my hand under the table while I ate with my right hand.

There were people all around us and I waited until Ava took a bite of her cheeseburger, then turned the vibrator on at its lowest setting. I heard her groan, her mouth was full and she squeezed her eyes shut. She shivered and looked at me, like she was pleading for me to stop. I turned it off, she relaxed and finished the bite in her mouth. Her face was red and she stared daggers at me.

I just kept eating like I had not done anything, and turned it back on. She was prepared this time and barely squirmed. As I took a drink of my tea I turned the vibrator up to 2....then 3. Now she was squeezing her legs together and breathing heavily through her nose. I just smile and gradually turn it up to 5.

Now she was gripping the table with both hands, I heard a low moan escape her lips. I knew the vibrator was trusting up and down while increasing vibrations on her clit. I gave it a minute or so more then gradually turned it back down to the lowest setting and left it there.

Her face was flushed and sweat broke out across her upper lip and forehead. A low moan, "oh...me.." as she bit her lower lip. I let it stay on the low setting while I finished my meal.

"You're not going to finish your meal?" I grinned at her.

She lowered her voice and leaned toward me, "I have had all..I want," she stammered, "please..please turn it off."

I smiled at her, "I guess we do need to get on the road, do you want a bag for your leftovers?"

She just shook her head no. Being the nice guy I turned the vibrator off.

I waved for the waitress to bring the check and got tickled when she asked Ava if she wanted a go-bag to take the rest of her burger and fries.

"No....Th..thank you," she mumbled without looking at the waitress.

Needless to say I left the waitress a nice tip.

When we got seated in the car I told he to lift her dress up and spread her legs. She frowned but obeyed. Reaching over with my right hand I felt her crotch and she was wet, and she moaned as I ran my thumb up and down her slit applying pressure on the part against her clit. She clamped her legs together trapping my hand and groaned, "Pl...please....I promise...I didn't cum....but if you don't stop...I...will."

I chuckled, "Good girl," and removed my hand, "but I want you to get your laptop back out, and watch those self defense videos I downloaded for you. If you can do that I might not torment you anymore......at least until we get to our hotel."

When we got to Tuscaloosa we checked in at the hotel. I had reserved two connecting rooms for appearance sake. The hotel was perfect for our needs. It was just a short distance from the college campus, and we could just walk over from the hotel. It had a nice pool, exercise room, wifi and on the ground floor a really nice restaurant and a bar with a small dance floor.

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